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Department of Histology



General information

Head of the Department: Shakhbanov Ruslan Kazbekovich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Address: 1a Sh.Aliev str., Makhachkala.

E-mail: shahbanovrk@yandex.ru









Staff of the department  


Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Shakhbanov Ruslan Kazbekovich.

He graduated from the medical faculty of  DSMU in 1997. He  was a post-graduate student from 1997 to 2000, an assistant in 2001, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology in 2005. The scientific work is devoted to the cytochemistry of circulating neutrophilic leukocytes. He defended his thesis on the topic: “Antimicrobial and digestive function of circulating blood neutrophils.” The developed scientific direction: cytochemistry of antimicrobial systems of neutrophils in normal and pathological conditions. Number of published works: 93 articles , 16 educational guidelines, 2 patents and 2 innovation proposals.          


Alieva Umkhair Badrutdinovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology. She graduated from Dagestan State Medical University  in 1994. She has been an assistant  at the department of Histology and Associate Professor since 2005. The scientific work is devoted to cytochemical changes in blood neutrophils in chronic combined chemical poisoning with lead salts, copper and nitrates.  She defended her thesis on the topic: “Cytochemical and functional characteristics of neutrophilic leukocytes in chronic combined poisoning” in 2004.   

Research area: histochemical changes in thyroid diseases and issues of regeneration of the lower extremities in spinal cord injury. Number of published works: articles – 41, educational and methodological-11.


Suleymanova Khadizhat Gasbalovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Histology. She graduated from the Department of Pediatrics  of DSMU in 1997. She completed her postgraduate studies in 2003. Scientific work: “Reinnervation of the lower extremities by cross-anastomosis of nerves extending at different levels of the spinal cord” was defended in 2004. Scientific direction: Restoration of the function of the lower extremities in case of spinal injury. The number of published works is 42 and 3 teaching aids.




Dibirov Tagir Muratovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Histology. She graduated from  Medical and preventive faculty of DSMU in 2003. He  was a laboratory assistant at the Department of Histology in 2014  and has been an assistant at the Department of Histology  of DSMU in 2016. The scientific work is devoted to cytochemical and histochemical studies of blood and thyroid neutrophils. He defended his dissertation on: “Morphofunctional aspects of the metabolic relationship between the thyroid gland and blood neutrophils” in 2018. Research area: histochemical changes in thyroid diseases and their relationship with blood neutrophils. Number of published works: articles – 38, educational and methodological publications-2, monographs-1.


Ramazanova Elmira Kaflanovna – Candidate of Biological Sciences. She graduated from the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology of DSU in 1993. She has been working at Dagestan State Medical University since 1993. She has been a research associate at the Central Research Laboratory of  DSMU from 1993 to 2001.  She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: on the basis of the 2nd  Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute named after N. I. Pirogov  in 2001: “Morphological changes in the respiratory tract of the lungs during plethoric administration of perftoran».



Shakhnazarova Suvarzhat Azhayevna – senior teacher, graduated from the medical faculty of Dagestan Medical Institute in 1963. She worked from 1963 to 1968 as an oculist in the polyclinic of the Port Hospital in Makhachkala  and since have been an assistant in the Department of Histology since 1968. The scientific work is devoted to the cytochemistry of white blood cells in chromium intoxication.  Published on the topic of 20 articles. Scientific direction: “Issues of lower limb regeneration in spinal cord injury”. Number of published works: articles -24, guidelines-23. Awards: Veteran of labor.  She has a “Certificate of Honor” for the 75th anniversary of  Dagestan State Medical Academy.




Akayeva Saidat Arslanalievna – Assistant of the Department of Histology.

She graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics of DSMU in 1983. Before joining the department, she worked in the Republican Pathoanatomical Bureau and the Bureau of Forensic Examination. The scientific work is devoted to the study of the histo-and cytochemical interaction of white blood cells and pyracytes in hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland. Scientific direction: restoration of the function of the lower extremities in case of spinal injury. The number of published materials is 28  and the number of teaching aids for students is 6.




Idrisova Indira Idrisovna – graduated from faculty of Pediatrics  of Dagestan Medical Institute in 2001. She worked in the Republican Pathoanatomical Bureau and the Bureau of Forensic Examination  from 2001-2013 and  in the Shchelkovskaya Hospital No. 1 of the Moscow region from 2014 to 2015.  Nowadays she is  an employee of the Department of Pathanatomy and a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Histology of  DSMU.


Umakhanova Diana Magomedrasulovna graduated from the Caspian Medical College in 2019. She is a laboratory assistant at the Department of Histology.



The Department of Histology was founded in October 1932. Its founder was Professor Peter Aristarkhovich Mavrodiadi. However, the actual organizer was Haji Omarovich Bulach, who also worked as the head of the Department of Eye Diseases. He gave a course of lectures and practical classes were conducted by assistants: A. G. Gravezersky (1932-1934), I. M. Mamaev (1934-1948), K. K. Flerova (1935-1938), A.V. Gasanova (1934-1935). The department was initially located in the House of a mountaineer, and later, in 1936, it moved to a student hostel. The Department of Histology was headed by the rector of the Institute, Associate Professor Ivan Ivanovich Sharov from 1939 to 1943.

The head of the department was temporarily assigned to the head of the Department of Pathanatomy, Associate Professor Naum Lvovich Vodonosov in 1943. Practical classes were conducted by assistants: E. I. Kulbatskaya (1944-1958), R. M. Weiner (1944-1946), V. G. Dyatlova (1945-1966).  Leonid Petrovich Kostyukov was elected  as the  head of the department In 1947.

With the arrival of the permanent head, the educational and methodological and scientific activities of the department were revived.  During the period of  L. P. Kostyukov’s work (1947-1977), the department was further developed: the expansion of the base, the acquisition of new equipment. In connection with the increase in the number of students, the staff of the department increased: associate Professor O. M. Smirnova (1968),  L. I. Voinov (1966), M. M. Aliyeva (1966), S. A. Shakhnazarova (1969), I. B. Ismailov (1965), M. M. Bakuev (1971), R. Z. Zurkhayeva (1979), H. G. Suleymanova (2000), E. K. Ramazanova (2001), D. O. Musayeva (2002). The department was headed by M. M. Bakuev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor  from 1988 to 2020.

To date, the chair is staffed by experienced teacher ; R. K. Shakhbanov- head od the department ( Ph.D, associate Professor), U. B. Aliyeva-Associate Professor (Candidate of Medical Sciences ), Kh.G.Suleimanova (Candidate of Medical Sciences), Kh. G. Suleymanova-assistant (Candidate of Medical Sciences). S. A. Shakhnazarova- senior teacher, S. A. Akaeva-assistant, T. M. Dibirov-assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences, E. K. Ramazanova-Candidate of Biological Sciences, I. I. Idrisova-senior laboratory assistant, D. M. Umakhanova-laboratory assistant.














Educational work

Educational work at the Department of Histology: classes are held in the 1st and 2nd courses of medical, pediatric, dental and preventive Medicine faculties.

The science

The main areas of scientific research of the department are: cyto-and histochemistry of blood cells in normal and age-related pathology, as well as issues

of reinnervation of the lower extremities in spinal cord injuries.