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Department of rehabilitation department with advanced training of doctors



General information:

Head of the department: c. m. s., O. G. Omochev

Address: DSMU Teaching and laboratory building , I. Shamil av. , 44.

Email: ldc_gippokrat@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: Navruzov Shali Nasserovich

Department’s news

The department’s staff participation in scientific and practical conferences, alignment meetings, meetings of the relevant commission, scientific communities:

History of the department

The  non-pharmacological treatment department of was organized in 1991 by a Professor, an academician of the MAI, an excellent USSR health officer, an honored doctor of the RD, the USSR master of sports in freestyle wrestling – Mahmudov Kamil Gimbatovich. He was the organizer and head of the non-pharmacological treatment school and the  diagnostic and treatment center “Hippocrates”. In 1995, he organized a course of advanced training of doctors at the department for postgraduate training in the specialties “Physiotherapy” and “Physical therapy”.

In 2016 “Department of non-pharmacological treatment with advanced training of doctors” by the academic decision renamed into the “Department of medical rehabilitation with advanced training of doctors”


Department staff

Currently the academic teaching staff includes 13 teachers.


Omochev Omar Gadzhiyevich

Head of the department, chief external rehabilitation expert of the MH RD, Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant Professor. Author of 63 scientific papers, 7 manuals, 5 patents for inventions. 






Shakhnazarova Zaira Abdullaevna

Head of the teaching department, Cand. Med. Sc., author of 14 scientific papers, 5 manuals. She has been working at the department since 1995.;






Arslanova Leyla Kamilyevna

Assistant, author of 5 scientific papers, 1 teaching manual, 1 patent for inventions. She has been working at the department since 2007.;






Aliyev Bagir Mukhtarovich

 Assistant, author of 4 scientific papers, 2 teaching aids. He has been working at the department since 2013.;






Bekhtemirova Sakinat Nukhkadiyevna      

 Associate Professor, Cand. Med. Sc., author of 31 scientific papers, 8 teaching manuals. She has been working at the department since 2005;






Malayev Hadjimurad Magomedovich

Assistant, author of 10 scientific papers. He has been working at the department since 2008.;






Malachilaeva  Khadijat Magomedova

Associate Professor, Cand. Med. Sc., author of 50 scientific papers, 10 teaching and methodological manuals. She has been working at the department since 1997;






Makhmudov Shamil Kamilevich

Assistant, senior laboratory assistant. He has been working at the department since 2010;






Shakhaev Ibragim Akhmedkhanovich, assistant, author of 8 scientific papers, 4 teaching manuals. He has been working at the department since 2004;







Chililov Magomed Abdulayevich

 Assistant, Cand. Med. Sc., author of 25 scientific papers. He has been working at the department since 2013.;






Navruzov Shali Naserovich

Assistant. He has been working at the department since 2018.












Educational activities:

Domestic students of medical, dental, pediatric, pharmaceutical and medical-preventive faculties, as well as foreign students, are educated at the Department of Medical Rehabilitation. There are taught such disciplines as “Medical Rehabilitation,” “Therapeutic Physical Education”, Rehabilitation,” “Physiotherapy of Dental Diseases” at the department. Also, the department trains doctors on the cycles of professional retraining and advanced training in the following specialties: “Physiotherapy”, “Reflexology”, “Physical therapy”, “Manual therapy”.

Every year in the educational process of the department involved 3-4 cycles of professional retraining, at which specialist doctors receive a new specialty. There are 3-4 cycles of professional development, where doctors of various specialties can improve their professional level, there are cycles of thematic improvement, where a narrow range of problems of modern rehabilitation, physiotherapy, reflexology, physical therapy, etc. is discussed. Every year, according to the plan, 50-60 students are trained at the department.

All students and cadets undergo training and practice at the clinical bases of the department, with which agreements on joint activities have been drawn up.

Clinical bases of the department:

  • SBI of the MH of the RD “Republican Clinical Hospital”, department of non-pharmacological treatment №1 and № 2
  • SBI of the MH of the RD «Republican Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment»
  • SBI of the MH of the RD «Republican Children’s Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment»
  • SBI of the MH of the RD «Republican Center for Medical Prevention»
  • SBI of the MH of the RD «Republican Children’s Multidisciplinary Hospital», department of physical therapy
  • LLC «Syntez-M Medical Center»
  • LLC«Bubnovsky Center»
  • LLC «Abuyazidov Medical Center»

Scientific activity:

The main scientific areas of the department’s work are:

  • Development and scientific justification of new highly effective methods of physical therapy (combined methods of treatment, magnetic laser therapy, intravenous laser therapy, EHF puncture, shock wave therapy, medical ionization with modern drugs, etc.) in patients with therapeutic and surgical profile;
  • Rehabilitation of patients with CVA at various stages;
  • Development and scientific justification of new highly effective methods of physiotherapy in neurology;
  • Rehabilitation of children with postural disorders;
  • Medical and social problems of medical rehabilitation for children;
  • Reflexology in emergency conditions;  
  • Complex use study of the reflex therapy and physiotherapy effect on the course of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine.

Employees of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation published a total of 172 scientific articles, of which 16 were reviewed, received 8 patents for inventions, published 1 monograph “Reflexotherapy”, 18 educational and methodical manuals with the vulture of AMA CCMB DSMA. In recent years, the department’s staff successfully defended 4 Ph.D. dissertations. Employees of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation have developed training programs for students of medical, pediatric and dental faculties, educational and methodical recommendations for students and teachers.

Treatment-and-Consultation work. Joint work with practical health authorities and institutions:

Employees of the department are engaged in medical activities at clinical bases, participate in conferences, patient examinations, rounds in departments with the participation of heads of departments.

The head of the department Omochev O. G. is the main external specialist of the Ministry of Health of the RD on medical rehabilitation. Together with the staff of the Department and doctors of medical and preventive institutions of the Ministry of Health of the RD, cluster seminars are held annually with visits to various districts of the RD.  At meetings with the participation of physiotherapists, reflexologists, physical therapy doctors, chiropractors, neurologists, the most pressing issues of rehabilitation of patients with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous systems, problems in childhood are discussed. Reports of the staff of the republican medical institutions and employees of the department are heard.