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Department of Oncology with the improvement of doctors



General information

Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aliev Saigid Alievich


  • 12 a Ametkhan-Sultan Ave. (Dagestan center of thoracic surgery)
  •  24 Akushinsky Ave. (Republican Oncological Dispensary)

Tel: 8 (8722) 55 51 64

Clinical bases: “Dagestan Center of Thoracic Surgery” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, Republican Oncological Dispensary

E-mail: saparcha@mail.ru



Aliev Saigid Alievich, MD, Professor, Head of the Department

Magomed Gadzhievich Madzhidov, MD, Professor

Ramazanov Mutaelum Ramazanovich, MD, Associate Professor

Kadirov Abedin Magomedovich, PhD, Associate Professor

Gasanov Gadzhi Dzhamalutdinovich, PhD, Associate Professor

Magomedov Omardibir Magomedovich, PhD, Associate Professor

Labazanov Magomed Magomedovich, MD, Associate Professor Tagirova Aishat Gadzhievna, PhD, Senior Laboratory assistant

Nurmagomedov Ali Osmanovich, PhD, Senior Laboratory assistant



The department was established in 1981. The first head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nurov Ahmed Ubaidulayevich. Since 2008, the department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aliev Saigid Aliyevich.


Educational work

The department conducts practical classes with students of the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine, the 6th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics, the 6th year of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention. Lectures are given on topics distributed among employees.

The department provides postgraduate training for interns, clinical residents, and graduate students. Currently, the department trains 2 interns, 3 clinical residents. Oncologists of the Republic of Dagestan undergo certification cycles twice a year according to the schedule of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists.


The science

The department has 4 Doctors of Medical Sciences, including 2 Professors and 2 Associate Professors, in addition to 5 PhD. Over the past 2 years, the staff of the department has defended 2 PhD theses (in total, during the existence of the department – 5 PhD and 3 doctoral theses). Currently, the department trains 1 full-time postgraduate student and 4 applicants-doctors of practical health care of the Republic of Dagestan.



The department has published 10 monographs, more than 50 educational and methodological developments for students and doctors, published questions for the differential assessment for students in oncology and a computer version of the examination questions of the certification cycle for oncologists.



It is planned to defend 1 candidate’s dissertation and 1 doctoral dissertation.