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Department of Infectious Diseases named after Academician G. P. Rudnev



General information

Address: Makhachkala, 43 Gogol av., SBI RD «Republican Center for Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control of AIDS» named after S. M. Magomedov.

E-mail: saida-p05@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: Associate Professor Pashaeva S.A..

Clinical sites of the department:

  • SBI RD «Republican Center for Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control of AIDS» named after S. M. Magomedov, 43 Gogol av.
  • FGHI «Dagestan Plague Control Station», 13 Gagarina av.


Employees of the Department of Infectious Diseases named after Academician G. P. Rudnev




R. Akhmedov

Head of the Department, MD, Professor;














S.A. Pashaeva

Associate Professor, Head of the teaching department, Candidate of Medical Science;













A.S. Abusueva

Associate Professor of Grants and Innovation; Candidate of Medical Science;


S.M. Daniyalbekova

Associate Professor of Student Science, Candidate of Medical Science;


A.M. Gusniyev

Associate Professor of clinical care, Candidate of Medical Science; 













 S.K. Bilalova

Associate Professor of Science, Candidate of Medical Science; 


N.M. Saayeva

Assistant, Candidate of Medical Science;


R.K. Alkhanov



A.M. Janmurzaeva









History of the department

 Department of Infectious diseases has been established in January 1, 1936. The organizer and the first head of the department was Rudnev Georgy Pavlovich (1899 – 1970) — major Soviet infectious disease specialist. In 1923 he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Don. From 1934 to 1936 he worked at the DMI, where he was the first organizer and head of the Department of Internal Medicine. In 1936 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, and in 1937 he was awarded the academic title of professor. G. P. Rudnev participated in the Great Patriotic War, and from 1944 till the end of his life he worked as the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Central Institute of Physicians of the Ministry of Health. Rudnev G.P. was a full member and member of the USSR Presidency of the AMS. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers, including monographs and manuals on infectious diseases. Under his leadership, about 60 dissertations were defended, including 20 doctoral ones. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree and many other medals. Academician Rudnev G. P. is one of the founders of the Russian school of infectious diseases, a recognized founder of evolutionary infectious pathology.  Under his leadership, a large expedition work was carried out in the republic to study the endemic pathology of Dagestan.

In an homage to the great Russian scientist-doctor, his name was given to the department in 2005.

 Over the following years, the Department of Infectious Diseases was consistently headed by a galaxy of well-known scientists:

1939-1958  —  Prof. Podvarko А.G.;

1958-1965 – Prof. Isaeva М. М.;

1965-1979  – Prof. Alikberova F. А.;

1979-1995 – Prof.  Shamov  Yu. A.

From 1995 to the present,  the Department is headed by  Prof. Akhmedov D. R. – M.D., Professor, RANS Academician, Distinguished Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan and the Russian Federation,  Honored Scientist of the Dagestan Republic.

The first assistants of the department were doctors: Deryabina E.A.., Gordeeva N.N., Rusakov N.V., Panteleeva S.Ya., Nahibashev M.Yu.

Great contribution to the formation of the department made remarkable teachers-doctors, Prof. Suleimanov A.K., Associate Professors: Ulakayev I.M.., Aminov M-R.H., Aselderova A.I., E.A. Arbuliyeva., Kichieva B.N., Zulpukarova N. M-G., Assistants: Damadaeva F.K., Musayeva N.B.

 Currently, the Department of Infectious Diseases is a well-coordinated, friendly team where: Prof., MD, Akhmedov D.R., Associate Professors: Cand. Sc. Medicine Pashaeva S.A., Cand. Sc. Medicine Gusniev A.M.,  Cand. Sc. Medicine Daniyalbekova Z.M.., Cand. Sc. Medicine Tagirova S.G.., Cand. Sc. Medicine  Abusueva A.S.., Cand. Sc. Medicine  Bilalova S.K.., Assistants: Saayeva N.M., Janmurzaeva A.M., Alkhanov R.K., Cand. Sc. Medicine Bammatov D.M. are working.

Today, the department actively performs educational, methodical, research, medical and advisory work, and together with the practical health authorities is working to reduce infectious disease among the population of the republic. All employees regularly improve their qualifications both on the basis of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the ATF ATS DSMU and the Department of Education and Psychology of DSMU, as well as in the central universities of the country.

Scientific activity at the department is carried out in several main areas —  It is a study of pathogenesis and pathogenetic treatments for the most common infectious diseases based on functional-morphological and immunological approaches, including at the molecular level. Under guidance of Prof. Akhmedov D.R. 12 dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences and 1 dissertation for the degree of doctor of medical sciences were defended at the department.

The constant concern of the head of the department about the quality of the pedagogical process, there is the equipment necessary to optimize it: computers, video equipment and more.

 The department has created more than 35 manuals and teaching guides   on infectious diseases, issued more than 60 guidelines for practical health.

 The department trains students for the specialties “Medical care”, “Dentistry”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical and preventive Care” and an elective course on the topic: “HIV infection/AIDS”. About 800 students study at the department every year.

A lot of attention at the department is paid to the work of the scientific student group, headed by Associate Professor Daniyalbekova S.M.   Many members of the group have won prizes at international, All-Russian, and regional conferences of young scientists and students over the years. 
 Close working relationships and agreements with the Republic’s MPI are of great importance: with the Republican Center for Infectious Diseases, the Dagestan Plague Control Station, the Republican Antirabies Center, where students are trained.  For conscientious work in the field of health care, many employees of the department were awarded departmental awards – the Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Health, the “Excellent Health Worker” badge. The honorary title “Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan” is held by Prof. Akhmedov D. R. and Associate Professor Tagirova Z. G.

The Department conducts a lot of joint work with the health service practices. Every year, in accordance with the DSU joint work plan and the Ministry of Health of the RD, the department staff conducts more than 200 sessions, including more than 40 advisory visits to the medical institutions of the Republic. In accordance with the annual joint order of the Minister of Health of the RD and the Rector of DSMU, the department staff conducts extramural sessions in the cities of the republic to improve the skills of infectious diseases doctors, general practitioners, district therapists and pediatricians. Scientific and practical “cluster” seminars for doctors in cities and districts of the republic: Makhachkala, Buinaksk, Derbent, Khasavyurt, Kizlyar, etc.

Department staff are constantly taking part in the review of medical histories, analysis of fatal cases.

 To improve the skills of practical doctors, the department has been holding annual republican and All-Russian scientific and practical conferences since 1995, with the publication of scientific papers collections on the topics of conferences edited by Professor D. R. Akhmedov. In accordance with the work plan, the department’s staff regularly holds meetings of the Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases.

The Department staff  of Infectious Diseases, brought up on the experience of their teachers, in today’s difficult conditions, strives to preserve the best traditions of previous generations of clinicians and teachers, passes on their experience to the younger generation of future doctors who will face new types of infectious pathology and find solutions to many health problems to ensure the health of the nation in the XXI century.