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Department of Orthopedic Dentistry



General information

Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, I. M. Rasulov

Address: Makhachkala, Gorkogo str., 22

Phone: 67 37 83

Clinical base: the department is located on the 4th floor of the 2nd building of the Republican Dental Polyclinic. There are 6 treatment rooms, a dental laboratory, the office of the head of the department, an assistant room and a lecture hall.

Email address: solist@mail.ru

Responsible for the site: S. M. Shamov


Currently the department employs 14 people:








Head of the department Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Rasulov I. M.



Aliev Alexander Abdulgamidovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor,







Murad Alimpashaevich Azizov

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor







Serazhudin Huseynovich Gusenov

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the academic department







Budaichiev Marat Hamidovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor







Bulgakova Jamila Magomedovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor







Abakarov Tagir Abakarovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.







 Shamov Salam Medzhidovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department







Shikhkerimova Suzanna Aligadzhievna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant of the Department







Gadzhiev Abdulkadir Hajiyev

Assistant of the Department.








Efendiev Madrid Nazhullakhovich

Assistant of the Department.







Shahaev Gadzhirabadan Shapievich

Assistant of the Department.







History of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry:

The Dentistry Faculty of  Dagestan Medical Institute was opened in 1965 on the initiative of Professor M. M. Maksudov, who was the rector of the institute at that time. The first specialized department – the Department of Dentistry was organized in 1967, the duties of the head of the department were assigned to Professor M. M. Maksudov.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ya. S. Knubovets, who worked from 1970 to 1971 was invited from Kazan to head the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry. By this time, 6 assistants were already working at the department: G. V. Gusenov, M. O. Omarov, N. A. Mollaev, M. M. Makhov, Yu.I. Gorovoy, A. G. Rakhlenko.


The department was headed by Associate Professor V. D. Sinitsyn from 1971 to 1972, invited from  Moscow Medical Dental Institute. The department was headed by Associate Professor M. M. Makhov  from 1973 to 1985. During these years, the department was replenished with young assistants-Candidates of Medical Sciences M. M. Rasulov, A. A. Aliyev, K. A. Azizov, S. E. Sedov.

Experienced practical doctors were invited to the department as teachers: internists A. G. Flerinskaya, T. F. Flipova; surgeons-P. S. Geinisman, V. V. Shvartz; orthopedists-M. O. Omarov and G. V. Gusenov. For the first time, specialists from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute were invited to give lectures. At the same time, a number of young specialists were sent to study for postgraduate studies in the central universities of the country. The Department of Dentistry was divided into 3 independent departments in 1970 – therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic Dentistry.

The Department of Orthopedic Dentistry was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M. M. Rasulov  from 1985 to 2012. The duties of the head of the department have been assigned to the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor I. M. Rasulov since October 2012. He was trained in full-time doctoral studies at Moscow State Medical University.




The science

The department has completed more than 14 PhD theses in recent years. Students of 3, 4, 5 courses are trained  at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry,. Currently, assistants and postgraduates continue to perform scientific works on the topic “Basic dental diseases”.

The main scientific research conducted at the department is devoted to the epidemiology of dental diseases, various aspects of the development, treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases. Employees of the department have published more than 500 scientific papers, received 15 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, more than 80 certificates for innovation proposals.

The most significant of the scientific works performed at the department are the doctoral dissertation of M. M. Rasulov “Pathogenetic aspects of the development of periodontitis in violation of functional load”, the PhD dissertation of M. M. Kishev “Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of periodontitis in patients with brucellosis and rheumatism”, cand. M. M. Kishov’s dissertation “Periodontal diseases in patients with brucellosis”, cand. dissertation of I. M. Rasulov “Clinical and epidemiological aspects of erasability of hard dental tissues in the Republic of Dagestan”, cand. dissertation of S. G. Gusenova “Clinical and immunological evaluation of the effectiveness of complex treatment of generalized periodontitis with the use of miramistin and lycopide”, cand. D. M. Bulgakova’s dissertation “Improving the organization and quality of dental care for the rural population of the Republic of Dagestan”.

From the point of view of preventive dentistry, the dissertation work of E. A. Kurbanova “Clinical-epidemiological and medical-hygienic aspects of the prevalence of dental deposits in the population of the Republic of Dagestan”, the doctoral dissertation of I. M. Rasulov “Odontological and odontoglyphic studies of the features of teeth in people of different nationalities and the prospects for using the obtained data in dentistry” are  particularly relevant.

In the field of organization of dental care for children, the dissertation work of M. G. Budaichiev for the degree of candidate of medical Sciences on the topic: “Medical and social aspects of dental morbidity of the child population (based on the materials of the Republic of Dagestan)”, in the field of organization of health care and dental care for the population, the dissertation work of T. A. Abakarova for the degree of Candidate of medical Sciences on the topic: “Improving the organization and analysis of dental care to the population in medical and preventive institutions with different forms of ownership (on the example of Makhachkala)”.

The interest of young researchers in the problems of treatment of various diseases of the dentoalveolar system, which result in dissertations does not fade away. In 2018, two dissertations for the degree of Candidate of medical Sciences were successfully completed and defended: Alieva M. S. “Clinical and functional justification of the use of electroactivated aqueous solution of silver and propolis in the complex therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis” and Shamov S. M. “Analysis of the prevalence of anomalies of the dentoalveolar system in children and adolescents of the Republic of Dagestan”.

Currently, scientific work at the department is carried out not only by the faculty, but also by graduate students and applicants. The department successfully conducts joint research with practical doctors of the basic polyclinic. In addition, the department practices the involvement of talented young people from among senior students in scientific activities.

The staff of the department has prepared a number of teaching aids and textbooks, in particular: approved by the Central Committee of the State Medical University of the Russian Federation “Manual for practical classes in orthopedic dentistry”, with the stamp of the Ministry of Health and of the Russian Federation textbooks: “Anatomical and functional justification and technique of dental prosthetics”; “Dental prosthetic equipment”; “X-ray research methods in dentistry”; monograph “Medical and social aspects of dental morbidity of children”, Textbook of Orthopedic Dentistry, (co-authored). In total, 26 textbooks and teaching aids have been published over the past 10 years.

Employees are constantly working on improving the educational and methodological work, developing and implementing new methods in the educational and medical processes. Currently, the staff of the department is working on the development of work programs according to the curriculum for the Federal State Educational Standard-3.

Currently, the department is located on 4 clinical bases: the Laboratory building, located at 46 I. Shamil Ave.; the 4th floor of the 2nd building of the Republican Dental Polyclinic; LLC “Clinic of Dr. Bulgakova”; LLC “Unident”. All classrooms where practical classes are conducted have dental installations, which allows students to demonstrate modern technologies used today in the practice of orthopedic dentistry and teach them these technologies.







Medical work

Medical and advisory work consists of daily consultations and treatment of patients, which are carried out by the professor, associate professors and assistants of the department, according to the existing schedules. The staff of the department consults patients with pathology of the maxillofacial region from the maxillofacial department of the Republican Clinical Hospital, conducts orthopedic treatment of patients admitted to medical bases, takes part in planned visits to cities and districts of Dagestan. Clinical residents are trained on the bases of the department.

The teaching staff of the department carries out significant work on the introduction of the achievements of medical science in the practice of orthopedic dentistry. Over the past period, 15 inventions and more than 70 innovative proposals were registered, some of which were implemented in the practice of dental institutions of the Republic of  Dagestan, in particular, such designs of dentures as ceramic, metal-ceramic, complex splinting clasp prostheses, the manufacture of removable dentures with the use of attachments, and others.

Employees of the department carry out significant work together with health authorities: scientific and practical conferences, seminars, consultations of practitioners, district and city polyclinics and doctors of the maxillofacial hospital of Central Republican Hospital. The guidelines for residents and orthopedic dentists “Clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing modern metal-ceramic and metal-plastic mass dentures” approved by the Board of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of  Dagestan in 2015, were prepared and published together with the Central Republican Hospital. The teaching staff of the department takes an active part in the organization of field scientific and practical conferences, which are held according to the plan of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan.

Photo Gallery




















stomatology.ru -official website of the Dental Association of Russia.

http://www.e-stomatology.ru/pressa/periodika/ – list of links to dental journals.

http://www.mkbs10.ru / – International Classification of Dental Diseases ICD-C-3 based on ICD-10. Electronic version.