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Frequently Asked Questions



Questions frequently asked by applicants and students:

  1. Question: Where can I get information about university admission?

Answer: on the university’s website in the section “Entrant” hereinafter “Admission Committee” you can find documents describing the procedure for admission to the university. There is also a list of directions and specialties, entrance tests and other interesting and useful information for applicants to DSMU.


  1. Question: How can I apply to university?

Answer: submission of documents for admission of citizens to study under specialty programs at Dagestan State Medical University is carried out at the address: Makhachkala, 44 Imam Shamil Avenue, Educational and laboratory building of the University. At this address, documents are accepted from the applicant personally or through a proxy (if there is a power of attorney).

  Through public postal operators, documents are accepted at the address: 367012, Makhachkala, 1 R. Gamzatov Street, FSBEI HE  DSMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Email addresses for interaction with incoming:

The applicant’s personal account on the portal of the FSUE IN TSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia:

The applicant’s personal account on the portal Unified Portal of Public Services: Portal of Public Services of the Russian Federation ( )  : The portal of public services of the Russian Federation ( )


  1. Question: The timing of the admission committee?


-the deadline for accepting applications for admission to training and documents attached to the application (hereinafter referred to acceptance of documents) is June 20, 2022.

– the deadline for completing the acceptance of documents from applicants based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently is July 10, 2022.;

– the deadline for completing the acceptance of documents from applicants for training without passing the entrance tests conducted by the University independently (hereinafter referred to as the day of completion of the acceptance of documents) is July 25, 2022;

– the deadline for completion of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently is July 25, 2022;

– the deadline for completing the acceptance of documents required for admission, completion of entrance tests and enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons entering for training in English is October 30.


  1. Question: Can relatives apply for the applicant?

Answer: No. Registration and apply to Admissions Committee of DSMU are carried out personally by the applicant or one of the parents (legal representative).


     5. Question: Can the applicant himself conclude a contract for the provision of educational services?

Answer: Yes, if the applicant has reached a certain age. When concluding an agreement on the provision of educational services with minors, the presence of parents (legal representative) is required. Parents must have a passport with them.


  1. Question: Is the hostel provided to nonresidents?

Answer: The hostel is provided to nonresident students for the period of study. DSMU has 4 dormitories. The total number of places in dormitories is 1134.

Foreign citizens are accommodated in a dormitory on a common basis with students from among Russian citizens. After enrolling, students of the DSMU are settled in the hostel from August 30 on the basis of a passport, a certificate of epidblagopost.

Address: Dzerzhinskiy 23 (women’s dormitory No. 2), Rustamova 1 (men’s dormitory No. 3)


  1. Question: With what minimum points can I apply for training?

Answer: The results of the Unified State Exam, evaluated on a one-hundred-point scale are used as the results of general entrance examinations. The minimum number of points confirming the successful completion of general education entrance tests are as follows.


medical business



31.05.03 dentistry


medical and preventive work



chemistry- 45


biology -45


Russian – 40

chemistry 42


biology 42


Russian 40

chemistry 45


biology 45


Russian 40

chemistry -38


biology- 38


Russian -38

chemistry 38


biology 38


Russian 38


  1. Question: How many times can an applicant submit an application for consent to enrollment upon admission within the control figures?

Answer: a person entering places within the admission control figures can submit an application for consent to enrollment no more than twice.


  1. Question: Is it possible for a university student to get a personal appointment with the rector?

Answer: Yes, it is. The Rector of  DSMU conducts a personal admission of students according to the following schedule: the second and fourth Fridays of each month from 4 to 5 p.m.


  1. Question: I entered the university this year. Where can I get a list of textbooks and other materials necessary for studying?

Answer: The list of literature and other materials for each subject is different and it is given by teachers of disciplines directly during their studies, as a rule, at the beginning of each section. The main literature, as a rule, is obtained in the library or issued in electronic form. Our university has a large library with a collection of about 600 thousand copies of educational, scientific and other literature. A student subscription located in the biological building of the university is engaged in providing students with books. Students of all courses receive books here. The student subscription in the biological building is open from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Weekends: Saturday and Sunday.


  1. Question: Does the university help with employment after graduation?

Answer: Yes, it does. The University organizes internships for students in various organizations, where employers evaluate their abilities and can invite them to work in the future. In addition, a job fair, meetings with employers and other career guidance events are organized.
