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Department of Propaedeutic and Preventive Dentistry



General information

Head of the department: Omarova Khadizhat Omarovna

The founder of the Department of propaedeutic and preventive Dentistry is Associate Professor Omarov O. G. A course of propaedeutic dentistry was opened on the basis of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the DSMA on his initiative, in 1996. The Department of Propaedeutic and Preventive Dentistry was created by merging the course of preventive dentistry (head of the course – Associate Professor Z. A. Eldarusheva) in September 2000.

The head of the department was elected Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ya. I. Izabakarov. The head of the department was Associate Professor Z. A. Eldarusheva  from 2001 to 2003. The department has been headed by Honored Doctor of  Dagestan,. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Omarov Omari Gadzhimusayevich. The department received rooms in the dormitory No. 3 as a base for training sessions on the phantom course, and the base in the Republican Dental Polyclinic was strengthened under his leadership. Today, the department is located in the building of the dormitory No. 3 of  DSMU on the 1st floor, with phantom classrooms, with the most modern equipment.

Currently, the necessary conditions have been created for the educational process. The training rooms are equipped with all the necessary equipment, visual materials and technical means: modern training phantoms equipped with turbines and micromotors.

The resources of the medical and advisory dental polyclinic at  DSMU are used during  organizing and conducting educational, consulting and therapeutic and preventive work,

The department occupies one of the leading places in the educational process at the Faculty of Dentistry.

The department has the necessary educational and methodological documentation. The staff of the department is constantly working on the preparation of teaching aids, various information stands.

The staff of the department has prepared and published a number of educational and methodological manuals: “Forms and methods of prevention of dental diseases”; “Methods of examination of patients with periodontal pathology”; “Hygienic education of children of school and preschool age”; “Professional oral hygiene”; “Methodological recommendations for carrying out sanitary work on the introduction of primary dental prevention in children”; “Methodological recommendations for conducting industrial practice in preventive dentistry”, etc.  Four teaching aids were issued at the department for 2016.

The head of the department O. G. Omarov published a textbook “Workshop on the phantom course of therapeutic dentistry” (Moscow, 2007), which was included in the list of basic literature for 2nd-year students of dental faculties of Russian universities and a number of educational and methodological manuals.


The staff of the department published more than 150 printed works and received 22 certificates for innovation proposals.

Responsible persons:

For academic work: Akhmedova Elmira Abdurashidovna, Associate Professor.

For scientific work: Ilyas Magomedovich Shamov, Associate Professor.

The department conducts research work on the problem of “Deformation of the maxillary system after partial loss of teeth” and “The prevalence of major dental diseases in children of  Dagestan”.

The department has assistants: Ph. D., Associate Professor.M. Shamov, Ph. D., Associate Professor. A. Akhmedova, Ph. D., Associate Professor Z. A. Kaplanova, Ph. D. G. G. Guseynova, Ph. D. M. M. Mashalieva, M. G. Abakarov, H. G. Musalov, H. N. Taygibov, M. A. Gasanova, P. D. Kudaeva, E. O. Makaeva; senior laboratory assistants: I. N. Yarakhmedov, E. M. Ilyasov, N. M. Medzhidov.

All assistants and senior laboratory assistants are graduates of Dagestan State Medical University.

The department does a lot in scientific and pedagogical terms, as well as to optimize the educational process. All this makes it possible to improve the quality of students ‘ education at the Faculty of Dentistry.

Goals and objectives of the department, areas of activity

The Department of Propaedeutic and Preventive Dentistry includes the following areas of activity:

-propaedeutic dentistry

-dental materials science

-nursing in dentistry dental


-fundamentals of dental prosthetic equipment

-preventive and communal dentistry

Staff of the department:


Omarov Omari Gadzhimusayevich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. Honored Doctor of  RD.


Akhmedova Elmira Abdulrashidovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the educational part of the department.



Ilyas Magomedovich Shamov-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of scientific activity of the Department


Musalov Khadji-Murad Guseynovich-assistant, Excellent student of healthcare of  Dagestan, Doctor of the highest category.


Taygibov Khadzhimurad Nurullaevich-assistant, union rep of the department.


Hasanova Madina Anvarovna-assistant


Kudaeva Patimat Dibirovna-assistant



Gulizar Gasanovna Guseynova-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant


Kaplanova Zaira Abdulkhalikovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


Mashalieva Madina Muradovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant


Medzhidova Naida Medzhidovna – assistant