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Department of Therapeutic dentistry



Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Medzhid Nisredinovich Medzhidov.

The address of the department: 357002, Republic of Dagestan (RD), Makhachkala, Gorky str., house No. 22.

Clinical bases: Republican Dental polyclinic of the Ministry of Health of the RD (M. Gorky str., house No. 22), tel. 8 – (8722) — 67-37-44;

Dental center of the consultative and diagnostic polyclinic of  Dagestan State Medical Academy (DSMA) (G. Rustamova str., house No. 1), tel. 8 — (8722) — 67-59-70, 8-(8722) – 68-35-73.

The Department of Therapeutic Dentistry at Dagestan Medical Institute was established in 1969. The teachers of the department at that time were experienced  dentists Flerinskaya A. G, Filippova T. F. Later, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zaslavsky A. S. joined the staff of the department in different years, assistants: Osmanov T. A., Akhmedkhanov A. S., Chemikosova T. S., Gomerstein V. A., Zaslavskaya A.D., Karaev M.-G. M.-R., Murtazaliev G.-M. G., Nurmagomedov A.M., Medzhidov M. N., Salikhova M. M., Magomedov A. A., Kazhlaev Yu. N., Madieva M. N., Kurbanova E. A., Borchalinskaya K. K., Makhmudova Z. K., Karammaeva M. R., Kurbanova S. H., Isaeva S. M., Omarova H. O., Osmanova T. T., Sultanova M. A., Abdurakhmanov G. G., Adzhieva A. K. About 20 teachers defended their dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.

The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Solomonovich Zaslavsky  from 1970 to 1973 . The department was headed by a Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, Excellent Student of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Professor Telman Agayevich Osmanov from 1973 to 2011.

The department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Medzhid Nisredinovich Medzhidov since September 2011. He had been the head of the educational part of the department for the last 22 years before being elected to this position. Currently, the head of the educational part is the Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor E. A. Kurbanova.

The lower teaching staff of the department: head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Medzhidov M. N.; Associate Professor, Candidate of medical Sciences: Kazhlaev Yu. N. Kurbanova E. A., Abdurakhmanov G. G. Kurbanova S. H.; assistant, Candidates of Medical Sciences: Isaeva S. M. Omarova H. O., Osmanova T. T. Sultanova M. A.; assistant:Magomedov A. A. Makhmudova Z. K. Nurmagomedova P. A. Fatalieva A. Z., Kafarov R. T. P. Bagataeva. R., Narchaev M. A., Osmanova S. A.

The lecture for the 4th year students is read by the head of the department Medzhidov M. N.


The practical lesson is conducted by Associate professor E. A. Kurbanova.


The head of the department, MD, Associate Professor Medzhidov M. N. is the author of more than 392 scientific papers. About  35 of them are published  in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and 6-in the journal “Dentistry”, presented in the international databases Scopus (via Medline).

The head of the department, MD, Associate Professor Medzhidov M. N. is the author of more than 392 scientific papers, 35 of them are published in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, and 6-in the journal “Dentistry”, presented in the international databases Scopus (via Medline).

  1. N. Medzhidov has 2 copyright certificates, one patent for an invention and one certificate of state registration of a computer program, as well as 36 certificates for innovation proposals.

He also received notifications from  the Federal Institute of Industrial Property on the receipt and registration of 7 new applications for inventions in co-authorship with M. N. Yunusov and employees of DSTU. One candidate’s dissertation was defended under his leadership,2 graduate students completed their dissertation works and submitted their dissertations for approbation, and 3 applicants perform similar work.

Certificates of state registration of computer programs for employees of the department.



  Innovation proposals developed by the teachers of the department

The staff of the department has published 55 teaching aids for students, interns, clinical residents and doctors. About 5 author’s certificates, one patent and 56 certificates for innovation proposals were received.  

Educational materials with the stamp Educational and Methodological Association, published by the staff of the department:

  1. A. Osmanov, M. R. Karammaeva, E. A. Kurbanova “Restoration filling materials” (2005); E. A. Kurbanova (together with the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education DSMA and Orthopedic Dentistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) “X-ray diagnostics in Dentistry” (Moscow, 2006); L. A. Dmitrieva, A.V. Alimsky, V. M. Elizarova, M. N. Medzhidov, etc. “Periodontitis” (Moscow, 2007); T. A. Osmanov, E. A. Kurbanova, M. R. Karammaeva “Practicum on therapeutic dentistry” (2008); T. A. Osmanov, Yu. N. Kazhlaev, M. N. Madieva, E. A. Kurbanova, etc. “Collection of tests and clinical tasks in therapeutic dentistry” (2008); M. A. Sultanova “Modern methods of tooth color correction”, “Therapeutic dentistry”, “National guidelines” edited by L. A. Dmitrieva, Yu. M. Maksimovsky (Moscow, 2009); M. N. Medzhidov, I. S. Kopetsky “Pulpitis” (2013), M. N. Medzhidov, I. S. Kopetsky, E. A. Kurbanov, M. R. Karammaev “Industrial practice of an assistant dentist-therapist” (2013), Kopetsky I. S., Medzhidov M. N. ” Dental caries. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnosis and principles of treatment” (2013).

Medzhidov M. N. became the WINNER of the ANNUAL AWARD in the field of medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Federation “For the best educational publication” for ensuring the implementation of educational programs of higher education – programs of the specialty “Dentistry” in the field of education “Health and Medical Sciences”, the award ceremony of which was held in Moscow as part of the Anniversary V All–Russian Conference with international participation”Medical Education-2014″ on April 2, 2014. The award was presented to the laureate by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V. I.

The ceremony of awarding M. N. Medzhidov the annual award of the Educational and Methodological Association of medical and pharmaceutical universities of the Russian Federation. Moscow, April 2014.









In recent years, the department has completely updated the educational and methodological material. New training complexes have been compiled: 1) according to programs for residents in the specialty “Therapeutic Dentistry”; 2) working programs (according to FGOS-3 and FGOS-3+) for students of the Faculty of Dentistry according to the modules: cariesology and diseases of hard tissues of teeth, endodontics, periodontics, gerontostomatology and diseases of the oral mucosa, clinical dentistry, industrial practice of an assistant dentist therapist.

On all topics of practical classes, the department has methodological developments for students and teachers compiled in accordance with the new educational standard, collections of tests and clinical situational tasks with response standards.


Textbooks and teaching aids developed and implemented in the educational process by teachers of the department

New educational technologies are used in everyday work. Information stands created by the staff of the department on the latest technologies, modern materials and methods in the field of dentistry contribute to the optimization of the educational process. The department is equipped with computers, multimedia equipment and other audio and video equipment.

The department has funds of methodological and educational manuals, test tasks, clinical tasks, radiographs on modern technologies of treatment and prevention of dental diseases for conducting practical classes with students. A fund of evaluative knowledge (FEK) has also been compiled for all modules of the discipline.

The department was one of the first in the academy to use the latest computer technologies for conducting lectures and practical classes. With the help of multimedia technologies, lecture courses (including on electronic media) on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major dental diseases, including up to 500 photos of their own clinical cases have been developed and introduced into the educational process. About 150 educational films are used for students at the department.

At the state final certification of students of the Faculty of Dentistry in 2016.






The department is equipped with a simulation class, where practical classes are held with students of 3-5 courses in order to acquire manual skills of dental treatment. Special attention is paid to the independent work of students: working with textbooks, reading radiographs, solving situational problems, etc., which contributes to better assimilation of educational material, consolidation of knowledge, formation of clinical thinking among students – future dentists.

The lesson in the simulation class is conducted by Associate Professor Kurbanova S. H. and senior laboratory assistant Saruglanov S. R.








The main medical work is carried out on the basis of the Republican Dental polyclinic.

It consists in regular admission and consultation of patients at the department , participation and holding of clinical, scientific and practical conferences, reviewing the certification works of dentists and therapists applying for advanced training, publishing methodological recommendations for practitioners on methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.

The analysis of the clinical case is conducted by associate professor Kazhlaev Yu. N.  






An important section of the work is the introduction into the practical work of the clinic of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental diseases developed at the department. In particular, modern methods of treatment of dental caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontal diseases and oral mucosa have been introduced into practice.

Medzhidov M. N. is a member of the Republican Council for the introduction of new and high technologies of diagnosis and treatment in the clinical practice of Dagestan.


The reception of a thematic patient is conducted by the head of the department Medzhidov M. N.         








   A practical lesson with clinical residents is conducted by associate professor Abdurakhmanov G. G.








The department has a student scientific circle, whose members make reports and presentations at cathedral and university conferences, Olympiads of various levels.

Meeting of the student scientific circle of the department.













Olympic diplomas of students-circle members of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry

  Scientific direction of the department: “The main dental diseases in the clinic of therapeutic dentistry: etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, clinic, diagnosis, their modern methods of treatment and prevention”.   

   In total, 1 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations were completed and defended at the department. The staff of the department has published 40 articles in peer – reviewed journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, and more than 900 papers have been published in the Materials of international, all-Russian, regional, interuniversity and university conferences. The total indicators of the Hirsch index are 12, the RSCI is 97.

  The department has a postgraduate program and a clinical residency. Over the past five years, 4 doctors have completed clinical residency and postgraduate studies, 2 residents and 4 graduate students continue their training.

The candidate of the department Yunusov M. N. (scientific supervisor-Medzhidov M. N.) and the correspondence postgraduate student of the department Gamzalova N. B. (scientific supervisor-Medzhidov M. N.) took part in the grant competition “Umnik” (the amount of each grant is 400 thousand rubles). They both became winners of this competition and received diplomas.


Diplomas of the nominees of the grant competition “UMNIK-2015” Yunusova M.    N. and Gamzalova N. B.






Graduate students of the department Narchaev M. A., Osmanova S. A. and the candidate of the department Yunusov M. N. became multiple winners of the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and innovative Technologies “ARCHIMEDES”.  

Rector of DSMU, Professor S. N. Mammaev and Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  1. I. Tarasenko present a diploma and a silver medal to the winner of the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “ARCHIMEDES-2016” Yunusov M. N.

Awards of postgraduate students and applicants of the department




The head of the department Medzhidov M. N. and the candidate of the department Yunusov M. N. were awarded the gold medal of the 9th International Biotechnological Forum-exhibition “RosBioTech-2015”.

Diploma of the nominees of the gold medal “RosBioTech-2015”


Employees, postgraduates and applicants of the department regularly participate in various regional, all-Russian and international conferences, forums, congresses.


Head of the Department M. N. Medzhidov at the 2nd International Congress EstePerio2016 on Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry (Baku, October 28-30, 2016).






Certificate of participation in the 3rd International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMEC 2016 (Baku, November 1-2, 2016) Yunusova M. N.





Teachers of the department regularly improve their qualifications at the departments of hospital therapeutic dentistry and dentistry od Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Specialists of  Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov.Professional development of the teaching staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology takes place at Dagestan State University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Heads of departments on advanced training in therapeutic dentistry

on the basis of the Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, 2013)

The library at the department  has about 50 books and 65 central periodicals on the profile of the discipline for independent work of students, residents and postgraduates.