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Department of Pharmacy



General information

Head of the Department: Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gasbulla Suleymanovich Barkaev

Address: 367000, Dagestan, Makhachkala, Shamil str., 44, Dagestan State Medical University.

E-mail: farmacia-dgmu@yandex.ru


History of the Department of Pharmacy

The Department of Pharmacy was established by the decision of the Academic Council of the DSMA in November 2015 in the structure of the Faculty of Pharmacy in accordance with the development strategy of the Medical University, which provides for close cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical business, to fulfill the task of high-quality training of highly qualified specialists with pharmaceutical education. Specialists of practical pharmacy are involved in the educational process.




The objectives of the creation of the department are:

* closer integration of education, science and production;

* implementation of targeted training of young specialists at the university for pharmaceutical institutions;

* conducting State final certification and Primary accreditation of graduates at the department;

* effective solution of the problems of providing pharmaceutical institutions with highly qualified specialists.

Currently, work is being carried out to strengthen the material and technical base of the department, the use of new information technologies in the educational process and equipping with the necessary equipment and equipment for lectures and practical classes.


The main academic disciplines of the department:

-General and special pharmaceutical chemistry;

-Methods of pharmacopoeia analysis;

-Private and general pharmaceutical technology;


-Pharmacy Management and Economics;

-Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science;

-Pharmaceutical logistics;

-Toxicological chemistry;

-Fundamentals of biotechnology;

-Pharmaceutical Homeopathy;

-Herbal medicine;

-Cosmetic medicines;


Educational and industrial practices:

pharmaceutical propaedeutic, management and economics of pharmacy institutions, on general pharmaceutical technology, quality control of medicines, field practice on pharmacognosy.

Employees of the department:


Barkaev Gasbulla Suleymanovich

Head of the Department, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

He graduated from the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy in 1997  Derbent Humanitarian Institute with a degree in economics and management in 2013.

He began his career as a pharmacy manager in the city of Dagestan Ogni  since 1997. He joined the compulsory medical insurance system as the director of   Dagestan Ogni branch in 1998 and he was transferred to the position director of   Derbent branch of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund in 2005. He was a Deputy Director of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Republic of Dagestan since August 2012 and Director of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Republic of Dagestan since 2014.

He has been heading the Branch of VTB Medical Insurance in the Republic of Dagestan since 2015 he was accepted as an assistant of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy in the same year.

He was elected to the post of head of the Department of Pharmacy by the decision of the Academic Council in January 2016.

Research interests: features of drug supply to the population of the Republic of Dagestan in the conditions of the compulsory medical insurance system and the Department of pharmacy economics. He is the author of 26 scientific articles, 2 monographs and 2 teaching aids. Honored Health Worker of the Republic of Dagestan. He was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan and the Order of Peter the Great.


Kaibova Sabina Ravidinovna

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the educational part of the department.

She graduated with honors from the pharmaceutical department of the Chemical Faculty of Dagestan State University in 2000. She became an employee of the Mountain Botanical Garden at  Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a candidate of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Pyatyagorsk State Pharmacological Academy in the same year.

She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Development of technology, research and standardization of hydrophilic preparations of sage in the complex processing of raw materials” in 2003. About 12 works were published according to the materials of the dissertation. She has been an assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy of Dagestan State Medical Academy since 2004.

She has worked as an assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy since 2004. The department organized the course “Biotechnology” and “Pharmaceutical Technology in production” with the active participation of S. R. Kaibova developed curricula for lectures and laboratory classes, a number of methodological materials on this discipline.

She was accepted as an assistant and appointed head of the educational part of the Department of Pharmacy in 2015. She has been appointed Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy since 2019.Research interests: essential oil medicinal raw materials; technology of complex preparations of plant origin.


Abdulnatipov Abdulnatip Ibragimovich

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.

He received a higher education in 1973. He was a candidate and junior researcher at the Enzyme Laboratory of the All-Union Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition (Borovsk, Kaluga Region) from 1974 to 1979. She defended his candidate’s thesis for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences, specialty-03.00.04 “biochemistry” in 1978. He worked at the Department of Physiology  of Dagestan Pedagogical Institute, as an assistant, senior lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor since September 1980 . During his work at  Dagestan State Pedagogical University, he successfully worked on a doctoral dissertation, which he defended for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences in the specialty-03.00.04 ” biochemistry “and 03.00.13″ physiology ” of animals and humans in 1994.

He has been working at the Dagestan State Medical Academy at the beginning as a Professor of the Department of General and Biological Chemistry since September 1996. He was elected head of the Department of General Chemistry with a course in bioorganic chemistry by competition in April 1997. He has been a Professor at the Department of Pharmacy since September 2018. During the period of work, more than 25 teaching aids and more than 150 scientific articles and theses were prepared and published

Magomedova Fazu Tinavmagomedovna

Assistant, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

She graduated from the Pharmaceutical faculty of Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2005.

She defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Optimization of financial and economic activities of pharmacy organizations of the Republic of Dagestan” in December 2015. She is an assistant of the Department of Pharmacy since 2016. Total work experience since 2007. According to the materials of the dissertation, 19 works were published. Research interests: management and economics of pharmacy.


Ibragimov Timur Algasanovich

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

He graduated from Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy with a degree in Pharmacy in 1997. He has been an assistant at the Faculty of Chemistry of Dagestan State University since 1999, where he teaches pharmaceutical disciplines for students of the pharmaceutical department. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Phytochemical research and standardization of raw materials and preparations of tree-like aloe and fragrant callisia” in 2012. He is the author of scientific articles, monographs. Currently, he combines the position of  Associate Professor at Dagestan  State Medical University with teaching at the Department of Pharmacy. Research interests: quality control of medicines, spectroscopy.



Garumova Madina Alievna

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

She graduated from the pharmaceutical department of the Chemical Faculty of Dagestan State University in 1999. Being a candidate of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology at Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical State Academy, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Pharmacotechnological study of flax seed oil and preparation of parapharmaceuticals based on it” in 2005.

She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Chemistry of  DSU and a doctoral student of  Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute of the VolgSMU branch. Teaching experience of 15 years. Currently, she combines the position of Associate Professor at Dagestan State Medical University with teaching at the Department of Pharmacy.

According to the results of scientific activity, more than 30 papers have been published, 7 articles have been published in journals refereed by the Higher Attestation Commission.  The author of the monograph with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the patent 2010127098/13 “A method for obtaining a complex product from flax seeds”. Research interests: phyto-chemical analysis of medicinal plant raw materials growing in Dagestan, as well as analysis of the technical and methodological foundations for optimizing medical, social and medicinal care for the elderly in the Republic of  Dagestan.


Gamzayeva Ulzana Gamzaevna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor.

She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemistry of Dagestan State University in 2002. She defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences on the topic “Concentration and determination of copper, lead and cadmium using polymer sorbents modified with azo compounds” in 2009. She started her teaching career in 2003.

 She conducted practical classes and gave lectures on the disciplines of analytical chemistry, methods of molecular and atomic spectroscopy, metrological foundations of chemical analysis, both to specialist students and undergraduates. She has been working at Dagestan State Medical University as an assistant at the Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry since 2009. Currently, she is an Associate Professor of the Department of general and biological chemistry.

According to the results of pedagogical activity, 6 educational and methodological works were published, including 1 textbook with the stamp of the Educational and Methodological Association of Russia.

According to the results of scientific activity, more than 40 works have been published in the form of abstracts and articles, 2 patents for the invention have been obtained. 9 articles have been published in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission, including an article in a journal included in the international citation databases Scopus, Webofscience.


Kurbanmagomedova Elvira Azhubovna

Assistant of the department

She graduated from the Karachay-Cherkess Medical College with a degree in paramedic-obstetrician in 1995. She worked as a midwife in a maternity hospital from 1995 to 2005. She graduated from the Pharmaceutical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2010. She has been a senior laboratory assistant since 2011 and an assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy of Dagestan State Medical Academy since 2012.Research interests: evidence-based medicine, new dosage forms, pharmacovigilance.



Imachueva Javgarat Ruslanovna

Assistant of the department.

She graduated with honors from Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2016. In the same year, she was enrolled as a part-time postgraduate student at the Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations of  Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute(a branch of the Volgograd State Medical University). She received a postgraduate diploma with the qualification ” Researcher. Teacher-researcher” in 2020. The topic: “Comparative pharmacognostic study of some species of the genus kopeechnik (Hedysarum L.) growing on the territory of the Caucasus”.

According to the results of scientific activity, 17 papers have been published in the form of abstracts and articles, 5 articles have been published in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission, including an article in a journal included in the international citation databases Scopus, Webofscience.


Kadilaeva Zaira Akhmedulayevna

Senior laboratory assistant of the department.

She entered the Dagestan Basic Medical College after school, then the pharmaceutical faculty of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, a branch of    Volgograd State Medical University  from which she graduated in 2015.

She entered the correspondence postgraduate course at the department of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, a branch of the Volgograd State Medical University in 2019. The topic of is “Development of dosage forms based on products of low-waste technology of sedative phytopreparations”.



Abdurakhmanov Arsen Magomedpashayevich

Laboratory assistant of the department.

After school he entered the Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation at the Faculty of Pharmacy, from which he graduated in 2020. He was enrolled as a part-time postgraduate student at the Department of Technology with a course in biotechnology of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute-a branch of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The topic of “Development of innovative dosage forms of curantil (Dipyridamole)”. He is the author of two scientific articles recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.