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Department of Clinical Pharmacology



The Department of Clinical Pharmacology was established in 2002, on the basis of the course of clinical Pharmacology at the Department of Pharmacology. The course of clinical pharmacology was organized in 1983 by head of the Department, Associate Professor T. M. Abdurakhmanov .

A separate Department of Pharmacy has been organized since January 2016, after which the department became known as the ” Department of Clinical Pharmacology». The theoretical base and classrooms are located in the Biological Building, 3rd floor, entrance under the arch.

Clinical bases: Republican Clinical Hospital, Departments of Cardiology No. 1,2,3, Allergology and Pulmonology.

E-mail: avicenna61@mail.ru

Phone number of the head of the department: 8903 428 56 57

Responsible for the website: assistant of the department Suleymanova Saida Vladimirovna.



ABAKAROV Magomed Gadzhievich, MD, Associate Professor.

ABDURAKHMANOV Tinav Magomedovich, PhD, Associate Professor

ATAEV Magomed-Rasul Gadzhievich, PhD, Associate Professor

AGAEVA  Elvira Naziretdinovna, PhD, Associate Professor

MALLAEVA Raziyat Mudunovna, PhD, Assistant Professor

KHANAKHMEDOVA Kizler Shirinbegovna, PhD, Associate Professor

SULEYMANOVA Saida Vladimirovna, assistant

VAGABOVA Elnara Lukmanovna, PhD, Senior Laboratory assistant


ABAKAROV Magomed Gadzhiyevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department

He graduated from  Dagestan Medical Institute in 1985  and  he completed a clinical residency in therapy at the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 in 1987 (Head of Prof.).

He completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of 2nd Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute named after N. I. Pirogov in 1992 . He defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Age-related features of the pharmacokinetics of prolonged dosage forms of theophylline at patients with bronchial asthma” in the same year.

He was an Assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 (head of prof. K. A. Masuev) from 1993 to 2000, Associate professor of the Department of Internal, He was a doctoral student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of  Russian State Medical University  from 2005 to 2008. He defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prediction and treatment of ototoxic effects of aminoglycoside antibiotics” in February 2009.He is Associate professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology  and  has been head of the department since November 2014.  

Author of more than 70 scientific publications, 2 innovation proposals, 1 patent for an invention.

Research interests: evidence-based medicine, development of approaches to improve the effectiveness and safety of pharmacotherapy of internal diseases. Dose-dependent effects of drugs, homeopathy.


ABDURAKHMANOV Tinav Magomedovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, until 09.2014 Head of the Department, chief freelance clinical pharmacologist, chief expert in pharmacology, head of the center for monitoring the safety of medicines of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, doctor of the highest category, author of more than 100 scientific and 12 scientific and methodological works.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor ABDURAKHMANOV Tinav Magomedovich was head of the Department until 2014. He is chief freelance, clinical pharmacologist, chief expert in pharmacology, head of the center for monitoring the safety of medicines of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, doctor of the highest category, author of more than 100 scientific and 12 scientific and methodological works. T. M. Abdurakhmanov is a member of the Association of Clinical Pharmacologists of Russia, active participant of numerous conferences of clinical pharmacologists of Russia with international participation. T. M. Abdurakhmanov worked for 15 years as the deputy dean of the Faculty of Medicine and 11 years as the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Higher Nursing Education, the organizer of educational and methodological activities of these faculties since their formation.

Research interests: Sports pharmacology, evidence-based medicine, issues of efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy.


ATAEV Magomedrasul Gadzhievich. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor ATAEV Magomedrasul Gadzhievich graduated from the Medical and Preventive Faculty of   Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1980. After completing an internship in therapy, he worked as a district doctor in CHIASSR. He has been an assistant and then an associate professor of the course of clinical pharmacology since 2003.

G. Ataev has been working as the head of the Department of Environmental Epidemiology of the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine of DSMU since 2009. He  has been the executive secretary of the peer-reviewed journal “Vestnik DSMU” since 2011.

Associate Professor M. G. Ataev is the author of more than 130 scientific publications, 2 educational and methodological manuals approved by the UMO DSMA, 4 methodological recommendations for practicing doctors.

G. Ataev was awarded the title of Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the title of Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2011.

Research interests: evidence-based medicine.


AGAEVA Elvira Naziretdinovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. She graduated from the medical faculty of  Dagestan Medical Institute in 1988.she. She completed an internship in therapy at the Republican Clinical Hospital from 1988 to 1989 and she has been an employee of the course of clinical pharmacology  in 1990.  She entered graduate school in the same year and defended  PhD thesis in 1993, authored more than 50 scientific and educational works. She has the qualification of a cosmetologist, health care organizer.

Research interests: evidence-based medicine, sports pharmacology, clinical pharmacology in cosmetology, clinical research in the field of meso – and homeopathic therapy of problematic and fading skin.


KHANAKHMEDOVA Kizler Shirinbegovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. She graduated from  Dagestan Medical Institute in 1997. She completed an internship in pediatrics in 1998. She successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Morphological assessment of the microcirculatory bed and lymph nodes in the dynamics of rehydration of the body by infusion of perfluorane emulsion” in 2007 and now author of more than 30 scientific publications.

Research interests:evidence-based medicine, issues of rational pharmacotherapy in childhood, nutrition.


Raziyat Mudunovna MALLAEVA, Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant. She  graduated with honors from  Makhachkala Medical School in 1985, then, the pediatric Faculty of  Dagestan State Medical Academy in 1996. After training in an internship worked as a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases of pediatric and dentistry  faculties for several years. She has been working in private medicine since 2007.She defended her PhD thesis in 2010 and now is Assistant of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology.

Research interests: Evidence-based medicine, clinical drug research in cardiology and gastroenterology.


SULEYMANOVA Saida Vladimirovna is an assistant and  combines work with the position of senior laboratory assistant of the department. She graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2014. In the same year  she entered the clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 in the specialty “Internal diseases” on the basis of the therapeutic departments of the Republican Clinical Hospital. After completing her residency in 2016, she became an assistant and part-time senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology.

Research interests: Evidence-based medicine, clinical drug research in cardiology.

VAGABOVA Elnara Lukmanovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior laboratory assistant of the department since 2016.