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Department of Human Anatomy



In different years the Department of Human Anatomy was headed by Professor Popov V. S. from 1932 to 1933, Professor  Odnoralov N. I from 1933 to 1940, Professor Kurdyumov N. A. from 1940 to 1984 and  Professor  Huseynov  T. S.   from 1984 to the present.

The department has conducted significant research in the field of lymphology. Professor Kurdyumov N. A.  is considered to be the founder of these studies. Among his scientific achievements are: the development of the anatomy of the diverting lymphatic pathways of various organs and areas in animals and humans; the study of the macroscopic anatomy of regional lymph nodes; the improvement of methods of injection of lymphatic vessels; the description of the lymphatic vessels of the muscles of the back, joints, lungs, nerves, salivary glands, skin, intestines, etc.; pasportization  of forms of connection of  lymphatic collectors  and ducts with the venous system.

The existing contribution to the development of the anatomy of the lymphatic system received by the receivers and followers of  Kurdyumov N. A. -enthusiastic researchers  Lavrov N. N.,  Tkachev A.D., Magaramov A. A., Novikova T. P., Mikhailovsky  M. C., Pola A. P., Rudenskaya E. C., Fataliev F. A.  , Tataev K. A., Sultanov X. M., Temirov V. L., Musiev X.G, Huseynov T. C., Urusbambetov A.Kh., Balashova V. V , Alibekov G. O., Osmanov O. R., Magomedov M. A. , Magomedov  A.-M. A.,Ragimov R. M, Ganieva A. I., Guseynova S. T., Garunova K. A., Gadzhieva N. A., Kadiev A. Sh. , Labazanov A. M., Taymazova Sh. K. , Bakhmudova I. G, Mavraeva M. A., Bagriy E. G , Meilanova R. D., Esedova A. E., Aliyev K. M.

Today, modern educational technologies are introduced into the educational process of the department: computer testing of the exam, test checking of students ‘ knowledge on credits, colloquiums and practical classes, business games, drawing up puzzles and situational problems.

Human anatomy is a basic educational and scientific discipline in medical universities, which solves many ethical and deontological and educational problems in the process of training qualified specialists. Taking into account these features of training and education of students, the department systematically conducts specialized activities to study the variants of the structure of the human body (corpses, various anomalies and malformations, medical errors, etc.).

Teachers use specific examples from the field of anatomy to demonstrate the importance of bioethics, deontology and education in future medical work and believe that the professionalism of a doctor, first of all, is based on thorough training in the field of human anatomy and related disciplines. It is not for nothing that they say that anatomy is the air of a doctor, physiology is the soul of his mind, pathanatomy is the soil under his feet, and pathophysiology is the philosophy of medicine.

The staff of the department strives to make students-future doctors’ awareness of the moral and legal responsibility for the health and treatment of sick people, and in this regard-deep theoretical and clinical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and histology.

Employees of the department have recently defended 14 PhD theses (Alibekov M. A., 2002; Harunova K. A., 2004; Al-Huseyn E. M., 2005; Huseynova S. T.  , 2005; Meilanova R. D., 2006; Esedova A. E., 2007; Mavraeva M. A., 2008), completed and successfully defended a doctoral dissertation (Ragimov R. M., 2010) at the stage of completion of 2 PhD theses. About forty-two educational and methodological manuals have been published, including 3 manuals with educational and methodical stamp. There were published about thirty two lectures on all sections of anatomy, eighteen test manuals on all topics of lectures and practical classes; ten collections of scientific papers were prepared under the editorship of Professor, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy Guseinov T. S.

Currently, the staff of the department under the leadership of  Guseinov T.S. is engaged in a scientific problem: “Morphology of the immune organs and the lymphatic system under the influence of balneofactors, dehydration and perfluorane”.

Tagir Saidullakhovich Guseinov has been the head of the Department of Human Anatomy since 1984. In 1971, he defended his PhD thesis, and in 1981 his doctoral thesis. Guseinov is a  Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, Distinguished Health Worker of the USSR, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the USSR, corresponding member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts , corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Dagestan , veteran of labor, member of the European Royal Academy of Natural Sciences and History (England, London, 2005), winner of the Haji Makhachev Foundation Prize in science, winner of the Gold Medal for developments in the field of lymphology in Dagestan (2005), member of the International Association of Morphologists.

Professor Guseinov’s T. S. name is listed in the bibliographic international encyclopedic publication “Who is Who in the Russian Section of the International Academy of Sciences” (2005) along with 175 outstanding scientists of the world. He has published more than 600 scientific papers, 20 books, 40 pamphlets, as an editor he has published 10 collections of scientific works. He is the author of 19 copyright certificates, patents and rationales. In the last 5 years alone, he has published about 30 monographs: “Development of lymphology in Dagestan”; “Development of the lymphatic bed of lymphoid formations of the human colon” (co-author S. T. Guseinova); «Horizons of lymphology»; «Structural changes in the lymphoid organs of the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of balneofactors»; «Morphology of lymphoid formations of the stomach under the influence of balneofactors» (co-author Guseinova  S. T.), «Thoughts on lymphology»; «Applied aspects of inter-organ communication of lymphatic vessels»; «Essays on human anatomy» ; «Thoughts and reflections»; «Reflections on human organs»; «Who is who in lymphology», «Morphology of lymphoid formations of the small intestine under the influence of balneological factors» (co-author Agalarova L.S.); «Morphology of the spleen under the influence of balneological factors» (co-author G. A. Garunova); «Variant and age-related anatomy of the human intestine».

In order to improve educational, methodological and educational work, Professor T. S. Guseinov has published the following books over the past 5 years: “Thoughts about health and science” (co-author Shikhsaidov I. I.   ); “Human happiness”; “Lectures on human anatomy”; “Lymphatic system”; “Humor of dentists”; “Beauty of the human face”; “Thoughts about anatomy”; “70 years of the Department of Human Anatomy”; “Notes of the dean”; “Human posture”; “Student” (co-author Abusuev S. A. ); “Legal guide for students”; “Tips for a business person”.

E-mail: anatomiya-dgma@mail.ru

Information about  department staff

Guseinov Tagir Saidullakhovich. Head of the Department. He has been heading of the Department of Human Anatomy since 1984. Guseinov Tagir Saidullakhovich has published more than 1,000 scientific papers, 41 monographs, 32 books and 40 pamphlets, 10 collections of scientific papers (editor). Nowadays he is author of 19 copyright certificates, patents and  rational offers .

Guseinova Sabina Tagirovna. Professor of the Department, working since 1994. He has 200 scientific papers. She defended her PhD thesis “Morphology of lymphoid formations in the walls of the stomach under the influence of balneological factors” in 2005. In 2014, she defended her doctoral thesis “Morphology of lymphoid formations and the lymphatic bed of the small intestine during dehydration and correction with perfluorane”.

Esedova Angela Esedovna. Since 2001, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy of DSMU. In 2008, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Morphology of the thymus under the influence of balneological factors” on the basis of the 1st Medical University named after Sechenov I. M. From 2015 to the present holds the position of Associate Professor of the Department of Human Anatomy.

There were published: 1 monograph, 65 scientific articles, including 19 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 11 teaching aids.

E mail: zarema 150198@gmail.com

Malachilova Mariam Magomedovna., She has been working as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy since 2015. The candidate’s thesis topic was approved: “Morphological study of the walls of the fallopian tubes during autopsy and after microsurgical sutures” in2010.

There were published: 18 scientific articles, including 2 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 2 teaching aids.

Email: MALACHILOVA@mail.ru


Labazanov Abdurakhman Magomedovich  has been working as an assistant at the Department of Anatomy since 2000. The topic of the dissertation was approbated: “The influence of perftoran on the dynamics of the formation of adhesions in purulent peritonitis” in 2015.  He has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Human Anatomy since 2017.


There were published: 20 scientific articles, including 4 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 2 teaching aids.

Mavraeva Madina Abdulovna. She has been working as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy of the DSMU since1999.She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Morphology of the thyroid gland under the influence of balneological factors” on the basis of the 1st Medical University  in 2007 . Mavraeva Madina Abdulovna holds the position of Associate Professor of the Department of Human Anatomy since 2014.

There were published: 1 monograph, 30 scientific articles, including 10 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 10 teaching aids.

Email: mavraevam@mail.ru

Ganieva Aida Ismetovna. She has been working as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy of the DSMU since 1987. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Structural organization of lymphoid tissue in the wall of the cecum after the action of hopokinesia (experimental study)” at Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky  in 2012. Ganieva Aida Ismetovna holds the position of Associate Professor of the Department of Human Anatomy from 2014 to the present .

There were published: 1 monograph, 30 scientific articles, including 5 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 10 teaching aids.

Emai: aidaganieva@gmail.com

Taimazova Shakhrizat Kurbanovna  has been working as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy of the DSMU since 1988 and has been a senior lecturer at the Department of Human Anatomy since 2001.

There were published: 35 scientific articles, including 5 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 10 teaching aids.

Email: staymazova@mail.ru

Kadiev Anvar Shamilevich has been working as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy of the DSMU since 1999. He has been working as a teacher at the DSMU Medical College and head of the DSMU Anatomical Museum since 2009. From 2016 to the present, he holds the position of senior lecturer in the Department of Human Anatomy and teaches human anatomy in English-speaking groups.

There were published: 32 scientific articles, including 7 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 13 teaching aids.

Gadisova Iraiganat Gamidovna  has been working as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy of the DSMU since 2003. She has been teaching human anatomy in English-speaking groups since 2016.

There were published: 10 scientific articles, including 2 articles in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, 3 teaching aids.

Email: gadisova.ira@mail.ru

Department news



















Student Science Club

VI International competition of anatomical drawing VESALIUS 2021

DSMU Anatomical Drawing Contest 2020


Session of 18.12.20 on the topic “Clinical anatomy of maxillofacial region and conducting pathways of the brain”

Session of 26.10.20 on the topic «Anatomy of the endocrine glands»

Olympiad in Anatomy and Histology “Medical venatus 2019”