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Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental, and Preventive Medicine Faculties



General information

Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Asiyat Esedovna Esedova.

Addresses of the Department’s clinical databases:

Base 1: State budgetary institution of Republic of Dagestan “Makhachkala maternity hospital No. 1”, Makhachkala, Batyraya street, 54.









Base 2: “Makhachkala Clinical Hospital” of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Southern District Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency”, Makhachkala, Dzhambulatova street, 60 A.










Responsible for the website of the department: Idrisova Muminat Abdusalamovna.

E-mail: muminat.idrisova.88@mail.ru


Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental, and Preventive Medicine Faculties was established in 1996. The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zemfira Musaevna Alikhanova from 1996 to 2015. For all the time she worked at the academy, she proved to be a competent, purposeful doctor, who perfectly knew her profession. Zemfira Musaevna Alikhanova enjoyed a well-deserved reputation among both students and colleagues.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Asiyat Esedovna Esedova  has been heading department since 2015.

Asiyat Esedovna is a freelance obstetrician-gynecologist of the Republic of Dagestan in connection with which she actively participates in clinical analyses of maternal and infant mortality in Dagestan, at meetings on the development of regional health of the Republic.

She is the organizer of scientific and practical conferences at both regional and Russian level and also a member of the certification commission. Esedova Asiyat Esedovna is a high-class specialist who knows modern methods of diagnosis and therapy in obstetric and gynecological practice. The teaching staff of the department consists of 13 people. Most of teachers are experienced teachers and clinicians with an average work experience of 15 years.

The educational and pedagogical work of the department is carried out at the following clinical bases: State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan “Makhachkala Maternity Hospital No. 1” and “Makhachkala Clinical Hospital” of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Southern District Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency” of Russia. Weekly professorial rounds are held at the bases, where treatment tactics particularly deserving patients are discussed. Also, the staff of the department is actively performing lectures and reports for practitioners of the State Budgetary Institution “Makhachkala Maternity Hospital No. 1.”

The department trains students of three faculties (pediatric, dental and preventive medicine) in the disciplines of “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Obstetrics”, as well as the cycle of “Pediatric Gynecology”.

The pedagogical process at the department is carried out with the use of innovative technologies in accordance with the unified methodological system (UMS).

The purpose of the system is to optimize the pedagogical process in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Educational Standard. Within the framework of UMS rating system, criteria for evaluating students ‘ practical skills in obstetrics and gynecology with the calculation of significant operations were developed and implemented in the educational process; situational tasks in obstetrics and gynecology for the final certification of students, thematic business games and model case histories for the main sections of urgent obstetrics and gynecology with the assessment of student participation activity were compiled. Lectures are delivered using multimedia technology.

The pedagogical process at the department is carried out with the use of innovative technologies in accordance with the unified methodological system (UMS) implemented at the department.

The purpose of the system is to optimize the pedagogical process in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Educational Standard. Within the framework of  UMS rating system, criteria for evaluating students ‘ practical skills in obstetrics and gynecology with the calculation of significant operations were developed and implemented in the educational process; situational tasks in obstetrics and gynecology for the final certification of students, thematic business games and model histories of diseases for the main sections of urgent obstetrics and gynecology with the assessment of student participation activity were compiled. Lectures are delivered using multimedia technology.

Employees of the department regularly take part in annual international, all-Russian and regional conferences. They have published more than 50 works over the past 5 years.

The main scientific directions of the department: “The role of intrauterine infections in the development of obstetric pathology”, “The use of endogenous and exogenous heparins for the prevention of obstetric complications”, “Features of mineral metabolism and bone metabolism in postmenopausal women in the iodine-deficient region”, “Women’s health in menopause and the course of the menopausal period in women with extragenital pathology”, “Infectious diseases and reproductive health of women”, ” Research of the features of the gestational process in various obstetric and somatic pathologies”, “Assessment of the state of bone tissue in perimenopausal women”.

About 14 textbooks have been published based on the materials of the department, 4 of them with the Federal Institute for the Development of Education stamp, more than 300 scientific articles have been published, more than 30 of them in journals reviewed by WAC over the past 5 years. The department’s staff regularly prepares reports for conferences and symposiums at the international, all-Russian, interregional and republican levels.

Over the past 5 years, 14 textbooks have been published based on the materials of the department, 4 of them with the “FIDE” stamp, more than 300 scientific articles have been published  and more than 30 of them in journals reviewed by the WAC. The department’s staff regularly prepares reports for conferences and symposiums at the international, all-Russian, interregional and republican levels.

In 2015, the staff of the department under the leadership of Professor Esedova  A. E. published and introduced into the educational process a textbook on pediatric gynecology, which presents the main nosological forms of this discipline at the modern level.

Scientific developments of the department are implemented in medical institutions of Makhachkala and other regions of Dagestan.








Many times, the staff worthily represented the department at various competitions, forums, taking prizes, received diplomas and cups.

Gold medal and Diploma of the I degree at the XXI-th International Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer (Romania, 2017).

Diploma of the II degree in the Federal competition “the best scientific work in the medical, sports and rehabilitation practices” (SKOLKOVO, Penza, 2017).

Diploma of the II degree and the Cup in the scientific and educational forum of young scientists “Unity” (Makhachkala, 2018).

Diploma of the first degree in the 66th All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students with international participation (2018).

Diploma of the first degree in the Republican Forum “Week of Medical Education and Healthcare of Dagestan” for the best clinical case in practice “(2019).

Diploma of the winner of the regional stage “Relay of University Science-2019”. On April 29, 2019, the First Republican Forum “School of Future Parents” was held in the hall of the museum “Russia – my History”. The report “The health of adolescent girls-the health of future offspring” was made by the head of the  Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental, and Preventive Medicine Faculties A. E. Esedova and Assistant professor of the department M. Idrisova.

On September 20, 2019, a visiting scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of Obstetrics and gynecology” was held on the basis of the State Budgetary  Institution of the Republic of Dagestan ” Buinak Central State Hospital “. The purpose of this conference was to improve the provision of medical care to pregnant women and women with gynecological diseases.

The problematic reports were made by: Head of the Department, MD, Professor Esedova A. E. with the topic “Therapeutic possibilities in recurrent and chronic vulvovaginitis” ; Candidate of Medical Science Idrisova M. A. with the topic          “Asymptomatic bacteriuria-health or disease? When and what to treat? »;Candidate of Medical Sciences Apandieva M. M. with the topic: “Herpes virus infection during pregnancy”; Alieva A. Z. with the topic ” Urogenital infections. Algorithms of diagnosis and treatment”; Urudzheva N. G. with the topic: “Rhesus conflict: past and present in solving the problem».











n  October 26, 2019, a large-scale All-Russian scientific and practical conference ” Hormones and women. Age-related aspects of  Menopausal hormone therapy ” with the participation of leading speakers of the country: Professor, MD, President of the Russian Association for Menopause Balan Vera Efimovna, Professor, MD, Zaydieva Yana Zaidievna, Professor, MD, Esedova Asiyat Esedovna, President of the regional public organization “Association of mammologists and radiologists of the Republic of Dagestan” Tamaeva Fatima Arslanovna, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Maxim Kuznetsov and researcher at the  Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology Sergey Bobrov.

The conference was attended by 367 doctors from different parts of the Republic of Dagestan. The reports of the speakers were formed according to the clinical recommendations and contained the most relevant issues of gynecology . The conference was held in a live discussion mode.

The department pays special attention to the SCIENTIFIC STUDENT CIRCLE (SSC) in Obstetrics and gynecology, based on voluntary membership and common interests of the student association  the goals of which are:

– combining the efforts of students, teachers of the department, obstetricians and gynecologists to study topical issues of obstetrics and gynecology;

– assistance in the implementation of the club members being as young doctors and scientists.


















– participate in club meetings;

– make proposals regarding the work of scientific student circle;

– participate in solving organizational issues, accepting new members of the circle, and electing the headman;

– ask for help and advice on any issues related to the work in the circle, to the head of the scientific student circle or to the head of the SSC;

-carry out scientific activities by any means that do not contradict the norms of morality and the legislation of the Russian Federation (setting up an experiment, working in the archive, on duty in clinics, etc.). Scientific work can be performed on the basis of obstetric or gynecological clinics, women’s consultations of the city with the permission of the clinic administration and under the supervision of the scientific director of the scientific student circle;

-take part in the work of symposiums, scientific societies, conferences and in agreement with the head of the SNC, make reports and presentations.


– systematically and within the established time frame to carry out scientific work and at the request of the head of the circle or the head of the SSC to give a report on the work done;

– regularly deliver reports , clinical reviews of patients;

– attend meetings of the Dagestan Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists;

– observe discipline in the clinic, treat senior colleagues with respect, strictly following the chain of command;

-stay in the hospital only neatly dressed, observe the sanitary regime and the requirements of the University regarding the form of clothing.

The work of the circle consists of thematic sessions, where students make presentations, abstract reports and patient demonstrations. According to the work plan drawn up in advance and agreed with the head of the circle, joint meetings with student scientific circles of other departments of the university can be held. Members of the circle participate in the organization and holding of student conferences.













Any student of DSMU can make a report at the conference on behalf of the circle, but only those who have completed their work on the basis of the circle. Bypass of the clinic’s departments are conducted in consultation with the staff of the department and the heads of departments once a semester, during the meetings of the circle. If necessary, the head of the circle independently or one of the members of the circle should make reports on the latest periodical medical literature, symposia and conferences, scientific societies (regardless of where they are held and whether the members of the circle take part in them).

The work plan of the circle of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology should be prepared in advance by the headman, approved by the head of the circle and brought to the general attention of the members of the circle. The secretary draws up a short report for each meeting indicating by name all the members of the circle who were present, junior students who wished to attend the circle and the messages that were made. All reports are kept by the secretary during the year at the end of which a general report on the work of the circle for the past year is compiled and announced at the final meeting.











Each member of the circle can always ask for help and advice on any issues related to working in the circle, to the scientific director of the circle and teachers of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Each member of the circle receives a certificate.










Any student of the DSMU can make a report at the conference on behalf of the circle, but only those who have completed their work on the basis of the circle. Once a semester, during the meetings of the circle, bypass of the clinic’s departments are conducted in consultation with the staff of the department and the heads of departments. If necessary, the head of the circle independently or one of the members of the circle should make reports on the latest periodical medical literature, symposia and conferences, scientific societies (regardless of where they are held and whether the members of the circle take part in them).

The work plan of the circle of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology should be prepared in advance by the headman, approved by the head of the circle and brought to the general attention of the members of the circle. The secretary draws up a short report for each meeting indicating by name all the members of the circle who were present, junior students who wished to attend the circle and the messages that were made. All reports are kept by the secretary during the year at the end of which a general report on the work of the circle for the past year is compiled and announced at the final meeting.








Repeatedly, the members of the circle worthy represented the department taking prizes both at forums of the All-Russian level and at forums of the international scale (Diploma of the II degree at the All-Russian Scientific Forum of Students and Young Scientists “Student Science-2019” and Diploma of the III degree at the LXXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Actual problems of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy 2019”).

On December 24, 2020, the team of club members took second place in the International Student subject online Olympiad “From the teachings of Abu ibn Sina-to the Third Renaissance”. Section “Obstetrics and Gynecology”.









An important section of the work is the introduction into the practical work of the clinic of modern new methods of diagnosis and treatment, developed both at the department and in other medical institutions.


                           TEACHING STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT



Head of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental, and Preventive Medicine Faculties. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, Chief Freelance Obstetrician-Gynecologist of the Republic of Dagestan.






Head of the educational part of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest qualification category.






Associate Professor of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest qualification category.






Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan. 






Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan.






Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences, deputy dean of the Pediatric Faculty.






Assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan.





Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties.






Assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences.






Assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan






Assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest qualification category.






Assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine Faculties, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Chief Physician of the State Medical Institution of the Republic of  Dagestan “Makhachkala Maternity Hospital No. 1.”





Velikhanova Angela Velikhanovna

Senior Laboratory assistant






Gasainieva Serminaz Ramazanovna

Laboratory assistant of the department.