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Departments of Pedagogy and Psychology



General information

Head of the Department: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Abieva Elmira Gadzhibalaevna.

Address: Makhachkala, Pervomayskaya str., hostel No. 3

E-mail: pedipsidgmu@yandex.ru



The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was established in 2016 and became a structural educational unit of DSMU. The department carries out educational and methodological and research work in accordance with the general concept of educational and methodological activities of the university. The department is headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Abieva E. G. from the date of its foundation to the present.


Goals and objectives of the department, areas of activity

– training of students, clinical residents, postgraduates in pedagogy and psychology;

– professional development of teachers of higher schools, medical colleges;

– cooperation with clinical departments on applied aspects of pedagogy and psychology in medicine;

– conducting scientific research aimed at improving the pedagogical process in higher education, medical college and research on the role and place of pedagogy in medicine and the treatment process.


Content of the discipline, curricula: Pedagogy and psychology for students of all specialties:


 Postgraduate training:

“Innovative technologies for improving the technological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers”, advanced training for teachers of medical universities and colleges in the amount of 144 academic hours;

“Pedagogy and psychology of higher education” for graduate students of all areas of training at DSMU, in the amount of 180 academic hours;

“Pedagogy and psychology in medical activity” for graduate students, 108 hours;

“Pedagogical techniques and technologies” for graduate students, 108 hours;

“Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology in medical activity” for clinical residents (persons who have received training in professional educational programs: “Medical business”, “Dentistry”, “Pediatrics”), in the amount of 36 academic hours;


Scientific activity:

The department conducts scientific research in the following areas: methodological problems of pedagogy as an academic discipline in a medical university; the role of pedagogical and psychological knowledge in the professional development of the personality of a doctor-teacher; the quality of education, psychology and pedagogy of higher medical schools, secondary medical and pharmaceutical schools and colleges; the scientific basis of the organization of the educational process; psychological aspects of the positive functioning of the individual.




Abieva Elmira Hajibalayevna

doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. She was born on May 20, 1965 in the village Kasumkent of  Suleiman -Stalskii district of  Dagestan. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of  Moscow State University named after Lomonosov in 1989.

She has been working at DSMU since 1990. She has worked her way up from assistant to professor. She defended her PhD thesis on “Mythology and religion as a source of formation of philosophical thought in Dagestan” at Dagestan State University in 1997.

Abieva E.G.  defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Religious and philosophical thought in the cultural history of the peoples of Dagestan” at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University in 2002. She completed advanced training at Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov under the program “Quality Management of the educational process in Higher Medical Education: psychological and pedagogical approaches: career guidance component in the process of teaching students of medical universities: fundamentals of conflictology in 2017.

Her research interests are related to the problems of religious philosophy, philosophy of culture, pedagogy and psychology, biomedical ethics, which is reflected in the monographs “Essay on Mythology, religion, religious and philosophical thought in Dagestan”, “Sufism and Sufi Philosophy in Dagestan”, as well as in other scientific publications.

Abieva E.G. gives lectures and conducts practical classes in the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy”.

She has prepared and published educational and methodological manuals, including under the stamp of  Educational and Methodological Association  on medical and pharmaceutical education.
She prepared two candidates of sciences for the defense.


Abdulayeva Patimat Zulkiplievna-Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the educational part of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. She was born on June 29, 1959 in the village Sogratl, Gunibsky district of  Dagestan. She graduated from DSU in 1995 and  Institute of Management and Business (Makhachkala) in 2002.

She completed professional retraining at the Institute for the Development of Education, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel at  DSPU under the program “Pedagogy and Psychology” in 2013.

She completed advanced training at Dagestan State Technical University Faculty of Advanced Training of Personnel and Teachers according to an additional professional program: “Pedagogical and psychological aspects of the teacher’s activity in training drivers of motor vehicles” in 2016.  

Abdulayeva P.Z. completed advanced training at DSMU under the program “Innovative technologies for improving the technological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers” in 2017. She completed advanced training in Novosibirsk on the basis of the autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education « Institute of Distance Professional Development of Humanitarian Education» according to the program:

“Professional ethics in psychological and pedagogical activity within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard” in 2018. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Implementation of interdisciplinary technology in the formation of the information culture of lawyers in the process of professional pedagogy” in Stavropol in 2005.

Abdulayeva P.Z. has been working at DSMU since 1992. She gives lectures and conducts seminars at the dental, pediatric, pharmaceutical and medical faculties in the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy”.

Abdulayeva P.Z  was awarded the honorary title of Professor of  Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in 2013.

She was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Education” of the RANS in the same year. She has published more than 150 scientific papers, monographs and educational materials in the field of pedagogy and psychology, innovative technologies and biomedical ethics, including in foreign publications: in Azerbaijan (Baku), in Germany (Munich), in the USA (California, Chicago) and in the UAE (Dubai).


Gadzhi Abdulkadirovich Shamov-Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. He was born on August 28, 1974 in the village Karabudakhkent, Karabudakhkent district of  Dagestan. He graduated from the DSMI (DSMU) in the specialty “Medical business” in 1998. He graduated from DSPU with a degree in “Teacher-psychologist” in 2010. He is the organizer and leader of the Club of Young Psychologists, as well as a coach of children’s and adult trainings (psychocorrection trainings, personal growth trainings, the ABC of business psychology, the training “Effective communication”). He has been working at DSMU since 2003 and has a great teaching experience.He became the winner of the “Best Teacher of the DSMA”awards in 2006-2007.  Shamov G.A. passed advanced training at DSMU under the program “Innovative technologies for improving the technological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers” in 2017. Currently, he is a full-time teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of DSMU and conducts trainings and seminars for students .

Khadzhialiev Kurban Idrisovich-Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. He was born on October 14, 1961 in the village Murguk, Sergokalinsky district of Dagestan. He graduated from the Faculty of Biology of DSU in 1989. He entered graduate school in the same year and defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Pedagogical conditions for the formation of independent activity of adolescents in the conditions of new forms of labor organization” in Rostov-on-Don in 1996. Currently, he works as a full-time Associate Professor of the Department of General and Social Psychology of DSU.

He has been working as a part-time assistant professor at DSMU and leads a cycle of teacher training under the program “Innovative technologies for improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers” at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology since 2016. In addition, he gives lectures and conducts seminars at the medical and preventive faculty on the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy”.

 Umuriza Shakhshanatova  Shakhshanatovna –Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. She was born on March 14, 1962 in the village Arzgir, Arzgir district, Stavropol Territory.  She graduated from DSU with a degree in “Biology,  Biology teacher”in 1985 . She took advanced training courses at the DSPI on the course “Practical psychologist” in 1991. Currently, she works as a senior lecturer at the Department of General and Social Psychology of DSU. Umuriza Shakhshanatova  has been working as a part-time assistant at DSMU and conducts seminars to improve the skills of teachers since 2016.

Magomedova Zainap Magomedrasulovna-Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. She was born on October 29, 1972  in the village  Karlanyurt,  Khasavyurt district, Dagestan. She graduated from DSPU with a degree in Primary School Teacher in 2000. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Formation of socio-cultural competencies in younger schoolchildren in integrated lessons” in 2014. Currently, she works in the “Department of Education of the Administration of Makhachkala” as a methodologist. Magomedova Zainap has been working as a part-time teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of DSMU and Conducts seminars at the medical faculty on the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy” since 2016 .

 Magomedova Khasi Abdulbarinovna-Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. She was born on July 27, 1979 in the village Balkhar of  Akushinsky district of  Dagestan. She graduated from DSPU with a degree in Primary School teacher in 2001. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Patriotic education of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of bilingualism of the Republic of Dagestan: an ethnopedagogic approach” in 2016.

She completed advanced training at DSMU under the program “Innovative technologies for improving the technological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers” in 2018. Khasi Abdulbarinovna has been working as a full-time teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of DSMU since 2018. She conducts seminars at the medical, dental and pediatric faculties.

 Valentina Kravchenko is a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. She has been working at the department since 2016. She graduated from the Social and Humanitarian Faculty of DSTU with a degree in “Psychology. Teacher of psychology”  in 2016.