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Department of Infectious Diseases of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists



At the initiative of the leadership of   DSMI and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan a course of infectious diseases was organized at the Faculty of Advanced Training of doctors in 1985, consisting of the head of the Candidate of Medical Sciences Tartakovskaya R.A., assistants of the candidate of Medical Sciences Saidova Z.S. and Tsvetkova O.A. The course was reorganized into the Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology under the leadership of Professor Yusup Akhmedkhanovich Shamov in 1995. The department has been headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of  Dagestan  Arbulieva Elena Anatolyevna since 1999.

General information

Head of the Department: Arbulieva Elena Anatolyevna – Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of  Dagestan, chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of RD.

Responsible for the website: Magomedova Saniyat Akhmedgadzhievna.

E-mail: saniyat-magomedova@yandex.ru

The Department of Infectious Diseases of the FAT and PRS is located on the territory of the Republican Center of the Infectious Diseases Hospital, occupies a separate wing of the laboratory building, has a lecture hall and three study rooms. Departments for patients with viral hepatitis, brucellosis, intestinal infections, boxed, intensive care units and clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories are used for the educational process and practical classes.

Address: 43 Gogol str., Makhachkala, 367000.

Phone: 55 01 49

E—mail: kafinffpk@mail.ru

Clinical bases:

SBU RD “Republican Center of Infectious Diseases named after S.M. Magomedov







Staff of the department

Ulakaev Idris Murtuzalievich – Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of RD.

Magomedova Saniyat Akhmedgadzhievna – Associate Professor, PhD, doctor of the highest category.

Magomedov Murtazaali Musalayevich – Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of RD.

Tsvetkova Olga Alekseevna – assistant of the department, doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of the RD.


Academic work.

The main directions of postgraduate training of specialists at the department are:

professional retraining of specialists;

general improvement;

thematic improvement;

postgraduate course:

clinical residency.

Cycles are formed based on:

-applications of health care managers,

-a long-term plan for professional development.

The Department of Infectious Diseases of the FAT and PRS was created to train infectious diseases doctors in clinical residency, postgraduate studies and advanced training courses for working doctors. In addition, the tasks of the department include determining the strategy for the development of the infectious service in the region, the introduction of medical science achievements into the practice of healthcare. Every year, more than 20 doctors complete their clinical residency, and more than 100 doctors undergo general and thematic improvement. Trained doctors perform search work, speak at clinical conferences and meetings of the Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases of the republic, take part in the publishing activities of the department.

4 certification cycles “Issues of infectious diseases” for infectious disease doctors have been held annually at the department since 2019. At the request of the Ministry of Health of the RD and in agreement with it, cycles for polyclinic doctors “Outpatient care for infectious patients” have been held annually since 2001 . In addition, 36- and 72-hour cycles are conducted for clinical internists and pediatricians, short-term cycles on selected issues of infectious pathology for doctors of other specialties.

Classes are conducted in accordance with the programs and plans developed at the Department of FAT and PRS and approved by the Academic Council of FPC and Teaching Staff of DSMU and submitted to the scientific library of DSMU. Plans and training programs for residents in the specialty “Infectious diseases” have been developed, approved and presented, as well as cycles on the main sections of infectious pathology for residents of other specialties.

An application was received from the Ministry of Health of Dagestan for the preparation and conduct of a cycle on vaccination for doctors of various specialties (infectious diseases, pediatricians, epidemiologists) in 2014, according to which a program of a 36-hour thematic cycle “Vaccination” was developed. Subsequently, distance learning programs on viral hepatitis and acute intestinal infections in the CME system were additionally developed. Currently, programs on zoonotic infections are being prepared.

To ensure quality control of training, there are certification tests, clinical tasks, as well as tests developed by the staff of the department for pediatricians, internists, residents of various specialties, polyclinic doctors. The department is equipped with multimedia equipment, there are videos, videos, Internet access. There is a scientific library, which includes modern literature on infectious pathology for the last 5 years.

Scientific work was carried out in accordance with the plan on the following topics: “Brucellosis. Topical issues of epidemiology, clinic, diagnostics, therapy and medical rehabilitation in RD”, “Severe forms of intestinal infections in young children in RD”, “Viral hepatitis (B, C, D)”, “HIV/AIDS in RD”. Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has published more than two hundred works, the results of which are regularly reported at the Congress of Infectious Diseases in Moscow, conferences in St. Petersburg, the All-Russian Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases in Moscow, scientific and practical conferences in the cities of Nalchik, Kislovodsk, Sochi, Krasnodar, Kazan.

The department takes an active part in the work of the Society of Infectious Diseases, in the organization and holding of annual All-Russian and republican scientific and practical conferences held by the RCIH and DSMU.

The results of scientific research have been introduced into the practical healthcare of Dagestan – they are used by doctors of the Republican Center for Infectious Diseases. There were introduced: the method of oral rehydration in the treatment of acute intestinal infections in children; serological diagnosis of yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis in children; a new nutrient mixture for probe feeding in severe forms of acute intestinal infections; ultraviolet irradiation of blood in severe forms of acute intestinal infections and various infectious diseases; new aerosol mixtures for the treatment of acute stenosing laryngotracheitis; recommendations for complex therapy and emergency conditions in acute intestinal infections in children; the use of interferon in the treatment of prolonged forms of  AII in children, a method of treating patients with brucellosis. Databases on brucellosis, chronic viral hepatitis have been introduced into the practice of the RCIH.

Methodical manuals have been issued for doctors of practical level – “Viral hepatitis”, “Treatment of herpesvirus diseases”, “Urgent conditions in the clinic of infectious diseases”, “Amoebiasis”, “Organization and work of the cabinet of infectious diseases”, “Salmonellosis”, A collection of control and measurement tasks on infectious diseases, “Cholera”. Educational manuals on malaria, borreliosis and brucellosis are being prepared for publication.

Medical work. In accordance with the comprehensive plan of joint work with the health authorities of the Republic of  Dagestan, the staff of the Department actively participates in the detection, early diagnosis of infectious diseases and the elimination of outbreaks of infectious diseases in various districts of the RD. Every year, the staff of the department takes part in field seminars on infectious pathology for doctors of different profiles, held in all cities of the republic together with the Republican Center for Infectious Diseases. In addition, the staff of the department provides advisory assistance, participates in holding consultations of patients undergoing inpatient treatment in RCIB and other medical institutions of the city.

All serious patients are consulted by the staff of the department. In accordance with the comprehensive plan of joint work with the health authorities of  RD, the staff of the department are part of the advisory group on prevention, hospitalization and treatment of Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever in  Dagestan, approved by Government Decree No. 198 of 09/21/2011 as part of the republican commission for the diagnosis of “chronic hepatitis B, C, D” (Order No. 506 – L of the Ministry of Health of the RD of 10.11.06), as well as rapid response teams in case of particularly dangerous infections in Dagestan.

Scientific work was carried out in accordance with the plan on the following topics: “Brucellosis. Topical issues of epidemiology, clinic, diagnostics, therapy and medical rehabilitation in RD”, “Severe forms of intestinal infections in young children in RD”, “Adolescent health RD”, “Elderly health”. The staff of the department published more than two hundred papers, the results of which were reported and discussed at the Congress of Infectious Diseases in Moscow, conferences in St. Petersburg, the All-Russian Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases in Moscow, scientific and practical conferences in Nalchik and Kislovodsk. The department takes an active part in the work of the Society of Infectious Diseases, in the organization and holding of annual All-Russian and republican scientific and practical conferences held by the RCIH and DSMU.

The joint work of the department with the practical health authorities includes:

1.Consulting of complex and severe patients in all specialized departments of the RCIH and other hospitals.

2.Participation in consultations.

  1. Annual holding of cluster seminars on topical issues of infectious diseases (in coordination with the Ministry of Health of the RD).
  2. Training of specialists in residency and postgraduate studies at the request of the Ministry of Health of RD.
  3. Curation of the infectious diseases service of the Republic with departure to the foci in case of particularly dangerous infections.
  4. Analysis of infectious morbidity and mortality in the Republic, with the development of proposals to improve the work of the infectious service with the presentation of the results in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan and the Central Research Institute of  Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  5. Participation in the development of Russian clinical guidelines, protocols for the provision of medical care to patients with infectious pathology.
  6. Active participation in the management and organization of the Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases of Dagestan, participation in the Profile Commission on Infectious Diseases.

Annual joint scientific and practical conferences on topical issues of infectious diseases with accreditation in the system of the Continuing medical education.