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Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Therapy with continuing medical education and a course of ultrasound diagnostics



Head of the department: 

Abdulkadyrov Said Akhmedpashayevich, Assistant Professor.



Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Therapy with Postgraduate Faculty

  1. ROD (Republican Oncology Dispensary)

Address: 24 Akushinsky Street

  1. RCH, Makhachkala

Address: 47 Lyakhova Street

  1. ECH (Emergency care hospital)

Address: 3 Pirogov Street


Abdulkadyrov Said Akhmedpashayevich

Head of the department, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Physician of Superior Merit, Deputy Dean of the Pediatric Faculty of DSMU

1975 – Graduated from DSMI.

1976 – He completed an internship in the specialty: “Therapy” in the Kaluga Regional Hospital.

1976-1978 – Chief physician of the district hospital of the Kuibyshev district of the Kaluga region.

1978-1981  – Post-graduate student of MRRI  AMS of the USSR on the topic: “Clinical study of the effectiveness of neutron therapy with California 252 sources».

1981-1985 – He continued to work at the same institute as a junior researcher.

1985 — Assistant of the Department of Medical X-ray radiography and Radiology.

1995 – Associate Professor of Medical X-ray radiography and Radiology.

2008– Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy with the course of advanced training of doctors of the PGF in Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics.

Author of more than 15 scientific papers, research is underway on the study of hypoxyradiotherapy of malignant tumors and the epidemiology of cancer


 Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy Department staff


Taibova Patimat Akhmedovna, born in 1957

Assistant of the department, Physician of Superior Merit

1980 – She graduated from DSMA with honors

1981 – Internship in therapy at the 2nd city hospital.

1982 – 1985 – DMU teacher.

1986 – Primary specialization in radiology.

1990 – Head of the X-ray radiology department of the RCH.

1995 – Assistant of the department: «Radiation diagnostics and radiotherapy with PGF course».




Adbulkhalimova Madina Magomedovna, born in 1968

Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Physician of Superior Merit

1992 – She graduated from DSMU

1992-1994 – Internship and work in the Republican Skin and Venereal Dispensary in Makhachkala.

1994-1996 – Residency at the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics, Moscow, RMACPE.

1996-1999  – Postgraduate study at the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics, Moscow, RMACPE.

2000 – Defending the thesis on the topic: “The importance of complex ultrasound examination in the diagnosis of thyroid node formations».

2002 – Assistant of the department: «Radiation diagnostics and radiotherapy with PGF course».


Asetov Murad Azedinovich

In 1983 he graduated with honors from the Dagestan Medical Institute. In 1984-87 he worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist in the maternity hospital № 2 in Makhachkala. In 1987-1989 he underwent a clinical residency in obstetrics – gynecology with a course of prenatal diagnosis at the Moscow Medical Dental Institute.

From 1989 to 2012, he worked in the Maternity Hospital of the Republican Clinical Hospital as a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics. Since 2012, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Radiation Therapy and Radiation Diagnostics with a course of improvement of the DSMU.

Since 1998 he has been certified as a Physician of Superior Merit.

In 2012, he received the title of “Honored Doctor of the RD”.

Author of 83 printed articles, co-author of 3 monographs, 5 methodological recommendations. Author of the development of regional standards for the growth and weight of the fetus, which are used by specialists of the Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Republic.

Co-chairman and speaker at 5 Congresses of the Russian Association of Ultrasound Specialists in Moscow, 8 Congresses of the Association of Doctors of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 6 interregional Congresses and various conferences from 1998 to 2016. Organizer of seminar schools for specialists of the Republic of Dagestan in MH RD.

Since 2001, Editorial Board member of the official journal of the Association of Physicians of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Obstetrics and Gynecology “Prenatal Diagnostics” (included in the List of Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation).

In 2002, he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical Sciences, in 2007 his doctoral dissertation in Moscow.

Since 2007, the owner of the international FMF certificate (Foundation for Fetal Medicine, London) and the certified program “Astraia” for screening of genetic diseases in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Member of the Russian and International Association of Doctors of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Since October 27, 2016, member of the Expert Council of the Association of Fetal Medicine Specialists “National Society of Prenatal Medicine” (Fetal Medicine Association “National society of prenatal medicine”)




Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Therapy with continuing medical education

Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Therapy with continuing medical education was established in 1967, as a course of Radiology with medical Radiation Therapy at the Department of Internal Diseases, headed by Associate Professor I.M. Bilalov. The course was headed by associate professor S. G. Alikberov.

Among the staff of the course were: assistant M.A.Omarov and X-ray laboratory assistant N.V. Leontiev. Since 1969, a radiologist R. G. Zinciper was employed as an assistant.

In 1985, due to the organization of the Faculty of Advanced Training of doctors, a new course of advanced training of doctors in radiology was created at the Department of Surgical Diseases. The head of the course was approved Candidate of Medical Sciences Z. I. Kurashov, who worked in this position until 1990. Candidate of Medical Sciences Mamaev M. M. and Candidate of Medical Sciences M. B. Pirtuzilov were elected as assistants.

In connection with the reorganization of the DSMU by the decision of the academic Council in 1986, a new department of Oncology, Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy was created with the improvement of doctors, Professor Nurov A. U. was approved as the head of the department. However, already in 1993, based on practical expediency, the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy with a course of advanced training of doctors was allocated to a separate entity. The head of the department was Associate Professor Gunashev K.S., who worked in this position until 2008. Since 2008, Associate Professor S.P. Abdulkadyrov has been confirmed as the head of the department. The department includes: associate Professor Mamaev M. M., assistants Taibova P. A., Pirtuzilov M. B., Abdulkhalimova M. M., Abuzagirov A. S., senior laboratory assistant Mammadova A. Sh., laboratory assistants Inchilova M. Yu.

The department provides training on the curriculum of students in the medical, pediatric, dental and medical-preventive faculties; primary specialization of radiologists, ultrasound specialists; continuing medical training for radiologists, radiologists, and ultrasound specialists and their certification; diagnostic, therapeutic and advisory assistance to healthcare institutions. The scientific activity of the department is aimed at studying the effectiveness of hypoxyradiotherapy of malignant tumors, the study of the epidemiology of cancer in the State Institution “Republican Oncological Dispensary”.


Students of 3-4 courses of medical, pediatric, dental and medical-preventive faculties are trained at the department. Currently, 4 interns are studying at the department.

The educational base of the department is a modern standard regional oncological dispensary with 330 beds, which includes 8 specialized departments. The training process is provided with methodological manuals, recommendations, test control on all topics and for all categories of students. The department has a student science circle.


The main scientific directions of the department are the development of prognostic criteria for hormone-dependent tumors (breast cancer, body cancer and cervical cancer), as well as the improvement of radiation methods for the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors, the development of clinical material on the epidemiology of cancer over the past 10 years. The staff of the department take part in various conferences both Russian and regional scale, actively participate in the work of the association of society of radiologists, give presentations.

The Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy with continuing medical education  takes an active part in the diagnostic, therapeutic and organizational-methodical work of the oncology dispensary. With the direct participation of the department’s staff, new modern technologies for diagnosing and treating cancer patients using gas-hypoxic mixtures (GHM-10) have been introduced in the practice of the dispensary.). Department staff participate in scientific and practical conferences, international scientific congresses on radiation diagnostics and radiotherapy Department staff participate in scientific and practical conferences, international scientific congresses on radiation diagnostics and radiotherapy. They have published more than 50 scientific papers for the last 5 years. The department has a student scientific circle. Students participate in various student conferences, give presentations.

Educational work

In accordance with the Concept of educational activities of the Dagestan State Medical University, the education of students at our department is based on traditional values, such as spirituality, statehood, patriotism, collectivism, charity, mutual assistance, charity, as well as the values of the new age: initiative, creativity, tolerance, entrepreneurship and many others.

The personnel of the department, headed by a polyvalent head, systematically familiarize students with the charter of the DSMU, the rules and duties of students. Introductory conversations are held about the contribution of the department’s employees to the development of domestic radiation diagnostics. Every semester there are conversations with students who came to study our discipline – about healthy lifestyle, on the topic of inter-religious and inter-ethnic tolerance among students.

The content of the education process at the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy is aimed at: 

to create favorable conditions for the personal and professional development of students, the formation of professional and general cultural competencies, such basic social and personal qualities as spirituality, morality, patriotism, citizenship, hard work, responsibility, organization, independence, initiative, discipline, the ability to express oneself creatively, commitment to a healthy lifestyle and cultural values.

Based on this goal, the main tasks of educational work are:  

  • creating comfortable socio-psychological conditions and a sociocultural nurturing environment that promotes the formation of the general cultural and professional competences of students;
  • helping students to educate, self-fulfill, learn a wide social and professional experience;
  • formation of students’ civic position, respect for the law, social activity and responsibility, the need for work and life in the conditions of modern civilization and democratic society;
  • mastering and accepting for ourselves the highest moral, cultural and scientific priorities based on universal values, achievements of world and national culture, traditions of the peoples of Dagestan and Russia;
  • formation of students’ professional position and ethics, awareness of the social mission of their profession, the responsibility of the specialist for the results and consequences of their actions;
  • the formation of the corporate culture of the department, which determines the system of values of students, employees of the department; strengthening and developing the best cathedral and university traditions;
  • formation of patriotic consciousness and active civic position;
  • improving the overall cultural level and aesthetic taste of students, culture of behavior, speech and communication;
  • Creating conditions for the continuous development of students’ creative abilities, incorporating into the basics of national culture, amateur art, involving students in creative groups;
  • the formation of motivation and healthy lifestyle skills for students studying in our department;
  • at the level of our department, a set of preventive measures, laid down by the leadership of the DSMU, to prevent drug addiction, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, any manifestations of nationalism and extremism in the student environment is systematically carried out;
  • engaging a wide range of students in the organization outside of the academic, socially significant activities, forming leadership qualities;
  • creating conditions at the department for the development of student initiatives;
  • constant search for effective forms of educational and cultural-leisure activities, improving the work of curators;
  • organization of inter-departmental cooperation in the field of educational and sociocultural activities.


In order to promote tolerance, work is systematically carried out in such areas as:

  • formation of a positive moral environment in training groups based on the equal value recognition of the team members, respect for one another’s convictions;
  • encouraging the bright students to help colleagues that are challenging the difficulties and are slow-learning and less fortunate;
  • intolerance and hostility prevention in interpersonal relationships between students in training groups;
  • timely identification of informal “aggressive” leaders and public condemnation of attempts to humiliate or suppress personalities.

In accordance with the systematic approach to the organization of education of students and the formation of the socio-cultural environment of the university, the implementation of the educational function is carried out in the unity of educational activities and extracurricular educational work in the university.

With the transition to the new federal state educational standards of higher professional education, which clearly expresses the educational aspect of professional education, the emphasis is placed on the formation of professional and general cultural competencies of students through the implementation of basic educational programs, the use of various classroom and extracurricular forms of work. Wide support from our side receives the use in the educational process of such active forms of educational and development activities as business, role-playing, intellectual games, brain rings, discussion platforms, open stands, competitions, quizzes, trainings, Olympiads, presentations, roundtables .

Training through extracurricular educational activities is carried out by our teachers through the use of various forms: competitions, views and discussions of relevant films and videos, students ‘ participation in research circles, conferences, meetings with practitioners, etc.