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DSMU provides two comfortable dormitories to students. They are located in the central part of the city, in close proximity to lecture halls and in quick access to buses to every part of the city. Each dormitory has blocks of rooms. A block includes four rooms, for 1-3 people each, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a lavatory. Your room has already been equipped with furniture: a bed, beddings, a bedside table, a wardrobe, desk and chair, a bookshelf and curtains, which will help organize your comfortable accommodation and studies! The Internet and Wi-Fi are not a problem at all – you can access a high-speed network at our dormitories. On the ground floor there is a laundry where you can have your beddings washed.

For leisure and sport we have open-air gym and sport ground for basketball and volleyball. On the ground floor of the dormitory you can play table tennis.

The dormitory is guarded 24 hours.

1. Вход/ Entrance

2. Фойе/ Lobby

3. Комната/ Room

4. Читальный зал/ Reading room

5. Прачечная/ Laundry

6. Спортплощадка/ Sports ground

7. Кабинет физики/ Physics classrom (for preparatory faculty students)

8. Кабинет биологии/ Biology class room (for preparatory faculty students)

9. Кабинет химии/ Chemistry classroom (for preparatory faculty students)