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Телефон для приема сообщений о коррупционных проявлениях:
Эл. почтовый ящик:
Department of Internal Diseases of Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties
HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT: MD, Professor Akhmedkhanov Seypula Shapievich
ADDRESS: Makhachkala, 51 Laptieva Street
CLINICAL SITE: Municipal Hospital № 1
EMAIL: saip@mail.ru
ADDRESS: Makhachkala, 51 Laptieva Street
RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WEBSITE: Head of the training unit — assistant Shangereeva Suikum Alievna
Head of the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, MD, Professor, Doctor of the Highest category, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan
- Author of 197 scientific and 27 educational works, 5 inventions and labour saving inventions
- Academic supervisor of 3 PhD theses.
- Awarded a gold medal at the XII International Salon-Exhibition of Industrial Property “Archimedes-2008” for “A method for treating refractory iron deficiency anemia in women”, received a patent for the invention (2007).
- Co-author of two monographs (1995) and (2010) and one manual (Moscow, 2005).
- Practical classes in academic groups with students of the 4th year of the Faculty of Dentistry, 4th, 5th years of the Faculty of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, lectures on propaedeutics of internal diseases in the 2nd and 3rd years of the Faculty of Dentistry, 3rd years of the Faculty of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine
- Career history:
- From 2002 to the present-Makhachkala, Dagestan State Medical Academy, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases, Municipal Hospital No. 1, Department of General Therapy
- 1996-2002 — Makhachkala, Dagestan State Medical Academy, Associate Professor Republican Clinical Hospital Department of General Therapy
- 1985-1995 — Makhachkala, Dagestan State Medical Academy, Assistant Republican Clinical Hospital, Hematology Department, doctor
- 1982-1985 — Moscow, Semashko Moscow State Medical and Dental Institute, Postgraduate student Hospital No. 40 Cardiology Department, attending physician
- 1979 — Makhachkala, polyclinic №2 practising rheumatologist
- Education:
- 1972 — 1978 — Dagestan State Medical Institute. Department of general medicine. Specialty “Medical care”. Diploma with honours.
- 1980 — 1982 — Dagestan State Medical Institute. Clinical residency.
- 1982 — 1985 — N.A.Semashko Moscow Medical Dental Institute. Postgraduate study. Early defense of the candidate’s thesis. Specialty “Cardiology”.
- 1985 — 1990 — Dagestan State Medical Institute. Assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases
- 1990 — 1992 — Dagestan State Medical Institute. Senior Researcher
- 1995 — Dagestan State Medical Institute. Associate Professor of The Department of Internal Diseases
- 2000 — Defense of the doctoral dissertation Specialty “Internal diseases”
- 2002 — Head of the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties
- 2009 — Dagestan State Medical Institute. Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine
- Advanced training:
- 1999 — Dagestan State Medical Academy «Therapy issues»
- 2000 — N.A.Semashko Moscow Medical Dental University «Echocardiography»
- 2004 — Dagestan State Medical Academy «Therapy issues»
- 2009 — Dagestan State Medical Academy «Therapy issues»
- 2009 — Dagestan State Medical Academy «Ultrasound diagnosis».
- Practical classes in academic groups with students of the 4th year of the Faculty of Dentistry, 4th, 5th years of the Faculty of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, lectures on propaedeutics of internal diseases in the 2nd and 3rd years of the Faculty of Dentistry, 3rd years of the Faculty of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine.
- Akhmedkhanov Seypula Shapievich — Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
- Shangereeva Suikum Aliyevna – head of the educational department, assistant
- Apasheva Shuanat Nabievna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Ramazanov Shamil Ramazanovich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant
- Muskhadzhiyev Alimkhan Abukhadzhievich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant
- Agmadova Zarina Magomedovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant
- Komissarova Olga Nikolaevna-assistant
- Saidova Zaira Magomedovna-assistant
- Abdullayeva Bariyat Saipulayevna-assistant
- Petrosova Victoria Gerasimovna-assistant
- Aliyeva Zaira Azizovna – Senior Laboratory Assistant
- Beibalaeva Albina Tagirovna-Senior laboratory assistant
- Magomedova Assa Mamadalievna-laboratory assistant
- Lachinova M. A.– laboratory assistant
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor
- Graduated from the Medical and Preventive Faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1984, with honors. In 1984-1985, she completed an internship in therapy at the Caspian urban therapeutic community.
- In 1992 to 1996, she studied at the correspondence postgraduate school on the basis of the DSMA. In September 2006, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases in adolescents as a function of ecosystem factors”. 19 scientific articles have been published in national and central collections. In November 2006, she made a presentation on the topic of her dissertation at the 16th Eurasian Congress on Respiratory Diseases in St. Petersburg. In 2007, she was a delegate of the All-Russian Congress of Cardiology in Moscow.
- Has the highest qualification category in the specialty “cardiology”. She was awarded the medal “Excellent Health Worker of the Republic of Dagestan” in 2007.
- Conducts classes on propaedeutics of internal diseases in the 3rd year of the dental, pediatric and preventive medicine faculties of the DSMU, on the cycle of polyclinic therapy in the 4-5 courses of the medical and preventive faculty, on military field therapy in the 6th year of the Pediatric Faculty, on occupational diseases in the 5-6 courses of the medical-Prof. Faculty of Internal Medicine in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Dentistry.
- Methodological manuals, lectures, tests on polyclinic therapy, occupational diseases, and propaedeutics of internal diseases have been developed. Scientific conferences and reviews of deaths are held with the participation of interns and doctors of the Departments of therapy and Cardiology of CH No. 1.
- Since 2007, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases of Pediatric, Dental and Medical-Prof. faculties of the DSMA. Last specialization in Cardiology in September 2010 on the basis of the Department of Family Medicine and Cardiology of the DSMA.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant, born in 1979.
- School leaving date – Sergokalinskaya Secondary School No. 1, May 25, 1996
- Medical Academy Graduation Date – DSMA, June 30, 2002
- Ph.D. defense date –February 25 2009, topic: «Iron metabolism and cytokines in patients with chronic hepatitis C»
- Number of printed works –3 manuals, 42 printed works, 1 monograph
- List of scientific papers:
- Some aspects of hypertension study in the 6th year students of DSMA
- Dynamics of serum cytokine levels during antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C
- Iron metabolism indicators in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- Pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- Clinical and epidemiological features of the hepatitis C virus
- The role of cytokines in the mechanisms of liver damage in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- Serum ferritin level in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- The effect of pegylated INF-α-2a and ribavirin on the cytokine system in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- Cytokine status in patients with chronic hepatitis C and their dynamics in combination therapy with pegylated interferon-alpha-2a and ribavirin
- Participation of cytokines in the mechanisms of chronization and elimination of the hepatitis C virus
- Fibroscan-an alternative to liver biopsy
- Effect of hypocaloric diet No. 5 on carbohydrate metabolism in patients with cholelithiasis with concomitant obesity and impaired glucose tolerance
- The effect of carbon-containing products on post-food glycemia in patients with chronic non-calculous cholecystitis
- Iron metabolism in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- The role of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the mechanisms of hepatitis C virus chronization and elimination
- Educational work: Questions of optimization of methods of teaching lecture material
- He has been working at DSMA since September 1, 2008
- At the Department of Internal Diseases since September 1, 2008
- Completion of specialization and advanced training
- 2002 — 2003 – internship in therapy at the Cardiology Department No. 1 of the Republican Clinical Hospital
- 2005 — 2008 – postgraduate study in the specialty “internal diseases” on the basis of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 of the DSMA
- 2009 – advanced training courses in the specialty “therapy” at the Department of Advanced Training of General Practitioners of the DSMU.
- She had graduated with honors from the Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1976.
- She has been working at the Department of Internal Medicine at the DSMU since 1982.
- Teaches 4, 5, 6 courses of the Faculty of Pediatrics and 4,5 courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention. Conducts practical classes and lectures to students on internal medicine, occupational diseases and military field therapy.
- She has published 26 scientific and educational works.
- She has completed advanced training in pedagogy and psychology of higher education at the ATF of A. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy in 1992, at the ATF for Teaching staff at the DSU in Makhachkala in 1997 and 2003.
- She completed advanced training in therapy at the Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Teaching Staff of the DSMA in 1999 and 2007.
- She has the highest qualification category in therapy since 2002.
- Date of DMA graduation – 1996.
- She had completed her residency in therapy in 1998.
- She had completed postgraduate studies from 1998 to 2001.
- She has been working at the DMA and at the Department of Internal Diseases since 2001.
- She had completed advanced training in therapy at DSMA ATF and ATS in 1999 and 2004.
- She had passed advanced training in pedagogy and psychology of higher education at the ATF for DSU Teaching staff of higher education institutions at the DSU in Makhachkala in 2001, 2005, 2006.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor
- In 2006, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of the Dagestan State Medical Academy with a specialty in “medical care.” She was actively involved in student scientific work. She was awarded a scholarship of the DSMA by Prof. R.P. Askerkhanov, a scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation.
- From 2006 to 2008, she was trained in a clinical residency in the specialty “therapy” (at the Department of Therapy of the DSMA), has a certificate of a general practitioner.
- In 2008, she entered the post-graduate program at the Department of Cardiology and General Medical Practice of the ATF and the Faculty of Medicine of the DSMU, as a post-graduate student, she was awarded the prize of the Foundation of the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Haji Makhachev – for the relevance of scientific research.
- In 2010 she has passed the primary specialization in functional diagnostics (echocardiography, daily ECG monitoring, etc.), has a certificate in the specialty “functional diagnostics” and practical experience in this area.
- 01.2012 she defended her dissertation at Kabardino-Balkar State University in the specialty “cardiology”, 20.07.2012-Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
- Since 2012, she has been an assistant in the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric and Dental Faculty of DSMU. She teaches 1,2,3,3,4,5 courses of pediatric faculty in 3.4 courses of the dental faculty and 3.4.5 courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention. She conducts practical classes and lectures to students on internal diseases, faculty therapy, hospital therapy.
- In 2012, she completed professional training in the specialty “cardiology”, has a certificate of a cardiologist. Developed educational and methodological complexes of the department on the subject “propaedeutics of internal diseases” for students of the pediatric faculty.
- For the last 10 years, Z. M. Agmadova has been a correspondent and then editor of the republican newspaper “Medicine of Dagestan”, where she reflects on important aspects of healthcare in the Republic of Dagestan.
- In 2016, she completed advanced training in pedagogy and psychology of higher education on the basis of the ATF for Teaching staff at the DSU.
- Participant and prize-winner of International and All-Russian congresses and conferences, has more than 50 scientific papers, including 2 in HAC-reviewed publications, more than 5 speeches at meetings of the Dagestan Scientific Medical Society of Therapists.
- From 2012 to the present – Secretary of the Dagestan Branch of the Russian Society of Cardiology. Clinical experience in the Department of Cardiology – 8 years, including the use of modern methods of functional diagnostics in cardiology.
Assistant, first-class physician.
- In 2000 she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Dagestan State Medical Academy.
- From 2000 to 2001, she underwent an internship on the basis of the therapeutic department of RSEHS.
- Since 2001 she has been working as a doctor of the emergency medical team.
- Since 2003, she has been a doctor of the ICU medical team.
- She completed advanced training in emergency medical care at the ATF and the DSMU Teaching Staff in 2006 and 2014.
- In 2007, she was awarded the second qualification category.
- Since 2008, she has been in the first qualification category. During the work for good performance in the work and long-term and conscientious work to protect the health of the population and in commemoration of the Day of the Medical Worker, she was repeatedly awarded Certificates of Honor by the management of the ambulance station.
- Since 2011, she has been working part-time as a paramedic in the SBI of the DEMC.
- She has been working at the Department of Internal Medicine at DSMU since 2011. From 2011 to 2014, she was a senior laboratory assistant. Since 2014, she has been working as an assistant at the Department.
- In February 2012, she was trained at a field seminar of the St. Petersburg Mechnikov State Medical University on working with the Holter system “Cardiotechnika-04” on the basis of the Republican Diagnostic Center.
- In October 2012, she passed the training course “Emergency medical actions in case of extensive trauma” organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, a certificate was issued.
- Teaches at 1,2,3,4,5 courses of the Faculty of Pediatrics at 3,4 courses of the Faculty of Dentistry and at 3,4,5 courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention. Conducts practical classes and lectures to students on internal medicine, faculty therapy, occupational diseases, and hospital therapy.
- In 2016, the topic of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences was approved: “Remote ischemic preconditioning in the complex treatment of patients with myocardial infarction”. In accordance with the approved research plan, research on this topic is conducted on the basis of the Department of Internal Medicine.
- She has published 17 scientific and educational works.
- She completed advanced training in pedagogy and psychology of higher education at the ATF for DSU Teaching staff in Makhachkala in 2015.
- She completed advanced training in therapy at the ATF and the DMA Teaching Staff in 2001 and 2014.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor.
- In 2001 she enrolled in DSMA. In 2007 she graduated from DSMA with a red diploma.
- 2007-2009 — residency at the Department of Hospital Therapy №1.
- 2009-2012 — full-time postgraduate studies.
- 2014 — PhD thesis defense on the topic “The effect of telmisartan and amlodipine on adiponectin and cytokine levels in patients with metabolic syndrome”. There are three acts of implementation on the topic of the dissertation.
- Since 2016, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties.
- She has certificates of a general practitioner, cardiologist, doctor of functional diagnostics.
The Department of Internal Medicine of Pediatric, Dental and Medical And Preventive Faculty was established in 1968. Since 1995, the main clinical site of the department has been the city municipal clinical hospital №1 with a clinical site for 60 beds and a polyclinic. Currently, the therapeutic clinic has therapeutic, cardiology and endocrinology departments, intensive care units for therapeutic patients.
For many years, the department was headed by recognized specialists in all branches of internal diseases-Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.M. Kharkharov (from 1968 to 1981), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor K. O. Minkailov (from 1981 to 1995), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor D. E. Mavraev (from 1995 to 2002). Since 2002, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. S. Sh. Akhmedkhanov.
Initially, the teaching of therapeutic disciplines was conducted only at the dental faculty, since 1971 — at the pediatric and dental faculties, in 2000 they were joined by the medical and preventive faculty.
Classes at the department are held for students of pediatric, dental and medical-preventive faculties.
At the pediatric faculty, students are taught the following disciplines: in the 2nd and 3rd year “Propaedeutics of internal diseases”, in the 3rd and 4th year “Faculty therapy. Occupational diseases”, in the 4th and 5th courses “Hospital therapy”.
The 3-4th year students are taught “Internal diseases” at the Faculty of Dentistry.
The Faculty of Medicine and Prevention teaches: “The propedeutics of internal diseases” to the 3rd year students, «Internal diseases. General physical therapy. Endocrinology» to the 4th year students and «Occupational diseases. MFT» to the 5th year students.
In recent years, the department has completely updated the educational and methodological material, including new work programs on propaedeutics of internal diseases and internal diseases for the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention. To control the theoretical and practical training of students for each practical lesson, test tasks on propaedeutics of internal diseases, internal diseases, occupational diseases, and polyclinic therapy were created and implemented. Each faculty has a set of situational tasks, ECGs, radiographs, and laboratory research data.
The department was one of the first in the Academy to use the latest computer technologies for conducting lectures. When giving lectures, not only educational materials are used, but also electronic Russian and foreign databases, medical Internet sites. With the use of multimedia technologies, 27 lectures on propaedeutics of internal diseases for pediatric, dental and medical-preventive faculties were developed and implemented in the educational process.
A CD with lectures on the propedeutics of internal diseases has been created. Multimedia lectures on propaedeutics of internal diseases as an intellectual product registered by FSUE “ARSIC” on January 16, 2008 No. 73200800006.
- S. Akhmedkhanov, in collaboration with Academician I. A. Shamov, published in 2005 a two-volume textbook “Propaedeutics of internal diseases for dentists”, which is recommended by the educational and methodological association of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of medical universities of the Russian Federation.
The department staff carries out a large amount of treatment-and-consultation work. The head of the department conducts morning conferences, weekly rounds of patients. Associate professors and assistants are assigned to the departments where they carry out the necessary advisory work. The department hosts clinical conferences and weekly express information on medicine for doctors. Treatment-and-diagnostic service improvement is constantly being carried out, introducing new methods of laboratory diagnostics and modern treatment of therapeutic pathology.
Joint work with the practical health authorities is carried out according to the annual plan, medical and advisory assistance is provided with visits to cities and districts of the republic. Department staff takes part in reviewing doctors’ reports and medical histories of deceased patients, conferences are held to discuss deaths. DSMA graduates annually undergo internship and residency training at the municipal hospital site №1.
The department regularly conducts scientific and practical conferences, clinical analyses of complex cases, which contributes to the professional development of young specialists. In 2002, the therapeutic department of MH № 1 was recognized as the best therapeutic department in Makhachkala.
The department actively uses and implements modern methods of diagnosis and treatment. The drug dufaston in the treatment of refractory iron deficiency anemia was introduced into the practice of the therapeutic department of MH №1 and RCH in the Department of Hematology. The drug remicade (infliximab) was introduced into the practice of complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis in the rheumatology department of the RCH and the therapeutic department of the MH № 1.