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Department of Philosophy and History



General information

Head of the Department: Kafarov Telman Emiralievich, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Address: Makhachkala, I. Shamil ave., 48 (9 fl. Educational and theoretical building) (3rd floor)

E-mail: kafarov.56@mail.ru


A special place in the system of medical education is occupied by the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle. In the first year of the institute’s work in 1932, social sciences were taught at the general department of the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, created for all three universities (DPI, DMI, DAI). The head of the department was associate professor of the DPI A.M. Soldatov. In 1935, an individual department of the Marxism-Leninism fundamentals was established at the Medical Institute. From that time until 1944, this department was headed by Sergey Ivanovich Bukashkin. He was replaced by the candidate of Historical Sciences, T. V. Korzheva. In 1960, Candidate of Historical Sciences, M. G. Gaidarov became the head of the department, and since 1964 it was Candidate of Historical Sciences, A. I. Aliyev.

The department was divided into the Department of History of the CPSU and Political Economy and Philosophy and Scientific Communism in 1972. The head of the second department was elected Doctor of Philosophy, Professor S. M. Hajiyev. In 1975, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor N. Ya.Destibekov became the head of the Department of History of the CPSU and Political Economy, and since 1985 – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S. M. Hasanov.

The Department of Philosophy, since March 1987, and since 1997, after the unification of both departments (Philosophy, History and Economic Theory), the Department of Social Disciplines was headed by Professor M. A. Abdullayev.

The Department of Philosophy and History has existed since 2007 after the division of the Department of Social Disciplines.

Currently, the department employs 9 workers: one Professor (T.E. Kafarov), five Associate Professors (H.N. Azizova, A.S. Khalikov, D.A. Adzhieva, M.R. Ramazanov, Z.K. Radjabova (part-time), one Assistant (R.N. Firova (part-time), one Senior lecturer (U.K. Shikhaliyeva (part-time) and Senior laboratory assistant (D.R. Aliyeva). In addition, part-time specialists are involved in the work: Associate Professors: R.A. Atakhanov, A.A. Rahimov, V.H. Atayeva, Senior lecturer M.Z. Magomedov is involved in the work., ass. Efendiyeva E.A.

The educational process is carried out in the following disciplines of the federal component: philosophy-96 hours (except for medical and preventive department).

History (72 hours) – in the first courses of all faculties, Economic theory (48 hours) – in the first courses of all faculties; cultural studies (54 hours)-medical and preventive faculty. As part of the variable part, as a regional component, the department offers a course on “History and culture of the peoples of Dagestan” — 48 hours, as well as elective courses: “Religious Studies”. In addition, the department conducts classes with graduate students on the “History and Philosophy of Science”.

Updated programs are used in all subjects in accordance with the state standards of the third generation; textbooks on philosophy and cultural studies have been published, which were published with the AMA stamp. The textbook “Philosophy in tests” is recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council for Philosophy of the Ministry of Education of Science of the Russian Federation for students of natural science and technical specialties and training areas. (2014). The textbook “History of Religion and Freedom of Thought” was approved and recommended by the CCMC of the DSMU (2014). Textbook “Fundamentals of religious studies and problems of prevention of extremism” 2016 recommended by the AMA RANH (International Association of Scientists, Teachers, Specialists) for Classical University and Technical Education and presented at the Paris Book Salon (March 17-20, 2011 Paris).

Research activity is carried out at the department. There had been published more than 100 works over a period of its existence (since 2007), including 3 monographs. On the initiative and direct participation of the department, following research conferences were held: «Cultural heritage preservation of Dagestan peoples of as a factor of spiritual revival» (2009); “Ethics of Science and the responsibility of a scientist” (2010); “To be worthy heirs of the Great Victory” (2010), dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Together with the Abdurahman-Haji al-Suguri Fund, the department participated in the all-Russian scientific and practical conference “Features of the manifestation of patriotism in modern Russian society” (2011). A conference “On the role of religion in the formation of value orientations of modern youth” was held In December 2012.

Considerable attention is paid to educational work among students. Many topics in both philosophy and history and cultural studies are linked to modern processes in the spiritual life of society. The department has developed questionnaires, according to which periodic surveys are conducted to monitor the value orientations of students.

In recent years, the department has organized many educational events. One of the most important areas of educational work is patriotic education. In connection with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in the spring of 2015, the department conducted a survey among students on this topic. The survey results showed that the majority of students are quite familiar with the history of Russia.

Also, together with the Faculty administration of General Medicine, the department organized and held an intellectual game “Brain Ring”, timed to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War with the participation of first-year students. Much attention is also paid to spiritual and moral education. Teachers of the department visit museums, exhibitions, galleries with students. One of the last was a visit with students to the Poetry Theater, which was opened in 2015 and was marked as the Year of Literature.

It is scheduled to hold a conference on the prevention of extremism in the youth environment with the participation of representatives of the clergy and public organizations in December 2016.

Currently, the department operates in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES 3+). These are disciplines: Philosophy, History, Economics, Cultural Studies (at the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention) belong to the basic part of the specialty program, and “Religious Studies” and “History and Culture of the peoples of Dagestan” to the variable part. The main task of these disciplines is the formation of general and general professional competencies (GC and GPC) of university graduates.


Department Staff

Kafarov Telman Emiralievich — Head of the Department, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1982. He completed postgraduate studies at the same faculty in 1985. He defended his PhD thesis on the role of traditions in the formation and upbringing of personality in 1986. He has been working at the Medical Institute since 1987 (hereinafter referred to as the Academy), where he worked his way up from assistant to professor. He defended his doctoral dissertation “The Spiritual and Moral Heritage of the peoples of Dagestan” at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University in 2001. He has been working as the head of the Department of Philosophy and History since 2008. He teaches a lecture course of philosophy at the medical and pediatric faculties. At 6 courses of the medical and pediatric faculties — a special course “Philosophical problems of medicine”, and also conducts classes with graduate students in the course “History and Philosophy of Science”. He is a member of the editorial board of the republican journal “Scientific World” and the journal “Islamic Studies”, published by the Center for Islamic Studies of the North Caucasus. The range of scientific interests includes problems of spiritual culture in the context of globalization, as well as ethical problems of modern medicine. Publications describing the range of scientific interests: “Ethics and medicine in the era of high technologies”, 2003; “Morality as the basis of humanity”, 2006; “Legal culture: some theoretical issues of formation and formation in Russia”, 2007; “On the issue of religious extremism”, 2007; “Tolerance as a cultural value”, 2008; “On the destructive manifestations of ethnic consciousness”, 2009; “On the essence of culture and its modern metamorphoses”, 2009; “Principles of Islamic ethics: a moral guide for Muslims”, 2010; “Some aspects of the ethics of science and biomedicine”, 2010; “Ethical aspects of Sufism”, 2011; ” The Polyphony of love. Philosophical and Sociological essays” (monograph), 2012; “Russia and the North Caucasus: the origins and problems of ethno-cultural syncretism”, 2013; “Bioethics as a new direction in the moral and Ethical discourse of modern society”, 2015; “Polyphony of Love. Philosophical and Sociological Essays” (2nd additional edition), Moscow, 2016.

 E. Kafarov is a member of the editorial board of the journals “Islamic Studies” and “Scientific World” (Makhachkala). He has supervised four PhD theses and is an advisor on the doctoral program.

Adzhieva Daiganat Abdulzagirovna — Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. She graduated from the DSU in 1970. After completing her postgraduate studies in Moscow, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Methodology for calculating the economic efficiency of introducing new technologies” in 1975. She worked as a researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Dagestan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1976 to 1980. She has been working at the DSMU since 1980. She has published more than 60 scientific papers and educational materials. Adzhieva D. A. gives lectures and conducts seminars on economics at the medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties. Main publications: “Dagestan and Dagestanis have occupied and will occupy a worthy place in multi-ethnic Russia”, Makhachkala, 2012; “Ecological-genetic and organizational-technological aspects of increasing productivity and improving the competitiveness of viticulture and horticulture products of Dagestan”, Novocherkassk, 2013; “Ecological-genetic and technological parameters of geographical zones and places of origin of high-quality products of priority sectors of the agro-industrial complex of Dagestan”, Makhachkala, 2014; “Ecological, genetic and economic parameters of geographical zones and places of origin of high-quality agricultural products of Dagestan”, Krasnodar, 2016.

Azizova Khamis Nurmagomedovna — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History. She graduated from the History Department of the DSU and worked in the history sector of the CPSU Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Dagestan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1976. She entered graduate school in 1979. She defended her PhD thesis in Moscow at the V. I. Lenin Pedagogical Institute in 1990. He has been working at DSMU since 1985, teaching the history of the Fatherland and cultural studies. More than 60 works have been published, including the monograph “You call the Komsomol ticket for a feat”. Main publications: “Ideas of patriotism as a factor in the formation of a moral personality”, Makhachkala, 2014; “Education for sustainable development in Russia: conceptual foundations, realities and prospects”, Makhachkala, 2015; “Analysis of the situation in the field of education for sustainable development in the Russian Federation”, Makhachkala, 2015. 

Khalikov Abdulkhalik Sultansaidovich — Сandidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad State University in 1988. He has been working at the DSMU since the same year. He defended his PhD thesis “G. Bammatov’s Views on Islam” in 2000. He teaches a course of lectures on philosophy at the medical and pediatric faculties.

The range of scientific interests includes problems of the history, philosophy and religion. These are main publications: “Ethno-confessional syncretism as a factor in the formation of the all-Russian identity”, 2009; “Features of the formation of the Arab Caliphate”, 2013; “Bammatov on the place of Islam in the ethnopolitical system of Russia”, 2013; “On the need for the humanitarization of modern education”, 2014; “On the question of the general cultural idea of Dagestan: the main challenges and solutions”, 2014; “Love as a universal value and spiritual need (Islamic view)”, Makhachkala, 2015; Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don, 2015;” The importance of the laws of logic in medical practice”, 2015;” On the ethical and axiological foundations of medicine”, Rostov-on-Don, 2015; “Islam as a factor of social development in modern Dagestan”, 2015; “The role of philosophy in the humanitarization of modern education”, Rostov-on-don, 2016.

  He is the head of the educational unit of the department and the tutor.

Ramazanov Magaram Ragimovich — Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Russian State University with a degree in Philosophy In 1990, since 2003 he has been working at the DSMU. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “The problem of spiritual and moral continuity of generations in the conditions of transformation of society” in 2007. He gives lectures and conducts seminars on the philosophy and history of the Fatherland.

He is the author of many publications in the collections of conferences at the international, all-Russian and regional levels, as well as in refereed journals. Rostov-on-Don, 2012; Main publications: “Personality and the masses in the cultural and historical concept of Hegel”, Penza, 2011; “Benthamism: from Utilitarianism to public Health in Great Britain”, Rostov-on-Don, 2012; “On the Ethical and axiological foundations of Medicine”, Rostov-on-Don, 2015;. “The problem of patriotism in the context of the Victory Anniversary”, Makhachkala 2015; “Bioethics as a new direction in the moral and ethical discourse of modern society”, Rostov-on-Don 2015; “The role of philosophy in the humanitarization of modern education”, Rostov-on-Don, 2016.

 He is also a co-author of the educational and methodological manual “Philosophy in tests”.

Pirova Rena Nizamievna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of Dagestan State Medical University.

The total work experience is 24 years. Teaching experience is 21 years.

She graduated from the Faculty of History of Dagestan State University in 1993.  

She defended her PhD thesis on the topic “The causes of the emergence of the Imamah and the law-making activity of Shamil” in 2006,  a Candidate of Historical Sciences.

She worked as a teacher of history and law in the secondary school of Muzaim village of Derbent district from 1992 to 1996. She worked as a teacher of history, social studies in the school-lyceum No 39 Makhachkala from 1996 to 2001.

She worked as an assistant at the Department of Law and Human Rights of the DSPU from 2002 to 2008. She has worked as an associate professor at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Dagestan State University of National Economy since 2009. She has been enrolled as an assistant at the Department of Philosophy and History of the Dagestan State Medical University since 2011.

She took advanced training courses at the HVE State Educational Institution “Dagestan Institute of National Economy of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan” in 2012, under the program “Basic principles of working with office applications”

In 2011, she took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Turkic World: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” in Baku.

She gives lecture courses, conducts seminars, practical classes in the disciplines “History”, “Religious Studies”.

She is the author of educational and methodological manuals, work programs, methodological recommendations, about 40 scientific publications.

Radzhabova Zerife Kabilovna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History. In 1985, she graduated from the Faculty of History of the V. I. Lenin Dagestan State University. She has been working  as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Political History of the twentieth century at the DSPU since 1991. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Women of Dagestan during the Great Patriotic War” in 2001. She has been working  as an associate professor of the Department of National History of DSPU since 2007.

        She is the author of many publications in collections of conferences of international, all-Russian and regional levels, as well as in refereed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission. She is also the author of teaching aids for students.  

She has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of DSMU since September 2016. She gives lectures and conducts seminars at the Faculty of Medicine on History. 

  Shikhaliyeva Ulyana Kubutaevna, Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. She graduated from the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology of Dagestan State University in 2005. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “The phenomenon of manipulation in the context of modern culture: a philosophical analysis” at Astrakhan State University in 2014. She has 11 years of teaching experience. Currently, she is working at DSMU.

   The range of scientific interests includes research on the phenomenon of manipulation of mass consciousness, the disclosure of the essence and mechanisms of manipulation, as well as ways to counter manipulation. She gives lectures and conducts practical classes at the medical, pediatric, and preventive medicine faculties. Main publications: “Manipulative function of religious culture”, Astrakhan 2012; “Manipulation of consciousness in recreational functions of culture”, Moscow 2012; “Manipulative content of ideology and political propaganda in modern society”, Krasnodar, 2012; “Socio-cultural problems as a reason for the growth of religious extremism”, Moscow 2014; “Mechanisms and technologies of manipulation in culture”, Tambov 2014; “Information wars as a means of control”, Makhachkala 2016.

Atayeva Vazipat Khizrievna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History. In 1983, she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Dagestan State University. From 1983 to 1993. She worked at the All-Russian Research and Design Institute for geothermal waters for the use of deep earth heat. She has been working at the Dagestan State Technical University from 1993 to september 2018. In 1998, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Organization of management of wholesale trade enterprises in market conditions”.
More than 130 works have been published, including several monographs, articles included in the list of peer-reviewed publications by the Higher Attestation Commission, articles in the collections of conferences at the international, all-Russian and regional levels. He is the author of a large number of teaching aids for students.

These are main publications: “On some aspects of the use of modern information technologies in the activities of enterprises in the context of globalization of information relations”, Moscow 2006; “Subjects, objects and mechanisms of social protection of the population in modern Russia”, Moscow 2009; “Opportunities and prospects for the development of the tourist market in the Republic of Dagestan”, Novosibirsk 2010; “Conditions of the impact of the macroeconomic environment of the region on the development of construction complex enterprises”, Rostov-on-Don 2011.; “Research aspects of stimulating influence on the development of the construction industry in the context of marketing”, Great Britain 2016. She gives lectures and conducts seminars at the medical and pediatric faculties. She has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of DSMU since October 2018.

Aliyeva Jamilya Rashidovna, Senior Laboratory Assistant, she has been working at the department since 1998. She had graduated from the Faculty of Philology of DSPU.