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Department of Surgery with a course of endoscopic surgery of Advanced Training Faculty and Professional Retraining of Specialists



General information

Head of the department: Khamidov Magomed Akhmedovich-Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Vice-rector for Medical Work.

Responsible for the website: assistant  Magomedov Khasay Magomedalievich

E-mail: kafedra.khirurgii@mail.ru

Clinical bases:

Clinical bases:

Surgical departments No. 1, No. 2, department of combined surgery Republican Clinical Hospital No. 2 (Makhachkala, Pirogova str. 3, tel. +7(8722) 620-664).

Surgical department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Dagestan  (Makhachkala, Pushkin str., 29a)

LLC ” Medical clinic Halsey Nation — – Healthy Nation (Makhachkala, I. Shamil str., 55d)


The Department of Surgery of  FAT and PRS was established on 06.09.1985. As a result of the reorganization of the Department of Faculty Surgery, a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor R. P. Askerkhanov was elected head of the department.

The main bases of the department were the departments of abdominal, thoracic and vascular surgery of    Republican Clinical Hospital, where 160 beds were put. During the period of the head of the department, Professor R. P. Askerkhanov (1985-1987), the goals and objectives of improving surgical personnel were finally formed. Along with the surgeons of the republic, surgeons from other regions of the Russian Federation were trained in advanced training courses.

The main research areas of the department’s staff are: parasitic liver diseases, as a regional pathology of the region (prof. S. P. Gaibatov, ass.M. M. Mahatilov, M. Sh. Sharapudinov), surgical liver diseases (prof. A. S. Dzhanbulatov), urolithiasis (prof. N. G. Martinenko), parasitic lung diseases (ass. U. B. Ataev), thrombotic vascular diseases (ass.M. Z. Zagidov, ass. Z. M. Zakariev).

The department was headed by prof. A. Z. Magomedov. The bases of the department were surgical departments No. 1 and No. 2 of the city hospital No. 2 of Makhachkala. Patients with emergency surgical pathology were mainly hospitalized in these departments from 1987 to 2002.

A course of advanced training of traumatologists-orthopedists has been opened on the basis of the Department of Surgery since 1993. The head of the course was appointed Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. A. Abakarov.

The Department of Surgery of the FAT and PRS was headed by Prof. A. O. Osmanov from 2002 to 2015. The main scientific problem developed by the staff of the department is the issues of emergency abdominal surgery. Two doctoral dissertations (R. M. Gaziev, M. K. Abdulzhalilov), two candidate dissertations (M. A. Dzhambulatov, S. M. Magomedova) were prepared and defended.

In 2005, a laboratory of functional diagnostics was opened at the Department of Surgery of the FAT and PRS equipped with modern medical equipment in 2005 . Since the same year, the department has opened advanced courses in ultrasound diagnostics, teachers-PhD, assistant Gazimagomedova S. A., PhD, assistant Ibragimova M. I.

The department has organized advanced training of  doctors – transfusiologists and doctors in endoscopic surgery since 2006. Professor Magomed Akhmedovich Khamidov has become the head of the department  in connection with the merger of the Department of Surgery of the FAT and PRS with the Department of Endoscopic Surgery since September 2019.

The department was headed by MD, Chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital M. R. Imanaliev since September 2015. The head of the educational part of the department is MD, Associate professor Magomedov M. A.

Currently, the scientific potential of the department is 3 professors, 4 doctors of sciences, 4 candidates of Sciences.


Employees of the department

Osmanov Abdurakhman Osmanovich

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

– Rector of the Dagestan State Medical Academy  from 1998 to 2013.

-PhD thesis:”Diagnosis and surgical treatment of recurrent and residual echinococcosis of the abdominal cavity ”  Moscow 1984

– Doctoral dissertation: “Surgical treatment of complications of echinococcosis of the liver” Moscow 1997

– The author of more than 170 scientific papers, 4 patents for inventions and utility models, 2 patented developments have been awarded diplomas of International exhibitions.

-5 doctoral dissertations were defended under his leadership

Knight of the Order of Friendship.

He was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan.

Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan for Science.

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan.

Deputy of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan.


Khamidov Magomed Akhmedovich

Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences

-PhD thesis: “Laparoscopic treatment of acute cholecystitis in patients with high operational risk”, Makhachkala, 1996, scientific supervisor- Professor R. T. Medzhidov.

-Doctoral dissertation: “Endovideosurgery of hydatidous echinococcosis of the liver”, Moscow, 2001, scientific consultant Professor  S. I. Yemelyanov

-Author of more than 200 scientific papers (about 20 of them in the foreign press) and 7 patents of the Russian Federation for inventions

-Member of the Board of the Russian Society of Endoscopic Surgeons

-Member of the European Association of Endosurgery (EAES)

-Member of the European Society of Herniologists (EHS)

-Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Endoscopic Surgery”

-State Research Fellow of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1997-2000),

-Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan in the field of natural sciences and technology

-Honored Inventor of  Dagestan Republic

-Chief freelance Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of   Dagestan for Endoscopic Surgery

-Winner of the personnel competition “My Dagestan” (2018)


Imanaliev Magomed Rasulovich

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

-PhD thesis: “Sparing methods of treatment of purulent complications of pancreatic necrosis under ultrasound control”, Moscow, 1996.

-Doctoral dissertation: “Pancreatic necrosis: diagnosis and treatment by stages of the disease”, Moscow, 2002.

-The total number of scientific papers is 112,  21 are  reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission.

-Honored Doctor of  Dagestan

-Chief Physician of  Republican Clinical Hospital


Magomedov Mukhuma Magomedovich

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.


-Honored Doctor of the RD.

-Winner of  Dagestan State Prize

PhD thesis :”Treatment of acute thrombophlebitis with endolymphatic administration of drugs” Moscow 1990.

– He has published more than 300 scientific papers. He published 60 scientific papers, including 18 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 3 articles of them in the journals Scopus and Web of Science. He is the author of 7 monographs. There are 15 rational proposals, 7 patents.

-10 PhD theses were defended under his  supervision

– Full member of the Society of Surgeons of Russia .


Abdulzhalilov Magomed Kurbanovich

Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of  Dagestan


PhD thesis “Thyroid hormone-laser therapy in the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues” – Moscow, 1990

-Doctoral dissertation “Ways to improve the reliability of the small intestine suture in conditions of obstruction and peritonitis” – Makhachkala, 2004

-The total number of scientific papers is 238, including 29 in peer-reviewed journals, 6 in foreign publications.

-Patents- 13, rational proposals- 23

-Methodological recommendations – 5

– He is the author of 2 monographs: “Innovative technologies for optimizing the repair of small-intestinal anastomosis in obstruction and peritonitis”, Makhachkala, 2019. “Acute appendicitis.  Postulates of the past and present” Makhachkala, 2018.

– Trained doctors and candidates of medical sciences by him -1

-Honorary titles and awards: Honored Doctor of the Republic of  Dagestan, Certificate of Honor of the State Council of  Dagestan Republic, Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

-Methodological recommendations: “Two-stage lavage of the abdominal cavity with widespread purulent peritonitis”; “Nasointestinal intubation through mini-gastrojunoanastomosis”; “Effectiveness of antihypoxant enteral therapy for intestinal obstruction and peritonitis”.


 Huseynov Abdulkamal Huseynovich

 Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

-PhD thesis :”Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis ” Rostov-on-Don 1991

-Doctoral dissertation: “Complex treatment of widespread purulent peritonitis with multiple organ failure syndrome ” Makhachkala 2000

-The total number of scientific papers is 110.

-Patents for the invention-10.

-Methodological recommendations-11

-The number of trained candidates of sciences-1


Magomedov Magomed Abdulkhalikovich

Head of the educational part of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences

-PhD thesis: “Local application of antioxidants in the complex treatment of patients with paralytic intestinal obstruction”, Moscow, 1998.

– Doctoral dissertation: “Prevention of the formation of postoperative adhesions in peritonitis”, Moscow, 2003.

– The total number of scientific papers is 110, 25 of which  are in peer — reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission;

Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, surgeon of the highest qualification category.

He is the author of 5 textbooks, one of  which has the stamp EMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation-

The number of patents of the Russian Federation for an invention is 5. Rational proposals – 4.

The Hirsch index is 5. The number of references to publications in  the Russian Research Scientific Center is 115.


Zakariev Zakari Magomedovich

 Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

-PhD thesis: “Comparative evaluation of the treatment of subcutaneous thrombophlebitis of the extremities by paravasal and intraspongiotic infusion of a thrombolytic mixture” Rostov-on-Don 1983

-There are a total of 165 scientific papers, 60 of them in peer-reviewed journals, 1 foreign press and 59 local publications.

– Innovation proposals-6, Patents for inventions-3.

Methodological recommendations – 2. Implementations in practical healthcare -3

-He is Honored Doctor of  Dagestan Republic, surgeon of the highest category.

-He was awarded of Honorary certificates of the Dagestan Society of Surgeons.


Ashurlaev Kazbek Magomedovich

 Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences.


-PhD thesis: “Acute cholecystitis in patients with -concomitant obesity”, Moscow, 1991

-The total number of scientific papers is 83.

-Rational offers-4.

-Methodological recommendations – 2.


Training manuals:

“Blood reinfusion in emergency surgery “ Makhachkala 2008

“Immunoprophylaxis of purulent complications after cholecystectomy in obese patients”

Therapeutic tactics in the combination of acute cholecystitis with obesity (article) Journal of Surgery 1991, pp. 86-90.


Nazhmudinov Zaipula Zulbegovich

Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences.


-PhD thesis: “Complex methods of prevention of early adhesive intestinal obstruction”. Makhachkala 2000

-113 scientific papers , 9 textbooks  were published.3 of them approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

-Innovation proposals — 14, 1 patent was obtained.

-The Hirsch index is 1, the citation is 5.


Isaev Habib Magomedrasulovich

Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences


-PhD thesis: “Some surgical aspects of liver cirrhosis with ascites”. Makhachkala 1997

-The total number of scientific papers is 32, including 3 in peer-reviewed journals.

-Rational proposals – 3. Patent-1.

The best scientific works:

A new structural unit of the liver

Pathogenesis of varicose veins of the esophagus and the cardiac part of the stomach.

New in the pathogenesis of portal hypertension.


 Magomedov Magomed Pakhutaevich


Assistant, Head of the Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation  in Dagestan Republic,  Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation




Magomedov Khasai Magomedalievich








Magomedov Magomed Arsenovich









Musaev Sufyan Nasredinovich








Yarmetov Murad Malikovich








Daitgadzhiev Kurban Kamilovich


Senior laboratory assistant.





Isaev Magomed Khabibovich


Senior Laboratory Assistant








Usmanilaeva Asiyat Usmanilavovna


Senior Laboratory Assistant






Khiramagomedova Patimat Ibragimovna






Educational work

The department provides training in the following areas:

Cycles of professional retraining of specialists “Surgery”, “Endoscopy”

Advanced training cycles “Surgery”, “Endoscopic surgery”, “Endoscopy”.

The cycle of thematic improvement “Surgery”, “Endoscopic surgery”, “Endoscopy”

Other thematic improvement cycles (from 2 weeks to 1 month)

The department conducts training in clinical residency, as well as full-time and part-time postgraduate studies in the specialty “surgery” and “endoscopy”. New work programs have been developed and introduced into the educational process, both for doctors and for clinical residents.

The most modern technologies are used for the educational process: an electronic library, translation of operations in a lecture hall and a training class, Internet technologies in training, telemedicine, distance learning, “boxed” and computer simulators, educational video equipment for performing operations on vital tissues, etc. There is a large database of multimedia lectures and videos. In the course of training, the “Hand-to-hand” approach is used: work on the simulator, assistance for operations, independent operations with the participation of a mentor in the medical institution from which the cadet arrived.



Scientific work

The main scientific problems developed by the staff of the department are the issues of emergency abdominal surgery, injuries of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, endoscopic surgery. The staff of the department received a total of 40 patents for inventions of the Russian Federation.

Over the past five years, the staff of the department has published 2 monographs, 3 textbooks, 179 scientific articles, 38 of them in peer-reviewed journals, 14 articles in the materials of international conferences, 8 patents for inventions, 14 research proposals have been obtained. 4 PhD theses have been defended, 4 postgraduate students are studying at the department.

The department held a scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of surgery”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the department in 2015. An anniversary collection of scientific papers has been published. In recent years (2015-2019), the staff of the department has conducted more than 18 scientific and practical conferences on various problems of emergency surgery in cities and districts of the republic.

2016 Международная выставка изобретений в Каире