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Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists



General information

Head of the department: Umakhanova Zoya Rashidovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists (FAT and PRS).


 A neurology course was organized at the newly created Faculty of Advanced Medical Training, at the Department of Therapy of the Faculty of Advanced Medical Training  by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation at  Dagestan Medical Institute in July 1985 . The course has been headed by the Honored Scientist of the Republic of  Dagestan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor T. M. Mugutdinov since its foundation.

The teaching staff included leading neurologists of Dagestan, candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category: Associate professors A.E. Solomyansky, I.D. Kaliyaev, G.D. Khamidov . Young specialists, assistants S.L. Ploshchansky and M.A. Chamsaev  were among the first in the North Caucasus  created an educational and methodological program at the department and began teaching the basics of non-drug therapy and manual therapy .

Thanks to this, the cadets received a certificate of completion of a course of nervous diseases and non-drug treatment methods. The course was transformed into the Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Advanced Training in 1990. The medical work was actively carried out by the staff of the department on the clinical basis of the newly created neurological department of the hospital of the Russian Society of Emergency Medical Care, where patients with acute cerebral circulatory disorders were hospitalized by order of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan. Thus, the clinic of nervous diseases of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the DSMI was formed under the leadership of the department.

The research work at the department was diverse. Thus, T.M. Mugutdinov studied the clinical effects and mechanisms of action of thermal pulsation, its place and role in the complex therapy of neurosis. He defended his doctoral dissertation on this topic in 1989. He has published more than 90 scientific papers, a short guide for doctors “Vegetative disorders”. A PhD thesis was defended under his supervision. Prof. T.M. Mugutdinov is the permanent chairman of the Society of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons of RD.

Kalyaev I.D. was one of the first in Dagestan to investigate the clinic and the pathogenesis of the late period of neurobrucellosis. He is the author of more than 50 scientific papers.

With the arrival of young specialists at the department, scientific directions have expanded and candidate dissertations have been defended. Chamsaev M.A “Clinical and neurophysiological aspects of restless legs syndrome” in 2004, Adzhieva S.B. “Hypothalamic modulation of colony formation in the spleen in mice” in 1989, Abusueva B.A. “Vertebral-basilar insufficiency. Pathogenesis and metabolic therapy” in 2002.

The department has been headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor. Umakhanova Z.R. since 2007. The staff of the department was replenished with students of the Dagestan Neurological school: Candidate of Medical Sciences Gadzhimuradov F.I., Candidate of Medical Sciences Geybatova L.G., Doctor of Medical Sciences Magomaev M.F., Candidate of Medical Sciences Magomedova K.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences Hamidova Z.M., Omarova O.A., Israilova A.G. Scientific interests at the department expanded.

Umakhanova Z.R. conducted a population-statistical and clinical-genealogical analysis of hereditary neuromuscular diseases for the first time in Dagestan.

She defended her PhD thesis in 2000. Two dissertations were prepared under her leadership in 2015 in which the study of hereditary pathology in the republic was continued. She has published more than 40 scientific papers, received with co-authors a certificate of state registration of the computer program “Register of patients with hereditary neuromuscular diseases “Neuro-Register of Dagestan” in 2013   and a gold medal for the development of “Comprehensive clinical, genealogical and molecular genetic research of patients with a lumbar-limb handicap of progressive muscular dystrophy in the population of the Republic of Dagestan”.

Associate Professor M.F. Magomaev defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Optimization of care for patients with acute cerebrovascular accident in the Republic of Dagestan” in 2015. He has published more than 15 scientific papers, has a patent for an invention.

Assistant Gadzhimuradov F.I. is specialist – neurosurgeon, his professional interest is devoted to the treatment of the consequences of severe traumatic brain injury by prolonged intracarotide infusion of drugs. PhD thesis was defended in 2004 .

Assistant Geibatova L.G. headed one of the most difficult sections of neurology at the department — epileptology. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: ” Lobe prefrontal epilepsy. Mechanisms of epileptogenesis and antiepileptic protection”  in 2014.

She organized an electroencephalographic (EEG) office, where advisory and diagnostic assistance is provided to patients of the clinic and practical thematic classes are held for cycle cadets, interns and residents of the Department of EEG diagnostics.

The scientific work of Magomedova K.A. is devoted to a promising direction in neurology — somnology. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “The possibility of recording the daily pattern of motor activity for the assessment of sleep disorders in older age groups in hospital practice ”  in 2013.

Employees of the department take part in neurological international (Morocco, Italy, Belarus, Georgia, Holland), Russian, interregional, republican conferences.

The department has annually held republican interregional conferences with international participation since 2014, where the staff themselves also present their own research reports.

The residents of the department, under the guidance of curators, are engaged in research work and present their results at the annual republican conference of young scientists of DSMU “Postgraduate Readings”.

The department was the initiator and author of the creation of the Association of neurologists, neurosurgeons and specialists in rehabilitation of Dagestan Republic, created its own website and pages in social networks.

Сдача сертификационного экзамена первого выпуска, 1985г. Сотрудники кафедры неврологии ФПК и ППС, 2017г.



Umakhanova Zoya Rashidovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department.

She graduated from Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1987 with a degree in Pediatrics with honors.

Clinical residency in Neurology at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with the course of medical Genetics of the DSMA (1992-1994).

She defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Complex genetic and clinical study of hereditary neuromuscular diseases in the population of Dagestan” at the Russian State Medical University, Moscow in 2000.

– worked as an assistant, then associate professor of Neurology at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with the course of medical genetics of  DSMA from 1994 to 2007.

-head of the Department of Neurology of FAT and PRS of DSMU from 2007 to the present.

Chairman of the Association of Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and Specialists on Rehabilitation of Dagestan.

Member of the Regional public Organization “Society of Specialists in Neuromuscular Diseases”.

Member of the Regional Public Organization for the Promotion of Prehospital Medicine “Outpatient Doctor”.

Member of the Association of Interdisciplinary Medicine of the Russian Federation.

She has a certificate in the following specialties: neurology, healthcare organization. Author of more than 60 scientific papers.

Umakhanova Z.R. has been the chief freelance neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan since October 2018.


Mugutdinov Tazhutdin Magomedovich – Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Graduated from DSMI, medical faculty with honors in 1965. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Shifts of gas exchange in humans under the influence of local temperature agents in normal and diencephalic syndrome”  in Krasnodar in 1972.

Tazhutdin Magomedovich  defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Clinical effects and mechanisms of action of thermal pulsation. His place and role in the complementary therapy of neurosis” at  Moscow State Medical University in 1989 . He published more than 90 scientific papers, a short guide for doctors “vegetative disorders”.

He has been heading the Society of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons of the Republic of Dagestan  since 1987.


Kaliyaev Ibragim Dzhabrailovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate professor.

Graduated from DSMI with honors in 1966. He defended his dissertation on the topic: “Clinic and issues of pathogenesis of the late period of neurobrucellosis” at the Research Institute of Neurology in Moscow in 1978. More than 50 scientific papers have been published by him.




Magomaev Magomed Feliksovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology of FAT and PRS. He graduated from the medical faculty of the DSMA in 1996 and defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Sacralgia. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment” in KSMA, Kazan in 2005.

He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cerebral stroke in the Republic of Dagestan” at State Medical University named after Pirogov  (Moscow) in 2015.

He is author of more than 70 scientific papers and 2 patents for invention.

Research interests: vertebrogenic and vascular diseases of the nervous system, multiple sclerosis and neurorehabilitation.



Chamsaev Mugazhir Abdulatipovich, PhD, assistant of the Department of Neurology. He graduated from the medical faculty of DSMI in 1986 and internship in psychiatry in Kaluga in 1987.

He was a clinical resident at the Kazan Institute of Advanced Medical Training in the specialty reflexotherapy. He defended his dissertation on the topic: “Clinical and neurophysiological aspects of restless legs syndrome” in 2004 .

The  main research interests in neurology are vertebroneurology and neurosology.

Author of more than 20 scientific publications.


Geibatova Laura Geibatovna – PhD., Assistant of the Department of Neurology of FAT and PRS.

She graduated from the Medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Academy (DSMA) in 1996.

She was studying at the clinical residency of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery with the course of medical genetics of   DSMA in 1997 – 1999.

She was working as an assistant at the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery with the course of medical Genetics of the DSMA from 1999 to 2003.

She worked as a practical neurologist at the neurological department No. 1 of the “Republican Clinical Hospital” in Makhachkala. She completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Neurology of the Medical Faculty of Moscow State Medical University (Moscow) in 2007. The main scientific areas of activity are epileptology, paroxysmal disorders of consciousness, clinical neurophysiology.

Geibatova L.G. professionally owns the technique of computer electroencephalography, the method of multistep dipole localization, the method of evoked cognitive potentials (P300).


Karema Abdulmukminovna Magomedova – Assistant of the Department of Neurology of  FAT and  PRS, PhD, neurologist-somnologist.

She was studing at the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Academy from 2001 to 2007.

2007-2009 clinical residency in the specialty “Neurology” on the basis of the DSMA under the supervision of the head of the Department of Neurology of  FAT and PRS, Associate Professor Umakhanova Z. R. She was working  as a resident doctor in the neurological department of Veterans Hospital  from 2011  till 2012. She was studing  in  postgraduate school at the Department of Nervous Diseases of   First Moscow State Medical University named after  I. M. Sechenov ( Moscow)  from 2011 till 2014.

The defense of the candidate’s dissertation on the topic: “Possibilities of recording the daily pattern of motor activity for the assessment of sleep disorders in older age groups in hospital practice” under the guidance of Associate Professor Poluektova M. G. on the basis of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education   in 2014.

Received training :

  • training in the certification cycle “Neurology” at the Department of Clinical and Social Geriatrics of Continuing Medical Education Faculty of the Peoples of Friendship University of Russia  , Moscow  (in 2014)
  • training in the certification cycle “Topical issues of Somnology” at the Department of Nervous Diseases with the course somnologists of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow (in 2016)

       She has been an assistant at the Department of Neurology of  FAT and PRSof Dagestan State Medical University since 2016.


Adzhieva Saida Badevovna – Ph.D, Assistant of the Department of Neurology of  FAT and  PRS. She graduated from DSMI with honors in 1984. She defended her dissertation on the topic: “Hypo-thalamic modulation of the colony of formation in the spleen of mice” in Brain Research Institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Leningrad in 1989. About 14 scientific papers and a patent for the invention have been published.

Place of work: Makhachkala, Pirogova str. 3, Republican Hospital No. 2 of the Center for Specialized Emergency Medical Care, Department of Neurology of FAT and PRS DSMU.



Israilova Asiyat Garunrashidovna – Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Neurology of  FAT and PRS.

She is  neurologist, a doctor of functional diagnostics.

She was studing at the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Academy from 2002 till 2008.

She graduated from a clinical residency in Neurology at L.A. Novikova School of Clinical Encephalography and Neurophysiology clinical residency in the specialty “Neurology” on the basis of  DSMA “L.A. Novikova School of Clinical Encephalography and Neurophysiology” ( 2010-2012).


The main directions of postgraduate training of specialists at the department are:

-professional retraining of specialists;

-general improvement;

-thematic improvement;

-Postgraduate course:

-clinical residency;


Cycles are formed based on:

annual reports of medical institutions,

applications of health care managers, a long-

term plan for professional development.

Scientific work

Dagestan Association (Union) of Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and Rehabilitation Specialists has been functioning on the basis of the Department of Neurology of  FAT and PRS, the head and chairman of the board of which is the head of the Department of Neurology of   FAT and PRS, Associate Professor, chief freelance specialist neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Umakhanova Z.R. Co-chairman – chief neurosurgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Sadikov Sh.M.

The main activity of the association is to organize and conduct conferences, master classes in neurology, neurosurgery and rehabilitation.









The main scientific directions of the department are:

-Neurogenetics, hereditary and degenerative diseases of the nervous system

-Pediatric Neurology

-Vascular diseases of the nervous system.

-Demyelinating diseases of the nervous system.

-Diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

-Infectious diseases of the nervous system

-Vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system.

-Neurology of autonomic and neurotic disorders

-Neurology of sleep and wakefulness disorders

-Neurology of epilepsy and paroxysmal disorders of consciousness

-Neurology of pain syndromes

-Neuroimaging and instrumental research methods in neurology.

-Treatment of neurological patients and neurorehabilitation.

-Organization of neurological care


Medical work

The Department of Neurology of FAT and PRS has the following clinical bases:


Republican Clinical Hospital – Center of Specialized Emergency Medical Care, Pirogova str.3, Makhachkala.

“Neuromed” Medical Center, Salavatova str.52B , Makhachkala.

Medical Centre “Healthy Nation”, I.Shamil Ave. 55 D, Makhachkala.