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Department of Life Safety and Disaster Medicine



Head of the Department: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Rabadanova Patimat Magomedovna.

Address: 48/1 Shamil  street., 8-9 floors (ten-storey building).

Tel. (fax): 8 (8722) 63-22-44

E-mail: bzhdimk_dgmu@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: head of the educational part – Aminova Aishat Aminovna

In 1995, the military department was transformed into the Department of Military and Extreme Medicine, which was liquidated in 2010, and the Department of Mobilization Training of Health Care and Disaster Medicine was formed on its basis. Currently, the department is called «Life Safety and Disaster Medicine».

The Department of Life Safety and Disaster Medicine trains students in the mandatory general professional disciplines “Life Safety” and “Disaster Medicine”, in the subject area of which the topics of safe human interaction with the environment and the protection of the population and territories from natural, man-made and military emergencies are combined. Disciplines are based on the knowledge gained in the study of the humanities, social and economic, mathematical and natural science, professional training cycles. The program includes classroom training: lectures, practical classes, as well as solving situational problems, practicing practical skills in providing various types of assistance in extreme situations and independent work under the guidance of a teacher.

The main task of training: to prepare university students for the practical performance of their functional duties in the formations and institutions of the disaster medicine service, the medical service of the Civil Defense of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the profile of the specialty.

In our university, the teaching of the discipline “Life safety, disaster medicine” has been carried out since 2011.

Teaching of the discipline “Life safety, disaster medicine” is carried out at the (including students of English-speaking departments) medical, pediatric,medical and preventive, dental, pharmaceutical faculties.


The following disciplines are studied at the department:

-First aid in emergency and critical situations;

-First aid and patient care;

-Life safety;

-Disaster Medicine;

-Emergency medicine;

-Emergency care for life-threatening conditions;

-Epidemiology of emergency situations.

The overall ultimate goal of education in the field of life safety and disaster medicine is primarily the formation of a person’s worldview and culture of a safe life, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to ensure a comfortable and safe life and to preserve the acceptable quality of the environment.

The purpose of this discipline is to form the conceptual, theoretical and methodological apparatus necessary for the development of other disciplines that study harmful and dangerous environmental factors, methods and means of protection against them, methods of assistance, treatment and rehabilitation of the consequences of their impact on the human body. It contains the foundations for the protection of the individual, society, the state and humanity as a whole, thereby providing general education in the field of security and also it is a scientific and methodological foundation for all special medical disciplines without exception.

Structure of  the department


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor M.-K. I. Bagandov headed the department from 1997 to 2020.







Head of the Department is Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Rabadanova Patimat Magomedovna;

Head of the educational part of the department is an assistant Aminova Aishat Aminovna;

Associate Professor of the Department – Ph. D., Shuaibova Mesedo Omarovna;

Senior teacher – Bastukayeva Zarema Islamutdinovna;

Assistant – Maryam Magomedovna Adzhieva;

Assistant – Irina Alimova Abdulgalimovna;

Assistant – Jamila Bagandova;

Senior laboratory assistant – Agabaeva Elmira Jamalovna;


















Educational and methodological work

The department implements the educational programs of   Federal State Educational Standards 3+ and Federal State Educational Standards 3++.

Forms of knowledge control: current control of academic performance (written testing, oral questioning, solving situational problems, solving introductory tasks, meeting standards, intermediate certification (credit, complex interdisciplinary exam and differentiated credit).


Methodological work

The department has working, professional, licensed, educational programs in all areas of student training that meet the State standards of Higher Education. The programs are -approved annually.

The department has moved to the implementation of the third-generation Federal State Educational Standard and the introduction of new curricula for the implementation of the discipline “Life Safety and disaster medicine” since September 1, 2012.

The staff of the department developed and approved new working training programs for the first, second, third, fifth and sixth courses of medical, pediatric, dental, medical and preventive pharmaceutical faculties.

Forms of knowledge control: current control of academic performance (written testing, oral interview, solving situational problems, solving introductory tasks, meeting standards, intermediate certification (credit, complex interdisciplinary exam and differentiated credit).


Scientific work

Much attention is paid to the development of textbooks for students, as well as to building up the educational material and technical base of the department.

The coverage of teachers with scientific work is 100%.