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Faculty of Pediatrics



General information


Phone: +7 (8722) 67-49-15

Address: Makhachkala, 367000, Lenin Square,1



Dean of the Faculty-PhD, Associate Professor

Muskhadzhiev  Alimkhan Abukhadzhievich











The Dean’s assistants for educational work are:

Candidate of Medical Sciences-Fatima Salimgereevna Akaeva

Associate Professor Fatima Vafaeva Malanova

Senior Manager of  Dean’s office – Patimat Habibulaevna Ibragimova.


Management of the training of specialists at the pediatric faculty is carried out by:

– dean’s office of the faculty

– faculty council

Specialty: 31.05.02-pediatrics

The training of pediatricians is conducted in full compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation  from August 17, 2015  No. 853. All working programs of the departments of the faculty are brought into compliance with the State Educational Standard.


From the history

The creation of the Faculty of Pediatrics for training personnel to provide medical care to children and mothers was caused by extremely unfavorable health indicators of children and women. Morbidity and mortality were at a high level. It is obvious that the state of health of a woman-mother and her child determines the health of the adult population of the republic.

Dagestan traditionally belongs to the regions of the Russian Federation with a high birth rate and a large proportion of the child population (up to 30%), and therefore the need for children’s doctors is great. In this regard, by order of the Ministry of Health of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, a pediatric faculty was established  at  Dagestan Medical Institute in 1969.

Professor E. K. Shot was appointed the first dean of the faculty., Associate Professor N. F. Chernyak  was a  dean from 1976 to 1978; Then Associate professor A. D. Magomedov was a  dean from 1978 to 1984; the dean’s office was headed by Professor G. A. Gadzhimirzayev  from 1984 to 2002;by Professor N. A. Sharipov from 2002 to 2008 ; by Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics A. M. Aliskandiyev  from 2008 to 2016. Nowadays the dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics is the Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric and Dental Faculties of Dagestan State Medical University A. A. Muskhadzhiev .

At various times the vice-deans were professors: Nikitina V. V., Sharipov N. A.  ; Associate professors: Bekshokov S. H., Antonov A. M.  , Magomedov M. M., Kasumov M. A., Ragimov R. M., Porsukov  E. A. Currently, the dean’s assistants are: Ph. D. Akaeva  F.S, Associate Professor  Meilanova F. V.

In connection with the increase in the number of students at the Pediatric Faculty in 1975, the Department of  Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases (Head of the Department, professor  E. K. Shot) and the Department of Pediatric Surgery were opened, which was headed by Professor G. A. Gadzhimirzaev until May 2009. Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief physician of the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital Makhachev B. M.

Department of Hospital Pediatrics was headed by Professor A. M. Khoma in 1976, , and later it was headed by Professor E. I. Merzlyak, Associate Professor A. M. Antonov. Currently holds the chair of Professor A. M. Alibrandi.

In 1985 the Department of  Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases was organized with a course of children’s infections, which was headed by Professor E. K. Shot, currently it is headed by Professor A.M. Idarmachev. In the same years, specialized departments of the Pediatric Faculty were opened — surgery, internal diseases, as well as obstetrics and gynecology.

Over the past years, the Pediatric Faculty of DSMU has become a major educational, scientific and medical center for childhood problems in Dagestan. It trains pediatric personnel for the North Caucasus republics. The vast majority of pediatricians in Chechnya and Ingushetia are graduates of the faculty. Over the years, the Faculty has provided practical healthcare to more than 3,000 children’s doctors. The Faculty of Pediatrics consists of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in the university. 12 professors, 10 associate professors and 17 assistants, candidates of Medical Sciences work at 3 graduate and 3 specialized departments of the Faculty of Pediatrics.

The Department of Pediatrics is conducting a multi-faceted work. Thus, the most important factor in the methodological work of the dean’s office, in addition to improving the quality of training of future specialists, is the continuity in the teaching of pediatric disciplines between the specialized departments. All departments of the faculty have: a list of necessary skills, methodological developments for independent work of students; a bank of test data with a standard of answers is created; educational and methodological complexes are compiled. With the introduction of accreditation of graduates, specialized departments are working on preparing graduates for accreditation.

An important role in the formation of a doctor  plays  the activity of scientific student circles. The works of students of the Faculty of Pediatrics have been repeatedly awarded with diplomas of interregional and all-Russian scientific conferences with international participation. The Student Scientific Circle (SSC) of the Department of Pediatric Surgery is the permanent winner of All-Russian competitions and Olympiads. Many of the students-members of the SSC after graduation join the ranks of graduate students and clinical residents.

One of the main forms that determine the readiness of graduates for medical treatment is the State Certification of graduates, which is carried out in three stages (testing, mastering practical skills, interviewing). The analysis of the final exam has shown that every year the requirements for the quality of training of pediatricians are increasing.

Among the graduates of the Faculty of Pediatrics, major health care organizers and highly qualified specialists have grown up: State Secretary to the President of the Republic of Dagestan, Candidate of Medical Sciences Makhmudova T.A.;

The teaching staff of the clinical departments of the Faculty of Pediatrics performs extensive medical and advisory work in children’s medical institutions in Dagestan. Continuous improvement of professional knowledge in the team is achieved through the participation of the teaching staff in scientific and educational conferences held in the walls of the native and other universities. All children’s doctors in Dagestan, as well as a large number of specialists from Ingushetia and Chechnya have completed certification cycles, primary specialization and improvement, as well as training in internships and clinical residency.

Among the graduates of the Faculty of Pediatrics, major health care organizers and highly qualified specialists have grown up: State Secretary to the President of the Republic of Dagestan, Candidate of Medical Sciences Makhmudova T.A.; deputy Director of  Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, now Chief Physician of Moscow Children’s Hospital, Professor Osmanov I. M.; Chief Pediatric Nephrologist (Moscow), Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Care for Children and Maternity Services of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Chumakova O. V.;

Director of the diagnostic center of the Russian children’s clinical hospital (Moscow), Professor of Department of neurology of Russian State Medical University  Alikhanov A. A.;

Pediatrician, PhD, Kadieva F. G.  (Moscow);

Natives of Chechnya: Professors H. M. Bataev and A. N. Firzauli; assistants of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences Yakhyaev  Ya. M. ,Candidates of Medical Sciences B. R. Kazilov,  Gadzimirzaev G. G. , Meilanova F.V., Shihabudinova  P. A., Tavakova A. A.  , Omarova Z. M., Sharipova D. N. working in different cities of Russia and abroad, candidates of Medical Sciences Shaikhdhanov  P.   (USA), Elmurzaev H. A. (Germany), Ramazanov  E. N (Saratov), Kaitmazov  M. (Moscow region) and many others.