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Department of Psychiatry, Medical Psychology and Narcology



General information


Head of the Department: Naida Rajabovna Mollayeva-Doctor of Medical Sciences











Address: 57 “v”Sh. Rustaveli str., Makhachkala

Phone: 8 (8722) 64-16-32

Clinical bases: Republican Psychiatric Hospital-Makhachkala, 57 “v”Sh. Rustaveli str.

Republican Center for the Protection of Neuropsychiatric Health of Children and Adolescents – Makhachkala, 34 “b”I. Shamil str.

Responsible for the website: Assistant of the department Kafarova Azhay Basirovna.














Collective chairs

* Mollayeva Naida Rajabovna -Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department

* Miroshkina Irina Dmitrievna-Candidate of Medical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department

* Abubakarov Khas-Magomed Murtuzalievich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department.

Aliev Mustafa Alievich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant.

* Gammatsayeva Leila Shamilyevna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant.

* Gazimagomedova Umukusum Magomedovna –assistant.

* Shakhrutdinova Patimat Akhmedovna – assistant.

* Kafarova Azhay Basirovna-assistant.

* Zakaryaeva Sabina Sergeevna-assistant.

* Shamsieva Salazamad Rustamovna-assistant.

* Alieva Aminat Abdukhalimovna-senior laboratory assistant.

* Khelefova Marina Zibiulayevna- laboratory assistant.



History of  the department


A. Glazov

The Department of Narcology and Psychiatry at the medical Institute was established in 1932 and its first head was a neurologist by specialty, Professor M. S. Dobrokhotov.

A special course of psychiatry was allocated in 1939, which was taught from the very beginning by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V. A. Glazov. A separate department of psychiatry was organized in 1940.

The formation of the psychiatric service in Dagestan is associated with the name of Professor V. A. Glazov. Systematic educational and pedagogical, educational and methodological, scientific and medical-advisory work begins at the same time. An experimental laboratory of fundamental research devoted to the clinical and pathogenetic study of nuclear schizophrenia was organized at the department. Ten candidate and one doctoral dissertations were launched under the leadership of Professor V. A. Glazov.

A psychiatric school was established in Dagestan Thanks to the long-term activity of a talented researcher, doctor, teacher, Professor V. A. Glazov.

The Department of Psychiatry was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. A. Ibragimova from 1971 to 1980. A highly qualified specialist, a brilliant lecturer, a talented teacher, she creatively combined the educational process with practical activities, made a great contribution to the development of the psychiatric service.

The duties of the head of the department were performed by the assistant, candidate of Medical Sciences I. M. Idrisov from 1980 to 1984.

The department was headed by Professor O. G. Vilensky from 1984 to 1990. The department continued its active scientific and educational activities under his leadership. The department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences F. S. Nasrullaev from 1990 to 1994. The leading directions in the work of the department during this period were the study of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of exogenous organic psychoses.


The duties of the head of the department were performed by Candidate of Medical Sciences X-M. M. Abubakarov from 1994 to 1995. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Some biochemical and cytochemical studies of the pathogenesis of nuclear schizophrenia under the guidance of Professor A. A. Ibragimova. Currently, he works as an assistant at the department.



V. Kamenyuk     

  The department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences V. V. Kamenyuk from 1995 to 2003.

He has been working at the Department of Psychiatry since 1971. He defended: “On the issue of differential diagnosis of presenile psychoses and menopausal neuroses” in the same year.   

Certification cycles for doctors have been held at the department from 1999 to the present,which is headed by the Honored Doctor of the Republic of  Dagestan, Associate Professor V. V. Kamenyuk.        

The department was headed by Associate Professor M. S. Madieva from 2003 to 2009. She defended her PhD thesis at Research Institute of Social Problems and Transformations named after  V. P. Serbsky under the supervision of Professor I. N. Pyatnitskaya in 1991.






Head of the department  Mollaeva N. R. and chief physician of the  Republican psychoneurological dispensary Aliyev M. A.

The results the psychotropic drugs study of a new generation – “atypical neuroleptics” in schizophrenia remain one of the most relevant studies of the department’s employees. At various times  the department has worked: Professors A. A. Ibragimova, O. R. Vilensky; Associate Professor A. S. Zubova; Candidates of Medical Sciences I. M. Idrisov, T. A. Gabibov, F. S. Nasrullaev, M. M. Daniyalova; assistants I. M. Pinkin, A. I. Serova, Z. M. Zavyalova, N. M. Abakarova, E. N. Lysenko, G. A. Malakhova; laboratory assistant S. F. Gadzhieva.

The department has been heading by Doctor of Medical Sciences N. R. Mollaeva since 2009. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the actual problem of environmental psychiatry “Mental health of children living in an iodine-deficient zone” in Moscow, 2009.

  1. R. Mollaeva has created the Society of psychiatrists, narcologists, psychotherapists of the Republic of Dagestan in 2010. She is a member of the Association of Psychiatrists of Russia.

Currently, 10 teachers work at the department. Associate Professors: V. V. Kamenyuk, Madieva M. S., Miroshkina I. D., Abubakarov Kh. M., assistants: Aliev M. A., Gammatzaeva L. Sh,  A. B., Gaydarova O. R., Abdusalamova P. Yu., N. A. Alibekova,  technicians: Aliyev, T. O., M. Z. Khalafova

Members of the Department provide significant contributions to the practical health care of the Republic: scientific and practical conferences, seminars in the districts and cities of the republic.

Educational work

Practical classes and lectures are held at the department:

-In the 4th year of the Medical and Preventive faculty of general psychopathology.

-In the 5th year of the Medical and Preventive Faculty on private psychiatry and medical psychology.

-In the 5th year of Pediatric Faculty on general psychopathology and private psychiatry, as well as medical psychology.

-In the 4th year of the Dental Faculty on psychiatry.

– In the 5th year of the Medical and Preventive Faculty on psychiatry and medical Psychology

-In the 5th year of the Medical and Preventive Faculty on  psychiatry and medical psychology.

-In the 3rd year of the Faculty of Pharmacy on ____________

-In the 1st year of the higher nursing department of general psychology.

-In the 2nd year of the higher nursing department, age and medical psychology.

-In the 4th year of the higher nursing department, management psychology and nursing in psychiatry.

Scientific work

The following dissertations were defended by the staff of the department:

-The head of the department Naida Rajabovna Mollayeva defended her doctoral dissertation in 2009 on the topic: “Mental health of children living in an iodine-deficient zone”.

– Associate Professor Abubakarov Kh-M. M. defended dissertation on the topic: “Some biochemical and cytochemical studies of the pathogenesis of nuclear schizophrenia” in 1976.

– Associate Professor V. V. Kamenyuk defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “On the issue of differential diagnosis of involutional psychoses and hysterical neuros”

-Assistant  Gammatsayeva L.Sh. defended her dissertation  on the topic: “Behavioral disorders in children with sluggish schizophrenia” in 2003.

– Associate Professor Miroshkina I. D. defended on the topic: “Features of the formation of the psycho-organic syndrome of vascular and alcoholic genesis” in 1981.

– Associate Professor Madieva M. S. defended her dissertation   on the topic: “Psychopathology of hashishism” in 1991.


Educational and methodological materials:

Interdepartmental program on narcology. Kamenyuk V. V. Makhachkala, 2003.

Differential diagnosis of mental disorders. A training manual for resident doctors and interns. Kamenyuk V. V. Makhachkala 2004.

Methodological developments for practical classes in psychiatry for Medical and Preventive and Pediatric Faculties. Madieva M. S., Daniyalova M. M., Abubakarov Kh.-M. M.,Makhachkala 2008.

Psychiatry. General psychopathology.  A textbook for students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Madieva M. S., Kamenyuk V. V., Miroshkina I. D., Abubakarov Kh-M. M., Daniyalova M. M., Gaidarova O. R. Gammatsayeva L. Sh., Yahyaeva A. B., Gadzhimagomedova P. A., Makhachkala 2009.

Psychiatry. Private psychiatry. A textbook for students of the Dentistry Faculty. Madieva M. S., Kamenyuk V. V., Miroshkina I. D., Abubakarov Kh-M. M., Daniyalova M. M., Gaidarova O. R. Gammatsayeva L. Sh., Yahyaeva A. B., Gadzhimagomedova P. A. Makhachkala 2009.

Psychopathological criteria for the diagnosis of depression. Educational and methodological guide for doctors and students of medical universities. Kamenyuk V. V., Madieva M. S. Daniyalova M. M., Makhachkala 2000.

Epilepsy. Methodological development for students of Medical and Preventive medicine faculties. Madieva M. S., Makhachkala 2003.

Early detection of substance abuse in general medical practice. Educational and methodological guide for doctors and students of medical universities. Madieva M. S., Daniyalova M. M., Minikaev V. V. Makhachkala 1999.

Identification of patients with drug addiction and substance abuse. Educational and methodical manual for doctors and students of medical universities .Makhachkala, 1998.

Criteria for the diagnosis of drug addiction in general medical practice. Educational and methodological guide for doctors and students of medical universities. Madieva M. S., Daniyalova M. M., Minikaev V. B.  Makhachkala, 1999.

The scheme of the medical history. Methodological development for students of the Pediatric Faculty.  Madieva M. S., Daniyalova M. M., Yahyaeva A. B. Makhachkala, 2003.



A regular meeting of the student scientific circle on psychiatry was held in the building of the biological building of DSMU on December 15. The topic on the agenda was “Scientific articles and projects — the future of youth”.

The head of the Student Scientific Circle Madina Mehdieva opened the meeting and introduced the guests of the event to the audience.

They came to share their knowledge with the students of the medical university:

* Head of the Scientific Department of DSMU Damadaeva Angela Sergeevna;

* Dentist, winner of the program “Smart Guy” Yunusov Marat Narimanovich.

Angela Sergeevna told about the general principles of writing articles, the main aspects that newcomers in this field need to pay attention to. The guys learned from her about the most popular sources where they can be printed, such as” Scopus and “WAC”. Angela Sergeevna noted that printing in Scopus is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of universities ‘ activities. In addition, she added that the research department of DSMU is always ready to support students in every possible way in their endeavors.

A member of the SSC on Psychiatry, a 6th-year student of the Medical Faculty, Kerimova Sakina, shared her own experience in writing scientific articles. She told  SSC members about several life hacks that she uses herself in the process of preparing scientific articles and also told about the most common mistakes that authors  make in their articles who have not gained experience yet.

Marat Narimanovich presented to the audience of the meeting the author’s methodology for creating projects and inventions. The method is a kind of guide that allows you to step by step from the idea to the implementation of your invention. At the end of his speech, Marat Narimanovich suggested that those who wish to check the effectiveness of this technique on the spot and try to come up with their own project collectively. And they did it. And what kind of project will be launched by the members of the SSC on psychiatry will remain a secret for some time.