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ENT disorders with advanced training of doctors



General information

Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences Jamaludinov Yunuskadi Askhabalievich

Phone: 55-02-03.

Clinical sites: ENT Department of the Republican Clinical Hospital (47 Lyakhova Av.), ENT Department of the Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital (37 Akushinsky Av.), ENT Department of the City Clinical Hospital (78 Laptieva ).

Email address: elmira1002005@yandex.ru

Responsible for the website: Elmira Gamzatova



Jamaludinov Yunuskadi Askhabalievich, was born on February 1, 1953 in the village of Tunzi in the Gergebil district of the Dagestan ASSR. He graduated from Gergebil Secondary School in 1970, and in the same year entered the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Institute. After graduating from the institute, he was named senior assistant at the Department of ENT Diseases, and later gradually promoted from a senior assistant to the head of the Department of Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases with advanced training of doctors.

In 1998, in Moscow, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 2008, in Moscow, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences at the CRCO of the FMBA of Russia.

Author of more than 250 published scientific articles and textbooks and 2 patents. Organized and conducted 9 scientific and practical conferences of otorhinolaryngologists of the Republic with All-Russian and international participation, with the publication of collections of theses and articles.
He is a Russian otolaryngologists board member, editorial journal member and Russian otolaryngology journal’s reviewer.

He is a member of the specialized commission on otolaryngology of the Ministry of Health of Russia. In 2010-2011 he conducted teleconferences with the broadcast of operations directly from the University Hospital of Tubingen (Germany).
Yunuskadi Askhabalievich was awarded the titles of Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan and excellent health worker. For many years, he has been serving as the chief visiting otorhinolaryngologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan. In 2007, he was awarded the honorary title of the best otorhinolaryngologist of the Russian Federation. In 2016, he was awarded a Gold Star with the title People’s Hero of Dagestan by the Public Movement “Native Dagestan”, the Regional Fund “People’s Opinion” for special services to the multinational people of Dagestan,. Since 2021, Head of the Department of Diseases of the Ear, Throat and Nose with the improvement of doctors.



The Department of Diseases of the ear, Throat and Nose of the Dagestan State Medical Institute (Academy) was organized in the fall of 1936 with a hospital of 10 beds on the basis of the surgical department of the Republican Clinical Hospital (RCH) of Makhachkala, and the educational process began in February 1937.The first head and organizer of the department was the Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate Professor V. A. Chudnosovetov.


Professor Valentin Chudnosovetov, Head of the ENT Department in the 1931-1954 timeframe. A. Chudnosovetov was granted a degree of Candidate on medical science without defending his thesis in 1935. In December 1936, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “On the connection of the nasal lymphatic system with the brain’s subshell spaces and on the effect of the type of respiration on the injection of mucosa of some parts of the upper respiratory tract.” In 1938, he was confirmed in the academic rank of professor. From 1937 to 1941, V. A. Chudnosovetov worked as the deputy director of the Institute for academic and scientific affairs. Concurrently, he held the positions of head of the medical and preventive department of the Dagestan People’s Commissariat of Health (1938) and chief physician of the RCH (1942-1944).

Under the guidance of V. A. Chudnosovetov, 6 PhD theses were completed. He has published more than 30 scientific papers, including in the journal Acta otholaring (Stockh).

The main direction of the scientific activity of the ENT Department staff, headed by prof. V. A. Chudnosovetov, was the study of the upper respiratory tract lymphatic system (URT) and its connection with other organs and systems. A number of studies are devoted to the occupational pathology of ENT organs.

  1. A. Chudnosovetov deserves the credit for the first ENT specialists training who passed the primary specialization on the basis of the department for the health care of Dagestan.

Valentin Alekseevich worked at the DSMI until December 1954, after which, due to his age and health, he retired and moved to Tambov, donating his personal library to the Institute, and remained in touch with the institute till his death.


Associate Professor Nikitin Vasily Alekseevich, Head of the ENT Department in the 1955-1964 timeframe. After V. A. Chudnosovetov, the department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Vasily Nikitin. In 1931, he had graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute, from 1936 to 1940 he had been a head of the ENT department of the Republican Hospital in Grozny, from 1947 to 1951 he was reappointed to serve as an assistant at the Department of ENT Diseases of the DMI. From 1952 to 1955 he worked as an Associate Professor of the ENT Department of the Ryazan Medical Institute, and from 1955 to 1965 as a Head of the Department of DMI. V. A. Nikitin is an author of more than 30 scientific papers. Under his leadership, 3 PhD theses were defended. Being a rational doctor and a skilled surgeon, he trained many practicing physicians, who are still high-class specialists today. In 1957, he was the first specialist in ear, throat and nose diseases to be awarded the honorary title of “Honored Doctor of the Dagestan ASSR” for his great services in the health care of Dagestan and training of personnel. Vasily Alekseevich had the talent of a good storyteller. All lectures for students and doctors he passed through the prism of what he saw and experienced in clinical and theoretical medicine, accompanying them with numerous examples from personal medical practice.


Professor Mikhailovsky Mikhail Semyonovich, Head of the ENT Department in the 1964-2003 timeframe. M. S. Mikhailovsky, heiling from DMI, was elected upon competitive examination as a head of the department in 1965. He passed Ph.D. defense in 1954 on the topic: “Lymphatic vessels of the ethmoid sinuses and orbits”. Mikhail Semyonovich’s doctoral dissertation was devoted to chemical injuries of the esophagus and was defended in 1964. A year later, he was confirmed in the academic title of professor. From 1964 to 1984, Prof. Mikhailovsky M. S. was the vice-rector for Science. He has trained 8 candidates of science, published about 140 scientific papers, and was awarded the high titles of “Honored Scientist of DASSR” and “Honored Doctor of DASSR”. Mikhail Semyonovich was the second-degree disabled war veteran, awarded the Order “Patriotic War” and 7 medals. For a number of years, he was a member of the educational and Methodological Commission under the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, was a member of the All-Russian ENT Society Board and a member of the editorial Board of the journal “Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology”, headed the Dagestan branch of the All-Russian ENT Society. The main scientific research was carried out on the organization of ENT services and ENT assistance to the population of rural areas and cities of DASSR, occupational pathology and chronic tonsillitis.

Under his guidance, the department introduced progressive methods of teaching otorhinolaryngology that is programmed check of students’ knowledge using level I and II tests, situational tasks, interactive boards for independent work of students.

G.A. Gajimirzaev. – M.D., Professor

Gadzhimirzaev Gadzhimurad Abdusamadovich, after studying at the DMI, he studied in clinical residency (Makhachkala, DMI), full-time postgraduate studies (Leningrad Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Gums). In 1970, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.on the topic: “Clinical and laboratory materials on the relationship of certain diseases of the upper respiratory tract with chronic pneumonia in childhood”. At the final stage of his doctoral dissertation, he was assigned to Moscow for two years, where he worked at the Research Institute of Ear, Throat and Nose and the Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. The defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: “Clinical and pathogenetic relationship of diseases of the upper respiratory tract” was held at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I. M. Sechenov in 1982.

From 1987 to 1992, he headed the Department of Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases as part of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, and from September 1992 – the Joint Department of Otorhinolaryngology with the improvement of doctors. He is the chairman of the Dagestan branch of the All-Russian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists and a member of the Board of the Russian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists and a member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Society of Rhinologists, a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology”, “Russian Otorhinolaryngology”, “Russian Rhinology”.

The main areas of scientific research of the author are the clinical and pathogenetic relationship of acute and chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, upper respiratory tract allergoses, their relationship with bronchial asthma and methods of treatment with specific immunotherapy, antihistamines and topical corticosteroids; rhinosinusogenic and otogenic purulent-septic complications. He is the author of 348 published scientific and educational works, including four monographs: “Rhinobronchopulmonary syndrome” (1998),” Allergic rhinitis in children and adults “(2002),” Treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis “(2005),” Otogenic purulent-septic complications in the era of antibiotics ” (2009). For his great contribution to the development of Russian otorhinolaryngology, G. A. Gadzhimirzaev was awarded the highest professional award “Golden Reflector” and the medal of Academician N. P. Simonovsky (2007). He was awarded the honorary title “Honored Doctor of Russia” (1998), “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan” (1993), awarded the medal ” For Distinguished Labour ” (1987).


Teaching staff

Yunuskadi Askhabalievich Jamaludinov – M.D.

A. Gadzhimirzaev – M.D., Professor

Asadulayeva Khadizhat Magomedovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assist.

Gadzhimirzayeva Raisat Gadzhimuradovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assoc. Prof.

Elmira G. Gamzatova-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assist.

Asmalova Amina Magomedovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assoc. Prof.

Mikhrailova Zulfiya Temirsoltanovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assist.

Khamidov Anvar Hajiyevich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assist.

Alieva Aida Raidinovna – Assist.

Zagra Magomedovna Gadzhieva – Senior assistant

In different years, Professor A. A. Gamzatova, associate professors — Sh.D.Davudov, A. O. Rajabov, Z. S. Aslanov, assistants – N. V. Fetisov, M. D. Melyanov, E. D. Bondarenko, Sh.M. Davydov, I. V. Chudnosovetova, M. M. Efendiev, I. S. Aliyeva, D. A. Efendieva worked at the Department of Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases of the DMA.

Teaching and guiding

The Department of the Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases conducts a large educational and methodological, research and, together with the practical health authorities, medical and preventive work. In the line of educational and methodological work, the department published “Methodological developments for practical classes in otorhinolaryngology at the medical and pediatric faculties” (1987); textbooks – “Ear noise” (1995),” Program for the prevention of allergies and allergic diseases and allergoses of the upper respiratory tract in families with unfavorable heredity “(1995),”Variants of vasomotor rhinitis, modern diagnostic methods and treatment tactics “(1996),”Allergic diseases of the ENT organs in children” (2005).

7 guidelines for doctors on various aspects of clinical otorhinolaryngology have been published. Methodological recommendations “Diagnostics, specific immunotherapy and prevention of atopic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis” (1997) and the textbook “Allergic diseases of the ENT organs in children” (2005) are recommended by the educational and methodological association for medical and pharmaceutical education of universities of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

The head of the department is one of the co-authors of the methodological recommendations “Cytological methods in assessing the reactivity of children with acute and chronic pneumonia” (1982) and the manual for doctors Allergic rhinitis in children” (2002), published in Moscow under the stamp of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

He also wrote the chapter “Allergic diseases of the ENT organs” for the two-volume manual of doctors “Children’s Otorhinolaryngology” (Moscow: Medicine, 2005).

Academic career

Under the guidance of Prof. G. A. Gadzhimirzayev, 1 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertations were completed, and 2 more are being performed. The main efforts of the Department staff of Science are focused on solving a number of issues on one of the complex problems developed in the DSMA – “Tuberculosis and diseases of the respiratory system”.

Research is constantly being conducted on development the most optimal treatment regimens for upper respiratory tract allergoses. In particular, the staff of the department made very significant adjustments to the treatment of allergic rhinitis by specific immunotherapy with allergens of non-infectious and bacterial origin, antihistamines and topical corticosteroids of the latest generation, as well as immunopharmaceuticals.

The classification of AR proposed by the department helps to adequately choose one or another basic method of its treatment.

The results of scientific and practical research are constantly reported by the staff of the department at the scientific and practical conferences of the DSMA, meetings of the Dagestan branch of the All-Russian ENT Society, republican, regional, inter-regional, All-Russian and International symposia, conferences, congresses and conventions.

As a matter of personal initiative, work is carried out on the specifics of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of otogenic intracranial complications in the conditions of widespread use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pharmacopreparations at the pre-hospital stage.


In recent years, the department has published five monographs that have received recognition among otorhinolaryngologists in Russia (positive reviews on the pages of the journals “Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology”, 2000, №1; 2006, №1. 2010, №3 and “Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics”, 1999, No. 3).




Inventive and innovative activity.

In the creative activity of the department, a significant place is occupied by invention and innovation. Associate Professor Sh. D. Davydov, who worked at the department for many years, was distinguished not only by the art of healing, but also was an active inventor and innovator. He created a “Flexible esophagoscope on a corrugated basis”, a  “Retainer for trepanopuncture of the frontal sinus”, “A needle for sewing up the palatine arches”, “A needle-clip for sewing up the vessels of deep wounds”. Davudov Sh. D. made a number of innovations in the technique of nasal tamponade for bleeding, for the removal of foreign bodies from the bronchi and esophagus, for brain abscesses of an otogenic nature.

Employees of the department received a certificate for innovative proposals “Method of suturing nostrils in laboratory animals” (1983), “Differential diagnosis between adenoids and adenoiditis” (1986), “Method of treatment of chronic adenoiditis” (1991), etc.











Students’ Scientific Circle

The department has a student’s scientific circle. Many of its members associate their further medical activities with otorhinolaryngology. Among the former active members of the circle, 12 people at the ENT Department of the DSMA were trained in internship and clinical residency.

ENT society

In 1946, the Scientific and Medical Society of Otorhinolaryngologists of our republic was organized, the first Chairman of the Board of which was elected Professor V. A. Chudnosovetov. Both the founder of the ENT Society and its subsequent successors (Associate Professor V. A. Nikitin, prof. M. S. Mikhailovsky, prof. G. A. Gadzhimirzaev) believe that the ENT Society is one of the institutions where doctors can improve their professional level. At the meetings of the society, we bring to the attention of the audience the emerging innovations in practical otorhinolaryngology. The Chairman of the Management Board and members of the Management Board share their impressions of the conferences, congresses and congresses held at the federal level in the specialty. We can state with satisfaction that the Dagestan branch of the All-Russian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists did not stop its activities even during the difficult time of the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and is working on a permanent basis.


The department has a significant number of teaching aids for students and doctors, issued both by the staff of the ENT Department of the DSMU and by Russian otorhinolaryngologists (textbooks, guidelines, test questions of different levels, lectures on otorhinolaryngology, educational videos). The department widely uses the capabilities of modern technical means (multimedia system, overhead) in the educational process. The department has a book and magazine collection since the beginning of the 60th year of the last century, which is used by both medical trainees and students.