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Department of Humanitarian Disciplines




Address: the Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Imam Shamil av., 44
Dagestan State Medical University

 9-storey academic and theoretical building, 5th floor

Telephone: +7(8722) 64-51-32   E-mail:  Dgmaguman@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: Rajab Radjabov



The Department of Humanities was opened in 2007. From the day of its founding, the department is headed by Professor N.I. Aliyev. His entire career, since 1965, is associated with the Medical Institute, and now with the DSMU: student, post-graduate student, Candidate of Philosophy, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department, Academician of the RANS, Honored Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Dagestan.

Since the organization of the department, there have worked following full-time teachers: Professor M. I. Hajiyeva, Professor E. G. Abiyeva, Associate Professor P. Z. Abdulayeva.

In the initial period, the department taught such disciplines as bioethics, pedagogy, political science, law, sociology, legal foundations of health protection, and at the Faculty of Dentistry — philosophy. Over time, the department expanded due to the introduction of new disciplines, an increase in the number of academic hours and, accordingly, the teaching staff.

 Currently, the department employs: Ph. D., prof. N. I. Aliyev Ph. D., Associate Professor A.D. Dibraev, Ph. D., Associate Professor Z. E. Abdulayeva, Ph. D., Associate Professor P. M. Rajabov, senior lecturer Sh. S. Hajimagomedova, Ph. D., Associate Professor E. S. Ibragimova; senior laboratory assistant P. N. Gazimirzoeva, laboratory assistant A. K. Kiyasuevna, preparator Zh. M. Magomedova.

The department carries out a lot of work on teaching methods using multimedia technologies assigned to the department of academic disciplines.
Methodological developments on the following subjects of the disciplines have been compiled: bioethics, law, as well as test manuals for mastering the program and passing translation tests. Most of them are printed in a typographic way, two of them have the EMA stamp. 

In connection with the transition of the university to a new stage of study, the department faces the task of changing the curriculum to prepare the Training Package in all subjects that take place at the department.

In scientific terms, during the existence of the department, the staff of the department published in various publications more than 70 articles and textbooks on various problems taught in the humanities, as well as on problems related to the profile of the university.

The department staff pays great attention to social and educational work, conduct departmental conferences with the invitation of famous people of the republic, debates of a patriotic and specialized nature, conversations with the aim of forming a civic position and developing professionalism.
 The material and technical equipment of the department includes 4 classrooms, an assistant professor classroom, an assistant classroom, and an office of the head of the department. The total area of the department is 360 km2.

 The staff of the department includes 1 professor, 4 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 1 assistant, senior laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant. Of these, 1 employee — Doctor of Philosophy, 3-Candidate of Philosophy, 1-Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, 1-Candidate of Law.




  • Aliyev Nazir Ikhakovich – Doctor of Ph., Professor, Academician of the RANS.
  • Abdulayeva Zaira Esenbulatovna – Cand. Sc. Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the academic department.
  • Dibraev Afsaladin Dibirakhmedovich – Cand. Sc. Philosophy, Associate Professor.
  • Rajabov Rajab Magomedovich – Cand.Sc. Law, Associate Professor.
  • Gadzhimagomedova Shumaysat Soleymanovna – Senior Lecturer.
  • Ibragimova Emina Sultanahmedovna — Assistant Professor, Cand. Sc. Education
  • Vagabova Naida Muratovna – Assistant (part-timer), Cand. Sc. Philosophy, Associate Professor.
  • Gazimirzoeva Fatima Nurmagomedova – Senior laboratory assistant of the Department.
  • Abdulaeva Aishat Kiyasuevna – Laboratory assistant.


  • philosophical problems of medicine
    (2nd year Faculty of Medicine, 2nd year Faculty of Pediatrics, 2nd year Faculty of Medicine and Prevention)
    • Bioethics
    (1,2 courses Medical faculty, 1 course Medical and preventive faculty, 2 course Pediatric faculty, 3 course Faculty of Pharmacy)
    • Law

(Faculty of Medicine 1 course, Pediatric Faculty 1 course, Faculty of Dentistry 2nd Course)
• consumer rights protection
(Medical and Preventive Faculty 2 course)
• legal basis of the doctor’s activities

(Medical and Preventive Faculty 3 course)
• administrative and legal basis of the doctor’s activities
(Medical and Preventive Faculty 6th Year)



Medicine occupies one of the central places in the system of living nature sciences, this is due to the fact that the object of its research is a person, the understanding of the biosocial essence of which requires a holistic, truly scientific approach to the study of the body both in normal and in pathology. A professional doctor will be able to act most expediently and effectively in each specific case only when he will rely not only on private knowledge, but also on knowledge of the general laws of the body, when he will consider a person as a complex biosocial system. Achieving this goal is impossible without a scientific and theoretical understanding of the place and role of medicine in the strategy of human survival, represented by the unity of philosophical, medical, bioethical, legal, economic and axiological aspects.

The conference “Medicine in the strategy of human survival: Bioethics, health Psychology and Medical Law” was held on September 29, 2017 at the DSU. 197 people took part in it. The plenary session was attended by 11 people. At the opening of the conference, Naida Rajabovna Mollayeva, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, made a speech with congratulations.



Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of Dagestan State Medical University, Candidate of Law Radzhabov Rajab Magomedovich in the 2019/20 academic year organized a student scientific circle (SSC). Thanks to the joint efforts of the department staff , and the specifics of research on the topic of improper medical care in the Republic of Dagestan, the circle is becoming increasingly popular among our students in all areas of training, and it is also worth the task to attract the interest of students of the Law Faculty of the DSU.

Currently, the SSC is working on the following areas of research activities of the Department:

  • Current issues of legal responsibility of medical professionals and medical organizations for professional offenses
  • Patient safety and the problem of inadequate care
  • The rights and responsibilities of patients and their legal representatives
  • Legal regulation of reproductive health activities of citizens
  • Current problems of donation legal regulation and transplantation of human organs and tissues

At the meetings of the circle, modern approaches to the legal support of medical activities, the legal risks of its implementation and other topical issues of medical law are discussed.

Participation in the work of the circle gives the future specialist the opportunity to master in-depth legal knowledge and skills in carrying out research activities.

The practice of making presentations and reports at the meetings of the circle will help students in preparing for participation in student conferences and Olympiads, as well as serve as the basis for future research activities in the field of medical law.

Under the guidance of the teaching staff of the department, the preparation of scientific articles in popular scientific journals included in the RSCI is carried out.

Meetings of the SNC of the Department of Humanities, section “Medical Law” are held at the address: 44 I. Shamil Av., floor 5, office 1.