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Department of Pathological Physiology



Head of the department: M.D., Professor M. Z. Saidov

Telephone: 8 (8722) 679013


Address: Makhachkala, Shamsula Aliyev Street, DSMU biological site, 2nd floor.

History of the department

The department was founded in 1934, when professor of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute G. S. Leitman read the first course of lectures on pathophysiology and pathoanatomy. In 1935, Associate Professor A.V. Abramov, who practically became its first organizer, was invited to head the department. Later, the department was headed by: T. M. Lukin (1939-1940), prof. V. G. Budylin (1940-1951), Associate Professor A. L. Shvartz (1951-1953), prof. F. M. Suponitskaya (1953-1973), prof. M. G. Kishov (1973-2001), Associate Professor E. A. Zadkin (2001-2002), prof. M. Z. Saidov (from 2003 to the present).

From 1953 to 1973, the department was headed by Professor F. M. Suponitskaya. Under her supervision, M. M. Maksudov, E. I. Borisov, M. G. Kishov, R. K. Adzhiev performed their dissertations. In the period from 1962 to 1964, F. M. Suponitskaya was the vice-rector of the Institute for scientific training.

From 1973 to 2002, the department was headed by MD, Professor M. G. Kishov. And since 2003, the department has been headed by MD, Professor M. Z. Saidov. After the Institute opened new faculties and postgraduate studies at the department (1963), its staff increased significantly and included: head of the department — Professor F. M. Suponitskaya; associate professors-M. G. Kishov and E. I. Borisova; assistants-R. K. Adzhieva and G. R. Magomedov; graduate students-E. A. Zadkin and M. A. Kasumov.

Department staff

 Currently, the department has employed 10 members: head of the Department, MD, Professor M. Z. Saidov, Head of the Department the academic part of the department is associate professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences V. G. Gorelova, Associate professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences R. K. Adzhieva, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Z. With Magomedova, associate professor of Candidate of medical sciences K. Z. Kurbanov, associate professor of Candidate of medical sciences A. U. Gamzayeva, assistants: Candidate of medical Sciences A. A. Dalgatova, E. I. Ibragimova, senior laboratory assistant N. M. Jamalutdinova, as well as full-time graduate student Z. K. Saidova 



Saidov Marat Ziyavdinovich, Head of the Department of Pathophysiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. In 1977 he graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute, after which he entered the postgraduate course at the Department of Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of the 2nd MOLSMI named after N. I. Pirogov, after which he defended his PhD thesis on the study of the functional properties of natural killers in normal and immunopathology. After completing his postgraduate studies in 1984, he was invited to work at the Institute of Immunology in the Department of Clinical Immunology, where in 1993 he defended his doctoral dissertation on laboratory methodology and new methods for assessing the human immune status during mass examinations and in clinical practice. From 1994 to 1995, M. Z. Saidov worked in the Department of Immunology at the University of Washington (Seattle, USA). From 1995 to 2003-Head of the course of clinical Immunology of the DSMA, since 2003-Head of the Department of Pathophysiology.

  1. Z. Saidov-Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, associate fellow of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, member of the Academic Council, Dissertation Council and Problem Commission of the Dagestan State Medical University, chief immunologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, member of the Council for the Introduction of New Technologies of Diagnosis and Treatment in Healthcare Practice under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan and DSMU, member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Immunology”, member of the dissertation councils of DSMU and Stavropol State Medical University. Author of 127 works on immunology and allergology, including international ones, 8 inventions, 22 teaching aids. Over the past two years, he and his students have published 22 papers in central peer-reviewed journals. Under the guidance of Professor M. Z. Saidov, two doctoral and 10 candidate dissertations were defended.  

In accordance with the Order of the Minister of Health of the RD No. 573 dated 14.12.2006, Professor M. Z. Saidov established and introduced into the practice of the Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS a quantitative method of polymerase chain reaction with hybridization-enzyme detection of amplification products “AmpliSens-HIV-Monitor” in order to determine the viral load in HIV-infected persons. The act of implementation N 07-094 of 21.12.2007 On the basis of the polyclinic “Tselytel” has established and implemented the determination of specific IgE on food, respiratory and pediatric panels by the method of immunoblot, a total of 60 allergens. Adoption deed No. 07-001 of 23.03.2007



Ajiyeva Reseda Koshayevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate professor, graduated from the DMI in 1957 with a degree in “General Medicine”. From 1957 to 1959 – resident doctor of the Kostek district hospital of the Khasavyurt. From 1962 to 1965 – postgraduate student of the Department of Pathophysiology of the DMI. In 1966, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “The influence of dermatocytotoxic serum on the manifestations of immunological reactivity of the body” on the basis of the Gorky Medical Institute. Since 1965, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology, in 1985 she was awarded the title of Associate Professor. In 1993, she was awarded the qualification of an immunologist of the highest category. Since 1976, together with Prof. Kishev M. G. and assoc. Khashimova H. A. deals with the problem of the immunological aspect of pregnancy and its complications. Since 1984, for the first time in Dagestan, the method of academician V. I. Gavallo was introduced for the prevention of miscarriage by allogeneic lymphocytes of her husband. Since 1983, the laboratory of immunoprophylaxis of miscarriage has been functioning. Published: 15 textbooks, 198 scientific articles, 4 rational proposals. 

Gorelova Victoria Gennadyevna, Сandidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the teaching department . In 1986 she graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute with a degree in “General Medicine”, in 1987 she completed an internship in therapy. She has been working at the department since 1992. In 2005, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Development and experimental and clinical study of a two-phase nutrient medium for the isolation of hemoculture” on the basis of the I. I. Mechnikov State Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. In 2009, she was approved as an associate professor of the department, in 2010 she was awarded the title of associate professor. Published: 18 textbooks, 82 scientific articles, 3 patents, awarded the gold medal of the European Salon of Inventions “Lepin Competition”, Strasbourg, France, Certificate of Honor of the Government of the RD.


Magomedova Zarema Saidovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate professor. In 1988, she graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute with a degree in “General Medicine”, from 1988 to 1992 she completed a clinical residency in the specialty “therapy” on the basis of the department of polyclinic therapy. In 1992, she entered full-time postgraduate studies, after which she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Pathophysiological aspects of changes in the immune system during acute and chronic exposure to lead, pesticides, nitrates and nitrites” at the Rostov Medical University. Since 1999, she has been working at the Department of Pathophysiology as an assistant, in 2014 she was approved as an associate professor of the department. Published: 16 manuals, 72 scientific articles.



Gamzayeva Aishat Uvaysovna,  Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, in 1983 she graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute with a degree in pediatrics, in 1984 she completed an internship in pediatrics, has been working at the department since 1989. In 2011 she completed an internship in the specialty “General medicine”. In 2013, she defended her PhD thesis on “Allergic diseases as a stage of development of bronchial asthma, early diagnosis and issues of primary prevention” on the basis of the Dagestan State Medical Academy. Published: 1 monograph, 17 textbooks, 56 scientific articles, 3 author’s certificates and rational proposals.



Kurbanov Kazbek Zainalabidovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

In 1970, he graduated from a secondary school and in the same year entered the 1st year of the medical and preventive faculty of the DMI.

In 1976, after graduating from the university, he worked as an intern at the infectious diseases department of the Buinak CRH. From 1978 to 1980, he served in the ranks of the armed forces of the Soviet Army as the head of a battalion medical center with the rank of senior lieutenant. From the period of 1985-1988, he studied in a full-time targeted postgraduate course at the Department of Immunology of the 2nd MOLSMI named after Pirogov. Upon completion of postgraduate studies, he was accepted as an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology of the DSMA. In 1990, he defended his dissertation for the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: “Immunoregulatory disorders in syngenic tumor growth and ways of their immunocorrection”. In 2014, he was confirmed as an associate professor of the department.

E-mail: kazbekzk@mail.ru


 Ibragimova Elmira Ibragimovna, assistant. In 1986 she graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute with a degree in “General medicine”, in 1987 she completed an internship in therapy with a degree in “General medicine”, after graduation she worked as the head of the therapy department of the Klimovskaya RCH of the Bryansk region. She has been working at the department since 1993. She is a professional consultant of the department and secretary of the Society of Pathophysiologists. 14 textbooks and 47 scientific articles have been published.

E-mail: Elmira.270960@gmail.com



Dalgatova Asera Arabkhanovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology. Professional activity: graduated from the DSMA. From 2011-2013, she completed a clinical residency on the basis of the ATF and ATS at the DSMA in the specialty “Therapy”. Since 2013, she has been working as a general practitioner. From 2013-2016, she was enrolled in full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Pathological Physiology at the DSMU. Under the guidance of the professor of the department, M. Z. Saidova completed her PhD thesis on the topic: “Pathogenetic significance of changes in adaptive immunity in long-term compression syndrome” (experimental study). The dissertation was successfully defended in 2017 in Moscow at the Russian National Research University named after N. I. Pirogov. Since 2016 – Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology. She gives lectures to foreign students and conducts practical classes in pathological physiology and clinical pathophysiology at the medical, pediatric, dental and preventive medicine faculties. Asera Arabkhanovna is the author of more than 37 articles. She was awarded the RosBioTech gold medal on the topic “The significance of correlations of adaptive immunity indicators in long-term compression syndrome”

Е- mail: d.asera.a@mail.ru


Saidova Zarema Kazbekovna – postgraduate student of the Department of Pathological Physiology.

She graduated from the DSMA in 2007 with honors in the specialty “General Medicine” (years of study 2001-2007).

From 2007 to 2009, she was trained in the clinical residency of the State Medical School “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education “in Moscow and completed a full course in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology”.

From 08.02.2010 to 04.06.2010, she underwent professional retraining in the ATF and ATS  of DSMA under the program “Ultrasound diagnostics”.

From 30.07.2010 to 20.12.2011, she worked as a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics at the Gepar medical center. Voluntary resignation.

Since 2019, she has been a full-time postgraduate student of the Department of Pathological Physiology.

E-mail: Zarema333_84@mail.ru


Jamaludinova Nina Mikhailovna – senior laboratory assistant, graduated from the Biological Faculty of Dagestan State University in 1969. She has been working at the department since September 1, 1969. 








 In 1967, the Department of Pathophysiology had a base with a total area of 314 sq. m. of these, training rooms with a total area of 106 sq. m, utility rooms, laboratories, a vivarium and an operating unit. To date, the department has 7 classrooms. The total area of the department has increased to 369 sq. m.

 The Department of Pathophysiology is provided with training equipment, has a sufficient number of microscopes, kimographs, three computers, multimedia computer equipment, television screens, etc. This technique is used during lectures to demonstrate slides that present the most up-to-date views on the etiology and pathogenesis of the main pathological processes and diseases. 

The Department of Pathophysiology is an inter-faculty one. Pathophysiology is taught at the departments of general medicine (3rd year), pediatric (3rd year), dental (2nd year), preventive medicine (3rd year) and pharmaceutical (3rd year). In addition, students of 4 courses of medical and pediatric faculties are taught a course of clinical pathophysiology.

 Teaching of pathological physiology is carried out according to the approved work programs in the specialties 31.05.01 “General Medicine”, 31.05.02 “Pediatrics”, 31.05.03″ Dentistry “– 32.05.01″ Medical and preventive care”, 33.05.01″ Pharmacy ” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ and Federal State Educational Standard 3++. There is an Approved Evaluation Fund for these academic disciplines. In accordance with the curriculum, the Department of Pathophysiology has an approved calendar and thematic plan of lectures and practical classes for students of these faculties.

 During practical classes, such pathological processes as arterial and venous hyperemia, thrombosis, embolism, anaphylactic reactions of the frog’s heart and blood vessels, acute and chronic inflammatory process, the effect of thermal and chemical factors on the body, barotrauma, microcirculation state are simulated in the experiment, typical changes in blood and urine tests for various diseases are studied, etc. Frogs, rabbits, rats are used as test animals.

The staff of the department conducts a lot of educational and methodological work. Practical classes are conducted in accordance with the” Methodological developments for conducting practical classes in pathological physiology ” for medical, pediatric and dental faculties, edited by Prof. M. Z. Saidov, approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of Russian Universities under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Published in an edition of 500 copies, they are issued to each student.

 The training process is fully provided with manuals on pathophysiology and clinical pathophysiology by various authors, an electronic educational environment is widely used.

The staff of the department has published more than 40 teaching aids for students, of which 2 types have been approved by the AMA for Medical and Pharmaceutical education of Russian universities. A short manual for doctors and students “Diagnosis and treatment of patients with allergic and immunodeficiency diseases” has been published, which are approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of Russian universities of the Ministry of Health and the SD of the Russian Federation. In addition, 22 types of teaching aids for students and doctors have been published, approved by the central Teaching and Methodological Council of the State Medical University, on various issues of general and private pathophysiology.

Associate professors and assistants of the department regularly undergo advanced training both in their specialty and in pedagogy and psychology.

The Department conducts seminars with teachers of general pathology of medical schools in a number of republics of the North Caucasus, provides regular assistance in carrying out research by practical doctors. In particular, out of 17 candidate theses completed at the department over the years, 5 theses were completed by practitioners. In particular, out of 17 candidate theses completed at the department over the years, 5 theses were completed by practitioners.

The Department of Pathophysiology of DSMU has signed a “Cooperation agreement on educational and methodological work” with the Department of Pathophysiology of the Russian State Medical University.



Research work

The main direction of scientific research of the staff of the department and persons performing research at the department is clinical and experimental immunology and allergology, population genetics.

26 articles have been published on this topic in peer-reviewed central journals, such as “Immunology”, “Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology”, “Russian Otorhinolaryngology”, “Diabetes Mellitus”, as well as more than 30 articles in the collections of various congresses, conferences, symposiums, congresses.

Historically, a number of studies have been conducted on these issues, the results of which were systematically reported at All-Union congresses and conferences of pathophysiologists (Baku, 1974; Tashkent, 1976), at international congresses and symposiums (Moscow, 1970; Rostov-on-Don, 1972; St. Petersburg, 2010, Moscow, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019 years), regional conferences and symposiums.

On these matters, the department has completed 8 doctoral dissertations (M. M. Maksudov, 1967; I. M. Musaev, 1969; E. I. Borisov, 1970; M. G. Kishov, 1971; E. K. Shot, 1977; G. E. Dranovsky, 1978; R. U. Umakhanov, 1978; S. Yu. Safarov, 1986) and 17 candidate (G. R. Magomedov, 1969; M. D. Kasumov, 1971; E. A. Zadkin, 1971; B. L. Adzhiev, 1972; R. A. Tartakovskaya, 1’977; V. N. Berezin, 1978; A. S. Sultanov, 1981; S. E. Kazieva, 1983; P. S. Huseynova, 1987; R. M. Khanzaeva, 1989; E. S. Ataeva, 1991; K. I. Ashurlaev, 1991; E. I. Dolgatova, 1992; V. S. Grabovsky, 1996; M. M. Kishov, 1999; 3. P. Magomedova, 1999).

Currently, the department uses and implements modern, highly informative research methods such as immunohistochemistry, polymerase chain reaction, enzyme immunoassay, and the immunoblot method. There are acts of implementation. These methods are used when performing planned candidate and doctoral dissertations. The Department of Pathophysiology of DSMU closely cooperates in scientific terms with the Institute of Immunology of the Federal Health Service of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Rheumatology, the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology, Moscow State University. With these institutions, the Department of Pathophysiology of DSMU has concluded agreements on scientific and technical cooperation, in which the head of the Department of Pathophysiology, prof. M.Z., acts as the responsible executor on the part of the Department of Pathophysiology.Saidov. In addition, the majority of research works by Prof. M. Z. Saidov were conducted at Philips University, Marburg, Germany.

In 1970, together with the departments of normal physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, an intra-university conference was held. In 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1988, scientific conferences of pathophysiologists of the North Caucasus were held on the basis of the department with the participation of scientists from Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and other cities on the problems of pathophysiology, immunology and allergology (with the publication of conference materials).

The department provides regular advisory assistance (methodological and organizational) in the implementation of scientific research by clinicians. Since 1967, the staff of the department has published more than 500 works in the central press, in conference materials, including 159 in scientific journals, materials of All-Union and All-Russian conferences, congresses, congresses, symposiums. 2 joint monographs were published (one of them in Kiev in 1983). 13 certificates and patents for inventions were obtained. In addition, the staff of the State Medical University, engaged in research at the Department of Pathological Physiology, has completed and published more than 180 works.

Currently, the department has a full-time postgraduate student Z. K. Saidova, who is performing experimental scientific work on the topic “Changes in the immune system and hormonal status during dehydration and ways to correct them”.

Student science circle

The department has a student scientific circle, which is attended by more than 20 students of the 3rd-6th courses of medical, pediatric and 3-5 courses of dental faculties.

The members of the circle, along with the abstract works, conduct independent experimental research on the topics developed by the staff of the department. The results of scientific work are reported at meetings of the SSS pathophysiological circle, at conferences of the SSC, as well as outside the university. From 1967 to 2000, the members of the circle performed 152 works. A number of works of members of the student scientific circle at the Department of Pathophysiology were awarded with diplomas and certificates at the All-Union (Kharkiv, 1969; Moscow, 1970; Minsk, 1971; Cheboksary, 1976; Makhachkala, 1991, etc.), republican and university (Ivanovo, 1976; Tomsk, 1978; Cheboksary, 1977, 1978; Nalchik, 1977; Yerevan, 1979; Simferopol, 1980; Moscow, 1982, Voronezh, 2009, Yerevan, 2010).

 Over the past 10 years, the All-Union Student Conference on Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathology (1991) and 4 reporting conferences of young scientists and students of DSMA (1992, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2015-2016, 2017-2019) have been held.

 At the student scientific conference in April 2019, 5 reports with illustrative material were presented from the Department of Pathophysiology (presentation).

The head of the circle since the founding of the SSC, was the head of the department, prof. M. Z. Saidov. Scientific works are carried out with the personal participation of circle members, with subsequent publications. SSC meetings are held monthly.

 The staff of the Department of Pathological Physiology is constantly working to improve the educational process, improve the professional level of employees and takes an active part in scientific work.