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Department of General Hygiene and Human Ecology



General information

Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Magomedov Magomed Gitinomagomedovich

Address: 367000, RD, Makhachkala, Sh. Aliev str., 1, Dagestan State Medical University, Department of General Hygiene and Human Ecology

Tel: 67-90-12

E-mail: magomedov_1957@mail.ru

Responsible for the site: Abdurazakova Khadizhat Nurmagomedovna












Magomedov Magomed Gitinomagomedovich, MD, Head of the Department;

Jamaludin Aliyevich Hajibragimov, MD, Associate Professor;

Shakhnazarova Leyla Magomedovna, PhD, Associate Professor;

Gitinova Patimat Shuapandievna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of  educational work of the department;

Abakarova Arats Magmedkhanovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of scientific work of the Department;

Abdullayeva Elmira Kaisarovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant;

Ibnumaskhudova Patimat Magomedovna, senior lecturer;

Kazanbieva Patimat Dalgatovna, senior lecturer;

Magomedova Umiyat Abdulbasirovna, Senior lecturer, responsible for the electronic educational environment (EOS) and the electronic journal of the Department;

Ibragimova Patimat Ramazanovna, assistant;

Surkhayeva Zarema Zalbegovna, Assistant, Secretary of the Cathedral Meetings;

Hasanova Zulmira Magomedovna, assistant;

Abdurazakova Khadizhat Nurmagomedovna, assistant, responsible for the cathedral page of the website;

Omarova Sabina Omarovna, assistant;

Magomedova Aishat Magomedkhabibovna assistant;

Zulkipliyeva Aina Magomedovna, PhD student;

Minkailova Zulfiya Rasimovna, Senior laboratory assistant;

Novruzova Gulya Rizvanovna , Senior Laboratory assistant;

Salmanova Napisat Omarovna, Senior Laboratory assistant;

Bartykhanova Halimat Magomedovna, laboratory assistant;

Magomedova Patimat Magomedovna, preparator;


History of the Department

Teaching hygiene at  Dagestan State Medical Institute began  in accordance with the standard  in 1932. At the same time, the department was organized in the traditional sense — with its own premises, laboratory facilities, a team of teachers and support staff.

At the origins of the organization of the Department of General Hygiene was the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor O. A. Bayrashevsky. He had extensive experience in practical work in military sanitation during the Civil war, organizing and conducting hygiene teaching at  Azerbaijan Medical Institute, where he worked as an Associate Professor of the Department of Hygiene.

  1. A. Bayrashevsky was not only the organizer of the Department of Hygiene, but also one of the founders of DSMI, worked as the deputy director of the institute for academic work.
  2. V. Baroyan, S. I. Akaev, and A. S. Svechnikov completed and defended their PhD theses under his scientific supervision. Associate Professor A. S. Svechnikov, Colonel of the medical service M. I. Makarov, Lieutenant colonels of the medical service D. N. Rosen, G. G. Shaverin, P. V. Orlov; assistants Sh. K.Bayrashevskaya, S. I. Akaev, as well as T. I. Japaridze, N. P. Shovkun, A. S. Lysakova, G. R. Gadzhieva, N. A. Rogovaya, T. I. Pavlyuchenko, V. A. Ponomareva, A. I. Mospanova, S. V. Kalinovskaya also worked at the department.

The duties of the head of the department were performed by assistant S. I. Akaev since 1953. The position of head of the department was taken by Associate Professor A. B. Kudrin in 1953. The head of the department was elected again I. Akaev in 1954, who had defended his PhD thesis by that time.

The department was located in 3 rooms from 1953 to 1958 .  An important event took place in the life of the department the relocation to the biological building. The department was allocated 8 rooms with a total area of 209 m, currently the department is located in 14 rooms with a total area of 441 m.

Professor I. N. Okulov, who worked at the Crimean Medical Institute, was invited to head the department in 1962.

The department was headed by Associate Professor I. A. Oparin from 1963 to 1968. Before coming to Makhachkala, he was the head of the Department of Hygiene at Chelyabinsk Medical Institute. The years of  I. A. Oparin’s work were marked by the establishment of close creative contacts with the sanitary and epidemiological service of the republic. Working as the head of the department, I. A. Oparin defended his doctoral dissertation.

Associate professor M. A. Daniyalov  was the head of the department from 1968 to 1986, who passed the school of the famous domestic hygienist F. E. Budagyan. During the 15 years of his leadership, M. A. Daniyalov developed scientific research in the field of food hygiene, water supply, paid much attention to improving the pedagogical process.

He was one of the best lecturers of  DSMA for many years,  . He was awarded the title of “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Dagestan”.

The duties of the head of the department were temporarily assigned to Candidate of Medical Sciences ,assistant of the department G. H. Mamtseva in 1986-1987.

The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan”, laureate of the scholarship of the Russian Federation “Outstanding Scientists of Russia”, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan, Professor J. G. Khachirov from 1987 to 2015. He was awarded the silver medal of Peter the Great “For Labor Valor”, was an academician of the republican and international academies of Sciences.

  1. G. Khachirov activated the scientific activity of the department, skillfully involving young and like minded enthusiasts who were well-established in science.

Professor J. G. Khachirov’s scientific research was devoted to human ecology in the Republic of Dagestan and in connection with the well-known events at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, he expanded research on radioecology in the Republic of Dagestan.

  1. G. Khachirov was the scientific supervisor and responsible executor of the All-Union Program S. 10 (0.6) “The impact of pesticides and plant growth regulators on the health of the population” in the Republic of Dagestan.
  2. G. Khachirov organized the Research Institute of Human Ecology of Mountain Territories (now the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine) on the basis of the existing Central Research Institute and became its first director in 2009.

The department is headed by M. G. Magomedov from 2015 to the present. He is  a graduate of the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty of  Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute in 1983 (now the North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov), who became the first full-time postgraduate student of the Department of General Hygiene and Human Ecology of the DSMI. He worked his way up in practical health care from the position of Chief State Sanitary Doctor of  Gunib district to the Deputy Chief  of State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan. M. G. Magomedov is the author of 5 monographs and a number of scientific papers on environmental reproduction, as well as hygienic aspects of lifestyle. Associate Professors M. G. Kisrieva, S. S. Ibragimova, assistants T. M. Glivina, V. M. Gromok worked at the department at various times.

  1. A. Magomedova worked at the department as a senior teacher for many years, who is a person of a bright and kind soul, devoted to professional duty, beloved by students for many years.


Староста СНК Абасова А.М. о результатах исследований по Гунибскому району


The head of the Student Scientific Circle Abasova A.M. saying about the results of research in  Gunib district.

One of the organizers and the first dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention, a man of unique performing discipline and organization, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor  Ramazan Ganafievich Ramazanov tragically passed away in 2006. The first graduate of the faculty will long remember the caring and sensitive R. G. Ramazanov.

Currently, the department employs: Doctor of Medical Sciences D. A. Hajibragimov, Associate Professors L. M. Shakhnazarova, P. Sh. Gitinova, A.M. Abakarova, passing experience on their rich work to a new generation of teachers ; senior teachers P. D. Murtazaeva, U. A. Magomedova, P. M. Ibnumaskhudova, assistants of the department: Candidate of Medical Sciences E. K. Abdullayeva, Z. Z. Surkhayeva, M. M. Abdulaev, P. R. Ibragimova, Z. M. Hasanova, H. N. Abdurazakova, S. O. Omarova, A.M. Magomedov.

Senior laboratory assistants have been providing training and high-quality practical and laboratory classes for many years,  : G. R. Navruzova, Z. R. Mikailova, postgraduate student A.M. Zulkiplieva, preparator of the department P. M. Magomedova.

The staff of the department carried out research on contamination of objects of the ecosystem of Dagestan with anthropogenic radionuclides (Cs137 and Sr90) for the first time. The contamination of these radionuclides in the objects of the RD ecosystem was studied, individual equivalent absorbed doses of ionizing radiation were calculated. Currently, the impact of radioactive fallout on the health of the population of the republic after 1986 is being assessed against the background of a steady increase in the used list of agrochemicals in agriculture.

Such socially significant problems as cancer incidence, diabetes mellitus, mortality from respiratory diseases of children and adults, morphofunctional deviations and the state of health of young men of military age were considered as long-term consequences of the impact of low-intensity environmental factors.

In recent years, the staff and applicants of the department have published: three monographs by M. G. Magomedov (one in co-authorship) devoted to the assessment of the role of ecological and hygienic risk factors in embryophetopathology, as well as: “Tuberculosis and lung cancer of the female population of the RD” by J. G. Khachirov (in co-authorship); about 300 articles and theses, including in peer-reviewed publications, in the materials of international, all-Russian, republican scientific conferences.

Studies of ecological and hygienic aspects of arterial hypertension in rural areas of the RD, congenital heart defects, liver cancer of the adult population , as well as the health status of the children’s population in the zones of construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants in Dagestan are planned and are being conducted. The dissertation (U. A. Magomedov) on the study of ecological and hygienic risk factors for cervical erosion has been completed and tested.


Представитель администрации Гунибского района на обсуждении результатов исследований по району старостой СНК, студенткой 5 к. мед-проф. факультета Абасовой А.М.


A representative of the administration of Gunib district at the discussion of the results of research on the district with a 5th-year student of the medical and preventive faculty, the head of the Student Scientific Circle  Abasova A.M.

The department has been actively participating in the work of the Problem Commission “Scientific Foundations of Rural Hygiene” of the Scientific Council of the Russian Federation on Human Ecology and the Environment since 2016.

Meeting Of The Student Scientific Circle of the department. Professor S. S. Akhmedkhanov is discussing  the report of the participant of the scientific circle.


Заседание СНК кафедры. Профессор С.Ш. Ахмедханов на  обсуждение доклада участницы научного кружка.


Under the scientific supervision of the staff of the department, the student scientific circle (SNK) has actively begun to function over the past year. During the summer and winter holidays of the 2016-17 academic year, scientific research was conducted by the circle members and their curators in 7 districts and in 2 cities of mountainous, foothill and lowland Dagestan.

The scientific research carried out and carried out at the department or with the participation of the department’s employees gives reason to believe that the department continues the scientific traditions of the school of “Environmental Medicine”. At the same time, 4 candidate dissertations are going to be defended  at the department. A serious problem of the department for improving the efficiency of the educational process and training practice-oriented specialists, especially medical and preventive profile is to bring its material and technical base in line with modern requirements with an indispensable condition for ensuring the growth of teachers ‘ qualifications.


for the period ” 01 “January 2015 — “05” December 2019

General information


Information and banking details


Actual address


A. Aliyev str. 1.








Geographically separated structural divisions (addresses and phone numbers)

Sh. Aliev str., 1. Biocorpus, 2nd and 3rd fl.-


