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Department of Hospital Therapy



General information


Head of the Department: MD, Professor Mamaev Suleiman Nurattinovich

Address: Makhachkala, ul. Lyakhova 47

Phone: 8 (8722) 67-90-10

Clinical sites: Republican Clinical Hospital, Municipal Polyclinic No. 2, No. 9

Email: hospter1@mail.ru

Professor Mammayev Suleiman Nurattinovich

Responsible for the website: Karimova Aminat Magomedovna, assistant 





  • Head of the department: Professor, MD, Mammaev Suleiman Nurattinovich
  • Professor, MD, Khasaev Ahmed Sheikhovich
  • Assistant professor, MD, Akhmedova Madina Jamalutdinovna
  • Assistant professor, c.m.s., Zagliev Sazhid Hasanovich
  • Head of the teaching department: assistant professor, c.m.s.  Akhlakova Asiyat Aminovna
  • Assistant professor, c.m.s. Omarova Jamilya Avadzievna.
  • Assistant professor, c.m.s. Abusueva Semfira Sagadullaevna
  • Assistant professor, c.m.s. Alieva Diana Zubairovna
  • Assistant, c.m.s. Gadzhieva Zuleykhat Gadzhievna
  • Assistant, c.m.s. Zaglieva Salimat Sazhidovna
  • Assistant professor, c.m.s. Chilikina Natalia Sergeevna
  • Assistant, c.m.s. Karimova Aminat Magomedovna
  • Assistant, c.m.s. Abdulkadyrova Subaybat Omarovna
  • Assistant, c.m.s. Kasaeva Elvira Akhmedovna
  • Assistant, c.m.s. Ibragimova Khanicha Ibragimovna



The Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 is considered the center of scientific thought and the basis for training not only students, but also teachers, who continue to work in most of the specialized departments of the university. The department has been headed since its foundation in 1937 by the following professors: F. R. Borodulin, N. F. Mordvinkin, H. E. Gadzhiev, A. Sh. Khasaev, S. N. Mammaev (currently). The department, on the one hand, is the guardian of the traditions of the Russian therapeutic school, on the other it is the carrier of new teaching methods and modern medical technologies.

The reverent attitude to traditions at the department is supported by Professor X. E. Hajiyev. Student and follower of academician A. JI. Myasnikova, head of the department from 1953 to 1991, he is rightfully considered the patriarch of therapy in Dagestan. At that time, an experimental laboratory was working at the department, a therapeutic clinic was expanding, candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended, and the Dagestan Scientific Medical Society of Therapists was being formed.

The department worked on the treatment and prevention of most topical therapeutic diseases — anemia, peptic ulcer disease, colitis, arterial hypertension. Professor H. E. Gadzhiev identified para-pernicious anemia as a regional problem and made a significant contribution to its solution.

In the study of arterial hypertension (H. E. Gadzhiev, T. E. Alkhazova, Z. A. Magomedova), the first suggestion was made about prehypertension, which is now considered recognized abroad.

At the department at different times worked: A. M. Masuev, I. A. Shamov, E. R. Agababova, Z. S. Alekberova, E. M. Esedov, S. A. Abusuev, K. A. Masuev, D. T. Abdurakhmanov, who later became professors, heads of departments and heads of departments of the Research Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the 1st Moscow State University named after I. M. Sechenov. In this environment, Professor A. Sh. Khasaev was also formed, who later headed the department for more than 20 years.

The scientific work of the department consisted of topical issues of cardiology, hematology and hepatology. The epidemiology, the influence of migration processes on the frequency of arterial hypertension were studied, and a comparative assessment of risk factors for arterial hypertension and CHD was given. The results of these studies are summarized in the monograph of Professor A. Sh. Khasaev “Problems of arterial hypertension in the practice of a doctor”. The logical continuation of this work was the PhD thesis of Z. S. Akhmedova “Epidemiology and socio-hygienic aspects of cardiovascular diseases among adolescents in the RD”, which was carried out within the framework of two programs: the Presidential one “Children of Russia” and the regional one “Adolescent Health”. Some of these studies are presented in the collective monographs “Somatic health of adolescent girls in Dagestan”, “Health of the Dagestan family”, “Medical and Social Research” (2011) under the general editorship of associate fellow of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences S. A. Omarov, and the monograph “Drinking water and cardiovascular diseases” (S. A. Abdulkadyrova, G. E. Hajiyev, A. Sh.Khasaev) was published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing under the auspices of the German National Library and included in the German Book Catalog (2011).

In 2002, S. N. Mammaev was transferred to the department, who completed his doctoral studies with a dissertation defense at the 1st Sechenov Moscow State University. Subsequently, he was confirmed as a professor, and in 2011 he was elected head of the department. His research interests include gastroenterology, rheumatology, and expanded the scope of studies of the inflammatory status in cardiovascular diseases. Under the leadership of S. N. Mamaev, studies of the cytokine profile were introduced. Interesting results were obtained when assessing the role of cytokines in some parts of the pathogenesis of heart failure (Ph. D. S. S. Zaglieva), in metabolic syndrome (Ph. D. A. M. Karimov, V. G. Petrosova), chronic hepatitis C (Ph. D. S. R. Ramazanov), rheumatoid arthritis (Zh. A. Ganiev). The state of the biliary sphere was studied in patients suffering from cardiovascular insufficiency (c.m.s. R. M. Gaidarova), biliary-dependent pancreatitis (c.m. s. A. I. Eldarkhanova). In 2010, Professor Mamaev was elected Chairman of the Dagestan Scientific Medical Society of Therapists (DSMST), which had previously been headed by prof. Hajiyev Kh. E.

The department has defended 7 doctoral theses and more than 40 candidate theses, including over the past 5 years – one doctoral (M. D. Akhmedova) and 10 candidate theses (D. 3. Alieva, X. A. Irazikhanov, 3. M. Akhmedova, I. S. Chilikina, S. S. Zaglieva, A. M. Karimova, Sh. R Ramazanov, S. O. Abdulkadyrova, A. I. Mazhidov, A. M. Masueva).

The Department provides significant assistance to the practical health care of the republic. Associate professors and assistants are assigned to the main departments and polyclinics (Republican, No. 2 and No. 9), where they consult patients, analyze the work of departments, assess the quality of care and the stories of deceased patients (including those from other districts), and directly supervise patients.

Professor A. Sh. Khasaev is the chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Society of Rehabilitologists, a member of the European and Russian Societies of Cardiology, the chairman of the branch problem commission of the DSMA on Cardiology, the chief external cardiologist of the MH RD and weekly advises patients referred from the Republican Cardiodispanser. The staff of the department mastered the clinical methods of echocardiography (assoc. M. D. Akhmedova), fibroelastometry (assoc. A. M. Karimov), daily monitoring of the Holter ECG, daily monitoring of blood pressure (assoc. S. S. Zaglieva, 3. Alieva, 3. G. Gadzhieva, A.M. Karimova, A.M. Masueva), laboratory methods of polymerase chain reaction in determining the viral load and genotypes of chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D, HLA-B27 typing.

New educational technologies are being introduced. So, Professor S. N. Mammaev, being a member of the organizing committee of interactive Internet sessions held by the 1st Sechenov Moscow State University within the framework of the All-Russian educational program “Problems of the Internist”, attracted the department, and then DSMST to participate in them. For students, an elective course on clinical electrocardiography is conducted by Associate Professor S. G. Zagliev, who is the organizer of the functional diagnostics service of the Republican Clinical Hospital. For students of the 6th year, an educational and methodological complex was developed and published, approved by the Central Committee of the DSMU (A. Sh. Khasaev, S. N. Mamaev, A. A. Akhlakova, D. A. Omarova). For teachers and students there are modern methodical developments with the indication and provision of literature and Internet resources. As a textbook for students of medical universities of Russia, the EMA for Medical and pharmaceutical education of Russian universities is recommended and the monograph of prof. A. Sh.Khasaev and assoc. S. G. Zagliev “Arrhythmias and heart blockades” is published by the Federal State Educational Institution “All-Russian Scientific Training Center of Roszdrav”. Issues of diagnosis and treatment».) Among those recommended for use in the educational process of EMA are also “ECG in ischemic heart disease” (S. G. Zagliev, S. N. Mammaev, S. S. Zaglieva), “Lectures on emergency conditions in the clinic of internal diseases” (ed. by A. Sh. Khasaev, S. N. Mammaev, D. A. Omarova), “Practical guide for independent work in cardiology” (ed. by prof. A. Akhlakova, D. A. Omarova), “Prevention of coronary heart disease” (A. Sh. Khasaev, D. A. Omarova, Z. S. Abusueva.

Currently, the department employs professors: S. N. Mammaev (MD, Head of the Department), A. Sh. Khasaev (MD, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and RD, Honored Scientist of the RD, People’s Doctor of the RD); Associate professors: A. A. Akhlakova (PhD, Honored Doctor of the RD), S. G. Zagliev (PhD, Honored Doctor of the RD), D. A. Omarova (PhD, Honored Doctor of the RD), 3. S. Abusueva (PhD), M. D. Akhmedova (MD); assistants, Candidates of Medical Sciences: S. O. Abdulkadyrova, D. 3. Alieva, Z. G. Hajiyeva, S. S. Zaglieva, A.M. Karimova, A.M. Masueva, N. S. Chilikina.


SSC Department of Hospital Therapy №1

The student scientific circle at the Department of Hospital Therapy № 1 has been functioning since the foundation of the department.

The head of the circle since the foundation of the SSC, was the head of the department, prof. Hajiyev Khairutdin Efendievich. Since 2014, the scientific director of the circle is associate professor Abdulkadyrova S. O.

Scientific works are carried out with the personal participation of the circle members, with subsequent publication. Meetings are held on the last Friday of each month at 15.00. Monthly visit to the DNO. The group consists of 30 students of the 5th and 6th courses of the Faculty of Medicine; including the 3rd students of the Faculty of Pediatrics.

Teaching and Guiding

The main activity of the department is the improvement and optimization of educational and methodological work. The department annually publishes educational and methodological manuals that are used by students, interns, and practitioners in their daily work. Namely: “Collection of control tasks for the certification of subordinates, interns and doctors”, “Interpretation of the results of laboratory and instrumental research methods in the clinic of internal diseases”, “Laboratory and instrumental research methods and emergency conditions in the clinic of internal diseases”, “Manual for independent work of students of the 6th year in cardiology” (recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of Russian universities as a textbook) and others. In addition, textbooks for students of medical universities have been published: “Arrhythmias and heart blockades: issues of diagnosis and treatment” (A. Sh. Khasaev, S. G. Zagliev, Moscow, 2005 (approved by the  “All-Russian Scientific Training Center of Roszdrav”), “Lectures on emergency conditions in the clinic of internal diseases” (a team of authors edited by Prof. Khasaeva A. Sh., 2008 (EMA 895 of 06.12.07)), “Electrocardiographic diagnosis of ischemic heart disease” (S. G. Zagliev, S. N. Mammaev, S. S. Zaglieva, 2010 (EMA No. 17-29/160 of 05.04.10)), etc.

The department takes an active part in the academy’s training and methodological conferences. Since 1967, the department has constantly operated a scientific student circle, whose members became laureates of All-Russian interuniversity Olympiads, spoke at conferences of young scientists in Russia and Dagestan.

The department staff  provides tangible assistance to the practical health care of the republic: the head of the department, Professor A. Sh. Khasaev, is the chief cardiologist of the republic and an expert in the selection of cardiac patients for surgical treatment. Professor H. E. Hajiyev is the founder and honorary Chairman of the Dagestan Scientific Medical Society of Therapists, which is currently headed by Professor S. N. Mamaev. Every year, the department organizes visiting scientific and practical conferences in the regions and cities of the republic, doctors of specialized specialties are constantly improving. The Department organizes regular broadcasts of online conferences (Internet sessions) on topical issues of therapy with the participation of leading clinics in Russia and abroad.

Currently, the department has 4 doctors of medical sciences, 5 associate professors and 6 assistants. Professors A. Sh. Khasaev and Kh. E. Hajiyev-Honored Scientists of the Republic of Moldova, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova, People’s Doctors of the Republic of Moldova, Excellent Health Workers of the USSR.


The science

The main research areas of the department were gastroenterology, hematology and cardiology. Over the past 15 years, the department’s research interests have focused on epidemiology, comparative assessment of risk factors for CHD, arterial hypertension, the impact of migration processes on their frequency, secondary prevention of CHD, the role of infections in the course of CHD, secondary heart damage in various diseases of internal organs, etc.

In Dagestan, as in most regions of Russia, hypertension is one of the most common diseases. According to statistical data in 2005, the average rate for the Republic of Moldova was 45.2 per 1000 adults, i.e., it tends to increase. How to explain this situation? This is due to changes in the social conditions of work and life, an acceleration of the rhythm of life, an increase in social and emotional tension, a deterioration in material well-being, and, apparently, an improvement in the detection of hypertension. This was especially evident in the areas bordering the Chechen Republic, in particular in Novolaksky and Khasavyurt.

The results of the study also showed that the migration process negatively affects the level of blood pressure and the prevalence of hypertension (Khasaev A. Sh., Gadzhiev G. E.). Problems of hypertension at different times at the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 were dealt with by prof. Kh. E. Gadzhiev, A. Sh. Khasaev, G. E. Gadzhiev, associate professors Akhlakova A. A., Omarova D. A., Magomedova Z. A., Surkhaev K. A. Currently, Associate Professor D. A. Omarova is developing a scientific problem – “The microelement status of CVD patients in Dagestan as a risk factor for hypertension”.

The result of research on hypertension was the publication of manuals by prof. A. Sh. Khasaev “Problems of hypertension in the practice of a doctor” in 2000 and ” Hypertensive crises “(Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment) together with associate professors A. A. Akhlakova and D. A. Omarova, recommended by the educational and methodological association for medical education of Russian universities, as teaching aids for postgraduate training of doctors; many publications in the periodical press.

Another most relevant scientific direction of the department was the study of various problems of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. The beginning of these studies was initiated by Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 Magomedova M. O., who studied the features of the epidemiology of CHD in the regions of Dagestan.

Numerous clinical and experimental studies have shown a close relationship between the nutritional structure of the population, morbidity and mortality from CHD. In this regard, an important role in the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease is given to diet therapy.

In this regard, the research conducted at the department by the assistants S. A. Shanavazova and F. S. Aliyeva under the guidance of prof. A. Sh. Khasayev on the prevention of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction is of interest. The result of these studies was the publication of methodological recommendations “Dietary therapy of patients with CHD” (1995, authors of prof. A. Sh. Khasaev, PhD S. A. Shanavazova) and a manual for general practitioners “Prevention of CHD” (2001), recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for Medical Education of Russian universities as a textbook for the system of postgraduate training of doctors (authors of prof. A. Sh. Khasaev, associate professor D. A. Omarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Z. S. Abusueva).

An urgent problem of cardiology is to find out the causes of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

In recent years, there have been reports that chronic infections, in particular chlamydia pneumonia, may play an etiological role in the development of atherosclerosis and CHD, independently or in interaction with traditional risk factors. This important problem was discussed in the dissertation work of assistant professor 3. G. Gadzhieva “The role of various types of chlamydia in the course of CHD”, carried out under the supervision of prof. A. Sh. Khasaev.

For a number of years, the department’s staff studied the issues of secondary myocardial damage in various diseases of internal organs (S. G. Zagliev, M. A. Akhmedova,N. M. Aminova, E. M. Aidaeva, Z. S. Alieva, under the guidance of prof.

The continuation of these studies is the development of a very relevant problem of heart damage in diabetes mellitus and its secondary prevention. Diabetes affects almost 5% of the world’s population. The risk of CHD and other CVD in diabetic patients is 3 times higher.

This problem, as well as the problem of metabolic syndrome, is the subject of dissertation research conducted by the staff of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1, doctoral students Z. S. Abusuyeva, ass. N. S. Chilikina and ass.A. M. Karimova, under the supervision of Prof. A. Sh. Khasaev, S. A. Abusuyev and S. N. Mammayev.

In recent years, under the leadership of prof. A. Sh. Khasaev, studies have been conducted on the following problems: “Features of the clinical course of congenital bivalve aortic valve in children (applicant Irazikhanov H. A.), “Epidemiology, socio-hygienic aspects of cardiovascular diseases among adolescents in Dagestan” (correspondence graduate student Akhmedova Z. M.).

An important problem of cardiology is heart failure (CHF), which leads to a decrease in the quality of life of the patient and a high percentage of mortality. On this problem, the work of the acc. of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 S. S. Zaglieva (scientific supervisor prof. S. N. Mammaev) was carried out.

  1. T. Abdurakhmanov defended his PhD thesis on the epidemiology of chronic hepatitis C in Dagestan. The issues of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, chronic hepatitis C are reflected in the studies conducted under the leadership of Professor Mammaev S. N. (A. I. Mazhidov, Sh. R.Ramazanov).


The results of many years of scientific research are reflected in a number of monographs, in collections of scientific papers, candidate and doctoral dissertations. The department has completed doctoral dissertations by A. M. Masuev, I. A. Shamov, Z. N. Zaidieva, A. Sh. Khasaev, E. M. Esedov, S. N. Mammaev and 28 PhD theses.

The department has doctoral, postgraduate, clinical residency and internship programs. Research continues on the problems of arterial hypertension, CHD, metabolic syndrome, CHF, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic hepatitis, etc.

Many articles have been published in these scientific areas, 8 monographs, a number of scientific and methodological recommendations and manuals for practical health care in the Republic of Moldova (25). Employees of the department make scientific reports in inter-republican, all-Russian and international scientific forums. In addition, the department hosted the All-Russian Scientific Conference on Cardiology, the plenum of the Russian Scientific Society of Therapists and the Republican Conference on Intestinal Diseases of Internal Organs. In 2000, a scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of internal medicine” was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor H. E. Hajiyev. At the end of May 2006, the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on Topical Problems of Cardiology was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1. In November 2010, an anniversary scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Dagestan Scientific Medical Society of Therapists and the 90th anniversary of its founder, Professor H. E. Hajiyev, was held with the publication of the conference materials.


News and announcements

On June 26-27, 2014, the XVII Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists (RSMST) was held in Makhachkala, within the walls of the Dagestan State Medical Academy, dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian doctor and scientist V. P. Obraztsov. The event was organized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Committee on Social Policy of the Federation Council, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, the International Society of Internal Medicine (ISIM), the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM), and the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov.

The conference was attended by more than 500 specialists from the cities and districts of the Republic of Dagestan, Saransk, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The RSMST delegation was represented by the President of the Society, acad. RAS A. I. Martynov, member of the Presidium, Prof. A. L. Vertkin. Among the honored guests and participants of the conference were the Honorary President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, acad. RAS R. G. Oganov, prof. V. B. Mychka, prof. M. D. Dibirov, A. F. Shepelenko, V. A. Kazantsev, M. Yu. Drobizhev, L. N. Goncharova, N. O. Khovasova, A.V. Nosova, Ya. B. Fedorova, prof. A. G. Evdokimova, N. E. Boikova, A.V. Sergeev, E. E. Vasenina.

The conference was opened by the chairman of the Dagestan branch of the RSMST, prof.  S.N. Mammaev. The participants were also welcomed by First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan A. S. Karibov, Deputy Chairman of the People’s Assembly of the Republic S. B. Isakov, First Deputy Head of the Administration of Makhachkala R. Sh. Buttaev, Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, prof. T. I. Ibragimov, Acting Rector of the DSMU, prof. D. R. Akhmedov.

The main directions of the scientific program of the conference were: treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, pathology of the digestive tract, antibiotic therapy, pathology of the nervous and musculoskeletal system in the practice of a therapist, anemia, comorbidity, rheumatology, metabolic syndrome, management of patients in outpatient settings. The scientific program of the conference was supplemented by an exhibition of pharmacological products, medical publications and equipment.

Within the framework of the conference, a visiting meeting of the RSMST Presidium was held together with the Dagestan Scientific Medical Society of Therapists, where issues of the development of the Society and joint scientific and educational projects were discussed. A large part of the discussion was devoted to the discussion of the Project of Management of Quality Control of Education and Compliance with Professional Standards, developed jointly by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and National Medical Professional Communities. In 2014, this program is carried out as part of a pilot project in a number of regions, and since 2015 it will start operating on the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

The conference was highly appreciated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan and aroused great interest in the medical community.