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Hospital Surgery No. 2



General information

Head of the Department: Askerkhanov Hamid Rashidovich- MD, Professor, “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation and Dagestan”, laureate of the State Prize of Dagestan, ” Honored Innovator and Inventor of  Republic of Dagestan”.

Address: Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Lenin Square 1, DSMA.

Bases: Republican Clinical Hospital 47, Lyakhova Str.,

Phone, fax: 8 (8722) 67-27-03.

Email address: gaskerkhanov@mail.ru

Responsible for the site: MD  Kanaev A. I.


Askerkhanov Hamid Rashidovich

Students of the 3rd, 4th and 5th courses of  the Faculty of Medicine and  Prevention  and the medical college of  Dagestan State Medical University  are trained  at the Department of  Faculty Surgery No. 1.

The medical base of the department

The base of the department is equipped with modern equipment, which in general allows students to master not only theoretical knowledge, but practically master the necessary skills. These are 4 departments of the surgical building of the Republican Clinical Hospital: thoracic, vascular, abdominal surgery (40 beds each).The building is equipped with modern equipment, there is an angiographic office (equipment of the company “Siemens”); clinical and diagnostic department, where all types of endoscopic examinations, ultrasound, radiography are carried out; The teachers of the department are experienced professional surgeons. All have the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences. They regularly take advanced training courses.



Kanaev Aligadzhi Ibragimovich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the educational part of the department






Sultanov Abdulkasim Sultanovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the department, surgeon of the highest category. Honored Doctor of the Republic of  Dagestan and the Russian Federation






Sharapudinov Magomed Sharapudinovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the department, surgeon of the highest category. Honored Doctor of the Republic of  Dagestan.





Mamaev Kamil Tazhitdinovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the department, surgeon of the highest category. Honored Doctor of the Republic of  Dagestan.






Umakhanov Hizbullah Umakhanovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, surgeon of the highest category






Aitekova Fatima Pashayevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department






Ismailov Sabir Assedulayevich

Assistant of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, chief freelance vascular surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of  Dagestan, Head of the Department of Vascular Surgery of the Republican Clinical Hospital.





Khalilov Ahmed Khalilovich

Assistant of the Department, Chief freelance thoracic surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of  Dagestan , Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the State Medical Institution.




Sultanov Shamil Abdulkasimovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Laboratory Assistant





Pirmagomedov Magomed Shikhsalakhovich

Senior Laboratory assistant, PhD student





Halimbekova Atikat Huseynovna

laboratory assistant





History of the Department:

The Department of Faculty Surgery began functioning on September 1, 1935.

The department was headed by Professor R. P. Askerkhanov History of the Department:

The Department of Faculty Surgery began functioning on September 1, 1935.

The department was headed by Professor R. P. Askerkhanov in 1958.

Askerkhanov  R. P. was a graduate of  Dagestan Medical Institute. He has worked as a clinical resident, assistant, associate professor, head of the Departments of General and faculty surgery within the walls of this institute. He defended his PhD thesis in 1949 and his doctorate in 1954.He is Honored Scientist of  the DASSR and  RSFSR, corresponding member of  USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. He was a full member of the international societies of surgeons, phlebologists, and cardiovascular surgeons.

  Askerkhanov  R. P   was a member of the boards of the All-Union and All-Russian Societies of Surgeons and Cardiologists, organizer and chairman of the Dagestan Society of Surgeons named after A.V. Vishnevsky (now named after R. P. Askerkhanov), which he led for more than 30 years. He was a honorary member of the Society of Surgeons of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, Russian Federal Socialist Republic  and many republican, regional, and regional societies.  Honorary citizen of  Derbent and Kizilyurt. Askerkhanov  R. P. was active in public work. He was repeatedly elected a deputy of  Makhachkala City Council and the Supreme Council of the DASSR, and was Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the DASSR. Askerkhanov R. P. is the author of 12 monographs, 4 inventions and 16 innovation proposals. He published more than 400 scientific papers on clinical and experimental surgery, regional pathology, history and organization of surgery.                       

The most well-known studies were on the pathology of veins and arteries, lung and pleural surgery, amoebiasis and echinococcosis, peptic ulcer disease, etc. He developed a percutaneous method of phlebography, proposed original operations for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, varicose veins of the extremities, hemorrhoids, liver abscesses, post-phlebitic syndrome of the extremities, a method of stimulating bone formation after surgical osteosynthesis, a variant of diaphragm plastic surgery, new access to the liver, spleen and extrahepatic pathways, omentoplasty of residual liver cavities, treatment with intraspongious infusions of drug mixtures, paravenous blockades, reconstructive operations on the veins, etc.

His classifications of varicose veins, thrombotic diseases of the peripheral arteries and veins, chest injuries, lung suppuration, pleural suppuration, echinococcosis, etc. are known. Among the inventions, a trocar needle is used for intraspongious infusions. He was a pioneer of modern surgery of the lungs, blood vessels, and heart.

    Askerkhanov R.P. has published a number of monographs, including: “Venography of the lower extremities”, “Varicose veins of the lower extremities”,” Echinococcosis “in co-authorship, “Surgery in Dagestan”, “Wound of the heart and pericardium” in co-authorship, “Varicose veins, thrombosis, pseudovaricosis”, “Peripheral vein surgery”, “Echinococcosis surgery”, “Urolithiasis in Dagestan” in co-authorship, etc.. 13 thematic collections of scientific papers and materials of the congresses were published under his editorship. R. P. Askerkhanov was a member of the editorial board of the journals “Surgery”, “Bulletin of Surgery”, “Thoracic Surgery”, co-editor of the Big Medical Encyclopedia. He did a lot of review work. About a thousand scientific papers have been published under his guidance or with his advice. About 38 candidate’s and 12 doctoral theses were completed. Many of the students of Askerkhanov R. P. are heads of departments. Askerkhanov R. P. traveled repeatedly abroad as a member of delegations of Soviet surgeons, representing our science, making reports, participating in International congresses of surgeons, phlebologists, angio-cardiologists in Germany, France, Argentina, Chile, England, and socialist countries.

    The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. “Honored Scientist of Dagestan”, “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR”, “Honored Doctor of the RSFSR” by Gireev G.I. from 1987 to 1995.

    Gireev G. I. is the author of more than 100 printed works, including one monograph, two inventions and 13 innovation proposals of local and industry significance. He was awarded the Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the DASSR, the badge of “Excellent Health Worker of the USSR” and other awards. The department is headed by Askerkhanov G. R from 1995 to the present. He defended his PhD thesis in 1985, his doctoral thesis in 1994. He has published more than 300 scientific papers on topical issues of surgery, including 6 monographs (“Diastasis of the rectus abdominis” (1998) and “Diseases of the operated stomach” (1998), “The health of the people – the basis of a strong state” (1999), “Upper thoracic aperture syndrome” (2005), “Anatomy and functional state of the deep femoral vein in varicose veins” (2007), “Surgical treatment of primary chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities” (2010), 22 copyright certificates for inventions were received, 16 innovation proposals were proposed. 10 collections of scientific papers have been published under the title edition, 14 methodological recommendations for students and teachers have been prepared.

  The staff of the department developed new methods of treatment and prevention of acute venous thrombosis, proposed and implemented new methods of surgical interventions in practical healthcare. They carry out a lot of educational and methodological, scientific and medical work. He has published over 900 scientific papers on topical issues of surgery, including 6 monographs. 38 innovative proposals were proposed, 27 patents were obtained mainly in vascular surgery.                                   About  sixteen  collections of scientific papers were published under the title edition including: “Medical science — practical health care”, “Physiology and Pathology of the Cardiovascular System”, ” Theses of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 75-95 anniversary of Askerkhanov R. P, 26 methodological recommendations were prepared.

   The clinic has developed new surgical interventions and introduced well-known high-tech operations in the practical health care of the Republic of Dagestan over the past 10 years, including: a method of local thrombolytic therapy using paravasal instillations of a therapeutic mixture at  patients with acute superficial and deep vein thrombosis, a method of venous thrombectomy from an extraperitoneal pararectal access using an original thrombextractor of its own design, a method of intra-arterial perfusion of perfluorane in critical ischemia and diabetic foot. The variant anatomy of the deep femoral vein and the functional state of its valves in healthy individuals and patients with varicose veins were studied. There were given a description of the typical locations of its valves, indicating the topographical landmarks and the frequency of detection.

 A method of retrograde phlebography has been developed and implemented, which makes it possible to increase the detection of deep femoral vein valve failure and predict its development after surgery. A method of extravasal valve correction using a subcutaneous autovene on the “leg” and a method of extravasal valve correction with a circular suture has been modified.

  For the first time, a method of sclerosurgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities was developed and introduced into clinical practice, which unlike the known methods of sclerotherapy, allows sclerobliteration of the trunk of the saphenous vein without crossectomy, as well as without the use of general or peridural anesthesia.

For the first time, there were introduced next  methods in the practical healthcare of the Republic of Dagestan: method   of aortoventriculography and coronarography, implantation of pacemakers, the method of retrograde iliocavagraphy with implantation of a cavafilter into the inferior vena cava, the method of endovascular balloon angioplasty with stenting of the main arteries in thrombotic and occlusive lesions, the method of endovascular occlusion of peripheral arteries in congenital arteriovenous fistulas.

Esophageal surgery has been widely performed for tumor and scar lesions in recent years Operations for dissociation of thoracoesophageal fistulas and surgical treatment of scarring of the trachea were introduced.

The development of new, as well as the introduction of well-known modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in the practical health care of the republic has significantly improved the results of treatment of patients with diseases of the great vessels, lungs, abdominal pathologies, reduced the average stay of the patient in the bed, postoperative complications, mortality.

The development of new, as well as the introduction of well-known modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in the practical health care of the republic has significantly improved the results of treatment of patients with diseases of the great vessels, lungs, abdominal pathologies, reduced the average stay of the patient in the bed, postoperative complications, mortality.

Askerkhanov G. R. has repeatedly represented the Russian medical science at numerous international and All-Russian scientific forums, where he made reports on topical health issues, including: “Local thrombolitic therapy and thrombectomy acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis (Montreal, 1992). “Local thrombolitic therapy venous thrombosis” (Paris, 1993),” Surgical treatment of acute thrombosis of the main veins of the lower extremities”, Moscow, 1995. The therapy  superficial thrombophlibitics” (Basel, 1995). “Local therapy trofic ulcers of the lower extremtics” (London, 1996), “Surgical treatment of lung echinococcosis” (Vienna, 2003), “Catheterial Balloon Scleroobliteration Of Varicose Veins Of The Lower Limbs” (Rio de Janeiro, 2005), “Long saphenous vein saving surgery in patients with intact sapheno-femoral junction and deep vein valves incompetence” (Kyoto, Japan, 2007), “Reflux of the proximal femoral vein valves can be corrected by an angioscopically directed vedensky spiral” (Monaco, 2009), “The frequency of the axial reflex in the great saphenous vein at patients with the primary chronic venous disorders” (Prague, Czech Republic, 2011), “Selection the method of the hernioplasty and it’s influence on the quality of patients life” (Brussels, Belgium, 2012), “Multispiral computer tomography venography in examination of recurrent varicose veins after saphenous preservation surgery” (Boston, USA, 2013).

The staff of the department combines scientific work with practical activities, operates a lot, performs complex reconstructive and plastic operations on the organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, major vessels.

So, in recent years, the clinic has introduced: laser obliteration of varicose veins, computer phlebography of the lower extremities, remplantation of severed limbs, coronary angiography and stenting of the coronary, main and peripheral arteries, including in diabetic foot, endovascular occlusion of the uterine arteries in uterine fibroids, laparoscopic hernioplasty and esophagofundoplication according to Nissen, endoscopic removal adrenal tumors, hip replacement, arthroscopic removal of the meniscus, contact and remote lithotripsy of kidney stones, ureter and bladder, papilosphincterotomy and endoscopic removal of choledochal stones.

Modern methods of treating obesity have been successfully implemented: longitudinal resection, gastric balloning and banding, a large range of cosmetic operations. The introduction of original innovative technologies made it possible to improve the results of treatment, reduce the length of stay of patients, reduce complications and mortality by 12.3% compared to similar federal indicators.

In the future, the staff of the medical center, in addition to expanding public medical services, plans to further develop high-tech and expensive methods of diagnosis and treatment. On their basis, the clinic will further develop endovascular and microsurgical methods of treatment.

For a great contribution to the development of surgery Askerkhanov G. R. awarded the title of “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan” (1997), awarded the medal “To the 850th Anniversary of Moscow” (1997), the Order of “Friendship” (1998) from the hands of the President of the Russian Federation, awarded the Certificate of Honor of the State Council of the Republic of Dagestan (1998), awarded the title of “Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan”,   awarded the title of “Honored Inventor and Innovator of the Republic of Dagestan” in 2008, the title of “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” in 2009 ,he was awarded the Order “For Services to the Republic of Dagestan” in 2012, he received a commendation from the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin in 2015, and  was awarded the title of Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan in 2017.

Assistants in the Department of surgery worked  M. O Makhachev, D. M. Dalgat, M. I. Magomedov, G. I. Giray, G. G. Magomedov, A. M. Murachev, T. A. Selimkhanov, N. G. Martynenko, S. M. Musaev, A. S. Dzhambulatov, W. B. Ataev, S. P. Heybatov, R. D. Dzhambulatov, F. S. Aminov, M. Z. Saidov, associate professors S. M. Musaev, A. S. Dzhambulatov, M. Makatrov, Professor N. G.Martynenko, A. A. Magomedov, Jalalov J. V., Bagaudinov G. M., Zakariev Z. M., Zagirov W. Z., Agababov J. A., Magomedov A. G., Magomedov S. N., Aliev S. A.

Medical and consultative work at the Department is carried out all professors, associate professors, assistants. Regularly weekly rounds of departments of the entire clinic are conducted by professors, associate professors, curators of departments. Assistants of the department lead 6-8 patients in the attached departments of the clinic. Visiting scientific and practical conferences on topical issues of surgery are held; conferences in the clinic on the analysis of patients, preoperative discussions; analysis of fatal outcomes with the involvement of doctors of related specialties . The defecatory medical histories, as well as the medical histories of deceased patients in the republic are reviewed with subsequent clinical reviews A contract has been drawn up between the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2 of  DSMU and the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Republic of Dagestan  where the obligations of the parties in production activities and other conditions are stipulated and the volume of medical and advisory work performed by the department’s employees is determined. The department has five thematically equipped training rooms, a conference hall, a laboratory with the necessary methodological manuals (slide library, methodological developments). The two study rooms have viewing windows to the operating rooms, from where students observe the progress of operations. The department has a museum named after Proffesor Askerkhanov R. P. The department is equipped with 21 colorfully composed thematic stands.

Two study rooms (No. 1 and No. 4) are equipped with viewing windows to the operating rooms, where students have the opportunity to watch and observe operations.

There is a slide library to illustrate the lectures where slides on all topics of the curriculum are presented.There is one multimedia slide projector. There are tables, slides  made with the recording of operations on many topics. There are printed lectures on all topics, tickets for oral and test exams. The department has methodological developments, published questions on test control for students of 4-5 courses.

Elective course:

  • Topic: Modern aspects of the problem of angiology. Lectures – 10 hours.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of upper thoracic aperture syndrome.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of peripheral vascular diseases.
  • Sclerobliteration of the veins in varicose veins.
  • Comprehensive treatment of patients with critical lower limb ischemia.
  • Surgical aspects of diabetic foot treatment.

Research work of employees and students.

Introduction of medical science achievements into practice. The department has conducted active scientific work in various areas of surgery since its foundation, in particular, surgery of peripheral vessels, lungs, liver, stomach. Currently, the priority areas of research work are the following: echinococcosis of the liver and lungs, peritonitis, surgical treatment of portal hypertension, diabetic foot. Clinical residents, students of 4-5 courses take an active part in the work.

The staff of the department has published more than 300 scientific papers, 6 monographs, 12 patents for inventions and more than 30 innovation proposals. Two doctoral and 3 candidate theses were defended over the past 10 years.  Three doctoral and 5 candidate theses are planned.


Student scientific circle.

Curator of the SSC: Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant to Aitekova F. P.

The student scientific circle of the Department of Hospital Surgery No. 2 operates on the basis of the Republican Clinical Hospital and R. P. Askerkhanov Medical Center. Students of 5-6 courses are engaged in the circle. The main task of the circle member is active participation in the scientific life of the department: preparation of abstract reports, participation in clinical trials, independent scientific activity under the guidance of the department staff.

Employees of the department performed the following operations for the first time in Dagestan:

  • surgical treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias;
  • cavafilter implantation;
  • coronarography;
  • replantation of limb segments during their traumatic amputation;
  • reconstructive and reconstructive operations on the branches of the aortic arch, the infrarenal aorta and the arteries of the extremities;
  • reconstructive and operations on the renal arteries in vasorenal hypertension;
  • total plastic surgery of the scar-narrowed esophagus with the colon;
  • endoscopic removal of a bronchial tumor;
  • plastic surgery of the bronchus during its traumatic separation;
  • venous thrombectomy for common ileofemoral thrombosis;
  • sclerotherapy of varicose veins of the lower extremity

Research topics:

  • Varicose veins
  • Echinococcosis of the lungs
  • Surgical treatment of portal hypertension
  • Upper aperture syndrome
  • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities


The All-Russian scientific and practical conferences of surgeons dedicated to the anniversary of Professor R. P. Askerkhanov were held in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010.


Асс. Исмаилов С.А. за заполнением истории болезниАсс. Халилов А.Х. осматривает послеоперационного больного в реанимацииВ музее Аскерханова Р.П.Доц. Канаев А.И. читает лекциюДоц. Султанов А.С. в учебной комнатеДоц. Умаханов Х.У. на практическом занятииДоц. Шарапудинов М.Ш. со студентами проводит разбор больногоПроф. Аскерханов Г.Р. во время операцииПроф. Аскерханов Г.Р. на 19 конгрессе эндоскопической хирургииПроф. Аскерханов Г.Р. с академиком В.С. Савельевым на всемирном конгрессе хирургов в ЛондонеСтуденты наблюдают за ходом операцииДоц. Мамаев К.Т. осматривает больного