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Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists



General information

Head of the department: Izrailov Magomed Israpilovich

Address: 367000, 7A line Akushinsky Ave., No. 2

Email address: izrailov74@mail.ru

Clinical base: Dagestan Republican Clinical Hospital, Municipal Children’s Polyclinic No. 1

Responsible for the website at the department: Magomedova  Dzhamila Magomedovna.


Brief autobiography of M.I. Israilov.

M.I. Israilov was born in the village Mekhelta (Gumbetovsky district) in 1974. He graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of Dagestan Medical Academy in 1998 and completed a clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of   Faculty of Postgraduate Education of DSMA from 2000 to 2003. He studied in graduate school at the same department. He has been an Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics of Faculty of Advanced Education since 2003.

M.I. Israilov is the author of a collective monograph, 59 scientific papers, 5 educational and methodological recommendations, PhD thesis “Clinical and epidemiological features and principles of rehabilitation of bronchial asthma in children in the mountainous zone of Dagestan”. He conducts classes with cadets, lectures to cadets, clinical residents and interns.

He was an acting Head of the Department from September 2011 to November 2013. He has been a head of the department since November 6, 2013. He has 15 years of medical experience, 10 years of teaching experience,10 years of working at the department. The scientific and practical interest of the author is pulmonology and gastroenterology of childhood.

Professor N.A. Gitinov was elected head of the department in 1991. Associate Professor S.H. Korneev became the head of the neonatology course at the Department of Pediatrics No. 1. The staff of the department was updated by teachers: Professor A.M. Aliskandiev, Associate Professor Z.B. Tataev, assistant Yu.S. Magomedov, V.A. Belai. The main task of the department is to improve the skills of district pediatricians, residents of children’s hospitals and sanatoriums, primary training of pediatricians, training of clinical residents and interns.


History of the department

The Department of Pediatrics with a course of pediatric infections was organized in 1984 and its first head was Professor E.I. Merzlyak. During his tenure, Associate Professors N.A. Gitinov, R.A. Tartakovskaya, S.H. Bekshokov, S.H. Karnaev, A.V. Novitskaya worked at the department.

The basis of the scientific problem of the department during the leadership of Professor E.M. Merzlyak was nephrology. Under his leadership, I.M. Osmanov defended his PhD thesis on oxalate nephropathy in children in the endemic region of Dagestan. At the Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, I.M. Osmanov defended his doctoral dissertation on the epidemiology of kidney diseases and now works as the chief physician of  Tushino City Hospital No. 7 in Moscow.

S.H. Bekshokov worked as an assistant at the department until 1985, then as an Associate Professor at the department until 2011, defended his PhD on the topic: “Clinical and immunological characteristics of chronic pneumonia in children” in 1976.  Medical experience is 41 years, pedagogical experience is  33 years, 24 years of working  at  FPE. He is an author of 36 works, 3 methodological recommendations. Scientific and practical interest is pathology of early age, pulmonology.

Professor N.A. Gitinov was elected head of the department  in 1991. Associate Professor S.H. Korneev became the head of the neonatology course at the Department of Pediatrics No. 1. The staff of the department was updated by teachers: Professor A.M. Aliskandiev, Associate Professor Z.B. Tataev, assistant Yu.S. Magomedov, V.A. Belai. The main task of the department is to improve the skills of district pediatricians, residents of children’s hospitals and sanatoriums, primary training of pediatricians, training of clinical residents and interns.

Omarova A.A was working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Education from October 1999 to 2011, defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Some indicators of the blood coagulation system with varying degrees of rheumatism activity in children.” She is author of more than 40 publications. Scientific interest is cardiorheumatology of childhood.

The Department together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan,  organized the first congress of pediatricians of Dagestan, republican scientific and practical conferences with the participation of leading specialists of the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on topical issues of pulmonology and allergic diseases, immunoprophylaxis, viral hepatitis, and also made scientific and practical reports at the Society of Pediatricians of Dagestan, the All-Union Conference on Allergic Diseases in Children, provided emergency assistance to children of the Republic of Dagestan.

Together with the Republican Children’s Pulmonological Center, the department develops measures to improve the pulmonological service of the Republic of Dagestan, oversees the Republican Children’s Sanatorium “Verkhny Gunib”, which has been the basis for the development and implementation of rehabilitation methods for children with respiratory diseases since its foundation (1985). The staff of the department,  together with the doctors of  Republican Clinical Hospital base hospital, carry out measures to improve medical and preventive care for the children’s population of the Republic of Dagestan.

Together with the Ministry of Health of  Dagestan, the Department organizes full-time and part-time certification cycles, including visiting ones: “Pediatrics”, “Emergency pediatrics”, “Physiology and pathology of newborns”, “Physiology and pathology of older children and adolescents”, “Respiratory diseases”, etc.

The department has been conducting advanced training of district pediatricians, provided for by the national health development program since 2006. Educational and methodological work is carried out according to standard plans and programs of postgraduate education. The necessary amount of educational and methodological and scientific literature, control tasks and tests has been prepared.

The department has the necessary study rooms, equipped with modern technical training tools, teaching aids, both developed by the staff of the department and published by the Research Institute of Pediatrics.


The staff of the department provides medical, diagnostic, advisory assistance to patients of the basic institution and Dagestan Republic, actively participates in conducting medical examinations, in societies of pediatricians, clinical conferences, analyses of fatal cases, annually organizes scientific and practical conferences on topical issues of pediatrics together with the Ministry of Health of Dagestan.


Izrailov Magomed Israpilovich – Head of the Department

Tataev Ziyavudin Bashirovich – Associate Professor

Novitskaya Alevtina Vladislavovna – Associate Professor

Yunusova Indira Magomedovna – assistant

Magomedova Shamay Magomedovna – assistant

Efendieva Gulbadzha Telmanovna – assistant

Batdalova Zulfiya Nabiyulaevna – assistant

Magomedov Rafik Imamguseynovich – assistant

Magomedova Jamila Magomedovna – assistant

Bilalova Hapizat Mutaelumovna – senior laboratory assistant

Gadzhieva Uma – preparator


Izrailov Magomed Israpilovich was born in 1974 in the village  Mekhelta, Gumbetovsky district. He graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of Dagestan Medical Academy in 1998, completed a clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of Advanced Training faculty.

He was studying in graduate school at the same department  from 2000 to 2003. He has been an Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics of FPE since 2003. Izrailov M.I. is author of a collective monograph, 56 publications and 2 methodological recommendations, PhD thesis “Clinical and epidemiological features and principles of rehabilitation of bronchial asthma in children in the mountainous zone of Dagestan”.

He conducts classes with cadets, clinical residents and interns. Medical experience is 12 years, teaching experience is 8 years, working at FPE is 8 years. The scientific and practical interest of the author is pulmonology and gastroenterology of childhood.

Tataev Ziyaudin Bashirovich, PhD, Associate Professor. He was born  in the village  Khosrekh Kulinsky district in 1939 . He graduated from Rostov Medical Institute in 1968 and was working as a resident in the RDKH of Makhachkala. He enrolled as  a postgraduate student at Saratov Medical University in 1971. PhD thesis: “Some issues of the clinic and diagnosis of cystic fibrosis” was defended in 1974.He has been  an assistant of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics of DSMI since 1971. Ziyaudin Bashirovich  has about 45 years of medical experience, 39 years of teaching experience, 14 years of working at FPE. About 38 works have been published by him and 3 methodological recommendations have been printed. He conducts classes with cadets in clinical pediatrics and  continuously improves his professional qualifications. He was working  in the People’s Republic of Mozambique  for 4 years . Excellent student of healthcare in Russia.                                               

Magomedova Shamai Magomedovna is an assistant of Pediatrics Department of  Postgraduate  Education. She graduated from railway secondary school No. 85 with honors and a gold medal in 1984 and Dagestan State Medical Academy in 1990.  . After completing her internship in pediatrics from 1992 to 1997, she worked as a pediatrician in children kindergarten No. 107 of the polyclinic department of the Department Hospital of Makhachkala and as a pediatrician in the children’s polyclinic of the same hospital  from 1997 to 2000.

She has been working as the head of the cardiorheumatology department of the Republican Clinical Hospital since 2007. Magomedova Shamay Magmedovna defended her PhD thesis in November 2006 on the topic: “Epidemiology of congenital heart defects in children in various climatic and geographical zones of the RD”. Currently, she conducts research work for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Mitral valve prolapse in children and adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia, differential management and treatment tactics”. He has been working part-time as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS of DSMA since February 2008.

Novitskaya Alevtina Vladislavovna, PhD, Associate Professor. She was born in the village  Gunib DASSR. She graduated from the II Moscow Medical Institute in 1969. She worked as a pediatrician in the DRCH of Makhachkala. She has been a postgraduate student at the Leningrad Pediatric Institute since 1967, where she defended her PhD thesis : “Characteristics and interrelation of the most important enzyme systems of the erythrocyte in hemolytic disease of newborns” defended in 1976. She has been an assistant at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics since 1975  and at the  Faculty of Postgraduate Education since 1984. Her medical experience is 44 years, her teaching experience is 38 years, she has been working at the FPE for 29 years. Alevtina Vladislavovna  has published 41 scientific papers and 4 methodological recommendations have been printed. She has a certificate of pediatrician and nephrologist. Excellent student of healthcare in Russia, scientific and practical interest – nephrology of childhood.   

Yunusova Indira Magomedovna, PhD, assistant. She was born in Makhachkala. Indira Magomedovna graduated  Pediatric Faculty of ASMI  with honors in 1985.After completing her internship, she has been working in the Department of Hematology of the DRCH since 1998. She has been a head of the oncohematology department since 1998. The department was renamed into oncohematology in May 2004 and  in the Department of Hematology, Hematology and Chemotherapy since January 2013. Doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of the republic, part-time assistant of the FPE DSMA.  She is author of 36 scientific papers and has a certificate of pediatric oncologist.

She has been repeatedly awarded honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Republic. Indira Magomedovna is a member of the European School of Children  oncologists. She participated in international congresses held in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, England, the United Arab Emirates. She passed a 3-week internship in children cancer center in Germany. She was awarded the title of the best oncologist in Russia in 2011. Scientific interest  is oncohematology of childhood.

Efendieva Gulbadzhi Telmanovna, PhD, assistant. She was born in Yersi village, Tabasaran district in 1969. She was studying at DSMI from 1988 to 1994  and she completed an internship at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS. From She completed a clinical residency at the Department of  Propaedeutics of Childhood Infections with a course of infectious diseases. A pediatrician at a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents since 2002. She defended her PhD thesis: “Vegetative vascular dystonia syndrome in adolescents” in 2006 at  Stavropol State Medical University. She has been working part-time as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS since 2010.

Batdalova  Zulfiya Nabiyullaevna, PhD, assistant. She  was born on June 27  1973. She graduated from the pediatric faculty of the DSMI in 1996. She completed a clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education  ( Moscow).

After full-time postgraduate studies at the same department, she defended her PhD thesis on: “The state of renal and peripheral blood flow in glomerulonephritis in children” in 2007. 10 scientific papers have been published. She has been an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the FPC and Teaching Staff of the DSMA since 2005. Zulfiya Nabiyullayevna has been working part-time as a pediatrician and ultrasound doctor in the children’s polyclinic “Healer” since 2004. The chief physician of the network of children’s polyclinics “Healer” since 2008.


 Bilalova Habizat Mutaelumovna is a native of the village of Karat, Akhvakhsky district. She graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of  DSMI in 1989. After completing her internship, she worked as a resident doctor of the children’s department of  Akhvakh CRH. She has been working as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Pediatrics since 1997. Habizat Mutaelumovna is an author of 15 scientific papers. The topic of the work: “Prevalence, risk of development and ways of prevention of bronchial asthma in children of the low mountains of the Dagestan Republic”.

Magomedov Rafik Imamguseynovich: Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant. He was born on April 30, 1964, in the village of Ihrek, Rutulsky district. He served in the ranks of the SA from 1982 to 1984, senior lieutenant of the medical service. He graduated from DSMI in 1991 (pediatric faculty) and internship in anesthesiology and intensive care in 1992 and  passed advanced training in 2000, 2006, 2009. Dissertation topic: “Improving the organization and quality of specialized inpatient care for young children in a large city”. Area of scientific and practical interests is neonatology, resuscitation, organization, demography, inpatient care.

After graduating from DSMI, he worked as a pediatric surgeon in  Children’s Multidisciplinary Republican Hospital of Makhachkala. Rafik Imamguseynovich worked as an anesthesiologist and resuscitator in DRCH from 1993 to 2000. He has been the head of department of neonatal intensive care DRCH since 2000.  Rafik Imamguseynovich is an excellent student of healthcare,  a doctor of the highest qualification category. He has a certificate of an anesthesiologist resuscitator. 27 scientific papers, 2 methodological recommendations have been published by him.

Magomedova Jamila Magomedovna: assistant. She was born on July 27, 1985, in the village Gunib, Gunibsky district, Dagestan Republic. She graduated from the pediatric Faculty of the DSMA with honors in 2008. She completed a clinical residency in pediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics of  FAT and PRS, she completed full-time postgraduate studies at the same department from 2010 to 2013   It is planned to defend a dissertation on the topic: “Clinical and environmental characteristics of congenital heart defects by climatic zones of the RD” in the near future since September 2013. She has been working as a research intern in the scientific department of the DSMA since September 2013 and has been working part-time as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of FAT and PRS of  DSMA since 2011. She conducts classes with clinical interns.

Ramazanova Ziniyat Mirzegayevna:full-time graduate student for 3 years, part-time assistant. She was born on September 13, 1985 in Makhachkala. She graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of  DSMA with honors in 2008. From 2008 to 2010, she completed a clinical residency in pediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics of  Faculty of Advanced Training  and Teaching Staff. Since 2011, he has been a full-time postgraduate student at the Department of Pediatrics of the FPC and Teaching Staff.

From 2008 to 2010, she completed a clinical residency in pediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics of the FPC and Teaching Staff. Since 2011, he has been a full-time postgraduate student at the Department of Pediatrics of FAT and RPS.

She completed her primary specialization in neonatology in 2012. She has been working part-time as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and RPS since 2012, conducts classes with clinical interns. It is planned to defend a PhD thesis on the topic: “Catamnesis of children who have suffered an intrauterine viral infection of the Herpes family” in the near future.



Educational and methodical work

-The department has accounting and reporting documentation approved by the administration of  DSMU.

-There is a thematic plan of lectures and seminars in accordance with the unified program for each cycle of advanced training of doctors and for clinical residents, interns.

– The department’s work plan is drawn up annually and the minutes of the cathedral meetings are kept.

– The educational process is provided with: examination tickets, qualification tests, standards of practical skills, materials for basic, current, final control of knowledge, questionnaires for studying the opinions of cadets about the effectiveness of the educational process at the department.

– Individual work plans are filled out annually by each teacher and their implementation is monitored.

-The department has unified programs and plans approved by the Methodological Council.

-The department has directive documents: orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Rector of the DSMA and the Ministry of Health of the Dagestan, decisions of the academic Councils of the DSMA.

– The department is provided with visual aids in the form of tables, slides, diagrams and they are updated as needed.

-Work plans with clinical residents and interns are drawn up at the beginning of the academic year in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the program and the administration of DSMA and approved at the cathedral meeting.

-Materials on certification of doctors (qualification tests, a list of practical skills, qualification characteristics of a specialist doctor, situational tasks) are available.

The list of technical equipment of the educational process

-multimedia projector;

-a laptop;

-graph projector;

– vityaz and diana slide projector

Research work

The subject of scientific research of the department and their inclusion in the comprehensive plan: the department was working according to the program from 2005 to 2009: “The state of family health”, the department was working according to the program: “The state of health of children of early and preschool age”, “Cardiology of childhood” from 2010-2013, which is included in the program of  DSMA.

Clinical residents and interns are trained at the department, who perform theses on various topics in the main disciplines of pediatrics every year. They take an active part in conferences of young scientists and specialists of Dagestan and Russia.

According to the results of scientific works, more than 212 scientific papers have been published, mainly in the central press, 14 methodological recommendations and 4 monographs have been published. Introduction of scientific developments of pedagogical science into the educational process: work with “small groups”, “business game”, etc. The number of classrooms, laboratories and their equipment in accordance with the standards. The equipment of the classrooms is satisfactory.

Scientific work

The scientific work of the department is multifaceted and is carried out within the framework of the programs: “Adolescent health of Dagestan”, “Children’s Health”, devoted to the study of the epidemiology of bronchial asthma, food allergies, vegetative dystonia syndrome, the effectiveness of sanatorium-resort treatment of physiotherapy, dosed physical activity for bronchial asthma in children, immunocorrection for bronchial obstructive diseases in children. They were included in the following dissertation works performed at the department.

Doctoral dissertations: N.A. Gitinov “Clinical and epidemiological features of bronchial asthma in children of different climatic zones of Dagestan” (1996); A.M. Aliskandiev “Clinical and epidemiological features of food allergy in children in different climatic zones of Dagestan” (1996).

PhD dissertations: Yu.S. Magomedov “Differentiated application of physical activity in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma in children” (2002); G.T. Efendieva “Features of the syndrome of vegetative dystonia in adolescents” (2006); M.I. Izrailov “Clinical and epidemiological features of bronchial asthma in children and adolescents of mountainous territories” (2007).

According to the completed scientific works, more than 212 papers have been published in the central and republican press, more than 14 methodological recommendations have been prepared. Inventions: N.A. Gitinov, T.M. Mugutdinov “Method of treatment of bronchial asthma in children” (1987), N.A. Gitinov “Method of arbitrary regulation of breathing in children” (1999), “Hand ergometer” (2004), “Hand rhythmograph” (2006).

They are introduced into the practical solution of the methods of the function of external respiration research, the definition of localized and general physical work, between the intermediate program, the study of the state of the computing system, the preventive program-methodology, the assessment of the problem system, the preventive program-measuring methodology, cold test, altitude, etc.