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Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists (FAT and PTS) of DSMU



 The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of   FAT  and PRS  was  a part of the Department of Surgery of   FPC since 1994  and it has become independent since 2004. It is located on the basis of the Republican Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics . The department has been headed since its foundation  by the Honored inventor of  Dagestan Republic, Honored Scientist of  Dagestan Republic, Honored Doctor of  Dagestan Republic, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Chairman of the Association of Traumatologists-Orthopedists of Dagestan, traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Abakarov Abakar Alievich (1942-2020) .

Abakarov was born in the village of Khosrekh, Kulinsky district of Dagestan in 1942. He graduated from the medical faculty of DSMU in 1966. He entered the graduate school of  State Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1970, after which he defended his PhD in 1974. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic in 1987 : “Justification of sparing methods of treatment in the system of medical rehabilitation of children with congenital hip dislocation”.
A. Abakarov was heading the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of FAT and PPS of  DSMU from 1991 to 2020. The main scientific and practical direction of Abakar Alievich was the treatment of patients with injuries and orthopedic diseases of the hip joint: sparing methods of surgical treatment of congenital hip dislocation in children, palliative author’s methods of treatment of congenital hip dislocation in adults, creation of an additional support point under the pelvis, methods of acetabuloplasty. The zenith of A. A. Abakarov’s scientific direction was the introduction in the republic of operations for the treatment of congenital hip dislocation in adults and hip replacement. Being  the president of the Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of the Republic of Dagestan, he summarized and conveyed to doctors of practical healthcare his rich scientific and clinical experience.

Purposeful research in various issues of traumatology and orthopedics, the ability to generalize clinical experience and the depth of A. A. Abakarov’s conclusions will remain in the grateful memory of colleagues and patients. Balanced, friendly and always ready to help the sick and the needy – this is how everyone remembers Abakar Aliyevich Abakarov.


The department   has been headed by  Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Inventor of  Dagestan, Honored Doctor of  Dagestan, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Honored Worker of Science and Education of  RANS, traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category Guseynov Asadula Guseynovich since 2020.

Huseynov A. G. graduated from DSMU in 1987. He was an orthopedic traumatologist at the Republican Clinical Hospital of Grozny from 1987 to 1991.  He  was studying at the postgraduate school of the Dagestan  State Medical University from 1991 to 1994 and defended defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Early diagnosis and complex treatment of  Perthes ‘disease” in 1994.

He has been an assistant  since 1994 and an associate professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of  FAT and PRS  of  DSMU since 2001. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic since 1994: Complex treatment of diaphyseal fractures and false joints of the long bones of the lower extremities”. On the basis of extensive clinical material, priority directions of the treatment program are determined and optimal ways of their implementation are developed. The results of the study allowed us to revise the traditional approaches in the treatment of this contingent of patients and the further development of the scientific provisions of the dissertation opens up new prospects in traumatology and orthopedics. This work is unique in its abundance of innovations and includes 45 patents for inventions and utility models.

G. Guseynov is the author of 405 scientific publications, including 214 articles and abstracts, 12 teaching aids, 62 certificates for rational proposals and 117 patents for inventions and utility models.
G. Guseynov’s speeches with scientific reports were highly appreciated by colleagues at the republican, federal and international levels. His author’s developments were exhibited at International forums and exhibitions and were awarded diplomas and medals:

He received:

– a diploma  for  the “Device for the reposition of  bone fragments in non-focal osteosynthesis”, presented at the exhibition in Beijing  in 2006;

– A bronze medal for “A device for optimizing skeletal traction” at the VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments in 2008;

– a diploma for “A device for correcting paralytic equine deformity of the foot”  at the VIII International High-Tech Fair in Shenzhen (China) in 2009;

–  a National quality certificate and won in the nomination “Best Information Project” for the textbook “Transosseous osteosynthesis by the Ilizarov method” in 2009 ;

– a Gold medal for “A device for optimizing the conditions of fusion of hip fractures”. Nikola Tesla at the International High-Tech Exhibition in Novi Sad (Serbia) in 2010 ;

– a Gold medal was received for the “Device for the treatment of multiple rib fractures”  at the International Exhibition of New Technologies in Iasi (Romania) in 2013;

– a Gold medal for the “Method of bone grafting” at the VIII International Biotechnological Forum-exhibition “Ros-Bio-Tech-2014”,held in October 2014 in Moscow;

– a Gold Cup was received for “A device for the closed reposition of a sagged tibial condyle” at the World Innovation Exhibition in Dusseldorf (Germany), held on September 22-25, 2015;

– a diploma for “A device for the treatment of fractures of the large humerus tubercle” at the 69th International Fair “Ideas-Innovations-New Developments” IENA-2017, Nuremberg (Germany).

 For fruitful work  A. G. Guseynov was awarded at the national and Federal level:

-the title “Honored inventor of the Dagestan Republic  ” in 2002  and the “Honored doctor of the Dagestan” in 2013;

 -the medal of Alfred Nobel by the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Nature-knowledge (RAN) for contribution to the development of inventions in 2008;

-the title of “Corresponding Member of  RAN” and the honorary title of “Honored Worker of Science and Education” in 2009 ;

– the title of Academician of the RAN  in 2011 ;

– for fruitful inventive activity, he was accepted into the “All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators” (RSII) and was awarded a Diploma of the central Council of the RSII  in 2020.

The name of Guseynov A. G. is listed in the bibliographic encyclopedia “Scientists of Russia” (Encyclopedia-Moscow: Academy of Natural Sciences, 2011. – Vol. 7, p. 144-145, – 504s.) and in the Great Free Encyclopedia of Dagestan (Publishing House “Face of the Caucasus”, Volgograd, Publishing House “Panorama”, 2011. – p.168).

Asadula Guseynovich is also a member of the commission of  Dagestan State Medical University and the Ministry of Health of  Dagestan on the introduction of high-tech methods of treatment and the results of scientific and practical research into the practice of medical institutions of Dagestan. He is a high-class specialist who knows modern methods of treatment in orthopedic and traumatology practice.













At the Second International Congress of Orthopedists and Traumatologists of the Turkic Peoples in Almaty (Kazakhstan) in 2019, A. G. Huseynov made a report: “Ways to improve the provision of assistance to victims with polytrauma”.


The staff of the department are: Magomedaliev Jamaludin Idrisovich, Abakarov Ali Abakarovich, Omarov Siraj Ilyasovich.


Employees of the department



Jamaludin Idrisovich Magomedaliev, Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Republic of  Dagestan.

I. Magomedaliev graduated from the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1975.

He was working as a resident doctor of the Department of Injuries and Burns of the Caspian Medical Association from 1975 to 1980.

He completed a clinical residency on traumatology and orthopedics at  Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute from 1980 to 1982.  He entered the correspondence postgraduate course at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of  Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute in 1984.

He defended his PhD thesis at Leningrad Research Institute named after R. R. Vreden  in 1989.

He  was working  as the head of the traumatology department of  Caspian trauma department from 1991 to 1997.

I. Magomedaliev worked as the chief doctor of the Caspian Central State Hospital from 1997 to 2018.

He has been an Assistant of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the FAT and  PRS  of DSMU since 2018.

I. Magomedaliev has the title of “Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan”. He has published 11 scientific papers and a monograph “Medical examination of the population. Traumatological and orthopedic profile”. D. I. Magomedaliev conducts training of cadets and clinical residents according to the plan of preparation of certification cycles for traumatologists and orthopedists of the Republic.


Abakarov Ali Abakarovich was born in 1987 in Nizhny Novgorod. He graduated from secondary school No. 17 in Makhachkala and  entered the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical University  in 2003  which he graduated  from in 2009.  A. A. Abakarov entered the clinical residency at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the FAT  and PRS on the basis of the Republican Orthopedic and Traumatology Center in 2011. Due to agreement with the administration, he was transferred to   Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov to the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and on the basis of  State Medical University No. 64 named after Vinogradov  in Moscow.

In 2011, he was accepted as a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the teaching staff of the DSMU. He entered the postgraduate course at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of  DSMU  in 2016, after which he was accepted as an assistant of the department in 2019.

He completed the certification cycle “Public Health and Health Organization” was at   Dagestan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Currently, Abakarov A. A. is an assistant at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the FAT and PRS of DSMU.

As a candidate, A. A. Abakarov deals with the problem of congenital pathology of the hip joint in adolescents and adults. Every year he makes reports and participates in regional and All-Russian conferences on traumatology and orthopedics.

Abakarov is the author of 36 scientific publications, including 3 methodological recommendations, 3 textbooks, 6 articles in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission, Russian Science Citation Index, a monograph and patent for invention No. 2614101: “Method of surgical treatment of congenital hip dislocation in adolescence”.


Siraj Ilyasovich Omarov, senior laboratory assistant.

I. Omarov graduated from the medical faculty of DSMU in 1993. He worked as an orthopedic traumatologist in Dagestan Republican Clinical Hospital. He has been working as an orthopedic doctor in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan  since 2009. He has been working as a senior laboratory assistant at the department since 2020.








Exams for cadets of traumatologists-orthopedists  


The medical and advisory activity of the department’s staff is active and includes medical rounds, routine planned and emergency surgical interventions, consultations, patient receptions in the Republican Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Republican Clinical Hospital, the Caspian Central City Hospital  and other medical institutions. Employees of the department take part in reviewing reports of doctors and medical histories of deceased patients, and also regularly make reports at meetings of the Society of traumatologists-orthopedists, conferences and forums at the national and federal levels, in print and on television.

The range of scientific interests of the staff of the department is extremely wide and is dictated by the pressing problems of practical health care. Osteosynthesis – immersion and non-focal; methods of skin and bone grafting; devices for optimizing conservative and surgical treatment in traumatology, orthopedics and surgery.

An important section of the work is the introduction into clinical practice of new methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, developed both at the department and in other teams. On the basis of the obtained results of scientific research, the staff of the department proposed author’s developments and methodological recommendations that have been successfully implemented in the practical work of medical institutions of the republic.

They have been applied and implemented in the practice of traumatology and surgical departments of medical institutions in Dagestan, the Russian Federation and foreign countries (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan). The introduction of these methods, methods and devices is of invaluable importance and is expressed not only in economic benefits, but also increases the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of life of patients.



Elimination of flotation of the “rib panel” — a critical violation of the biomechanics of respiration in multiple rib fractures (Patent for invention No. 2700257 dated 13.09.2019; authors: Guseynov A. G., Kadiev M. A.).                                                             


The V International Olympiad among clinical residents in traumatology and Orthopedics in Smolensk on June 15-16, 2018.


The Association of Traumatologists-Orthopedists of Russia and the organizing committee of the Olympiad expressed gratitude to the rector of  Dagestan State Medical University, Professor S. N. Mammaev, for the active participation of residents of the State Medical University and the high level of professional knowledge and skills, indicating a great and purposeful work on training qualified medical personnel in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics”.


Introduction into practice of the original technique of bone grafting of a false joint (“Method of autoplasty of false joints of tubular bones”. Patent for invention No. 2614882. Guseynov A. G., Guseynov A. A.) .