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Телефон для приема сообщений о коррупционных проявлениях:
Эл. почтовый ящик:
Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics
General information
Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aliskandiev Alaudin Magomedovich
Department address: 367000Makhachkala 118 Gagarin str. Children’s polyclinic 1, 367000Makhachkala, Akushinsky str.2a 7 line – CRСH
Clinical bases: Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital
Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital
The main clinical medical bases of the department are: Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital – one of the largest medical institutions of the republic, organizational and methodological and medical advisory center for the organization and provision of general and specialized medical care for children.
The hospital consists of 20 clinical departments with 826 beds. In addition, the hospital has departments of physical therapy, physiotherapy, functional diagnostics and radiology. Laboratories are functioning: clinical and biochemical, bacteriological. During the year, the hospital treats about 20,000 children inpatient, more than 30,000 – outpatient.
Children’s Municipal Hospital No. 1
There is an approved contract with hospitals, according to the existing regulations
Basic departments of the department: newborns, young children, nephrology, gastroenterology, cardiology, consultative and diagnostic, polyclinic.
Phone numbers of the department: (8722) 63-42-88
Email address: alaudin1@rambler.ru
Staff of the department
Aliskandiev Alaudin Magomedovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
A.M.Aliskandiev – Head of the department from 2000 to 2017. He graduated from DSMI, the Faculty of Pediatrics in 1978. He defended his PhD thesis in 1992, and in 1998 – his doctorate. Chairman of the final state Attestation Commission, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Chairman of the regional branch of the public organization “Union of Pediatricians of Russia”. Author of more than 180 scientific papers, including 9 methodological recommendations and textbooks, co-author of the monograph – Practical Guide to Childhood Diseases volume 2 “Pediatric Gastroenterology”, Moscow: Medicine.- 2003.
Ibragimov Vagif Magomedeminovich
Associate Professor of the Department, Ph.D., Head of the educational department.
He graduated from Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1985. He worked as the head of the children’s department of Krasnoselsky district hospital. He passed a clinical residency at Rostov Medical Institute. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic : “Bladder dysfunction and its role in the development of pyelonephritis in children” in 1999..He was an assistant at the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 4 of Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists of RostSMU from 1992 to 2012.
He is a doctor of the highest category. He has been an assistant at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics of DSMA since 2014 . He has 40 printed works, 2 teaching aids.
Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
She graduated from the DMI in 1994. From 1994 to 1996 she studied in a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics”. She was studing in correspondence postgraduate studies at the Department of Pediatrics from 1996 to 2000, she defended her PhD thesis on: “The prevalence of bronchial asthma in adolescents of Makhachkala according to epidemiological research” in 2001 . She has been an assistant of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics since 1996 and Associate professor of the Department since 2008. She is an author of 30 printed works, head of the student scientific circle of the department.
Grazhdankina Olga Vladimirovna
Assistant of the department
She graduated from Dagestan Medical Institute with honor in 1977 . She was studing in a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” from 1977 to 1979. Olga Vladimirovna worked as a district doctor of the Children’s polyclinic No. 1 in Makhachkala. She has beeen an assistant at the Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 1. since 1995 and at the Department of Pediatrics of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics since 2000 . Olga Vladimirovna was awarded the highest medical category and has 8 printed works.
Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
She was studying at the clinical residency in pediatric surgery from 2000 to 2002.She was a head of the Department office of computer diagnostics DRCH from 2002 to 2006. Rakhmat Magomedovna has been an assistant of the department for 0.25 teacher rates since September 2006 . She is an author of 6 scientific papers.
Abserkhanova Javriyat Ubaytinovna.
Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
She graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the DSMA in 1999. She was studying in a clinical residency in the specialty “Neonatology” at the Department of Pediatrics of FAT and PRS of DSMA from 1999-2001. Javriyat Ubaytinovna has been working in the Department of Intensive Care and Neonatal intensive care at home No. 3 in Makhachkala as an anesthesiologist – resuscitator since 2004.
She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Clinical and etiological characteristics of ventilator-associated pneumonia in newborns in the intensive care unit of Makhachkala” in 2013. She has been an assistant at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics of DSMA since 2011. She has 15 scientific papers.
Aliskandieva Zuleykhat Alaudinovna
Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
She graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of the DSMA in 2007.
She was studying in a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” from 2007 to 2009 and in full-time graduate school from 2009-2012, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “ Atopic dermatitis in adolescents in various climatic and geographical zones of Dagestan” in Astrakhan in 2012. She completed her primary specialization in the specialty “Allergology and Immunology” in 2011. She is an author of 15 printed works and 2 teaching aids.
Assistant of the department
She graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of the DSMA in 201. She studied in a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics of FAT and PRS from 2011-2013. She enrolled in full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatric in 2013, the topic “Optimization of diagnosis of gastroduodenal pathology in children with minimal brain dysfunction”. She has been a part-time assistant at the department since 2014. She has 2 scientific articles.
Assistant of the department
She graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of DSMA .She was a member of the National Council for Pediatric Surgery in 2007 . She studied in a clinical internship in the specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS of DSMA from 2007-2008. Patimat Kamilovna as been working as a neonatologist in the Department of Neonatal Pathology of the DRCH since 2008, . She completed her primary specialization in the specialty “Neonatology” in 2011. She has 6 printed works and has been an assistant at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics since 2012 .
Idrisova Marina Abdulbutaevna
Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
She graduated with honors from the State Medical Academy in the specialty “Medical business” in 2004. She was studying in a clinical residency at the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after Bakulev, Moscow, specialty “Cardiovascular surgery” from 2004 to 2006. She defended her PhD thesis on: “Coarctation of the aorta in newborns and children of the first year of life in combination with hypoplasia of the left ventricle” in 2010 . Marina Abdulbutaevna trained in certification cycles in the specialties “Pediatric surgery”, “Cardiology”. She studied in a targeted internship in the specialty “Pediatrics” from 2013-2014. She has been working in the Department of Cardiorheumatology of the DRCH since 2010 and has been an assistant at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics of DSMA since 2014.
Sirazhudinova Marina Magomedkamilovna
Assistant of the department
She graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of DSMA in 2000 . She studied in a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics of FAT and PRS of DSMA from 2001 to 2003. She has been working as a resident doctor of the reception and diagnostic department of the DRCH of Makhachkala since 2003. She has been an assistant at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics of DSMA since 2014.
Magomedova Jamila Magomedovna
Assistant of the department
She graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of DSMA in 2008. From 2008-2010 She studied in a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS DRCH. She studied in full – time postgraduate studies at the same department . It is planned to defend a PhD thesis on the topic in the near future: “Clinical and ecological characteristics of congenital heart defects by climatic zones of the RD”. She was working as a research intern in the scientific department of DSMA from 2013-2014. Jamila Magomedovna has been working as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS since 2011.
She has been an assistant of the Department of faculty and hospital pediatrics concurrently since 2015. She has 12 printed works, 2 teaching aids.
Gasainieva Muminat Magomedovna
Assistant of the department
She graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of the DSMA in 2010. She studied in clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS. She is a full-time postgraduate student at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics since 2013, the topic of her PhD thesis: “Clinical, immunological and ultrasound characteristics of glomerulopathies in children who have undergone intrauterine infections”. Muminat Magomedovna has been an assistant of the department since 2013. She is author of 2 scientific papers.
Ramazanova Saniyat Mirzagaevna.
Assistant of the department
She graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of DSMA in 2008. She studied in a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS from 2008-2010. She has been enrolled in full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Pediatrics of FAT and PRS. In the near future, it is planned to defend a PhD thesis on the topic: “Catamnesis of children who have suffered an intrauterine viral infection of the Herpes family”. Saniyat Mirzagaevna completed her primary specialization in the specialty “Neonatology” in 2012. She has been an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the FAT and PRS since 2012 and an assistant at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics concurrently since 2013 . She has 14 printed works, 2 teaching aids.
Abdulagadzhieva Oksana Saidovna
Assistant of the department
She has been an assistant of the department since 2010. Oksana Saidovna is the head of the Children’s Polyclinic No.1.
She is author of 9 scientific papers.
Senior Laboratory Assistant
She graduated from Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1990. She studied at a clinical internship in the specialty “Pediatrics”. Kalimat Shangraevna has been a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics of DSMA since 1993.
On February 14, the next meeting of the student scientific circle of Pediatrics was held at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics, which was attended by the head of the department, Professor Aliskandiev Alaudin Magomedovich, Associate professor of the Department Tavakova Asiyat Abdulayevna, assistant of dean, assistant of the department Abdulmuslimov Murad Tagirovich.
The following reports were presented to the attention of the circle members:
“Hunter syndrome” – speaker Akhmatova Zalina, 6th year.
“STH-insufficiency. Analysis of the appeal regarding stunting” – speaker Shapieva Zamira, 6th year.
Also, a clinical case with an unspecified diagnosis (presumably LEOPARD syndrome) was reported by a 6th-year student Jamolodinova Elmira.
All the works were highly appreciated by the teachers and will be presented in St. Petersburg at the upcoming conference in April.
Sevil Babakhanova.
On December 13, a regular meeting of the student scientific circle was held at the Department of Pediatrics.
The meeting was held by Professor, Head of the department Aliskandiev Alaudin Magomedovich. Murad Tagirovich Abdulmuslimov, an assistant of the department was also present at the meeting.
A student of the 604 group Akhmedova Shuanet made a report on Pierre-Robin syndrome at the meeting. The guys listened to their colleague with great interest and asked interesting questions. The head of the department checked the student scientific papers of the other members of the circle and gave his advice on their design.
Sevil Babakhanova
Meeting of the Student Scientific Society of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics
On October 27 at the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics of the Russian State Medical University on the basis of the DRCH the first meeting of the student scientific circle was held this year.
The main purpose of the student scientific circle is to activate, develop and popularize research work among students.
The meeting of the circle was attended by the head of the department A.M. Aliskandiev, the scientific director of the circle A.A. Tavakova, Z.A. Aliskandieva, Z. Ramazanova.M and students of the pediatric faculty. The report “Necrotic enterocolitis” was made by the 6th-year student Babakhanova Sevil. In her report she spoke about the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of necrotic enterocolitis and provided interesting statistics.
The members of the circle took an active part in the work. According to the results of the meeting, priority areas of scientific research of students were identified.
Inspired by new ideas and plans, the students expressed their readiness to start research activities in the near future. At the end of the meeting the work plan of the circle for the new 2017-2018 academic year was approved.
History of the department
The Department of Pediatrics has been functioning since 1972. It was headed by an Associate professor, later Professor E.K.Shot. The Department of Hospital Pediatrics was establishes in 1974, which was headed until 1977 by Doctor of Medical Sciences A.Ya. Khoma.
Head of the Department, Associate Professor A.A. Omarova from 1977 to 1981. The head of the department was Professor E.I.Merzlyak from 1981 to 1983.
The Department of Pediatrics No. 1 was established in 1984 and it was headed (until 2000) by Associate Professor A.M. Antonov.
The Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics was organized, the head of which was Associate professor A.A. Omarova in 1985. The department was reorganized into the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 since 1992 which existed until 2000.
As a result of the reorganization, the Departments of Pediatrics No. 1 and No. 2 were merged into one Department of Pediatrics of the Pediatric Faculty and then in 2002 intothe Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics. The head of the department was elected Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.M.Aliskandiev
The Department of Pediatrics No. 1 and No. 2 were the executor of state programs – to identify kidney pathology in children (1986-1988), “The role of environmental and social factors in the occurrence of leukemia in children” (1986-1991); republican programs – “Identification of the leading factors affecting the health and mortality of children in Dagestan”, “Healthy offspring – the future of the nation”, “Rehabilitation of children who have suffered severe intestinal infections”. The result of the above-mentioned programs was the defense of 5 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations.
Currently, the staff of the department consists of young employees who have managed to establish themselves as research workers: Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aliskandiev Alaudin Magomedovich, Associate professors: Ph.D. Ramazanova Khadizhat Magomedovna, Ph.D. Omarova Zaira Magomedovna, Ph.D. Tavakova Asiyat Abdulayevna, assistants – Ph.D. Felde Oksana Nikolaevna, Ph.D. Kadieva Fatima Huseynovna, Ramazanov Navruz Akhmedovich, Idrisova Rakhmat Magomedovna, Grazhdankina Olga Vladimirovna.
All teachers of the department are mainly graduates of the pediatric faculty of the DSMA, trained through clinical residency or postgraduate studies, having the first and highest medical qualification categories. The staff of the department conduct practical classes and give lectures to students of the 4, 5 and 6 courses of the pediatric faculty, the 5th course of the dental faculty on the cycle of children’s diseases, the 6th course of the medical faculty on the cycle of “neonatology”.
The staff of the department closely cooperates with the practical health authorities, pays great attention to the development and implementation of the latest methods of examination and treatment in pediatric practice. With the direct participation of employees, conferences and seminars on topical issues of pediatrics, thematic rounds are held at the clinical bases of the department.
The clinical bases of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics are the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital named after N.M.Kuraev and the Children’s Municipal Hospital No. 1 of Makhachkala.
The main directions of the Department of faculty and hospital pediatrics.
educational and methodological
work with interns, residents, postgraduates
medical advisory
Educational and methodical work of the department
The educational process at the department is carried out on two clinical bases: in the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital named after N.Kuraev and on 118 Gagarin Street in the Children’s Municipal Hospital No. 1.
Students of the 4th (VIII semester), 5th, 6th courses of the pediatric faculty study at the department.
The exam is held in the 5th year in the spring semester.
Content of cycles: cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, pathology of early age, nephrology, neonatology, immunology, polyclinic
The department is constantly improving the forms and methods of lectures, seminars, practical classes, revising, correcting or supplementing all types of classes and illustrative material for them.
The staff of the department prepared and approved the educational standard of professional training of students in the specialty “Pediatrics” in the SMC of DSMU. Programs and cycle schedules are compiled in accordance with the standard. The department has more than 2000 tests and situational tasks for thematic cycles.
The department has published and actively uses methodological recommendations and manuals for doctors, interns, residents and students.
-Immunity and immunodeficiency conditions in children and adolescents
-Neuropsychic development of young children
-Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases in children in a children’s polyclinic
-Dispensary supervision of newborn children in a children’s polyclinic
-Scheme and methodology of clinical examination of a healthy and sick child
-Classification of the most important diseases in newborns
-Interpretation and clinical significance of laboratory tests in pediatrics
-Cytomegalovirus infection in newborns: clinic, classification, diagnosis
-Emergency conditions in children, diagnosis and treatment
-Methodological recommendations for conducting a summer internship for 5th-year students of the pediatric faculty of DSMU
The department provides postgraduate professional training of doctors in the specialty “Pediatrics”.
Primary specialization:
Clinical internship (1 year)
Clinical residency (2 years)
Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel:
postgraduate studies – full-time (3 years), part-time (4 years)
Research work
The leading directions of the research work of the department are currently: within the framework of the Children of Russia program, the Healthy Generation subprogram topic “Epidemiology of nonspecific, including allergic diseases in children and adolescents in RD”. Research work is carried out in close connection with the staff of CRCH, CMH No. 1, polyclinics No. 2, No. 3.
Scientific work is carried out using the latest research methods with subsequent development and introduction into clinical practice, the creation of patents of inventions.
The results of the research are published in various scientific publications, journals, monographs; they are reported at scientific forums of various levels. The most significant works are planned to be issued in the form of dissertations in the future.
Topics of completed (first 5 topics) and ongoing dissertation research (Results of scientific research):
“Pollinosis in children of the Republic of Dagestan”.
“Epidemiology of bronchial asthma in children of Makhachkala”.
“Features of the course of various forms of chronic hepatitis in combined kidney pathology”.
The state of health of infants who have undergone perinatal hypoxia.
Clinical and immunological features of newborns with intrauterine development delay from mothers infected with herpes viruses.
The prevalence and peculiarities of the course of atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents in various climatic zones of the RD.
The frequency of structural changes in CNS lesions in young children with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage with seizures.
Catamnesis of children who have had an in/ out viral infection of the herpes family in the conditions of the megalopolis of Makhachkala.
Clinical and epidemiological features of allergic diseases in children and adolescents, depending on the severity of environmental pressure.
Heart damage in children with malformations of the urinary system.
Hospital pneumonia in newborns (ventilator associated: etiology, clinic, treatment and prevention).
Over the past 5 years, more than 270 scientific articles have been published, a congress of children’s doctors of the RD has been organized and held. The staff of the department participated in 40 different symposiums, congresses, scientific and practical conferences. More than 40 modern methods of diagnosis and treatment have been introduced. The department has a student scientific circle.
Over the past five years, within the framework of the State Program “Children of Russia”, the subprograms “Healthy Child”, “Healthy teenager”, “Healthy generation” of the cathedral subject of scientific research “Epidemiology of nonspecific diseases, including allergic diseases in children and adolescents”, more than 5 research works were planned. During this period 3 candidate dissertations were defended at the department on various topics. Currently, the department has 2 full-time graduate students, 3 part-time graduate students and 3 applicants working on research, and 4 clinical residents are completing a thesis within the framework of the Healthy Child program. The “Healthy generation” department tries to attract both practitioners and students and clinical residents to conduct research work. The department has a student scientific circle. The circle is attended annually by 10-12 students of the 5th, 6th courses of the pediatric faculty. The staff of the department has repeatedly participated and made presentations at scientific and practical conferences, congresses, congresses on pediatrics held both in the Republic and abroad.
Employees of the department over the past 5 years have participated in:
-scientific and practical conferences of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia
-4 congresses of pediatric gastroenterologists
-3rd National Congresses of the Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists
-The Second Congress of Children’s allergists of Russia
-2 National Congresses on Respiratory Diseases
The staff of the department carries out medical and advisory work on 2 clinical bases.
The DRCH has 3 specialized departments (hematology – 35 beds, gastroenterology – 40 beds, pathology of newborns – 60 beds, neonatal resuscitation – 6 beds). In the city children’s hospital No. 1 there are 135 beds (the department of infants -45 beds, older people with respiratory diseases – 55 beds, the somatic department – 30 beds, the intensive care unit and intensive care unit 5 beds).
Employees of the department take part in the boards of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan, in the work of problem and certification commissions. They are the organizers of the society of pediatric doctors. Regularly, together with the staff of the Ministry of Health, they travel to the districts and cities of the Republic of Dagestan to provide practical, advisory and methodological assistance on the ground, give lectures and reports on important sections of pediatrics. Monthly scientific and practical conferences are held, medical histories are reviewed, clinical and pathoanatomic scientific conferences are organized. They take an active part in expert councils of medical institutions.
The staff of the department actively participated in the All-Russian medical examination of the children’s population, as part of the teams went to the districts and cities of the republic, as well as to the supervised Republics of the Southern Federal District by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (North Ossetia — Alania, Karachay – Cherkessk).
They take part in the work of the children’s department of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan, in the preparation of semi-annual and annual reports, boards.
They plan visits with reports on the leading sections of pediatric practice according to the plan of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan.
To the patient
The Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics provides medical and advisory assistance to the children’s population of the republic in allergology- immunology, gastroenterology, neonatal period, cardiology, diseases of young children, pulmonology, nephrology, etc.