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Hospital Surgery № 1



General information


Head of the Department: Magomedov Abdulla Ganayevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist. Twice winner of the State Prize of the Republic of  Dagestan (1999, 2013). Academician NASD. Surgeon of the highest category. The founder of heart surgery, aortic surgery and surgical endocrinology of the Republic of Dagestan.  Head of   Dagestan Cardiac Surgery Center at the  Republican Clinical Hospital (1995-2008). Director of   Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery  (2008-2013), Deputy Director of “DCC and  CS” for the medical part since April 2013. Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of  Dagestan.

Address: Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Lenin Square 1, DSMU.

Addresses of the Department’s clinical databases :

Republican Clinical Hospital — 47 Lyakhova Street

Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery — 24 Kh. Hajiyeva Street

City Clinical Hospital 1-55a Laptieva Street

Phone: +7 (964) 006-04-40

Email address: amka_87@mail.ru

Responsible for the site: Tuchalova A. T.



Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Magomedov Abdulla Ganaevich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zagidov Magomed Zagidovich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Akhmedov Ilyas Gadzhimuradovich

Head of the Academic Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Abdulkhalikov Abdulkhalik Salimkhanovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences Mukhuchiev Alibeggadzhiyav Amiralievich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Gadzhiev Kamil Idrisovich

Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences  Omarov Kamil Khanipaevich

Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences Ibragimov Rasul Hajikuevich

Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences Rabadanov Shahban Gadzhikuevich

Post-graduate student of the Department, senior laboratory assistant Tuchalova Aminat Tuchalovna

Laboratory assistant Sheikhalieva Muminat Tagirovna

Preparator Magomedova Hava Abdullayevna


Scientific biography of A. G. Magomedov

Born on May 17, 1948 in Akusha village, Akushinsky district, DASSR. He graduated from Voronezh Medical Institute in 1973. He worked in the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital as an orderly, nurse, paramedic, surgeon, resuscitator.  He defended both theses as a practical doctor in 1970-1991.


G. Magomedov

PhD thesis: “Functional and morphological changes in the liver in severe mechanical trauma”, defended in  Kharkov in 1979. Doctoral thesis: “Auxiliary veno-arterial perfusion and hyperbaric oxygenation in the complex treatment of extreme conditions”, 14.00.41-Transplantology and artificial organs, defended in 1989, at the Research Institute of Transplantology, Moscow.

He passed an excellent clinical school in the city of Voronezh under under the guidance of professors, Honored Scientists  Radushkevich V.P., Kosonogov  L. F. and Bulynin V. I. He was invited by the government of the republic to Dagestan to solve the problems of heart surgery, as a prominent specialist in surgery and resuscitation.

G. Magomedov is the founder of heart surgery, aortic surgery and surgical endocrinology in Dagestan. He has established the surgical treatment of a wide variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system of surgical profile using hypothermia and artificial blood circulation. For this, he was awarded the State Prize of the RD in 1998. In recent years, methods of endovascular surgery of the heart and aorta have been introduced. Under his leadership, the foundations of microsurgery and surgical treatment of symptomatic arterial hypertension were laid in the Republic.

He performed original operations to remove a bomb fragment from the interventricular septum (1995) and coronary bypass surgery from a mini-access (2000) on a beating heart.

Heart and aortic surgery in Dagestan continues to develop in an upward direction under his leadership. He was the head of the new cardiology center under construction (2002-2008) Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery – a new type of medical institution, which was officially opened on December 27, 2008. The director of  Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery was approved  Professor A. G. Magomedov.

The center was visited by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev and highly appreciated the capabilities of the center, a new type of medical and scientific institution in June 2009. The team led by A. G. Magomedov became the winner of the Russian National Award “Russian Creators 2010”.

The center was visited by the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation T. A. Golikova  accompanied by the President of the Republic of Moldova M. M. Magomedov in 2011. The center was visited by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V. I. Skvortsova, accompanied by the President of the Republic of Moldova R. G. Abdulatipov in 2013.

On his initiative 13 new departments were opened in Dagestan  including surgical endocrinology (1996). For the second time, he was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan “For the organization and achievements of Surgical Endocrinology in Dagestan” in 2013. Professor A. G. Magomedov held 8 scientific and practical conferences ” New in surgery of Dagestan” and under his editorship the proceedings of these conferences were published.

State awards and titles: Honored Scientist of the Republic of Moldova (1995). Twice winner State Prize of  Dagestan Republic  (1999, 2013). He was awarded the Medal of Peter the Great for Labor valor (2008), a personalized watch by the President of the Republic of  Dagestan (2013), Russian National Award “Russian Creators 2010”. He is Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Dagestan (2011), Honorary Professor of the Voronezh State Medical Academy (2012), Honored Professor of the Dagestan State Medical Academy (2013).

Magomedov A. G. is a member of the editorial journal “Surgery” (Baku), Bulletin of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Bulletin of  Dagestan State Medical University, Deputy Chairman of the Dagestan Society of Surgeons, heads the sections of cardiovascular surgery. Chief  Cardiochiorurg of the Ministry of Health of  the Republic of Dagestan. He has been Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Dagestan since 2011.  About 15 dissertations were defended, including 3 doctoral dissertations, and 1 candidate’s dissertation is being prepared for defense under his scientific guidance.

Scientific papers – more than 320. The main ones (essays):

Magomedov A. G., Lavrentiev A. A., Sivoplyasov A. T. Operative treatment in intensive care and resuscitation . Materials of the XIX Plenum of the Board of the All-Union Scientific Society of Surgeons. Yaroslavl. 1983, p. 20-22.

Magomedov A.G. Possibilities of auxiliary blood circulation in clinical resuscitation. Anesthesiology and resuscitation. 1984, No. 1, pp. 41-44.

Kosonogov L. F., Magomedov A. G. Liver in the dynamics of traumatic disease. Voronezh: VSU, 1986., – 142. p.

Magomedov A. G. Treatment of patients with gastrogenic tetany. Surgery, 1989, no. 10, pp. 37-40.

Lavrentiev A. A., Magomedov A. G. Clinical physiology of some extreme states (method. manual). Voronezh. – 1987-103 p.

Kudinov I. M., Magomedov A. G. Acute abdomen in emergency surgery. Voronezh, 1989. – 140 p.;

Magomedov A. G., Kosonogov L. F., Leonov A. N. Auxiliary veno-arterial perfusion and hyperbaric oxygenation in the complex treatment of extreme conditions. Methodological recommendations issued by the Ministry of Health of the USSR. Voronezh, 1989. – 24 p.


Kosonogov L. F., Shapovalova N. V., Magomedov A. G. Auxiliary blood circulation and hyperbaric oxygenation in traumatic shock. Moscow: Meditsina, 1991. – 142 p.

Magomedov A. G., Emirov G. N., Suleymanov R. G. Symptomatic hypertension and its surgical treatment (methodological recommendations). Makhachkala. 1995. – 16 p.

Magomedov A. G., Luguev Z. G., Mahatilov G. M. Replantation of a limb or its segment in traumatic separation (methodological recommendations). Makhachkala. 1995. – 10 p.

Magomedov A. G., Emirov G. N., Saschikova V. G. Trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. Makhachkala, 2000 – – 158 p.

Magomedov A. G. Formation of heart and aortic surgery in difficult socio-economic conditions of Dagestan. M.; 2002 (Eighth All-Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons).

Magomedov A. G., Abusuev A. G., Dibirov A.D. Endemic goiter. Surgical aspects. (training manual). Mach-la. 2002-46p.

Magomedov A. G., Shamov I. A. Features of surgery and intensive care in malignated hormone-active adrenal tumor with symptomatic arterial hypertension. Materials of the III Republican scientific and Practical Conference “New in surgery of Dagestan” April 28-29, 2003, Makhachkala 2003- 49-51p.

Magomedov A. G., Akhmedov I. G., Nesterov M. I. Residual echinococcosis. Makhachkala 2006-114 p.

Magomedov A. G., Dibirov A.D. Minor surgery in the practice of a family doctor (textbook-supplemented and revised). Makhachkala 2007-142p.

Magomedov A. G., Dibirov A.D., Abdulkhalikov A. S. Diffuse toxic goiter (textbook) Makhachkala 2007 –  51 p.

Magomedov A. G. Lectures on hospital surgery (textbook). Makhachkala: DSMA, 2006. – 192 p;

Osmanov A. O., Aliev R. G., Magomedov A. G., Private surgery (textbook). Makhachkala: DSMA. Vol. 2. – 2007. – 440 p.

Magomedov A. G. Possibilities of the department of Surgical Endocrinology organized in a large multidisciplinary hospital (methodological recommendations). Makhachkala: 2008. – 16 p.

Mamaev I. A., Magomedov A. G. State Institution “Scientific and Clinical Association Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery” — a new type of medical institution. (Collection of scientific papers). DSMA. Makhachkala. 2009. – from 4-15.

Magomedov A. G., Akhmedov I. G., Omarov K. H. Surgical correction of chronic duodenal patency disorders in the prevention of postcholecystectomy syndrome. Makhachkala: 2010 – 100 p.

Ibragimov I. M., Magomedov A. G., Musaev S. M. Formation and development of the cardiovascular surgery service in the Republic of Dagestan.Bulletin of  Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2010, No. 1, p.9-23

Magomedov A. G.,Dibirov A.D., Abdulkhalikov A. S. Surgical treatment of nodular goiter. (Training manual). Makhachkala. 2010. p. 44

Magomedov A. G., Dibirov A.D. Minor surgery in the practice of a family doctor (Textbook-supplemented and revised). Makhachkala 2012-201p.

Magomedov A.G., Development of cardiovascular surgery in Dagestan. Proceedings of the 18th All-Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons, Moscow, 25-28 November 2012, p. 297.

Magomedov A. G., Dibirov A.D., Abdulkhalikov A. S., Giant goiter in the practice of an endocrine surgeon (description of a series of observations). Bulletin of the DSMA 2014, No. 3, p. 66-68.

Makhachev O. A., Magomedov A. G., The first experience of implantation of two-chamber frequency-adapted pacemakers in Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery . Materials of the VII Republican scientific and practical conference “New in surgery of Dagestan”. Makhachkala 2015. p. 20-21.

Magomedov A. G., Sultanov M. G., Ismailov A. S., Features of drainage of the “bed of EX” during wound suppuration in the postoperative period. Materials of the VIII Republican scientific and practical conference “New in surgery and cardiology of Dagestan”. Makhachkala 2017 p. 206-207.


Makhachev O. A., Magomedov A. G. Cardiovascular surgery in the North Caucasus Federal District: results of 2016. Materials of the VIII Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of   DSMU “New in surgery and Cardiology of Dagestan”. Makhachkala-2017. p.9-18.

Makhachev O. A., Abasov F. Kh., Magomedov A. G., Experience of X-ray endovascular treatment of congenital heart defects in Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery: immediate results of 385 operations. Bulletin of the DSMA 2018, No. 2, p. 17.

Magomedov A. G., Abdulkhalikov A. S., Akhmedov I. G., Toxic goiter in the region of goiter endemia: diagnosis and complex treatment. Publishing and printing center of the DSMU. Makhachkala 2018 ,168 p.

Zagidov M. Z., Magomedov A. G., Dibirov A.D. Improvement of diagnostic methods for acute appendicitis in pregnant women. ALMONACH of the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery.Abstracts of the All-Russian Surgical Forum-2019. p. 410.

Magomedov A. G. Formation of cardiovascular surgery in the Republic of Dagestan. Report at the XVIII International Eurasian Congress of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists. September 12, 2019, Baku.



Four years after the opening of Dagestan Medical Institute (1932), the Department of Hospital Surgery began functioning on September 1, 1936. The  head of it was Professor Ya. G. Savitsky.

Professor N. V. Antelava was appointed as a head of the department in the autumn of 1939. He introduced the collapse therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis and studied the surgical manifestations of brucellosis in the autumn.

Professor of  Smolensk Medical Institute S. M. Nekrasov  was invited to head the department  in 1941. During the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, he proved to be an experienced teacher, a highly qualified surgeon, a thoughtful and attentive clinician.



Professor S. I. Rizvash was assigned  the head of the department in 1944 , who at the same time was invited to the post of deputy director of the Medical Institute for the scientific and educational part.

The Department of Hospital Surgery was headed by Professor M. T. Nagorny  in 1953.

He went from a district doctor (Charodinsky district) to a well-known professor,surgeon,organizer and  rector of  Dagestan Medical Institute.

Professor D. M. Dalgat was assigned  the head of the Department of Hospital Surgery in 1975 , who previously worked at the Department of General Surgery.

Due to “perestroika” in health care in 1992, the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 (hospital Surgery) and the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2 (Faculty Surgery) were merged into the Department of Surgical Diseases of the Medical Faculty (head of the department G. I. Gireev).

The department has been headed by the Honored Scientist of the Republic of  Dagestan, twice winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. G. Magomedov  in 1995.




Zagidov Magomed Zagidovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Author of more than 200 scientific papers.


Akhmedov Ilyas Gadzhimuradovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. Author of about 200 scientific papers.


Abdulhalikov Abdulhalik Salimhanovich – Head of the Academic Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. He is author of more than 100 scientific papers.













Mukhuchiev Alibeggadzhiyav Amiralievich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant. Author of 10 scientific papers.












Gadzhiev Kamil Idrisovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant. Author of 36 scientific papers.


Kamil Omarov Khanipaevich – Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of 15 scientific papers.        


Rasul Gadzhikuevich Ibragimov – Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of 10 scientific papers.    











Rabadanov Shahban Khulatayevich-Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of 16 scientific papers.


Tuchalova Aminat Tuchalovna-Post-graduate student of the Department, Senior laboratory assistant.

Sheikhalieva Muminat Tagirovna-laboratory assistant.

Magomedova Hava Abdullaevna-preparator .        

The main scientific and practical directions of the department:

Heart and Vascular Surgery

Endocrine Gland Surgery

X-ray surgery


Resuscitation and intensive care    

Courses organized at the Department of Hospital Surgery and subsequently allocated to special sections:

-The course of maxillofacial surgery. This section of surgery is associated with the name of the outstanding organizer of healthcare in Dagestan and a major maxillofacial surgeon-scientist of the USSR, Professor M. M. Maksudov.        

– The course of military field surgery is associated with the name of a prominent healthcare organizer and surgeon of  Dagestan, Professor M. T. Nagorny.   

– The course of pediatric surgery is associated with the name of Professor G. A. Gadzhimirzaev, the founder of pediatric surgery in Dagestan.          

-The course of traumatology and orthopedics. Subsequently, this section of surgery was headed by Professor,  an outstanding traumatologist of Dagestan  N. Tsakhaev.

– Teaching of anesthesiology and resuscitation was conducted at the Department of Hospital Surgery. Subsequently, this section was allocated to an independent course at the Department of Faculty Surgery. It was headed by O. M. Aliev. Subsequently, an independent department was established and its head became Professor O. M. Aliyev-the founder of scientific anesthesiology-resuscitation of Dagestan.

The following operations have been implemented in the practical health care of the republic in 52 positions:

-Heart sounding with gas and hemodynamic analysis.

-Operations with artificial blood circulation in congenital heart defects.

– Endovascular dilatation of isolated pulmonary artery stenosis.

– Temporary endocardial stimulation of the heart in complicated myocardial infarction  with transverse heart block.

– Commissurotomy (trans-ventricular, instrumental) for mitral stenosis.

– Ligation of the open ductus arteriosus.

– Operations using general, moderate hypothermia.

-A new way to treat effusive pericarditis.

– Operations for hormone-active tumors of the adrenal glands.

– Operations for diseases of the genital glands.

– Puncture and intra-operative express biopsy for endocrine gland surgery.

– Joint surgery with obstetricians and gynecologists for mitral stenosis and pregnancy.

– Electrocardiostimulation in case of cardiac arrhythmia.

– Cardioversion in patients with cardiac arrhythmia.

– Surgery for coarctation of the aorta.

– Coronary bypass surgery

– Operation on the abdominal aorta with its temporary compression above the renal arteries in the conditions of normothermy.

– Operations for symptomatic arterial hypertension: pheochromacytoma, aldosteronism, vasorenal hypertension.

– An original operation to remove a foreign body (a bomb fragment) from the interventricular septum on a working heart.

– Prosthetics of the thoracic aorta in vasorenal hypertension.

– Combined operations on the abdominal aorta with the removal of a tumor of the adrenal gland, kidney.

– Intragenendovascular spiral occlusion.

– X-ray endovascular dilatation of aortic coarctation.

– Electro-pulse therapy (defibrillation) and hypothermia have been introduced into the complex treatment of toxic goiter complicated by cardiac arrhythmia in order to reduce basal metabolism during surgery and in the postoperative period.

– An algorithm for the complex treatment of toxic goiter with cardioresuscitation support has been developed.

– Pancreatoduodenal resection in benign and malignant lesions of the pancreas and duodenum.

– Complex reconstructive operations with repeated interventions for postcholecystectomy syndrome, duodenal obstruction, diseases of the operated stomach, intestinal obstruction.

– Ultrasound diagnosis of chronic duodenal obstruction.

– Surgical treatment of obesity with gastrointestinal bypass surgery.

 -Conservative (medical) treatment of echinococcosis.

– Algorithm of anesthesia and resuscitation support for operations with high operational risk.

– Elective surgery for gallstone disease with a high operational risk.

– Operations for thymus tumors with generalized myasthenia gravis.

– Operation of simultaneous hemostasis in both pleural cavities, longitudinal sternotomy, followed by restoration of the mediastinal pleura (with through wounds of the chest).

– Lower limb reimplantation on the h/3 lower leg

– Lymph-venous anastomosis in lymphedema

– Laser irradiation of the thoracic lymphatic duct by an open method for peritonitis.

– Coronary artery stenting

– Aorto-coronary bypass surgery

– X-ray endovascular embolization of arteriovenous malformation

– X-ray endovascular embolization of the testicular vein

– Trans-beam access in aortocoronarography.

– Embolization of the giant anerism of the anterior connective artery of the brain.

– Subtotal thyroidectomy in a patient with autoimmune hypertrophic thyroiditis with a single transplanted kidney from the mother

– Stenting of the coronary arteries in acute coronary syndrome and myocardial infarction.

– The results of these practical implementations are summarized in 3 doctoral and 12 PhD theses.

Doctoral dissertations performed at the Department of Hospital Surgery of the DSMU

-Rizvash S. I. “The value of endost in bone formation”. 1948.

– Nagorny M. T. “On the pathology of the bone of the amputated limb stump and methods of ensuring its functional usefulness”. 1953.

– Askerkhanov R. P. “Contrast venography of the lower extremities in varicose veins”. 1954.

– Maksudov M. M. “Transplantation of dental rudiments”. 1967.

– Ditman Yu. M. “Experimental and clinical studies of cartilage regeneration under certain conditions”. 1970.

– Magomedov A. Z. “Changes in the hepatolienal biliary and portal systems in mechanical jaundice and the degree of their reversibility”. 1971.

– Ataev S. D. “Closed injuries of the liver”. 1975g.

-Ramazanov M. R. “Treatment of obliterating diseases of the arteries, training of collateral circulation”. 1986.

– Khamidov A. I. “Surgical operations on the colon”. 1984.

– Medzhidov R. T. “Quantum, ultrasound and chromointroscopy in combination with laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the abdominal cavity”. 1987.

-Akhmedov I. G. “Relapse of echinococcal disease: pathogenetic aspects, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment”. 2006.

– Abdulkhalikov A. S. “Modern possibilities of treatment of toxic goiter in the region of goiter endemia”. 2015.

More than 80 PhD theses have been completed at the department

Student Science Club:

Curator of the SSC: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.D. Dibirov

Headman of the circle: Student 624 gr., medical faculty Ganaev K. G.

Phone number of the headman: 89285583789


The student scientific circle of the Department of Hospital Surgery No. 1 operates on the basis of the Republican Clinical Hospital and the Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery . Students of 4-6 courses are engaged in the circle. The main task of the circle member is active participation in the scientific life of the department: preparation of abstract reports, participation in clinical trials, independent scientific activity under the guidance of the department staff.

Surgical circle of the department.

Olympic silver medalists in surgery.

At the meetings, the members of the circle make abstract and independent scientific reports, conduct clinical analyses of patients, show films about the most modern and promising methods of diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases. Interdepartmental student scientific work of the departments: Cardiovascular and X-ray Endovascular Surgery of the Faculty of Advanced Training (Head of the Department, Professor O. A. Makhachev), Hospital Surgery No. 1. 3rd place in  12 Burdenkov readings. Voronezh, 2016.


Photo Gallery

Students of DSMU are trained to work on modern equipment (surgical microscope)