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Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases



General information



НАШ ИНСТАГРАМ КАНАЛ: propedevtika_lech



Head of the department: MD, Professor of the Department, Ali Azhubovich Huseynov

Address: Dagestan, Makhachkala, Lyakhova Ave., 47

Email: kafedra-42@dgmu.ru

Clinical sites:

1) State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan “Republican Clinical Hospital”

2) NGHCI Departmental Clinical Hospital at the Makhachkala station of the Russian Railways


Huseynov Ali Azhubovich, born in 1958, graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Dagestan Medical Institute in 1982. From 1983 to 1986, he worked as a district therapist, then deputy chief physician of the Gryazinskaya CRH of the Lipetsk region. From 1987 to 1988, he worked as the head of the part-time course department of the Dagestan Basic Medical School in Makhachkala. From 1988 to 1990, he completed a clinical residency at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric and Dental Faculties of the DSMU. Since 1990, he worked at the Department of Faculty Therapy of the Dagmedakademy, having worked his way from a senior laboratory assistant to a professor of the department. In 1999, A. A. Huseynov defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Assessment of the response characteristics of erythrocyte membranes in patients with bronchial asthma during complex treatment with the use of microneedle therapy”, and in 2011 – his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Acoustic characteristics of respiration in patients with pulmonary diseases”. More than 120 scientific papers have been published, including 22 articles in peer-reviewed central journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, diplomas of international exhibitions in Moscow, Hanover, Helsinki, a patent for an invention. A. A. Huseynov is a member of the European and Russian Respiratory Societies. He has the highest qualification category in the specialty “internal diseases”, specialization in pulmonology. Honored Doctor of the RD. In 2019, the Head of the RD won a grant for the project “Early detection and differentiation of respiratory disorders in pregnant women”.


The most significant scientific papers:

  • Obstructive pulmonary diseases acoustic spectral analysis Pat. №2354285 RF
  • Bronchophonography potential in differential diagnosis of respiratory disorders in bronchial asthma and somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. M. «Dagestan State Medical Academy Vestnik» 2016, №3, pp. 17-20
  • Bronchophonography in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders in pregnant women. M. “Dagestan State Medical Academy Vestnik” 2017, No. 4 (25), pp. 15-18
  • Bronchophonography use experience for the diagnosis of hyperventilation syndrome. Kazan Medical Journal, 2019, volume 100, No. 3, pp. 519-524
  • Clinical cases of the respiration acoustic analysis use in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders “Dagestan State Medical Academy” 2018, No. 4 (29), pp. 43-45
  • Endocrine mechanisms of bronchi control in patients with asthma, Yakut Medical Journal, 2019, №3 (67), pp. 104-109
  • Early detection and differentiation of respiratory disorders in pregnant women, Azerbaijan Medical Journal, 2020, No. 1, pp. 42-48 DOI: 10.34921/amj. 2020. 31. 28. 007
  • Bronchial challenge tests in the diagnosis of bronchoreceptor disorders in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Medical Vestnik of the North Caucasus. 2020; 15(1): 43-46.DOI – http://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2020.15009

Department staff

  • Hajiyev Haji Efendievich, MD, Professor
  • Akhmedova Avlat Ruknitdinovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department
  • Shariza Mammayevna Musayeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department
  • Baigishieva Naida Dzhupalovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department
  • Shamov Zakarya Medzhidovich, Assistant
  • Bagomedova Natalia Vasilyevna, Assistant
  • Abakarov Gulbaryat Hasanovna, Assistant
  • Beybulatova Kalimat Abdulvagabovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant
  • Abukov Ruslan Malikovich, Assistant
  • Aliskandieva Mu’minat Abdurakhmanovna, Assistant
  • Gimbatova Aishat Abdulvagabovna, senior laboratory assistant of the department
  • Suleymanova Zukhra Latifovna, middle laboratory assistant of the department

Hajiyev Haji Efendievich, MD, Professor of the Department

Doctor of the highest category, the honored doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, has been working at the department since 1990, at the department he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Alimentary aspects of arterial hypertension”.

From 1961 to 1962, he worked as a resident of the 1st city hospital of Makhachkala. Since 1963, he was a resident of the therapeutic department of the RCH RD. From 1963 to 1966, he completed postgraduate studies at the 1st Sechenov Moscow State Medical University. From 1974 to 1989,  Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy №1 of DSMU. From 1990 to 2013, he worked as an Associate Professor. Since 2014, he has been a professor at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the DSMU. From 1974 to 1978, he was seconded by the Ministry of Health of the USSR to the University of Oran, Algeria.

In 1967 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on “Myocardial Hypertrophy in patients with coronary atherosclerosis”.

In 2002, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Alimentary aspects of arterial hypertension”. There are a total of 136 scientific papers and teaching aids. Of these, 11 are in French (during a business trip abroad).

The main focus of scientific research is etiopathogenesis of arterial hypertension, the role of nutrition and drinking water.

The main educational and methodological works:

  • Propaedeutics of internal diseases in 2 volumes, textbook. Makhachkala: CPI DGMA (co-authored with Shamov I. A.) 2006.
  • Propaedeutics of internal diseases in 2 volumes, textbook. Makhachkala: DSMA PPC(co-authored with Shamov I. A.). Rostov on Don. 2007. 635 p. 2007.


  • L’influence d’alimentation glucidique sur l’hypertention par surcharge en sodium. Revue de Publications Medico-chirurgicales. Universite d’Oran. Oran. 1976. р.8 — 11.
  • Action des proteines sur l’hypertention par surcharge en sodium. Revue de Publications Medico-chirurgicales. Universite d’Oran.  Oran. 1976. р.10-13
  • Influence de la surcharge chroniqueen glucose surlle metabolisme du sodium et potessium chez  les homme sains.  LaRevuedu  Praticien. El-Asnam, Algerie. 1975. р.89-92.
  • Drinking water and blood pressure: some aspects of the problem in the Republic of Dagestan. South of Russia: Ecology. Development. 2008. N2. pp. 102-106.
  • Drinking water chemical composition in a region with a high prevalence of arterial hypertension. Cardiovascular therapy and prevention. 2007. Vol. 6. – N 5. pp. 196-198.

State awards and titles: medal “For the development of virgin lands”. 1957 Medal “For Services to the DSMU”. 


Musayeva Shariza Mammayevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

She graduated from the Dagestan State Medical Academy in 1973. From 01.08.1973 to 01.07.1974, she completed an internship in the 2nd city hospital of Makhachkala, specializing in “Therapy” General medicine.

From 1974 to 1990, she worked as a general practitioner in the 2nd city hospital in the therapeutic department, from 1985 to 1990 she was the head of the therapeutic department.

In 1989, she defended her PhD thesis in Leningrad at the Sanitary and Hygienic Institute on the topic: “On the state of protein and amino acid metabolism in the colon mucosa in patients with chronic enterocolitis”.

Since 1991, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases. Since 2011, she has been an Associate Professor of the same department.

Work experience in the specialty is 45 years, teaching experience is 27 years. She has more than 25 scientific papers, 10 of those are in globally known journals.

Research work: the study of fetal hemoglobin in newborns of Dagestan ethnic groups on the basis of maternity hospitals in Makhachkala, the influence of climatic and geographical conditions on the level of newborns fetal hemoglobin in Dagestan.


Baigishieva Naida Dzhupalovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Head of the RCH Department of Oncohematology.

She graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute in 1991. From 1991 to 1997, she completed a clinical residency in Makhachkala, specializing in “therapy” at the Department of Hospital Therapy on the basis of the RCH. She was admitted to the full-time postgraduate school in 1997 and graduated in 2000.

Baigishieva N. D. worked as an assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases from 2000 to April 2014 on the basis of the hematology department of the RCH.

In 2006, together with the head of the department, Professor I. A. Shamov, she published the monograph “Sickle cell disease”, Makhachkala: DSMA PPC. 2006. 157p. and in 2012 the monograph “Sickle cell disease” Germany, Saarbruken; Palmarium academic publishing. 145p.

In 2008, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Polymorphism of clinical phenotypes of sickle cell disease in Dagestan”, in the same year she was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.

In May 2014 she was promoted to Associate Professor.

From March 2011 to December 2015, she worked part-time as a resident doctor in the Department of Hematology.

Since January 2015, she has been the head of the hematology department.

Some scientific and educational-methodical works:

  • Phenotypic manifestations of a sickle cell anemia combination with alpha-thalassemia (with co-author) – Vestnik of the Ivanovo Medical Academy. Case study. vol. 234, No. 1, 2019, pp. 47-50. 


Akhmedova Avlat Ruknitdinovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases

Email: avlat@mail.ru

In 1990-1992, she completed a clinical residency in therapy. From 1992 to the present, she has been working at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases.

In 2007, she defended her PhD thesis “GENETIC AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY OF IDA IN ETHNICALLY AND ECOLOGICALLY SUBDIVIDED GROUPS OF WOMEN IN DAGESTAN”. She has more than 45 printed works. At the moment, there are 4 articles in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and 1 article in Scopus.

She is majored in metabolic syndrome in the Dagestan population. On the basis of  NGHCI “The department clinical hospital at the Makhachkala station of the Russian Railways ” conducts patients of a therapeutic profile and advises gastroenterological patients.


 Shamov Zakarya Medzhidovich

Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases.

Email: 7779640@gmail.com

He graduated from the medical faculty of the DMI in 1994. From 1994 to 1996 he studied in the clinical residency of the DMI at the Department of Family Medicine, from 1996 to 1999 he completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Therapy of the Pediatric Faculty under the guidance of Professor A. G. Chuchalin. From 1999 to the present, he has been an assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the DSMU. From 2014 to 2018, he taught at the medical college at the DSMU (DMA). Since 2018, he has been teaching in groups with English-language training. Author of about 40 scientific and educational works.

Some scientific and educational and methodical works:

  • Is genome editing ethical? Actual problems of medical ethics and deontology: Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Professor I. A. Shamov. – Makhachkala: DSMU PPC, 2019.
  • Children’s health in various climatogeographic zones of Dagestan. Man and Medicine: Collection of Materials of the XXV Russian National Congress, Moscow, 2018.
  • Some criteria for assessing competencies. Competencies in a medical university: a collection of materials of the conference (master class), Makhachkala: DSMU PPC, 2019


Bagomedova Natalia Vasilyevna, assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU. In 1993, she graduated from the medical faculty of the DMI. From 1993 to 1994, she completed an internship in therapy with DMI. Since 1994, he has been working at this department as a senior laboratory assistant, and then as an assistant.

Email: bagnat@list.ru

Author of more than 20 scientific and educational works.




Abakarova Gulbariyat Hasanovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, Chief Gastroenterologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, member of the Association of Gastroenterologists of Russia, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology of the RCH.

Telephone: +7(988) 292-35-05; 550-107

Email: gastro1909@mail.ru

In 1985 she graduated from the DSMI with “excellent”. In 1985-1987- clinical residency (Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases), in 1987-1990 she began working in the RCH as a doctor of the emergency department, from 1990 to 1996 she worked as a doctor of the gastroenterological department of the RCH, in 1996-1998-deputy chief physician of the RCH for CEC. Since 1998, he has been working as the head of the Department of Gastroenterology of the RCH. From 2002 to 2014-a member of the “School of Gastroenterology”, in 2009 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in the city of Moscow on the topic “Medical and demographic characteristics of those hospitalized for diseases of the digestive system and their need for advisory assistance”, since 2009, combines the work of head of the department with teaching at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases. He has 34 scientific articles.


Alyskandiyeva Muminat Abdurakhmanovna, Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases.

In 2014, she graduated from the department of general medicine of DSMA with honors. In 2014-2015 she underwent an internship in the specialty of “therapy” at the Department of Hospital Therapy 1 on the RCH base. In 2015-2016, she specialized in cardiology at the Department of ATF and ATS under the guidance of Professor A. A. Abdullaev. From 2015 to 2016, she was a teacher of anatomy and nursing at the Bashlarov Medical College. From 2017 to 2018 she was employed as Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU. Since 2018, she has started scientific work as a candidate of the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, assigned to the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1, under the guidance of Professor S. N. Mammaev. Since 2019, she has been an assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases.



Biibolatova Kalimat Abdulvagabovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant.

In 2002, she graduated from the department of general medicine of the Dagestan Medical Academy. From 2002 to 2005, she completed a residency in “family medicine” and since 2005 worked at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric, Dental and Preventive Medicine faculties of DSMA.

She started working on her PhD thesis in 2006, which included the study of the cardiorespiratory system in patients with rheumatoid arthritis while receiving basic therapy. The thesis adviser was Akhmedkhanov Saipulla Shapievich. In the light of this work, patients were treated with anti-cytokine therapy with the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) Infliximab (Remicade). The PhD thesis was defended on September 23, 2010, on the topic: “The functional state of the cardiorespiratory system in patients with rheumatoid arthritis against the background of pathogenetic therapy”. During the work, 22 scientific papers and a monograph on the topic of the dissertation were published.

In May 2007, she took first place in the competition of young scientists of the DSMU. She participated in the creation of a register of patients with rheumatoid arthritis taking high-tech drugs, and also participated in a pilot study of the RA patient register in Russia.

Since June 2007, she has been a secretary in the Association of Rheumatologists of the Republic of Dagestan, and is also a member of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia. Since September 2015, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU.

The most significant scientific papers:

 Anatomical geometric indicators of the left ventricle in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. VII Scientific and Educational Conference of Cardiologists and Therapists of the Caucasus, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of DSMU October 17-18, 2017 Makhachkala Collection of Scientific Works C18-21. Co-authored with Akhmedkhanov S.S. and Jamalutdinova A.D.


Akavova Aida Muratovna, Assistant of the Department

In 2014, she graduated from DSMA with a degree in “general medicine”. In 2015, he completed an internship in therapy at the St. Petersburg Institute of Advanced Medical Experts. Since 2017, she has been an assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU. Since 2019, she has started scientific work as a candidate for the degree of Candidate of medical Sciences.

Scientific and educational work:

  • “Features of the anxiety and depressive disorders treatment in patients who have suffered an acute myocardial infarction” in co-authorship with Akhmedkhanov S. Sh., Abdullayeva B. S., Akavov A. N.
  • Depression and anxiety in patients who have suffered an acute myocardial infarction in co-authorship with B. S. Abdullayeva, S. S. Akhmedkhanov and others, DSMU, 2019
  • Depression and anxiety impact on the development of myocardial infarction in co-authorship with B. S. Abdullayeva, S. Sh. Akhmedkhanov and others, DSMU, 2019


Abukov Ruslan Malikovich, Assistant of the department.

In 1975, he graduated from the DMI. After graduation, he completed an internship in Kazan. Clinical residency at DMI from 1979 to 1981, 2008-2012. – part-time doctoral programme at the Department of faculty Therapy. Academic supervisor K-M. O. Minkailov.

Work in practical healthcare: Since 1976, he worked as an ambulance doctor at the CRH of Khasavyurt. After completing his residency, he worked for 4 years as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator in the CRH of Khasavyurt. Since 1990, he has been a general practitioner at the student polyclinic in Makhachkala. From 2005 to 2014, he worked as an emergency medical doctor at the Kaspiysk city Hospital.

Work in the education system: From 1986 to 1990 and in 2014-2015, senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Outpatient Therapy, then the Department of Faculty Therapy of the DMA.

Some scientific papers:

  • The influence of helicobacter infection on cardiovascular pathology, co-authored in the collection Problems of Environmental Medicine VI, Makhachkala 2016
  • Pulmonological care quality monitoring to the population in outpatient settings, with co-authors, in the collection Problems of environmental medicine VIII, Makhachkala 2016
  • Etiological structure of community-acquired pneumonia in co-authorship in the collection of Topical issues of infectious pathology “Shamov readings”, Makhachkala 2018
  •  Intraoral manifestations of GERD in adolescents. Vestnik of New Medical Technologies, Moscow 2020. – No. 5. – pp. 65-69 (No. 449 in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission)


Gimbatova Aishat Abdulvagabovna, senior laboratory assistant of the department.

In 2009, she graduated from the department of general medicine of DSMA with honors. From 2009 to 2012, clinical residency in therapy (DSMA). From 2012 to 2017, she worked as a resident doctor of the department of therapy in the SBI RD RYC “Veterans Hospital”. In 2015, she completed professional retraining in the specialty “Gastroenterology” at the Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (Moscow). In 2017, professional retraining in the specialty “Endoscopy” at the DSMU. From 2017 to 2018, she worked as a gastroenterologist in private medical centers in Makhachkala. From January 2019 to the present – senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU.



Suleymanova Zukhra Latifovna, middle laboratory assistant of the department.

She graduated from the Derbent Medical school, the paramedic-obstetric department in 1972. In 1977, he specialized in clinical and biochemical laboratory assistant at the RCH (Makhachkala). She worked as a clinical laboratory assistant from 1977 to 1981 in the CDH of Tabasaran district, Khuchni village. Since 1981, she has worked in the clinical and biochemical laboratory of the RCH. Since 1985, she has been working at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the DMI. Participated in the examination of patients with hemoglobinopathies in Dagestan (conducted blood sampling, hemoglobin electrophoresis, sickle cell tests, a test for H-hemoglobin, for microspherocytosis and others, including when detecting hemoglobin Dagestan.)


History of the Department

Shamov Ibrahim Akhmedovich

He was born on May 15, 1930 in the village of Kubachi DASSR.

In 1956, he graduated with honors from the Dagestan State Medical Institute.

1956 — 1957 doctor of one of the districts of DASSR. From 1958 to 1968, he was an assistant at the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Daggosmedinstitut, from 1968 to 1971 – an associate professor of the same department. Since 1972, Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, from 1971 to 1990, vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the DSMI.

In 1964, he defended his PhD thesis: “Materials on the role of intestinal microflora in the genesis of dietary (enterogenic) liver lesions”. In 1973, he received his doctoral dissertation: “Classification, clinic, diagnosis and treatment of amyloidosis». He has been given a title of a Professor since 1974.

The priority scientific direction in 1963-1983 was the work on the problem of amyloidosis. Before the work of I. A. Shamov, it was believed that amyloidosis was an irreversible condition. In experimental and clinical studies, the author proved the possibility of reverse development of amyloidosis in the early stages and developed schemes for long-term treatment of the disease. This work is reflected in his 3 monographs.

For the scientific development of this problem, he, together with a number of Moscow colleagues, was awarded the USSR State Prize for Science for 1983.

Since 1985 — to the present, I. A. Shamov has been developing problems of hematological norms and pathology in the Republic of Dagestan. He also published 3 monographs on this topic, which were awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan for Science in 2003.

There are about 300 scientific papers in total.

Under his leadership, 3 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations were defended.

Being the vice-rector for academic affairs of the DMI, I. A. Shamov organized research and put into practice the results on the scientific organization of the pedagogical process, on programmed control, the use of computers in the educational process, the basics of deontology and ethics of a doctor.

  1. A. Shamov is one of the leading specialists of the USSR and Russia on the issues of ethics and deontology of a doctor, and in recent years — bioethics. During his work as a vice-rector, DMI was the leading medical university of the Russian Federation on these issues. Here, on behalf of the Department for Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (V. V. Shlyapnikov), an interdepartmental program for teaching this discipline in all universities of the Russian Federation was created.

In 2001, I. A. Shamov, based on the totality of his works on ethics, deontology and bioethics, was elected a member of the International Center for Health, Law and Ethics, the Global Supervisory Board and a UNESCO expert on bioethics.
I. A. Shamov is a member of the Union of Writers of Russia. He is known to the general reader as a master of the short story. He is the founder of the publication of a number of artistic essays in his native Kubachin language. He is also known for his journalistic speeches in the periodicals of Dagestan and Russia on a healthy lifestyle, on a number of social phenomena, anti-clerical topics.

Public activity: during the USSR — Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Peace Foundation DASSR; now-Deputy Chairman of the Dagestan Society of Therapists.

Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Clinical Medicine”.

Since 2001, I. A. Shamov has been the Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the DSMA.

State awards and titles: “Order of Honor”, medals “For Labor valor”; “For Labor distinction”; “Veteran of Labor”; “For merits of the DSMA”. Badges “Excellent Health worker” and “Honorary Badge” of the Soviet Peace Foundation. “Honored Scientist of the RD and the Russian Federation”; “Honored and” People’s Doctor of the RD”.

He is a full member of a number of public academies – International, New York and Petrovsky. In 2008, I. A. Shamov was awarded the N. I. Pirogov Prize for a series of works on medicine by the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences.


The department was opened in October 1934. The first organizer and head of the department was G. P. RUDNEV.

Rudnev Georgy Pavlovich (1899 – 1970) — a major Soviet infectious disease specialist. In 1923, he graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Don University. From 1934 to 1936 he worked at the Dagmedinstitut, where he was the first organizer and head of the Department of Propaedeutics of internal Diseases. During the period of the head of this department, G. P. Rudnev conducted a lot of scientific and pedagogical work. In 1936 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, and in 1937 he was awarded the academic title of professor. G. P. Rudnev participated in the Second World War as an infectious diseases consultant, and since 1944 until the end of his life, he worked as the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Central Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors of the Ministry of Health of the USSR. G. P. Rudnev was a full member and a member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers, including monographs and manuals on infectious diseases. Under his leadership, about 60 dissertations were defended, including 20 doctoral dissertations. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, and many medals.

The assistants of the department at that time were Nikolai Pavlovich Agricolyansky and Alexey Grigoryevich Podvarko (later Professor, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of our Institute).

In the first years, the department taught courses in physiotherapy (Professor Mikhail Sergeevich Dobrokhotov), radiology (Associate Professor Sergey Fedorovich Cherechukin) and laboratory science (Semyon Dmitrievich Meshalkin) – later professor, head of the Department of faculty Therapy).

  1. P. RUDNEV headed the department for 2 years. During this time, he managed to organize a team of the clinic, establish scientific research, purchase educational equipment, tables, and create a small library. For 2 years, 26 scientific papers were completed, mainly on hepatology.

Since 1936, G. P. RUDNEV moved to another department, and Professor V. G. BOZHOVSKY became the head of the Department of Propaedeutics.

 Bozhovsky Vladimir Grigoryevich (1874–1953) — he was born on 27.6.1874 in Yerevan in the family of a personal nobleman. In 1892, he graduated from the Petrograd Military Medical Academy with honors. In 1906, he defended his doctoral dissertation “Clinical observation of the state of blood pressure in active and passive hypertension”. In 1910-11, he specialized in therapy in Austria-Hungary and Germany. He served in the army in various medical positions in 1906-1918. After that, he worked in various hospitals, at the Yaroslavl Medical Institute as a professor. In connection with student affairs, he was repressed in 1923 and acquitted in 1926. He received the title of professor in 1936.

He came to Dagestan from the Kislovodsk Research Institute of Balneology. Since 1936, he became the head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the DMI. He worked in this post until 1951. He had 43 published scientific works

  1. G. Bozhovsky was an excellent teacher and devoted all his efforts to teaching students the methods and techniques of propaedeutic therapy. Being the permanent chairman of the Dagestan Scientific Medical Society, V. G. Bozhovsky was one of the founders of the Dagestan school of therapists.

While Bozhovsky heading, the department moved from the 2nd city hospital to the Republican One, expanded the material base for both medical and educational work. During this period, such teachers as associate Professor Daniyal Ibragimovich Sheikh-Ali (later professor, head of the Department of Faculty Therapy of our Institute), assistant Ksenia Ivanovna Sokolova came to the department, and associate professor began to read lectures on radiology, Nikolai Filaretovich, Mordvinkin (later Professor, head of the Department of Hospital Therapy of our Institute).

Great difficulties fell to the share of the institute and all departments with the beginning of the 2nd World War. Most of the teachers and doctors were drafted into the Soviet Army. Only Professor V. G. BOZHOVSKY and assistant K. I. Sokolova remained at the department. During the difficult military and post-war period, scientific interests also underwent changes. The problems of regional pathology were replaced by research on diseases of internal organs in the wounded and those affected in the war.

In 1952, Professor V. G. BOZHOVSKY retired and the department was headed by associate Professor I. M. BILALOV.

Bilalov Joseph Manasevich (1903-1983). He was born in 1903 in Temirkhan-Shur, Dagestan region. In 1928, he graduated from the Leningrad Military Medical Academy, and subsequently completed postgraduate studies at the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Training. He wrote his dissertation “Acidosis and heart failure” in 1940, but due to the outbreak of war, he received a PhD degree only in 1947. Until 1941, he worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Therapy of the Astrakhan Medical Institute. In 1941, he was drafted into the Soviet Army and went through the entire war as part of the 1st Ukrainian Front. He was the head of a military hospital, and after the end of the war – the head of the therapeutic department of the Feodosiya military sanatorium. He had government awards – the Order of the Red Star and medals “For the Capture of Prague”, “For the Capture of Berlin”, “For the victory over Germany”. In 1946, he was demobilized and again worked at the Astrakhan Medical Institute. In 1948, he received the title of associate professor and moved to work at the Dagestan Medical Institute. Since 1952, he became the head of the Department of Propaedeutics of the DMI. He retired in 1972. He had 14 published scientific papers. He worked on a doctoral dissertation on the topic of tuberculous peritonitis in Dagestan.

During the period when the department was headed by Bilalov, the following associate professors worked at the department: Madina Osmanovna Magomedova, Abas Nagievich Aliyev, Umakhanat Jalalovna Atayeva, Assistants Valentina Nikitichna Lazutina, Asiyat Jamalovna Hashayeva, Grigory Semenovich Dunaevsky, Jamal Jamalovich Abdulpatakhov, Rashid Magomedovich Soltakhanov.

The clinical base of the department was transferred from the Republican hospital to the city hospital and expanded to 50 beds. Scientific research was devoted to tuberculous peritonitis and liver pathology. Assistant (and later associate professor) U. D. ATAEVA defended her PhD thesis under the guidance of I. M. BILALOV, devoted to functional changes in the liver during helminthic invasion.

From 1972 to 2019, the department was headed by Professor Ibrahim AKHMEDHANOVICH SHAMOV.

Under his heading, the department received hematology, nephrology departments and the Department of general therapy and arthrology of the Republican Clinical Hospital as basic departments, as well as therapeutic and gastroenterological departments of the railway hospital – a total of 220 beds. The department has 10 classrooms, 1 scientific and educational laboratory, 2 utility rooms. The total area of the departmental premises is more than 380 sq. m..

At various times, senior laboratory assistants and laboratory assistants worked at the department: Tatyana Kirakozova, Rabiyat Abdulmedzhidovna Medzhidova, Madina Tazhudinovna Gadzhieva, Shafiga Makhmudovna Tagieva, Khadizhat Gadzhievna Omarova.

Currently, the senior laboratory assistant is Gimbatova Aishat Abdulvagabovna, the laboratory assistant is Zukhra Latifovna Suleymanova, the preparators are Kumsiyat Zaynutdinovna Zaynutdinova, Izgar Shakhbanova.


The subject is taught in the second and third years. Students ‘ training includes weekly lectures and practical classes throughout the academic year. Practical classes are conducted in accordance with the curriculum in eight training rooms of the department and directly with patients at two clinical bases. At the end of the practical classes, the defense of the medical history, the test and the exam are conducted.

Since 2019, the staff of the department has been conducting practical classes using simulators-cardiological Harvey and auscultative SAM II. Students get the skills of patient auscultation, remember in practice the location of auscultation points on the patient’s body, learn to understand the features of the auscultation picture in various diseases of the heart and lungs. Classes are held jointly and on the basis of the accreditation and simulation center of DSMU.

Teaching and methodical work

The department is carrying out a significant work of the educational and methodical plan.

The research work of the department’s staff. The staff of the department has written and published more than 45 teaching aids for students, which are implemented in the educational process: “Business educational game in a medical educational institution” (2014- DSMA PPC and 2014-LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing), “Medical Chart” – a medical history scheme for English-speaking students, Gadzhiev G. E., 2019, “Logical structures of topics on propaedeutics”. 1977; “Manual on the assimilation of practical skills by students of 1-3 courses” (3 editions-1986, 1987-Makhachkala, 1990 – Stavropol); “Methodological recommendations for the use of situational and problem tasks”. 1988. All these manuals are compiled by the staff of the department. “Diffuse toxic goiter”. Method. a manual for students. M-R-M.Soltakhanov, 2002; “Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of myeloma”, “Modern treatment of hemophilia” H. E. Kazieva and co-authors; “Diagnosis of endocrine diseases” M. R. M. Soltakhanov and E. M. Soltakhanov, 2006. and others.

Scientific work

The department has made the following contribution to the domestic science.

On the issue of amyloidosis:

  • Development of pathogenesis and amyloidosis classification.
  • Introduction into practice (for the first time in the Soviet Union) biopsy of the rectal mucosa for the diagnosis of amyloidosis.
  • Solving the amyloidosis reversibility issue in the early stages.
  • Long-term treatment and prevention setting for amyloidosis.
  • The release of 3 monographs on amyloidosis (so far – the only ones on this issue in the USSR and Russia), which led to the award of the USSR State Prize for Science in 1983.

On the issue of anemia:

  • Development of the main issues of epidemiology, genetics and hemoglobinopathies clinic in Dagestan.
  • The discovery of a new abnormal hemoglobin “Dagestan”.
  • Generalization of materials and the release of 2 monographs on hemoglobinopathies.
  • Evidence of the presence of genetic markers in patients with IDA, which can be used as important diagnostic criteria.

On the issue of leukemia:

  • Epidemiological-geographical and ethno-genetic assessment of the problem of adult leukemia in Dagestan.
  • Creation of a regional leukemia registry in Dagestan.
  • Publication of the monograph “Adult leukemia in Dagestan”.

For the scientific development of this problem, he, together with a number of Moscow colleagues, was awarded the USSR State Prize for Science for 1983.

In the subsequent period, the main direction of the scientific work of the department was regional pathology — various blood diseases. According to this cycle of research, the doctoral dissertation of the associate professor of the department Akhmed Sheikhovich Khasaev, the candidate dissertation of the assistant Hanicha Elmurzaevna Kazieva were completed, the monograph “Hemoglobinopathies of Dagestan” 1986 (Makhachkala) and “Sickle cell anemia” (I. A. Shamov and N. Ch.Baigishieva was published. Makhachkala, 2006). These works have a direct access to the practical healthcare of Dagestan. In 2008, N. J.Baigishieva defended her PhD thesis on “Polymorphism of clinical phenotypes of sickle cell disease in Dagestan”. In the same year, A. R. Akhmedova defended her dissertation on the topic “Genetic and epidemiological study of iron deficiency anemia in ethnically and ecologically subdivided groups of women in Dagestan”.

On the issues of anemia, work continued on the study of various, poorly studied aspects of iron deficiency anemia. These works ended with the defense of the candidate’s dissertations by Patimat Saaduyevna Nurmagomayeva and Patimat Omarievna Hasanova, the doctoral dissertation by Saipula Shapievich Akhmedkhanov and the publication of the book “Iron Deficiency anemia of Dagestan” (1994).

A parallel direction of the period of the 70s and early 80s at the department was the study of the state of the intestines in internal diseases. These studies ended with the defense of PhD theses by Nazifa Raufovna, Malika Khaibulayevna Izmailova, Salimkhan Abdulkhalikovich Abdulkhalikov and Shariza Mamayevna Musayeva.

Much attention at the department has been paid to the training of students in the ethics and deontology of a doctor for all years. The books written and published by the head of the department, professor I. A. Shamov,contributed to the solution of this issue: “The Art of Healing”, which has passed three editions (Makhachkala); “Two beyond the health line” (Makhachkala, 1983); “The Doctor and the patient” (Moscow,1986); “Philosophy and moral culture of healing” (Kiev, 1988); “Logic and medical art” (Makhachkala, 1988); “The Wisdom of reciprocity” (Leningrad, 1989); “Man, society, health”, (Stavropol, 1990); “The essence of modern paramedicine”, Stavropol, 1991) and “Call to the doctor” (Moscow, 1993). As well as a number of speeches in the central press, at conferences, lectures for students.

In 2001, in connection with the changes in the principles of ethics and deontology and the formation of biomedical ethics, I. A. Shamov published a textbook “Bioethics” through the publishing house “Medicine”. Subsequently, his book “Biomedical Ethics” was examined by the AMA and it was assigned the graph of a textbook for medical schools. The book was published in 2005 in Makhachkala. And in 2006 – in Moscow as a textbook for medical schools in Russia.

For these works, Professor I. A. Shamov was elected a member of the International Center for Health, Law and Ethics in 2000, in 2005 — a UNESCO expert on bioethics and was included in the UNESCO Global Bioethics Supervisory Board.


Clinical care

The department conducts treatment-and-consultation work in 4 departments of the SBHI RD “Republican Clinical Hospital” (hematological, oncohematological, nephrological, general therapy). Weekly rounds are held by the head of the department Huseynov A.A., which involves both doctors of the department, and employees of the department and students. Head of the department Huseynov A. A., Professor Gadzhiev G. E. and associate professors consult patients, participate in consultations. Assistants, associate professors participate in the analysis of fatal cases, review medical histories. 3-5 new methods of diagnosis and treatment are introduced annually.

A number of manuals on the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases were written and published for practitioners of the republic, in particular: “Rational use of antibiotics”, “Rare diseases and syndromes in the clinic of internal diseases”, “Features of the clinic, course and treatment of bacterial kidney diseases in pregnant women”, “Skin erythema in the practice of a doctor”, “Hereditary blood diseases of Dagestan”. The “Doctor Book” of Prof. I. A. Shamov is very popular among doctors. In 2004-2018, it has passed 7 editions.

The Department news

On December 21, 2019, the second meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases was held.

The meeting was attended by:

Huseynov A. A., Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Prof. Gadzhiev G. E., associate professor Akhmedova Sh. M., assistants Abukov R. M., Akavova A.M., scientific director of the SSC propaedeutics of internal diseases, Shamov Z. M., circle members, 3rd year students

First, the head of the department A. A. Huseynov spoke, he noted that on more than 15 topics, on various sections of medicine, such as pulmonology (“Cough in medical practice”), hematology (“Prevalence of hemoblastosis in the Republic of Dagestan”,”Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in the Republic of Dagestan”,”Iron deficiency anemia in students of our university”), gastroenterology (“Eating behavior of overweight people”,”Criticism of the treatment of helicobacteriosis in Dagestan”) and others at the department have already started work. Head of the department also noticed that most of the employees actively participate in the work of the circle, being scientific leaders of student groups.

Then the circle members performed. The first speech of Gamzatova Isbaniyat was dedicated to Behcet’s disease, a rare disease found only in the countries of the “Great Silk Road”. The second speech of Mingalieva Aigul “Antibiotic resistance as a threat to national security” showed the results of the survey of university students. The work revealed a high frequency of self-treatment with antibiotics among future doctors, including with viral infections. The work also reveals a low level of knowledge of some of the respondents about the rules for prescribing antibiotics. In the third speech, Rabia Hasanova analyzed the frequency and structure of public appeals to therapists in various polyclinics in Makhachkala. At the end of the meeting, A. A. Huseynov summed up the results of the first month of the circle’s work. The next meeting is scheduled for the end of February.


Student science circle

On November 30, 2019, the first meeting of the student circle was held at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases. The head of the department, Ali Azhubovich Huseynov, delivered a parting word for the circle members. During the speech, the head of the department described the possibilities of student work at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, formulated the general tasks and goals of the student circle, expressed the hope that the members of the circle will be able to clearly express themselves both at the university level and at the interuniversity level.









Teachers of the department: Gadji Efendievich Gadjiev, Shariza Mammayevna Musayeva, Avlat Ruknitdinovna Akhmedova, Natalia Vasilyevna Bagomedova suggested possible research directions corresponding to modern problems in therapy, hematology, nephrology.
















Zakarya Medzhidovich Shamov, the scientific director of the circle, described the first task of the circle members – the selection of literature on the topic of their work and the compilation of a review, showed the students trustworthy sources of scientific information, invited the students to speak at the next meeting dedicated to the search for scientific information and the design of the study.









Elmira Medzhidova, a student of the 340 group, also made a presentation at the meeting on the search in PubMed. By a general vote, Elmira Medzhidova was elected the head of the circle. Aliskandieva Muminat Abdurakhmanovna was appointed secretary of the student circle.