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Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery with Advanced training of doctors



General information

Head of the Department — Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Hasan Alievich Ordashev
Telephone: 8(8722)67-75-92.

Clinical facilities of the department: Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Republican Clinical Hospital, Makhachkala, 47 Lyakhova Ave., telephone: 8(8722)550-263

Republican Dental Clinic, Gorky Ave., 22, telephone: 8(8722)67-37-18

Responsible for the website: Magomedova Khadizhat Magomedovna.

E-mail: Hasan.005@mail.ru



Ordashev Hasan Alievich

Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery — doctor of the highest qualification category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief external Maxillofacial surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, member of the specialized commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the specialty “Maxillofacial surgery”.




Magomedova Khadizhat Magomedovna

Head of the educational part of the department

Assistant of the Department





Asiyatilov Abutalo Khavalovich

Honored physician of RD, M.D. Board certified, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor.





Minkailova Sanerah Rasulovna

Associate Professor of the Department, Honored physician of RD, M.D. Board certified, Candidate of Biological Sciences





Atalaev Murtazali Magomedovich

Associate Professor of the Department, M.D. Board certified, Candidate of Biological Sciences 





Asiyatilov Hasan Abudalovich

Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Implant Surgeon of «Dobromed» Clinics




Gamidova Zubalzhat Shapievna

Assistant of the department, M.D. Board certified





Aliyeva Saida Fuadievna

Assistant of the Department

Doctor of the Maxillofacial surgery Department of RCH 




Akayeva Dilyana Arturovna

Assistant of the Department

Dentist of the clinic “Stom-Hom”  




Magomedov Hasan Nurmagomedovich

 Assistant of the Department





Kichieva Raisat Nurmagomedovna

Assistant of the department

Doctor of the Maxillofacial surgery Department of RCH  




Shahbanov Arsen Kazbekovich

Assistant of the Department

Head of the Maxillofacial surgery Department of RCH, Honored Doctor of the RD.





 Kurbanov Kamal Kazbekovich

Assistant of the Department

Doctor of the Maxillofacial surgery Department of RCH  




Tagirova Asiyat Magomedovna

Assistant of the Department





Osmanova Jamilya Muradovna

Assistant of the Department 





Idrisova Asiyat Magomedovna

Assistant of the Department

Doctor of the Maxillofacial surgery Department of RCH




Yunusova Milana Narimanovna

Assistant of the Department 





Abdusalamov Ali Omarovich

Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Doctor of the Maxillofacial surgery Department of RCH




Omarov Shamil Zubairovich

Assistant of the Department

Doctor of the clinic “Medlife” 




Mahmudov Shirvani Ramazanovich

Assistant of the Department

Implant surgeon of the clinic “Dental House” 




Abdulbasirov Shamil Ziyavudinovich

Assistant of the Department

 RDC surgeon-dentist




Porsukov Jamal Khizirievich

Assistant of the Department

RDC surgeon-dentist




Magomedov Rajab Nizamievich

Assistant of the Department

Implant Surgeon of the clinic “Ars-dent” 





Galipov Ahmed Galipovich

Assistant of the Department

RDC surgeon-dentist




Magomedova Aizanat Rasulovna

Assistant of the Department





Abdulatipov Bugagadzhi Aslamkhanovich

Assistant of the Department

Head physician of the clinic “Castellini”




Sultanakhmedov Baza Magomedovich

Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department





Abdurakhmanova Uma Kazbekovna

Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department





Vagabova Viktoriya Eduardovna

Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department





Daniev Nazhmudin Magomedovich

Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department 















The Department of Dentistry was organized in 1967, which was headed by Magomed Magomedovich Maksudov. In 1969, instead of the Department of Dentistry, 3 specialized departments of the Faculty of Dentistry were organized.

The Department of Surgical Dentistry was headed by Magomed Magomedovich Maksudov until 1989. For his great contribution to the development of science and healthcare, he was awarded the titles “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR” and “Honored Scientist of Dagestan”, “Honored Doctor of the RSFSR” and “Honored Doctor of the DASSR”. For services to the motherland in wartime and peacetime, M. M. Maksudov was awarded the orders of the “October Revolution”,” Red Banner of Labor”,” Badge of Honor “and the badge “Excellent Health Worker of the USSR”.

Professor G. E. Dranovsky has been working at the Department of Surgical Dentistry since 1969 as an assistant, then associate professor and professor.

Professor Abudalo Khavalovich Asiyatilov in 1969, after defending his PhD thesis, worked as an assistant, and then as an associate professor of the department. He was elected head of the department in 1992. He was awarded the title of “Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan”. Under his leadership, 3 candidate dissertations were defended, he is the author of more than 100 printed works, 6 rationalization proposals.

The department was renamed the Department of Surgical Dentistry with a course of advanced training of doctors in 1998, and in 2007 – the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery with a course of advanced training of doctors. The educational and medical facility of the department is the republican dental clinic and the republican clinical hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan. The department is located on the second floor of the 2nd building of the RDC and on the 3rd floor on the basis of the department of the maxillofacial department of the RCH. It has 5 treatment rooms and 4 study rooms.

When organizing and conducting educational, medical, diagnostic and scientific work, the department uses the departments of the RCH and RDC. The clinical offices are equipped with 12 dental chairs, the necessary tools.

Professor A. H. Asiyatilov and Associate Professor R. R. Huseynov developed and put into practice modern methods of surgical treatment of jaw deformities. Associate Professor I. A. Davudov introduced a laser device into surgical practice. Associate Professor A.M. Gazimagomedov developed indications for various types of anesthesia during outpatient surgical dental interventions. Associate Professor H. A. Ordashev developed methods for the treatment of diseases of the salivary glands in diabetes mellitus. Assistant G. A. Asiyatilov developed a method for the treatment of diseases of the salivary glands in thyroid pathology.

The department has become a center for medical and advisory assistance to patients with maxillofacial pathology in the North Caucasus, and since 1985 it has become a base for improving dentists in surgical dentistry. More than 30 dentists have completed their clinical residency at the department.

The department currently employs: Professor A. H. Asiyatilov, associate professors H. A. Ordashev, S. R. Minkailova, M. M. Atalaev, G. A. Asiyatilov, assistants – Z. S. Gamidova, A. K. Shakhbanov, Magomedova H. M., Alieva S. F.,Kurbanov K. K.,Akaeva D. A., Magomedov G. N., senior laboratory assistant Sultanmagomedov B. M., Abdurakhmanova U. A. Assistants of the department together with doctors of the maxillofacial department-the front office of the RCH is on duty for sanaviation. Over the past year alone, the department staff operated on more than 300 patients in the maxillofacial department. More than 1800 patients were admitted on an outpatient basis.

The staff of the department introduced into practice modern methods of bone grafting of the maxillofacial region (allotransplantation). According to the section of traumatology, in severe cases of fractures of the upper and lower jaws, a fixing bone apparatus is used by associate Professor I. A. Davudov. The recommendations of Associate Professor R. R. Huseynov and Associate Professor H. A. Ordashev on the treatment of patients with inflammatory diseases and concomitant pathology, such as diabetes mellitus, sialadenitis, phlegmon of the maxillofacial region, have been put into practice. According to the developments of Associate professor A.M. Gazimagomedov all types of anesthesia for dental interventions have been introduced into the medical practice of the RDC. Associate Professor H. A. Ordashev and Associate Professor G. A. Asiyatilov developed and put into practice new methods of diagnosis and treatment of salivary glands and oral organs in diabetes mellitus and thyroid pathology.

Academic work

  • Schedule of lectures on surgical dentistry for students of the Faculty of Dentistry
  • Schedule of lectures on dentistry for students of the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Schedule of lectures on dentistry for students of the Medical and Preventive Faculty.
  • Schedule of lectures for doctors-cadets of Faculty of Additional Professional Education.
  • Thematic plan of practical classes for students of the Faculty of Medicine in Dentistry
  • Thematic plan of practical classes for students of the Medical and Preventive Faculty of Dentistry
  • Thematic plan of practical classes for students of the Faculty of Dentistry.
  • Thematic plan of practical classes on surgical dentistry for doctors-cadets of Faculty of Additional Professional Education.
  • Examination questions in dentistry for the Faculty of Dentistry of DSMA.

The department has modern computer and demonstration equipment.

The staff of the department is actively engaged in the development and improvement of methodological manuals and training programs, demonstration materials for students of dental, therapeutic, medical and preventive faculties and doctors of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of DSMA. The electronic collection of photos and radiographs based on the materials of the Department of maxillofacial surgery is constantly being updated. Multimedia lectures and videos are created on all sections of surgical dentistry of maxillofacial surgery.

Students of following faculties are trained at the department:

  • dental (3-5 course);
  • therapeutic (4 course);
  • medical and preventive (4 course);
  • trainee doctors of Faculty of Additional Professional Education.

Training in internship, residency is provided.

Training base

Model classes in RDC, in dormitory №2 DSMU.

Clinical facilities of the department:

  • Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Republican Clinical Hospital, Makhachkala, Lyakhova Ave. 47,
  • Republican Dental Clinic, Gorky Ave., 22

Educational facilities

  • Simulator equipment: 12 dental units in the complete set: a mobile phantom (head) on a holder and a hinged joint for attaching a dummy of the patient’s head to a horizontal surface;
  • Demonstration equipment: 2 computers, a DVD player, a multimedia projector, a screen, a printer, a slide projector, a negatoscope, slide projectors of the “etude”, “lecturer” and “screen” type; a set of black-and-white and color slides for all sections of surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery; simulators, models, tables, a set of dental and panoramic images, a set of forceps and dental instruments.

Scientific activity

Research areas: maxillofacial traumatology, congenital and acquired defects and deformities of the oral cavity, jaws and face, inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region, diseases of the salivary glands, reconstructive surgery.


  • Educational and methodical manual on surgical dentistry for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Edited by Prof. A.H. Asiyatilov et al.2010.
  • Educational and methodical manual on surgical dentistry for 4th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Edited by Prof. A.H. Asiyatilov et al.2010.
  • Educational and methodical manual on surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery for 5th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry under the editorship. Prof. AH.  Asiyatilova et al.
  • Test tasks for 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine. Edited by Prof. A.H. Asiyatilov et al.2010.
  • Test tasks for doctors-cadets of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. Edited by Prof. A.H. Asiyatilov et al.2010.
  • Test tasks for 4th year students of the medical and preventive faculty. Edited by Prof. A.H. Asiyatilov et al.2010.
  • Educational and methodical manual “pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region” for students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Edited by Prof. A.Kh. Asiyatilov et al. 2010.

Student Scientific Circle

The department has a student circle. The circle is attended by more than 30 students of different courses of the faculty. Each member of the circle can always ask for help and advice on any issues related to working in the circle, to the scientific supervisors of the circle and the teacher of the department. Repeatedly, the members of the circle have adequately represented the university, both on the forms of the All-Russian level and on the forms of the international scale, taking prizes.