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Department of Medical Biology



General information

Head of the Department: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Magomedov Abdurakhman Mallaevich

Address: 367000, RD, Makhachkala, Shamil str., 44, Dagestan State Medical University, Department of Medical Biology

Phone: 63-44-13

E-mail: Abdurahman57@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: Alieva Kamilla Gadzhimuradovna


Department staff

Magomedov Abdurakhman Mallaevich

Head of the Department, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;





Nikitina V.V.-Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor;

Abdulazizov A.I.-Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; consultant;

Murtazaliev R.A.- Сandidate of Biological Sciences,Associate Professor;

Daniyalova P.M.-Cand. biol. sci., Associate Professor;

Nurmagomedova S.G.-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Abdulgalimova G.N.-Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Asadulaeva M.N.-Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;

Omarova P.A. –Candidate of Biological Sciences,Associate Professor;

Musinova E.M.-Candidate of Biological Sciences,Associate Professor;

Trunova S.A. – Candidate of Biological Sciences,Associate Professor;

Alieva K.G.- Candidate of Biological Sciences,Associate Professor;

Idrisova L.M.- Candidate of Biological Sciences,assistant;

Nasukhova A.M.-assistant;

Gadzhieva S.I.-senior laboratory assistant;

Eldarova L.Kh. – senior laboratory assistan;

Magomedova Z.S. – senior laboratory assistant;

Omarova A.O.- unior laboratory assistant;



History of the Department of Medical Biology. The department was founded in 1932. The first head was a full member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Professor Mavrodiadi Pyotr Aristarkhovich. The department was headed by E. E. Pauli from March 1933 to 1936. The third head of the department and its true organizer was Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Pikul, who graduated in Military Medical Academy  in 1916  . Ivan Nikolaevich simultaneously served as director and scientific director of the Dagestan Tropical Institute since 1933.

Pikul was awarded the title of “Honored Scientist of Dagestan” in 1947, the Orders of the “Red Star”, “Red Banner of Labor”, “Excellent health worker” and medals. Assistant Professor Yarulin Gamir Rashidovich headed the department from 1951 to 1952.

The department was headed by the Candidate of Sciences S. V. Pigulevsky  from 1952 to August 1953.The department was headed by Associate Professor N. E. Kovalev  from 1958 to 1967. He was awarded the badge “Excellent Health Care Worker”, awarded the title “Honored Doctor of the DASSR”. The Candidate of Medical Sciences Abdulazizov Ahmed Ilyasovich was appointed as the acting head of the department in November 1968 , who graduated from  Dagestan Medical Institute  in 1959 and postgraduate studies in 1964.

He was appointed Head of the Department of Biology in 1970 and worked in this position until March 2008. Abdulazizov A. I.  was elected a member of the problem commission “Parasitic diseases of man” under the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR in 1984, participated in the preparation of the curriculum in biology for medical schools of the Russian Federation. He is the author of 226 publications, including monographs, articles and textbooks. A. I. Abdulazizov is an Honored Scientist of  Dagestan Republic  and  Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation. He has been a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences since 2005.

The department is headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Magomedov Abdurakhman Mallaevich since March 2008. He is the author of more than 150 publications, including monographs, articles, and textbooks. Awarded a diploma for the leadership of “THE BEST SCIENTIFIC AND STUDENT WORK AMONG HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”. He  is a member of the dissertation Council D21205303 “biological sciences” for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the specialty 03. 02.08. –” ecology “and 03.02. 04″zoology”. Magomedov A.M. is the winner of the competition for the grant of the President of the Republic of Dagestan in the field of science in 2009.

The main scientific problem of the department was and still is the main parasitic diseases, especially the regional problems of helminthiasis (teniarynchosis) – N. E. Kovalev; ascariasis and trichocephalosis-A. I. Abdulazizov; hymenolepidosis-A. U. Abusuev, as well as the study of some biological features of argaz mites (M. A. Gamidov) and parasitic protozoan fish (A. A. Gazimagomedov). In addition, studies were conducted on cytomorphogenesis during organ transplantation and the effects of environmental factors (V. V. Nikitina and Z. M. Gaziev).

The department has completed two doctoral and six PhD theses, published more than four hundred works, in particular, 5 textbooks approved by Educational and methodical association. Employees of the department take part in Russian, national and regional scientific and methodological congresses, symposiums and conferences.

The Department regularly holds conferences on medical geography with the publication of programs and works. About 27 collections of the Geographical Society of Dagestan were published with the participation of the department, 4 of them are devoted to the regional problems of medical geography and human ecology.

There is a student club here. Students of the club make presentations at university and inter-university conferences. Some of them were awarded with orders from the academy, diplomas and valuable prizes.

The department is sufficiently equipped with educational, visual and demonstration materials and the necessary equipment for conducting the educational process at the level of modern requirements. Much is made by the employees themselves.      A sufficient number of microscopes have been purchased, training tables, total wet and fixed preparations have been updated, and new visual materials have been purchased in recent years. The department has prepared and published the necessary teaching aids (“Biology in tests and tasks”, “Guide to laboratory classes in helminthology”, “Guide to laboratory classes in chordates”), methodological developments in all sections of biology, compiled according to the EMA, tests for current and final knowledge control. Printed and approved by the EMA:

– “Practical guide to laboratory classes in medical biology for medical, pediatric and preventive medicine faculties” in 2 parts;

-“Practical guide to laboratory classes in medical biology for the Faculty of Dentistry” in 2 parts;

-“Practical guide to medical biology in tests and tasks for medical, pediatric, medical and preventive departments»;

-“Practical guide to medical Biology in tests and tasks for the Faculty of Dentistry»;

-“Methodological developments for teachers in the section “Genetics”.

-“Methodological developments in the section “Cell Biology” for teachers of medical and pediatric faculties “

Work” Methodological developments for teachers in the section “Genetics” at the Moscow International Book Fair received a gold medal in 2015.

The department prepared 2 teaching aids in 2016, which were awarded the EMA classification – “Methodological developments in the section” Cell Biology “for teachers of medical and pediatric faculties” and methodological developments for teachers in the section “Genetics”, which received a gold medal at the Moscow International Book Fair in 2015.

Over the past period, the department has worked as assistants and Associate Professors:


Gasanov A. P. — from 1934 to 1942.

Demin D. Z. — from 1937 to 1940.

Enikolopov S. K. — from 1942 to 1943.

Solovyova E. G. — from 1943 to 1944.

Likhvar N. A. — from 1943 to 1944.

Rozish V. A. from 1944 to 1946.

Ganina N. G.   — from 1944 to 1948.

Mustafayev B. A. — from 1946 to 1948.

Barsukova K. V. — from 1948 to 1950.

Uspenskaya G. A. — from 1950 to 1953.

Ibragimov S. Yu. — from 1949 to 1952.

Yarulin G. R.-from 1951 to 1958.

Bagirov G. A. — from 1953 to 1955.

Kabiridze L. Ya. — from 1943 to 1965

Panova L. M. — from 1960 to 1963.

Gaziev Z. M. – from 1965 to 2006.

Gazimagomedov A. A. – from 1970 to 2007

Gitinova N. G. – from 1971 to 2010.

Abusuev A. U.- from 1968 to 2008.

Mineeva S. N. — since 1966 (Nowadays the head of the Department of General Education Disciplines for Foreign students).

During the period of the department’s existence, more than 40 laboratory assistants and preparators worked alongside the teaching staff.


Treating with deep respect the work of the departed predecessors who worked in the past years, the current staff of the department will spare no effort and their knowledge to honorably perform the honorable and responsible tasks assigned to them.

Educational work

Currently, the Department of Medical Biology employs 3 professors, 9 associate professors, 2 assistants (candidates of Sciences) and 4 laboratory assistants. At the department, all teachers have an academic degree.

All students of the 1st year are engaged in the department: medical, dental, pediatric, medical-preventive and pharmaceutical faculties. In addition, students of the Faculty of Pharmacy take the 1st year of botany, the 4th year of ecology and nature protection, and the 5th year of pharmaceutical ecology.

The department is provided with all necessary educational equipment for conducting lectures and practical classes. Lectures are given using multimedia tools (the department has 4 computers, there are projectors, slide projectors). The department is provided with a sufficient number of microscopes, tables, wet preparations and micro-and macro-preparations in all sections for practical training.

Department News

On January 26-28, 2021, DSMU hosted the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Biology. The staff of the department took an active part in the preparation and holding of the Olympiad.


Department News

On January 26-28, 2021, DSMU hosted the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Biology.

The staff of the department took an active part in the preparation and holding of the Olympiad




















Participants of the Student Scientific Society and their achievements 2020












News of the Scientific student society.

Congratulations to the 5th year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy Dagirova Dina, Rajabova Irada and 1st year student of the Faculty of Dentistry Dagirova Zalina. The scientific article of these students was accepted by the journal “Actual Scientific Research in the Modern World”, which is included in the list of RSCI journals.

We wish the guys further success in the scientific field, more work that benefits people!







The coordinators of the project” Volunteers of  Knowledge ” Magomed Shamilov and Khibi Aliyev met with the staff of the Department of Medical Biology, as well as with teachers of the Dagestan State Medical University and discussed the work plan for the next academic year-2019-2020.

The staff of the department took an active part in the organization and holding of the 23rd World Congress on Clinical Nutrition, which was held from November 16 to 20, 2019 on the basis of the scientific and health complex “Zhuravli” in Makhachkala.














On May 22-23, 2019, the department hosted a student scientific and practical conference dedicated to topical issues of biology and ecology.

The conference was attended by students of Medical, Pediatric, and Pharmaceutical faculties, who presented a variety of research papers.


















On May 17, 2018, the department hosted a student scientific and practical conference dedicated to topical issues of biology and ecology.

The conference was attended by 1st-year students of Medical, Pediatric, and Pharmaceutical Faculty, who presented their research papers.

















The best students take part in the annual intra-University  Olympiad in biology “Biomarathon”.









The science

Much attention is paid to research work at the department. About 3 candidate’s and one doctoral dissertations have been defended  since 2008.The staff of the department has published about 50 articles, theses, books over the past two years, including 7 articles published in the publications of the Higher Attestation Commission. Among the authors of scientific works should be noted Murtazaliev Ramazan Alibekovich, among whose works are significant “Red Book of Dagestan”, “Summary of the flora of Dagestan” “Caucasian element in the flora of the Russian Caucasus”, etc. Employees also take part in scientific conferences to the best of their abilities. This is confirmed by the fact that the head of the department Magomedov Abdurakhman Mallaevich is the winner of the competition for the grant of the President of the Republic of Dagestan in the field of science in 2009.









President of the Republic of Dagestan Muhu Aliyev presents a diploma for a grant in the field of science to Magomedov Abdurakhman Mallaevich








The diploma “Best Department” was awarded to the Department of Medical Biology for active scientific and innovative activities in 2018.