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Intermediate level surgery with the Laboratory of Innovative Cellular Technologies



Intermediate level surgery department №2 was established in September 1995,   on the basis of a 50-bed surgical department of the hospital at the Makhachkala station of the North Caucasus Railway. 

The duties of the head of the department were performed by Professor R. G. Aliyev since 2003. Professor S. A. Aliyev was elected Head of the department in 2005. The Department of Intermediate level surgery is headed by Gaziev Rashid Magomedovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences from 2009 to the present. In 2011, the department was renamed the Department of Intermediate level surgery with the Laboratory of Innovative Cellular Technologies.


Head of the Department — Gaziev Rashid Magomedovich

Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, MD, surgeon of the highest category. Author of 180 scientific and practical publications. 10 teaching aids published by him are recommended as teaching aids for Russian universities by the federal state educational institution “Roszdrav All-Russian Educational Scientific and Methodological Center”. For the first time in world practice, he proposed the optimal dose of 5-fluorouracil for intra-aortic use in the treatment of acute destructive pancreatitis. The results of these clinical and experimental works were included in his PhD thesis: “Intra-aortic drug therapy of destructive pancreatitis. Due to this, it was possible to reduce the mortality rate in acute destructive pancreatitis to 14% (30-60%). The new approaches to the treatment of inguinal hernias proposed by R. M. Gaziev are reflected in his monograph: “Inguinal hernias reconstruction of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal”.

He has published following books: “Emergency surgery of abdominal organs”, “Preoperative and postoperative management of patients with surgical diseases”, “Suppurative diseases of the lungs and pleura”. He introduced new types of operations into practical surgery, for which patents for inventions and certificates for rational proposals were obtained: terminolateral esophagoduodenoanastomosis with the stomach total removal; a modified method of plasticizing the posterior wall of the inguinal canal with inguinal hernias; a method of narrowing the anal ring with its insolvency; gentle correction of the adductor loop syndrome; differentiation of inguinal hernias according to the area of the inguinal canal and detailing of the inguinal gap.

For 45 years of his practical activity, R. M. Gaziev has operated on more than 10 thousand patients with abdominal, urological, gynecological, oncological and other pathologies. They are offered standards of providing specialized emergency surgical care for abdominal pathologies, as well as recommendations for the prevention of postoperative thromboembolic complications, which is reflected in the publications of the same name.

  1. M. Gaziev has trained more than 120 clinical interns and residents for practical healthcare. For 10 years, he was the chief consultant for surgery at the Republican Orthopedic and Traumatology Center, where he operated and consulted more than 170 injured people with severe abdominal pathologies.es. He was awarded the Medal of the Order “For Services to the Fatherland of the II degree”. Gaziev R. M.-member of the Society of surgeons of Dagestan, organizer of 2 republican anniversary, author’s conferences.     

Gaziev R. M. was awarded the Order “For Services to the Fatherland of the II degree” and the jubilee medal: “20 years of rebel group defeat”.

The Academic teaching staff of the department includes of 8 people.

Most of the teachers are experienced teachers and clinicians, their average experience is 17.4 years. The department has 3 MDs and 2 Candidates of Medical Sciences: 2 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 4 Assistants.








Kurbanova Zarema Vakhayevna

MD, Professor of the Department, Head of the educational department of Faculty Surgery, surgeon of the highest category, Honored Doctor of the RD, Chief specialist-expert of the Ministry of Health of the RD and the NCFD in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Full member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and the Russian Society of Surgeons. She graduated with honors from the DSMI in 1979. She completed her clinical residency on the basis of the First Aid Team at the Department of General Surgery. In 1997, she defended her PhD thesis on “Therapeutic and diagnostic tactics in patients with gallbladder cholesterol”. In 2000, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract in the elderly and senile age”. In 2003, she passed the certification specialization in plastic surgery at the Research Institute of Plastic Surgery and Beauty at the Ministry of Health and Science of the Russian Federation and began to develop this direction in Dagestan, taking direct part in Russian and international forums. Since 2010, he has been the chief specialist-expert of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova on plastic and reconstructive surgery. A chief expert of the NCFD from 2015 to 2019. In January 2019, she organized and is the chairman of the Dagestan branch of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Actively conducts master classes on important sections of plastic surgery. She is the organizer of international congresses on plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in the North Caucasus. Along with pedagogical and educational work, he oversees the scientific student circle of the department. High educational training allows the members of the circle to take prizes at the regional, all-Russian and international levels. She has been certified in medical, forensic examination and healthcare organization since 2011. She was certified in oncomammology on the basis of the Kazan Maternity Hospital In 2012. The experience of a teacher, the activity of a multifaceted surgeon and a healthcare organizer allowed extrapolating knowledge into 157 scientific papers, articles and educational and methodological publications, monographs, inventions and rational proposals. Under her leadership, in 2003, 1 candidate’s thesis was defended, prepares graduate students and clinical residents.


 Omarov Ilyas Magomedovich

MD, Professor of the Department of Intermediate level surgery. He has been working at the Dagestan State Medical University since 1990. His PhD thesis was devoted to the surgical correction of phlebohemodynamic disorders in occlusive syndrome of the superior vena cava, which was successfully defended in 1990. Doctoral dissertation – “Justification of surgical correction of hemo – and lymphocirculatory disorders in cirrhosis of the liver”, defended in 2000. He performs about 200 operations a year, including those with complex combined pathology. The atmosphere of benevolence, pedagogical exactingness and mutual assistance created at practical classes and lectures contributes to the formation of positive motivation of students for the solid development of educational material. Author of more than 160 scientific papers. He has published 2 monographs, received 7 patents for inventions. Under his leadership, 4 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences were defended.



Dalgatov Hajimurad Magomedovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the department. He graduated from the medical faculty of DSMA in 1995. He completed an internship in surgery at DSMA from 1995-1996. He completed clinical residency in surgery at DSMA from 1996-1998. He worked as a surgeon in the municipal polyclinic № 1 in Makhachkala from 1998 to 2002. He had been undergoing correspondence postgraduate study in surgery at the DSMU since 2001, followed by the defense of a candidate’s dissertation on the topic “Perfluorane in the healing of colonic anastomoses” under the guidance of Professor Zagirov U. Z. In 2004, he was elected an assistant of the Department of Surgery of the pedagogical, Dental and medical faculties of the DSMU. Head of the educational Department of the DSMU from 2013 to 2017. Associate Professor of the Department of Intermediate level surgery from 2017 to the present. Author of more than 40 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids and 2 patents for inventions.




 Kurbanismailova Meren Gadzhievna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the department. She graduated from the medical faculty of the DSMA in 1993. Since 2000, she has worked at the department as a senior laboratory assistant, engaged in the scientific direction of ultrasound diagnostics in surgery. In 2006, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Ultrasound monitoring of the state of the residual cavity after liver echinococcectomy” under the guidance of Professor Omarov I. M. She was elected an assistant of the department in 2010. Author of more than 73 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids, 2 patents for inventions and 3 rational proposals. She has been a full member of the RSS and the Society of Radiation Diagnostics since 2006.



Omarova Khadizhat Zagirbegovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the department. She graduated from the medical faculty of the DSMA in 1998 with honors. She has worked at the department as a senior laboratory assistant, engaged in the scientific direction of cell technologies since 2000. She successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Transplantation of liver and chorion cells in severe liver failure” under the guidance of Professor Onishchenko N. A. and Professor Aliyev R. G. in 2007. An oncologist at the polyclinic of JSC Russian Railways From 2002 to 2009. She passed the primary specialization in endoscopy on the basis of the Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education in St. Petersburg in 2009. She was elected an assistant of the department in 2013. Author of more than 70 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids and 2 patents for inventions, participant of international and All-Russian scientific conferences, including reports. A full member of the RSS and Russian Society of Endoscopy since 2006.



Israpilov Magomed Mukhtarudinovich

Assistant of the Department of Intermediate level surgery. He graduated from the medical faculty of the DSMA in 2005. He completed a clinical residency in surgery at this department From 2005-2007, on the basis of JSC Russian Railways. A part-time postgraduate study in the specialty of surgery at the DSMU from 2007-2011. An oncologist at the polyclinic of JSC Russian Railways from 2008 to 2014. He was a surgeon at the polyclinic of JSC Russian Railways from 2014 to 2016. He has been working as an assistant at the Department of Intermediate level surgery since 2016. He passed the primary specialization in ultrasound diagnostics in the city of Rostov in 2017. He passed the primary specialization in oncology in 2018. Currently, work is being completed on a PhD thesis on the topic: “A multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of patients with an adipo-dermal apron”. Author of more than 30 scientific papers.



 Omarov Omar Ilyasovich

Сandidate of Medical Sciences, assistant of the Department of Intermediate level surgery. He graduated from the medical faculty of the DSMA in 2007. He completed clinical internship at the hospital of emergency medical care from 2007 to 2008. He was a surgeon at the Port Hospital from 2008 to 2009. Doctor thoracic surgeon in Dagestan thoracic surgery center from 2009 to 2019. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Surgical correction of predictors of hernias of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm” in 2014. He has been an Assistant of the Department of Intermediate level surgery; oncologist surgeon in the Department of surgery of the department clinical hospital of JSC Russian Railways from 2019 to the present. Author of more than 18 scientific papers, 1 monograph, 2 patents for inventions.



Bagaudinova Saida Gadzhimagomedovna

Senior laboratory assistant of the department. She graduated from DSMU in 2008 with a degree in “Medical Care”. She completed her residency at the Department of Intermediate level surgery with the Laboratory of Innovative Cell technologies from 2008-2010. She passed the primary specialization in ultrasound diagnostics in 2017. She completed her primary specialization in oncology in 2018. She has been working as a senior laboratory assistant at the department from 2010 to the present. Author of more than 25 scientific papers, 1 patent and 1 teaching manual.




Khasankhanova Zukhra Khasankhanovna

Laboratory assistant of the Department of Intermediate level surgery. She graduated from the Dagestan Basic Medical College in 2002, majoring in “Medical Science”. A laboratory assistant in the Laboratory of fetal therapy of the DSMA Central Research Laboratory from 2003 to 2009. A laboratory assistant of the Department of Intermediate level surgery from 2009 to the present.