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Department of Foreign and Latin languages



Address: 367000, RD, Makhachkala, Shamilya av., 44

Email: raisat-omarovna@mail.ru

Instagram: med_lingua

Responsible for the website: assistant Kakvaeva S. B.


Head of the department — Abdulkhalimova Raisa Omarovna

ph.s., Associate Professor, Latin teacher.









The Department of Foreign and Latin Languages was established in 1934.

From 1934 to 1958, the first head of the department was S. N. Tenkovsky.

From 1959 to 1961, the department was headed by A. I. Kharsekin.

In 1962, the duties of the head of the department were performed by R. V. Melchizedekov.

From 1963 to 1964, the department was headed by N. A. Parkansky.

From 1964 to 1968, Candidate of Philological Sciences E. A. Chistilin.

Since 1968, the department is headed by Dr. phil., Professor M. M. Magomedkhanov.

The department was established in 1934, before that it was united for three universities: medical, pedagogical and agricultural, located in the House of Personnel.

 At first it was called the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, as students of Dagestan nationalities were weak on Russian.

The first head of the department since September 1934 was Sergei Tenkovsky, who remained in this position until March 1958.

Since 1959, the department was chaired by Alexey Harsekin, a philologist who knew several foreign languages and was a specialist in the field of ancient Etruscan language. His monographs on Etruscan inscriptions were highly appreciated not only in the USSR, but also abroad. In 1962, he transferred to the Rivne Pedagogical Institute, and Ruben Vaganovich Melkhisedekov, who knew German, French and English well, and a little bit of Spanish, became the acting head of the department. He knew and taught Latin.

In addition, R. V. Melkhisedekov led the DMI string orchestra for a long time and wrote music himself. His orchestra has been awarded numerous prizes at amateur art festivals.

From 1963 to 1964, the department was headed by Nikolai Alexandrovich Parkansky, then, in 1964, Yevgeny Alexandrovich Chistilin took over the administration of the Candidate of Philological Sciences, who was a specialist in the field of Latin and Russian languages and worked as the head of the department until 1968.

From 1968 to 2020, the department was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor, Makhach Magomedovich Magomedkhanov.

Since 2020, the department is headed by Cand. Sc. Philology, Associate Professor, Abdulkhalimova Raisa Omarovna.

During the 85 years of the department’s existence, many remarkable specialists, teachers of foreign languages have worked there:

  • A. Pikul,
  • M. T. Goldshtein,
  • D. Korsakevich,
  • A. Richter,
  • A. Ulamerashvili,
  • G. Kochinashvili,
  • P. Yegorov,
  • V. Filimonova,
  • I. Chaply, etc.

The galaxy of scientists and teachers was replaced by a new team, which continued the work with dignity.

These are the teachers:

  • N. M. Maslova,
  • E. B. Korneeva,
  • G. V. Abramova,
  • G. A. Faradjeva,
  • G. S. Kalantarova,
  • L. A. Buleyko,
  • A. P. Starobinskaya,
  • P. R. Akhmedkhanova,
  • A. M. Murtazalieva,
  • U. M. Mirzaalieva,
  • L.A. Kolomeitseva,
  • E. W. Rodstein,
  •  M.A. Yarulin,
  • A.A. Dzyubinsky,
  • E.A.Abdullayev,
  • E.A. Ismayilova,
  • D.M. Daniyalova,
  • M. M. Shakhshayeva,
  • N. M. Taigibov,
  • E. Y. Safaralieva,
  • A. R. Saidova,
  •  D. N. Genebekova.

Today, the department employs 19 employees who continue the good traditions of the department, conduct classes at the proper professional level using modern methods of language teaching.

Department staff









Associate Professors:

  • R. O. Abdulkhalimova,
  • P.M. Ramazanova,
  • M.S. Ramazanova,
  • S.M-G. Salamova, 
  • A.E. Azizkhanova.


  • Kh.I. Abdulzhalilova,
  • Kh.A. Bashirova,
  • M.A-D.Magomedova,
  • A. G. Jamaludinova,
  • V. M. Rahimova,
  • H.K. Huseynova,
  • E.A. Imanmagomedova,
  • S.B. Kakvaeva.

For many years they faithfully perform the duties of senior laboratory assistants of the department:

  • Kh.M. Gimbatova,
  • G. G. Azizova,
  • Sh. M. Tagirova.

The department trains students of medical, dental, pediatric, pharmaceutical and preventive medicine faculties, conducts extensive pedagogical, research and educational work.

The main directions of research work at the department: Lexicography, phraseology, phraseography and comparative study of languages.




Magomedkhanov M. M.

He has been working at the department since 1968, Candidate Sc. Philology, Professor, RANS and MAI academician, German teacher.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. Author of more than 50 monographic studies, dictionaries and textbooks, as well as more than 150 scientific and methodical articles. Under his guidance and personal tuition, 20 candidate’s and 12 doctoral theses were defended. He has published 8 interuniversity collections on the problems of teaching foreign languages. He is a participant of numerous international, national and regional conferences. Under his leadership, 37 interuniversity scientific and student conferences with reports in foreign languages and 12 conferences of foreign language teachers were held.

M. Magomedkhanov conducts active public work as a member of the Board of the “Shamil Foundation” and Adviser to the Government Chairman of the RD. Since 1997, a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Since 2012, a member of the Petrov Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2007-2015 he won five Grants of the Russian Federation.

For many years of scientific and social activities, he was awarded:

In 1967, he the Order of the GDR Friendship (for strengthening the German-Soviet friendship)

In 1970, he was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor”.

In 1980, he was awarded the “Mentor of Youth”  badge.

In 1994, for his services in the field of philological science, M. M. Magomedkhanov was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan”, and in 2008. “Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation”.

In 1997, he received signed gold medal — “200 years of Shamil”.

In 1997 and 2015 he became a two-time laureate of the State Prizes of the RD in the field of science.

In 2000, he was awarded the silver jubilee medal of the Vernadsky Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1982, he was awarded an honorary certificate by the Presidency of the Supreme Council of DASSR

In 2005 he was awarded the Order of Friendship of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, he was awarded the gold medal “200th anniversary of M. Y. Lermontov”


Abdulkhalimova R.O.

Head of the department, has been working since 1986, Cand. Sc. Philology, assistant professor, Latin teacher.

 She has more than 80 scientific and educational publications.\




Ramazanova P.M.

She has been working at the department since 1981, Cand. Sc. Philology, assistant professor, Latin teacher.

She has 58 scientific and educational publications.




Ramazanova M.Sh.

Head of the teaching department. She has been working at the department since 1997,  Cand. Sc. Philology, assistant professor, Latin teacher.

She has 44 scientific and educational publications.





Azizkhanova A.E.

She has been working at the department since 1998, Cand. Sc. Philology, assistant professor, English teacher.

She has 24 scientific and educational publications.





Баширова Х.

She has been working at the department since 1998, Cand. Sc. Philology, English teacher.

She has 24 scientific and educational publications.





Salamova S. M-G.

She has been working at the department since 1999, Cand. Sc. Philology, assistant professor, Latin teacher.

She  has 41 scientific and educational publications.





Abduljalylova H.I.

She has been working at the department since 2000, Cand. Sc. Philology, English teacher.

She has 34 scientific and educational publications.





Ragimova V. M.

She has been working at the department since 2001, Cand. Sc. Philology, Latin teacher.

She has 32 scientific and educational publications.





Magomedova M.A-D.

She has been working at the department since 1998, Cand. Sc. Philology, English teacher.

She has 33 scientific and educational publications.





Jamaludinova A.G.

She has been working at the department since 2004, Cand. Sc. Philology, English teacher.

She has 20 scientific and educational publications.





Huseynova H.K.

He has been working at the department since 2010, Cand. Sc. Philology, English teacher.

She has 27 scientific and educational publications.





Imanmagomedova E. A.

She has been working at the department since 2012, Cand. Sc. Philology, English teacher.

She has 22 scientific and educational publications.





Kakvaeva S.B.

She has been working at the department since 2017, Cand. Sc. Philology, Latin teacher.

She has 41 scientific and educational publications.





Gimbatova H.M.

She has been working at the department since 1968, senior assistant.






Azizova G.G.

She has been working at the department since 1990, senior assistant.







Tagirov Sh.M.

He has been working at the department since 1998, laboratory assistant.