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Department of nervous diseases, medical genetics and neurosurgery





Заведующий кафедрой доцент Бурлият АбусуеваHead of the Department: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Burliyat Abusuevna Abusuyeva – Member of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Neurologists, Chairman of the Board of the Dagestan Society of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons





Address: Makhachkala, 47 Lyakhova str., Republican Clinical Hospital, neurosurgical building

Phone: +7 (8722) 550-311

E-mail: neurologia.dgma@mail.ru

Department’s Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/neurodsmu

Department’s  You tube channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnoTEbiy-e_SVQV6StHTRnw

Proceedings of the department staff on the Academia website http://independent.academia.edu/

Department of Nervous Diseases of Dagestan State Medical University



Burlyat Abusuyevna Abusueva – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department

Ibragim Abudalovich Khalitov-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Basya Ilyiguevna Mikhailova-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Albina Gamidovna Malikova-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Kamal Tazhudinovich Aliev-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Aida Serajutdinovna Koichakaeva-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Raisat Magomedovna Magomedova- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Patimat Guseynovna Akhmedova- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Amalia  Raidinovna Abieva- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Asiyat Khizrievna Kelemetova-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Juliana Magomedovna Alibekova- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Asiyat Alievna Alieva-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

Saida Bagavdinovna Khanmurzayeva-assistant

Muminat Dzhabrailovna Shanavazova-assistant

Ksenia Borisovna Manysheva-assistant

Mariam Abdulmazhitovna Askevova-assistant

Elmira Nizamievna Ismail-Zadeh-assistant

Angela Dzhamalutdinovna Aliyeva-assistant




The Department of Nervous Diseases was established at  Dagestan Medical Institute in early 1936. Doctor of Medical Sciences, M. S. Dobrokhotov (1878-1952), was appointed its first head. Mikhail Sergeyevich is a bright representative of  Moscow neurological school, a student of one of the founders of Russian neuroscience V. K. Roth.

10. Профессор М.С. ДоброхотовIn the first years after the creation of the department, the research topics of the staff were mainly related to the study of the mineral waters of Dagestan. In particular, the influence of Talginsky mineral springs on the course of various forms of diseases of the nervous system. Mikhail Sergeyevich himself was engaged in research on the connection of the visual hillock with the formations of the medulla oblongata.

It was M. S. Dobrokhotov who headed Dagestan consulting bureau during the Great Patriotic War, which provided practical assistance to health authorities. At this time, he wrote the articles “Complex treatment of combat injuries”, “Reflex syndromes in wounded limbs”, which summarized his experience in the evacuation hospitals of Dagestan.

After the death of M. S. Dobrokhotov in December 1952, the department of nervous diseases was headed by a graduate of  Kiev Medical Institute, Candidate of Medical Sciences Vladimir Abramovich Lichtenstein (1909-1989), whose works determined the leading directions in the work of the department for the following decades:  the traditional study of the clinical picture and methods of diagnosing brucellosis of the nervous system was supplemented by a promising study of the suprasegmental division of the autonomic nervous system, the processes of thermoregulation, and the variability of autonomic reactions under the influence of temperature stimuli.

A truly innovative invention a thermal pulsator was patented in 1969, which differed from the previously existing ones by the ability to perform rhythmic temperature stimuli with a given frequency and intensity.V. A. Lichtenstein developed a unique method of local heat exposure using a thermal pulsator, intended for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia in 1977.

11. Доцент В.А. Лихтенштейн проводит утреннюю конференциюThe research directions of V. A. Lichtenstein  set the vector of scientific activity of the department which were reflected in three monographs – “On the temperature analyzer and its role in norm and pathology” (1961),” Temperature topography of the human body “(1967),” Tendon reflexes in humans (biological significance and clinical manifestations) ” (1968)  set the vector of scientific activity of the department. Under the leadership of V. A. Lichtenstein, 7 candidate’s and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended.

Vladimir Abramovich was succeeded as the head by Doctor of Medical Sciences Rashidbek Umakhanovich Umakhanov (1925-2003), who headed the department from 1984 to 1997. It was him who stood at the origins of Dagestan neurosurgery and devoted his whole life to it.Профессор Р.У. Умаханов в операционной

The joint department was headed by a student of  V. A. Lichtenstein, Doctor of Medical Sciences Tazhutdin Magomedovich Mugutdinov (1942-2019) from 1997 to 1999. He made a huge contribution to the professional development of practicing doctors.

After the allocation of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, the Department of Nervous Diseases, Medical Genetics and Neurosurgery   was headed by the Candidate of Medical Sciences Enver Javidovich Davletkhanov  in 1999 .

He was succeeded by the Candidate of Medical Sciences Magomed-Arip Magomedovich Magomedov (1936-2014) in 2000. Under his leadership, a large number of medical and advisory activities were carried out.

M. Voyngardt, K. A. Kunakov, U. G. Suleymanova, R. P. Bogoyavlenskaya, T. I. Mironova, A. E. Solomyansky, G. M. Gashimov, G. A. Aidiev, P. R. Tidulaeva, Z. N. Saidova, and I. D. Kaliyaev worked at the department in different years. Candidate of Medical Sciences Burliyat Abusuyevna Abusuyeva has been heading the Department since 2014.


The department trains students of the 4th year of medical, pediatric, dental and preventive medicine faculties. In addition, there is annual training in residency and postgraduate programs.

The educational work is conducted in the form of clinical and practical classes and lectures. Problem cases and situational tasks are developed to control knowledge.

In addition, a database of test tasks has been developed for students of each faculty, which includes multi-level questions for all sections of the studied disciplines.

The discipline “Neurology, Medical Genetics, Neurosurgery” is implemented for students of the Faculty of Medicine,  , the study of which is conducted in the VII and VIII semesters and ends with an intermediate control in the form of an oral exam in the VIII semester.

For students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, the discipline “Neurology, Medical Genetics” is implemented, the study of which is conducted in the VII and VIII semesters and ends with an intermediate control in the form of an oral exam in the VIII semester.

For students of the Faculty of Dentistry, the discipline “Neurology” is implemented, the study of which is conducted in the VII semester and ends with an intermediate control in the form of an oral test in the VII semester.

In recent years, the staff of the department has published a number of teaching aids that are actively used in the educational process. The educational and methodological manual “The history of the neurological patient” became the winner of the V All-Russian Innovative public competition for the best textbook, textbook and monograph. Assistant of the Department K. B. Manysheva became a prize-winner of the All-Russian Competition of Young University Teachers held on the basis of  Moscow State University  named after Lomonosov in 2019.





Члены студенческого научного кружка на Пятой Евразийской международной олимпиаде по неврологии (Новосибирск)The department has a student scientific circle, which is headed by assistant K. B. Manysheva. The members of the scientific circle demonstrated high results at the Third All-Russian Student Olympiad in Neurology (Kazan), where they received a special prize from the jury, the Fifth Eurasian International Olympiad in Neurology (Novosibirsk), where the team captain M. Omarova was recognized as the best player of the Olympiad, the IV, V and VI National Olympiads in Neurology “Future Neurologists of the XXI Century” (Moscow), the International Medical Tournament (Novosibirsk), the All-Russian Olympiad in Surgery named after M. I. Perelman (Moscow).

The members of the circle presented the results of their research in the framework of the All-Russian Youth Medical Conference with international participation “Almazov Readings” (St. Petersburg), the LXXIX scientific and practical conference ” Current Issues of experimental and Clinical Medicine “(St. Petersburg), the All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students with international participation” Young Knowledge for the development of theoretical and Clinical Medicine “(Makhachkala), the All-Russian Youth Forum with international participation” Week of Science ” (Stavropol).

The high scientific level of the presented works was noted: students A. Kerimov and M. Vazirov received the prize of the jury of the conference “Actual issues of experimental and clinical medicine” for the report that caused the most lively discussion. And A. Hasanova and P. Abdusalamova were awarded the diploma of the jury of the forum “Week of Science” for their erudition.

Members of the scientific circle of the department regularly publish the results of their research. Over the past three years, more than 50 scientific publications have been published including 5 in journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission and 2 in publications included in the international reference database Scopus.



In recent years, the department has revived research work. Today, 10 graduate students are working on their dissertation research on various problems of neurology. In October 2019, Assistant Professor S. B. Khanmurzaeva at the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov defended her PhD thesis under the supervision of Associate Professor B. A. Abusueva.

Диплом кафедры нервных болезней, медицинской генетики и нейрохирургии ДГМУ 2017 г.Diploma of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Medical Genetics and Neurosurgery of  DSMU in 2017.The method of diagnosing the severity of affective and autonomic disorders in women with chronic pelvic pain syndrome, developed and patented by Associate Professor B. A. Abusuyeva and assistant S. B. Khanmurzaeva, received the gold medal of the International Foundation for Biotechnology named after Academician I. N. Blokhina “RosBioTech-2017”.

The research project “Prevention and prevention of ischemic stroke in women in the Republic of Dagestan”was implemented by the assistant of the Department K. B. Manysheva at the expense of grants from the Presidential Grants Fund, the Head of the Republic of Dagestan in the field of science, technology and innovation and  Haji Makhachev Foundation for the support of science, education and culture. Clinical recommendations and a monograph have been prepared.

Ассистент К.Б. Манышева на церемонии вручения грантов с Главой Республики Дагестан В.А. Васильевым Assistant K. B. Manysheva at the grant award ceremony with the Head of the Republic of Dagestan V. A. Vasilyev in 2018, Assistant K. B. Manysheva was recognized as the best young scientist of the Republic of Dagestan.

Since 2016, the department has held annual interdisciplinary “Dobrokhotov Readings”, which are attended by leading Russian and foreign neurologists.Сотрудники кафедры с участниками «Доброхотовских чтений»

Every year, the employees publish their scientific developments in the leading Russian industry journals. Recently, the department publishes a periodical collection of articles “Acta Neurologica Daghestanica”.

Over the past few years, the staff of the department has prepared about 10 scientific and methodological manuals, published biobibliographic indexes of the works of M. S. Dobrokhotov and V. A. Lichtenstein.

Ректор С.Н. Маммаев вручает заведующему кафедрой Б.А. Абусуевой диплом лучшей кафедрыCurrently, the preparation of a monographic study on the history of the department is being completed.

According to the results of 2018, the Department of Nervous Diseases, Medical Genetics and Neurosurgery was recognized as the best department of DSMU in the field of scientific and innovative activities. 




Заведующий кафедрой Б.А. Абусуева и министр здравоохранения РФ В.И. СкворцоваThe staff of the department conducts consultative work on the basis of the departments of neurological and resuscitation profile of the Republican Clinical Hospital. A number of teachers of the department combine teaching activities with medical work on the basis of clinics of the republic.

Scientific developments of assistants and associate professors of the department are implemented and widely used in the activities of medical institutions of the republic and abroad.


Вручение благодарственного письма администрации города МахачкалыPresentation of a letter of thanks to the administration of the city of Makhachkala The head of the department, Associate Professor B. A. Abusuyeva, was awarded a letter of thanks to the administration of the city of Makhachkala for her great contribution to the development of healthcare.