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Телефон для приема сообщений о коррупционных проявлениях:
Эл. почтовый ящик:
Department of Endoscopic Surgery of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists
Head of the department: Khamidov Magomed Akhmedovich-Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Vice-rector for Medical Work.
Email address: khamidov67@mail.ru
Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Magomedov Magomed Pakhutayevich
Assistant, Head of the Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for RD, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation
Murtuzalieva Anzirat Sultanmuradovna
Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the educational part
Khanmagomedova Patimat Ibragimovna
Ibragimov Zaur Simashinovich
Shuaypova Asiyat Shuaypova
Senior laboratory assistant
Musaev Sufyan Nasredinovich
Yarmetov Murad Malikovich
Clinical bases:
Surgical department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Dagestan Republic (Makhachkala, Pushkin str., 29a)
Endoscopic service of Republican Clinical Hospital No.1 (Makhachkala, Laptieva str., 55a).
LLC “Halsey Nation Medical Clinic” — Healthy Nation (Makhachkala, I. Shamil str., 55d)
Endoscopic service of Republican Clinical Hospital – Specialized Emergency Medical Care Center (Makhachkala, Pirogova str.)
Endoscopic service of Republican Clinical Hospital (Makhachkala, Lyakhova str., 47) (Makhachkala, Pirogova str., 3)
City Diagnostic Center (Makhachkala, Nakhimov str., 22)
Dagestan Center of Thoracic Surgery (Makhachkala, Amet Khan Sultan, 12a)
The course of endoscopic surgery was established in 2008 at the Department of surgery of the Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists and teaching staff of Dagestan State Medical University and it has been allocated to a separate structural division of the academy since 2013. The course was transformed into the Department of Endoscopic Surgery of the Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists in 2016. The department provides training in the following areas:
Cycle of professional retraining of specialists “Endoscopy” (4 months)
General improvement cycle “Endoscopy” (2 months)
The cycle of thematic improvement “Endoscopic surgery” (2 months)
Other thematic improvement cycles (from 2 weeks to 1 month)
The most modern technologies are used for the educational process: an electronic library, translation of operations into a lecture hall and a training class, Internet technologies in training, telemedicine, distance learning, “boxed” and computer simulators, educational video equipment for performing operations on vital tissues, etc. There is a large database of multimedia lectures and videos. In the course of training, the “Hand-to-hand” approach is used: work on the simulator-assistance for operations-independent operations with the participation of a mentor in the medical institution from where the cadet arrived.