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Department of Public Health and Healthcare of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists



Head of the department: MD, Professor Luisa Magomedovna Askhabova.

Phone number: +7 (8722) 63-21-44, +7 (8722) 67-06-17

Email: Louisa55@mail.ru

Address: No. 44 Shamil Ave., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367025

General information

The history of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Postgraduate Retraining of Specialists  originates with the creation of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Doctors (FAT) at  Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1983, when a course was formed at the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yakov Isaevich Golin, whose main purpose was to improve the skills of heads of medical institutions not only Dagestan, but also the neighboring North Caucasian republics. The course was headed by Ph.D. Associate Professor of the department Magomed Magomedovich Asadulaev.


Professor Yakov Isaevich Golin (1928-2005) is a major organizer and head of a whole scientific direction for the study of topical health problems, healthcare and the history of medicine in Dagestan. Being the head of the department, Ya.I. Golin did a lot of work on the organization and strengthening of the department, training of teaching staff, improving the educational process, equipping with technical devices. 15 PhD theses were completed under his leadership.

All of them are of scientific and direct practical interest, cover current problems of public health and healthcare. Ya.I. Galen paid serious attention to generalizing the historical experience of organizing medical care in Dagestan.

His works cover: the history of development and problems of hospital care; the history and ways of development of outpatient polyclinic care; in historical and analytical terms, the issues of training and placement of medical personnel and secondary medical workers are investigated and summarized. He conducted a study on the history of sanitary affairs in Dagestan. On his initiative,  Dagestan Scientific and Medical Society of Health Care Organizers was established in the republic in 1962, which he headed for more than 20 years. During all the years of work at the Institute (from 1965 to 1991), Y.I. Kolin was the permanent chairman of the coordinating council for joint work with practical health authorities. Until the last day of work at the university, Professor Galin was elected a member of the Board of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova and the Joint Academic Council of the Dagestan Medical Institute. He was awarded the honorary title of Honored Doctor of  Dagestan, he was awarded the badge “Excellent Health Worker”, orders and medals of the USSR.

The life of  Professor Ya.I. Golin, his active life position, high professionalism and inner culture, humanism, selfless service to medicine and the motherland are a vivid example for students, young doctors and scientists who have chosen the profession of a doctor for themselves.The life of Professor Ya.I. Golin, his active life position, high professionalism and inner culture, humanism, selfless service to medicine and the motherland are a vivid example for students, young doctors and scientists who have chosen the profession of a doctor for themselves.

Being a practical ophthalmologist, Nariman Gadzhi-magomedovich fruitfully worked on the problem of early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, which is one of the main causes of low vision and blindness NG-M. Madiev was principled, responsible, punctual and sensitive. This is how he remains in the memory of colleagues, friends and graduates of the Dagestan State Medical Institute.





The course was renamed an independent department. The department was headed by Ph.D. Associate Professor Magomed Magomedovich Asadulaev in 1985 (1929-2008).

Under the leadership of Associate Professor M.M. Asadulaev, a material base was created, the educational process was established. Classes with cadets combined training in classrooms at the department with visits to leading medical centers of republican significance.

Both departments merged in 1990 and Ph.D., Associate Professor Magomed Magomedovich Asadulaev was elected to the head. M.M. Asadulayev’s creative life was cut short in its prime. Balanced, friendly, intelligent, always ready to help – this is how everyone remembers Magomed Magomedovich Asadulaev

In connection with the sudden death of Magomed Magomedovich Asadullayev, by order of the rector of Dagestan Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Rashid Seifievich Gadzhiev was appointed to head the joint department in 1994.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of Professor R.S. Gadzhiev in the formation of the department. The department initiated the development of new curricula and programs not only in the discipline, but also interdisciplinary programs aimed at strengthening the training of medical personnel. Under his leadership, lectures and teaching aids were published not only for students, but also for practical healthcare professionals. His works are devoted to the formation of the health of individual groups of the population, methods of statistical analysis, principles of organization of medical care to the population, modern aspects of management of medical organizations, topical issues of economics, insurance medicine and medical law.

In order to improve the system of training of health organizers, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization was separated and an independent department was re-established at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education in 1995. By the decision of the Academic Council, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Luisa Magomedovna Askhabova was elected to head the department.


Under her leadership, the department continues to play a leading role in training in the specialty “Public Health and Healthcare” at the Faculty of Postgraduate training, creatively developing all areas of activity laid down by its founders. The department trains heads of medical organizations, interns of higher nursing education, economics and pharmacy management, and residents- organizers of healthcare. The training is based on modern work programs, educational and methodological complexes of additional professional education.

During their preparation, special emphasis is placed on improving the quality of medical care for the population, as well as increasing the economic efficiency of medical organizations in the conditions of modernization and optimization of practical healthcare. The educational process is organized not only within the walls of the University, but also in almost all republican medical organizations.

The department has developed and actively uses active forms in the learning process – business games, “brainstorming”, situation modeling, “lecture-debate”, which allows students to be involved in the decision-making process. A point-rating system is used to control knowledge.

The result of the educational and methodological work of the department were published: textbook “Organization and quality management of dental care”, approved by the Federal Institute for Education Development , “Course of lectures on public health and healthcare” in 2 editions (2010,2017), approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, educational and methodological manuals on economics and health management.                                                                   




The scientific school, created by Professor Ya.I. Galkin, as well as Professor R.S. Gadzhiev, who took a worthy baton, continues to work actively under the guidance of Prof. L.M. Askhabova. The priority scientific direction of the department is the analysis of medical and demographic processes, population trends in modern conditions, taking into account the regional peculiarities of Dagestan.

The practical output of many years of scientific research in a complex demographic region, where the final health indicators are influenced by a whole range of climatic, geographical, biomedical, socio-economic, medical and organizational factors, as well as historically established customs, traditions, has become not only and not so much objectively revealed reality, but the importance of scientific and practical implementations developed by the teaching staff of the department, which are reflected in the general and qualitative indicators of practical health care.

The department headed by Professor L.M. Askhabova has been actively involved for decades in the development and implementation of such republican targeted scientific programs as: “Healthy offspring – the future of the nation”, “Medical science – healthcare of the region”, “Adolescent health of the region”, “Family health. Medical and social aspects”.  Currently, the republican program “Socio-demographic characteristics and health indicators of the elderly and senile population”, which has a special scientific and practical significance, has been successfully completed. All these studies were conducted at  Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, MD Professor S.-M.A.Omarov, founder of the Dagestan Scientific Center.

An important feature of the scientific research of the department is the study and analysis of the features of the formation of public health; identification of the main patterns of health development. At the same time, the object of the study is not only the republican healthcare system as a whole, but also the main socio-political factors determining the development of domestic healthcare. Such an approach requires to a certain extent going beyond what is traditionally understood as the healthcare industry, as well as studying and analyzing the entire complex of social, economic, demographic and other factors that determine the course of healthcare development.

Under the guidance of Professor L.M. Askhabova, 2 doctoral and 10 candidate dissertations were defended, and 2 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations at the stage of completion of the study. She is the author of more than 300 printed publications, most of which are in the central press, including a textbook, teaching aids.


7 republican and 2 All-Russian scientific and practical conferences on topical health issues were organized and held in the republic with the publication of conference materials with the active assistance of the team led by Professor Askhabova L.M.  for the period from 2010 to 2016.

A lot of work is being done by the staff of the department in terms of joint work with practical health authorities.

На клинической конференции в РМЦНа коллегии в Минздраве РД

Professor L.M. Askhabova has been the chairman of the attestation subcommittee on the specialty “Health organization” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan since 1996.  For a number of years, L.M. Askhabova has been the author and presenter of the republican television program “Hello Doctor”, covering current problems of medicine in her programs. Luisa Magomedovna  is a member of the Board of the republican public organization “Association of Doctors of Dagestan”; member of the Board of the All-Russian Confederation on the History of Medicine of Russia.

The personnel potential of the department.

Currently, the educational and production process at the department is carried out by a qualified scientific and pedagogical team.

Заседание кафедрыНа семинаре


Teachers of the department:

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Rashid Saaduevich Shamsutdinov

Under the guidance of Prof. Shamsutdinova R.S. defended 3 PhD dissertations and at the stage of completion of 2 more dissertations. The area of his scientific research is the problems of regional peculiarities of the state of resources, health and medical care for the rural population, as well as issues of the functioning of the system of compulsory medical insurance during the transition to medical care on the principle of a general practitioner.



Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Abdurakhman Ibrahimovich Hajiyev.

Scientific and methodological publications of Associate Professor A.I. Gadzhiev are devoted to topical problems of management in healthcare. Associate Professor A.I. Gadzhiev has been in charge of the academic part of the department for more than 20 years.




Асс. Алиханов М.А.Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Mukhtarkhan Alikhanovich Alikhanov.

The field of research is in the field of the main directions and regulatory issues of supervision in healthcare.





Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Gennady Vladimirovich Untilov.

The main direction of G.V. Untilov’s printed scientific and methodological publications is devoted to methods of statistical analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of health and healthcare. Currently, Gennady Vladimirovich is completing work on his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Regional peculiarities of mortality of the population of  Dagestan  Republic”.

The basic education of the teaching staff fully corresponds to the profile of the taught discipline .

Next to those who today continue the best traditions of the department with their daily work, hand in hand with senior colleagues and mentors, the younger generation, represented by residents and graduate students, improve their scientific potential and pedagogical skills. Their names will undoubtedly appear on the new pages of the history of the department.


Today, when the healthcare system is facing important tasks in the field of improving public health, the Department of Public Health and Healthcare of  FAT and PRS has a great responsibility to train worthy personnel, on whose successful activities the organization of medical care at the modern level depends and, ultimately, the achievement of high indicators of public health.