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Department of Pathological Anatomy



General information

Head of the department:  Shakhnazarov Abdulla Magomedgadzhievich

Address:  Sh. Aliev Ave. 1, morphological building, 2nd floor

Clinical sites:  On the basis of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and the Republican Pathoanatomic Bureau, the educational, scientific and production association “Pathological Anatomy” was established in 1987.

Telephone:  8 (8722) 67 89 95

Email: patanatomiy_dgma@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: A. A. Osmanova 


  • Associate Professors: A. S. Alkadarsky, M.A. Magomedov, B.G. Magomedgadzhiev, M.T. Rasulov
  •  Assistants: Candidate of Medical Sciences A. A. Osmanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Magomedov H. M., Candidate of Medical Sciences M. A. Shakhnazarov.
  • Senior laboratory assistant: B.O. Mutayeva.
  • Laboratory assistants: M.N. Magomedova, A.K. Aselderova, H.K. Khaibulaeva.


History of the Department of Pathological Anatomy

The Department of Pathanatomy was established in 1934 with the opening of the Dagestan Medical Institute. The first years of the department’s work were marked by revolving-door management teams, who were sent from other institutes of the country. The greatest contribution to the organization of the department was made by associate professor of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute Ya. L. Rappoport (1934-35), who organized sectional work and put into practice systematic autopsies of corpses with demonstration and discussion of the results with doctors and students; associate professor of the Saratov Medical Institute I. I. Lisunkin (1935-39), who created a small museum of macro – and micro-preparations, the pathoanatomical department of the Republican Clinical Hospital, which was the site for the department; associate professor of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute N. L. Vodonos (1940-46), who played a significant role in strengthening the department, expanding the educational museum, organizing the pathoanatomical service in Dagestan, especially during the Great Patriotic War, training doctors and laboratory assistants for sectional work in peripheral evacuation hospitals and regular clinical and anatomical conferences. From 1946 to 1947 the head of the department, in the order of concurrency, was entrusted to Professor G. K. Asatiani, head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and then to Professor V. A. Chudnosvetov, head of the Department of ENT Diseases.

The main development and formation of the department is associated with the election of an associate professor of the Kuban Medical Institute as the head of the department, later Professor S. S. Kasabyan (1948-1965). Professor S. S. Kasabyan paid special attention to the training of teaching staff. He trained 11 pathologists, among them 5 people of indigenous peoples, a large number of laboratory assistants, organized a network of autopsies in the cities of Khasavyurt, Derbent, Kizlyar, Buinaksk and Kaspiysk. A postgraduate course was opened at the department, new methods of histochemical studies were introduced, which were used to study blastomatous growth, regeneration, atherosclerosis, thyroid gland in endemic goiter, chorion and placenta, tuberculous tubercles, etc. During 17 years of heading, Prof. S. S. Kasabyan published about 80 scientific papers, 4 doctoral and 13 candidate dissertations were defended under his leadership.

In 1965, Professor S.I. Alkadarsky was elected head of the department (1965 – 1977). This period was characterized by the preservation and development of established traditions, as well as the expansion of the department in connection with the opening of dental and pediatric faculties. Specialized teaching of pathanatomy was introduced at different faculties, a significant expansion of the collection of educational macro-and micro-preparations, optimization of the educational process with the introduction of machine-free control of students ‘ knowledge. The histochemical direction of scientific research continued to develop. The main scientific topic of the department was the problem of cardiovascular diseases. Professor S. I. Alkadarsky has published more than 100 scientific papers. Under his leadership, 9 candidate dissertations were defended and several dissertations were prepared for defense.

From 1977 to 1980, the department was headed by Associate Professor G. L. Chernyavskaya. The main activity of the department was the improvement of the educational and pedagogical process, the further development of methods of programmed control, the introduction of elements of independent work of students in practical classes.

Since 1982, the department has been headed by Professor A.M. Shakhnazarov, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, awarded the Order “Badge of Honor”. The department has completed the unification of the educational and pedagogical process with the development of test ladders of programmed control cards of the 1st and 2nd levels; methodological guidelines for independent work of students have been published; tests for conducting exams on computers have been prepared; a centralized television system has been established to demonstrate micro-preparations in all classrooms. Since 1976, his main research interests have been related to the study of morpho-functional features of the course and pathogenetic mechanisms of metal intoxication. Together with the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, contractual scientific research was conducted on the biological effect of transuranic radionuclides. In 1988, the scientific subject of the department was reoriented to the study of clinical and morphological features of the course of gastric and duodenal ulcer in the conditions of exposure to toxic metals, pesticides and detoxification therapy with complexons, as well as echinococcosis. Professor A.M. Shakhnazarov has published more than 150 scientific articles, 11 candidate’s and 5 doctoral dissertations have been defended under his leadership.

From 1984 to 1998, the rector of the State Medical Academy A. M. Golubev, a pathologist of the highest category, an excellent teacher and scientist, worked as a professor of the Department of Pathanatomy. Under his leadership, the Academy staff performed a number of PhD thesis, obtained patents for the use of perfluorin in medicine.

In different years, at the Department of Pathological Anatomy worked following assistant professors and assistant: A. P. L. Grevizarsky (1934) A. A. Khorosanyan (1935), V. I. Shultz (1935-1940) N. K. Kuznetsova (1939-1940), V. I. O.Nikolaeva(1940-1942), S. A. Buvailo (1940-1942), T. P. L. Derzhavin (1943-1952), V. G. Dyatlova (1944-1946) D. Ya. Ya.Reisler (1946-1951) M. G. Shakhshaeva (1969-1998), E. B. Pozdnyakov (1971-1976) A. G. Aminov (1970-2002), E. A.Porsukov (1997-2004) M. M. Bagomedov (1965-2014).

Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.M. Shakhnazarov, Professor M. A. Magomedov, Associate Professors A. S. Alkadarsky, B. G. Magomedgadzhiev, M. T. Rasulov, Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences H. M. Magomedov, Candidate of Medical Sciences A. A. Osmanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences M. A. Shakhnazarov, T. V. Belyaeva (part-time), laboratory assistants A. K. Aselderova, M. N. Magomedova, B. O. Mutaeva, H. K. Khaibulaeva.


The department has 6 well-equipped study rooms, a room for independent training of students, more than 1650 educational macro-preparations, 12500 micro-preparations, 950 tables, 3500 slides, 56 filmstrips, 60 microscopes, 7 units of demonstration equipment, the Mekos-C1 software and hardware complex for demonstrating educational micro-preparations during classes and conducting scientific research using cytophotometry methods, histochemical and histological laboratories.

To assess the students ‘ knowledge, the staff has created software that allows conducting computer testing. The small volume of the computer program allows you to use it on any computer for independent preparation of students, assessment of their knowledge on certain topics with the analysis of mistakes made, conducting a trial, preliminary exam.

Research activity

The main scientific research of the department’s staff was related to the study of histochemical features of tumor growth, morphogenesis of atherosclerosis, goiter, occupational pathology, structural and metabolic disorders of the brain in massive blood loss and its correction with perfluorane.

Currently, the scientific interests of the staff of the department are focused on the study of morphogenetic features of the course of the disease of the digestive organs in conditions of chronic exposure to environmental factors (pesticides, heavy metals) on the body.

In total, 9 doctoral and 38 candidate dissertations were completed at the department. Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has published more than 60 scientific papers, including 28 articles in the central press, 3 patents for inventions, 7 certificates for innovation proposals, a monograph and 8 methodological guidelines and manuals have been published.

The staff of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, developing the established traditions, provides practical and advisory assistance in the implementation of morphological sections of dissertation research of employees of clinical departments, who defended 13 doctoral and 19 candidate theses.


On the basis of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and the Republican Pathoanatomic Bureau, the educational, scientific and production association “PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY ” was established in 1987. Teachers of the department, along with pedagogical activities work as pathologists in the Republican Pathology Bureau. The association “PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY” is designed to develop further scientific research, to improve the quality of training of doctors and improve the pathology service of the Republic of Dagestan.