
Все объявления
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Department of Surgical diseases of Pediatric, Dental and Medical-Preventive Faculties



Head of the Department: Aliev Magomed Alievich- MD, Associate Professor of the Department 

Address: Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Lenin Square 1, DSMU.
База кафедры: SBI, “City Clinical Hospital”, Makhachkala, Laptieva Ave., 55 A

Telephone/fax: 8 (8722) 55-37-75

Email: mfar2002@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Rabadanova S. R.





  • Abdullayev Mavludin Radjabovich – Head of the educational part, MD, Professor of the Department
  • Safarov Sakhrudin Yusupovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department
  • Alibegov Magomedrasul Abakarovich, MD, Professor
  • Osmanov Ruslan Sungurovich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Rabadanova Sapiyat Rabadanovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department
  • Gereeva Zalina Kamilyevna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department
  • Gabibulaev Adiyullakh Feyzullakhovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department
  • Sultanova Roza Sultanovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department
  • Svelimanov Zulkarnai Alievich – Assistant of the Department
  • Sadikova Zuveirizhat Suleymanovna – Laboratory Assistant of the Department
  • Aliverdieva Tamila Ikramovna – Preparator