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Department of Pediatric Dentistry




Kurbanov Omi Ramazanovich – Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of the RD for Science. Associate member of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Honored Worker of Science and Education, dentist of the highest category. Chief part-time pediatric dentist of the Ministry of Health of the RD. Kurbanov O. R. is an editorial board member of the scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal “Bulletin of the Medical Dental Institute”. The author of more than 450 scientific and educational works, including 2 monographs (publishing house of medicine), 18 textbooks, 6 textbooks with the stamp of the Federal State Independent Institution Federal Institute of Education Development  of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, are recommended as textbooks for use in educational institutions implementing the main professional educational programs of higher education at the specialist level in the field of training 31.05.03 “Dentistry”. 49 articles in the peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission. Under his leadership, 6 candidate dissertations were defended, he was awarded the honorary title of the founder of the scientific school.


General information:

Address: Shamil avenue, 44

E-mail: detsstomdgmu@mail.ru


Clinical and educational facilities of the department:


Department of Pediatric Dentistry

Shamil Ave., 44

Maxillofacial unit



SBI RD PRCH named after N. M. Kuraev





SBI RD “Dental Polyclinic №1”





MBGEI Lyceum №8





History of the department

The Department of Pediatric Dentistry with a course in the prevention of dental diseases was organized in 1985. The head and head of the department until 1998 was Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Shvarts Viktor Vasilyevich.  V. V. Schwartz made a significant contribution to the organization, formation and development of the department.

In 1991, the scientific-medical-advisory center for dentistry “Centrodent” was organized on the basis of the department under the leadership of V. V. Shvarts. This helped to cover the costs of maintaining the department and ensuring the educational process. Later, the center was reorganized into a municipal one.

 From the very first days of the organization, Candidates of Medical Sciences A. R. Hajiyev, A.M. Nurmagomedov, Assistants I. V. Kuznetsova, G. M. Abdullatipov, D. A. Akhmedkhanov began working at the department. Experienced doctors of the city children’s polyclinic L. G. Hasanova, N. N. Egorova were invited as teachers.

In 1997, the course of prevention of dental diseases was separated, and the department became known as: “Department of Pediatric Dentistry”.

 From 2020 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kurbanov Omi Ramazanovich.








Staff of the Department

















Kurbanov Omi Ramazanovich – Professor, MD, Head of the Department. 



 Gasanova Lyudmila Gamzatovna – Assistant, Head of the Educational Part of the Department.








Chudinov Aleksandr Nikolaevich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department.  







Alimirzoev Farman Alimirzoevich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department.







 Nagieva Saida Eizudinovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department.








Abdullatipov Huseyn Magomedovich – Assistant of the Department.








Zhakhbarov Akhmed Gamzatovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department.








Umalatova Gulayet Enverovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department.








Chavtaraev Murad Magomedovich – Assistant of the Department








Bigaeva Umukusum Saidovna – Assistant of the Department.  








Abubakarova Zaira Abubakarovna – Assistant of the Department.








Salimkhanov Abdulatip Eldarovich – Assistant of the Department.








Omarova Aminat Magomedganapievna – Laboratory Assistant of the Department.








Akhmedova Siyasat Kurbanovna – Assistant of the Department.







Ismailova Zania Nadirovna – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department.








 Guseva Nataliya Aleksandrovna – Laboratory Demonstrator of the Department


 Sakhrueva Zulfiya Magomedovna  – Laboratory Demonstrator of the Department.


Disciplines taught at the department:

— Pediatric dentistry

— Orthodontics and Pediatric prosthetics

— Pediatric maxillofacial surgery

—Advanced training of pediatric dentists

Academic work

The subject is taught in the 4th and 5th year of the Faculty of Dentistry and the 5th year of the Pediatric Faculty. Training of students is provided with weekly lectures and practical classes throughout the academic year. Practical classes are conducted in accordance with the curriculum in eight training rooms of the department and directly with patients at four clinical bases. At the end of the practical classes, the defense of the medical history, the credit and the exam are conducted.

A special feature of the structure of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry is the combination of four disciplines: pediatric therapeutic dentistry, pediatric surgical dentistry and orthodontics, advanced training of pediatric dentists, which requires the presence of specialists of appropriate specialization in the department staff.

In recent years, the department has completely updated the educational and methodological material. New teaching materials have been compiled: 1) according to the programs for students in the specialty “Pediatric Dentistry”, 2) working programs (according to FSES-3 and FSES-3+) for students of the Faculty of Dentistry in the modules cariology and diseases of hard tissues of teeth, endodontics, periodontology, diseases of the oral mucosa, clinical pediatric dentistry, industrial practice of an assistant to a pediatric dentist. There are guidance manuals for students and for teachers compiled in accordance with the new educational standard on all topics of practical classes at the department, collections of tests and clinical situational tasks with samples of answers.

The department is equipped with visual and illustrative materials. There are black-and-white and color slides for all sections of pediatric dentistry, dental and panoramic radiographs. The department has organized an orthodontic museum. To optimize the educational process, information stands were created by the staff of the department. To control knowledge on all topics and sections of pediatric dentistry, situational tasks are used, as well as clinical tasks with integrative tasks in a test form. The department has prepared exam tests with sample answers for the computer-assisted exam.

Dental phantoms are settled and prepared for work at the department, allowing students to combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills. The offices are equipped with dental equipment, tools, materials, visual aids. The department has a video projector with a set of color and black-and-white slides, as well as a photo album prepared by the teaching staff of the department in the course of practical activities. The department has an orthodontic museum, which clearly presents the results of many years of work in the treatment of dental anomalies by orthodontists.

The department owns funds of teaching-and-guiding manuals, test tasks, clinical tasks, radiographs on modern technologies of treatment and prevention of dental diseases conducting practical classes with students. A fund of assessment knowledge (FOK) for all modules of the discipline has also been compiled. Postgraduate studies are operating at the department.

The department staff actively participates in additional forms of professional development of dental specialists such as:

-clinical conferences on all sections of dentistry

-thematic seminars of pediatric dentists of the republic

-preparation and publication of educational and methodological literature approved by the AMA, FIED.


Teaching and guiding

Significant work of the teaching and guiding nature is carried out at the department. Professor Kurbanov O. R. has published a number of textbooks of various types.

Professor Kurbanov O. R. became a laureate of the XXVII International Exhibition in Moscow “For the best educational publication”. He was awarded a gold medal for the textbook “Orthopedic Dentistry. Materials and technology” in 2016, in Frankfurt, Germany.

By the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan dated June 21, 2017, prof. Kurbanov O. R. was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan in the field of natural sciences and technology.  



Student Scientific Circle of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry









Student circle at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry has been functioning since the foundation of the department. The head of the circle is the head of the department, Professor, MD, Kurbanov Omi Ramazanovich. The academic supervisor of the circle is Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Alimirzoev Farman Alimirzoevich.

Research works are carried out with the personal participation of circle members, with subsequent publication. SSC meetings are held on the last Friday of each month at 15:00. 15 students of 4-5 courses are involved in the circle of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Every year, students take an active part in Olympiads and conferences held at DSMU, as well as in various cities of Russia, where they take prizes. Taking into account the multidisciplinary nature of the department (pediatric therapeutic and surgical dentistry, orthodontics), students master practical skills in various disciplines on the basis of the department.

The department staff works among the school and preschool population, in order to improve the knowledge and quality of oral hygiene, as well as to improve the quality of health and a healthy lifestyle among the children’s population. Under the guidance of the staff of the department, students conduct demo lessons in schools, where they make reports and presentations. Oral health classes are held annually in honor of the “World Oral Health” Day

During the internship, students conduct oral cavity examinations of sanitation purpose in primary school children and fill out medical documentation. Business games and demo lessons are held in the classroom, where students are given the opportunity to act as a doctor-patient, thereby providing an opportunity to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of medical activity, which favorably affects the training of clinical thinking.

The department staff actively prepares students for the primary accreditation. Students may voluntary attend extra classes after hours, where they are dealt with issues of interest to them, as well as hone practical skills in a phantom classroom.

The number of those wishing to get into the student scientific circle is increasing, however, the selection is quite tough and before joining the ranks of the circles, the student must be active, show such qualities as: good and excellent academic performance, responsibility and desire to comprehend the new.


Scientific work

The department will introduce a research work on the problem “Epidemiology and features of the clinical course, treatment and prevention of major dental diseases in children”.

The results of scientific research of the department staff are published in central, regional publications and collections of DSMU. Over the past 5 years, 57 printed works have been published, of which 9 are in the global press.

The department staff takes part in the implementation of a number of complex research works of the DSMU and the Ministry of Health of the Republic: “Health of the population of Dagestan”, “Healthy offspring-the future of the nation”.

As part of the joint work of the department with the health authorities, a refresher course and training of specialists in pediatric dentistry is conducted, cadet doctors are trained annually at the department. Work is underway to introduce the achievements of medical science into practical healthcare, more than 12 innovation proposals have been registered. The staff of the department conducts medical and advisory and sanitary-educational work, participates in scientific and practical conferences.










News & Announcements

On February 26, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of Dentistry”, organized by the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, was held on the basis of the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of the State Medical University in full-time (distance) format.

The Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the DSMA, Associate Professor Tagir Abakarov, addressed the guests and participants of the conference on behalf of the Rector of the State Medical University, Professor Suleiman Mammayev. He thanked everyone for their active participation and interest in the conference and wished them fruitful work. Abakarov noted that more than 20 leading universities of Russia, as well as universities of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan are taking part in the conference.

The head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Professor Oi Kurbanov, also addressed the participants with a welcoming speech and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation.

The event was attended by: Head of the Department of Dentistry of the FPC and Teaching Staff Ahmed Abdurakhmanov, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry Ibrahim Rasulov, chief physician of the SBI RD RPDC Patimat Omarova, head of the Department of maxillofacial Surgery of the SBI RD PRCH Ahmed Zhakhbarov, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the DSMU Hasan Budaychiev, as well as employees of the dental departments of the DSMU, graduate students, clinical residents and all interested persons.

The conference was devoted to improving the quality of dental care to the population, innovative technologies in dentistry and new methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as an exchange of experience in the effective treatment of dental diseases. During the scientific and practical part of the conference, both representatives and leading specialists of the dental service of the Republic of Dagestan and the subjects of the Russian Federation and from neighboring countries made presentations as speakers. The proceedings of the scientific and practical conference included more than 130 scientific articles.

There were reports on topical issues of dentistry.

At the end of the reports, according to the regulations, the listeners had the opportunity to get answers from the speakers to their questions.

Professor Omi Kurbanov noted that the conference was held in a businesslike atmosphere; all performances aroused keen interest of listeners. Advanced experience and scientific information will allow our dentists to more widely introduce into practice the latest technologies of diagnosis and treatment. Holding such a large-scale conference with the involvement of experienced specialists will undoubtedly contribute to the development of the dental specialty in the Republic of Dagestan for the benefit of patients.
The dean of the Dental Faculty of DSMU, Associate Professor Tagir Abakarov, summed up the results of the conference and noted that the conference was a success, the atmosphere was friendly and kind. The high level and competence in the organization of the event, the quality and relevance of the reports, the opportunity to exchange experience and attract a large number of specialists of different specialties were noted.










Medical work

The department has created conditions for providing highly qualified advisory assistance to patients with a disease of therapeutic nature. Contact us at: 42 Shamil Ave., Makhachkala, Department of “Pediatric Dentistry”










The staff of the department performs a large amount of medical and advisory, preventive and sanitary-educational work. A routine examination of schoolchildren is carried out in order to identify and early prevent their major dental diseases; for many years, such preventive measures as hygienic training and controlled tooth cleaning have been carried out among primary school students, which contributes to a significant reduction in the prevalence of periodontal diseases and dental caries. Conversations are held with parents and teachers of students about methods and means of prevention.

The department of maxillofacial surgery was organized in the PRCH in 2004, which is the facility of the DSMU. The department is headed by assistant of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category A. G. Zhakhbarov. Associate professor of the department, doctor of the highest category, Candidate of medical Sciences A. N. Chudinov takes an active part in the medical work of the department.










The Department of Maxillofacial surgery provides qualified surgical assistance to children with the most complex forms of maxillofacial pathology in all cities and districts of the Republic of Dagestan. Every year, about 550 patients are treated in the department. These are children with purulent-inflammatory diseases and maxillofacial tumors, congenital facial clefts and postoperative scar deformities.

The department has undergone qualitative changes in the nature of providing assistance to children. With bilateral clefts of the upper lip, simultaneous bilateral cheiloplasty is performed, the age of surgery in children with congenital cleft lip from 6 months to 3-4 months is reduced, with reconstructive plastic surgery from 7 years to 6 years, which allows solving the issues of early rehabilitation and adaptation to the life of this contingent of sick children.

A great deal of medical and advisory work in the complex treatment of children with congenital cleft lips and palate is carried out by Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences A. N. Chudinov and ass. G. M. Abdullatipov. All children with this pathology necessarily need orthodontic treatment, both before and after surgery. Work is underway to introduce the achievements of medical science into practical healthcare.









The department has a sufficient number of video projection and multimedia equipment, students have access to the Internet, there is the necessary amount of educational and methodological literature, reference and information materials, control tasks corresponding to the content of the training program, situational tasks, test control methods and elements of programmed training.