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Preparatory Department (International Department)



Telegram: @sakinatpomed

Head of the preparatory department:

  • Alkadarskaya Sakinat Beydulakhovna

Teaching Staff:

Russian as a foreign language teacher:

  • Efendiev Israfil Ismailovich, Head of the Department of Russian Language
  • Agaeva Shemsi Akhedovna
  • Akayeva Dzhamilyat Akayevna
  • Aishat Taigibovna Aliyeva
  • Magomedova Gajar Abdusamadovna
  • Magomedov Daniyal Magomedovich
  • Magomedova Dinara Shamsudinovna
  • Milena Magomedovna Ramazanova

  General education teachers:

  • Mineeva Svetlana Nikolaevna (biology), Head of the Department of General Education Disciplines
  • Dzhapparov Tamerlan Absalam-Gadzhievich (chemistry)
  • Abdullatipov Abdullatip Magomedovich (physics)

History of the preparatory department

In 1986, the Dagestan Medical State Institute opened a preparatory faculty for foreign citizens. It was organised on the basis of the experience of similar faculties. The first foreign citizens from Palestine were admitted to the university on 23 September 1986. The first student of the faculty was Fairuz Ramdan Assar, who later graduated with honours. In different years, students from India, Syria, Palestine, Nepal, Yemen, Israel, Afghanistan, Congo, Mali, Yemen and many other countries have studied at the faculty.

The main task of the faculty was and still is to teach foreigners the Russian language and consolidate their knowledge of general education disciplines – chemistry, biology and physics – in Russian. To achieve this task, two departments were established at the Preparatory Faculty – Russian language and general education disciplines.

Since the day of its foundation and up to the present time the Department of General Education has been headed by S.N.Mineeva, a professor, an experienced specialist. The main task of the department was and still is the correct organisation of educational and methodical work taking into account the specifics of teaching foreign students.  During the period of the department’s existence, textbooks including the whole programme material were published: “Human Anatomy”, “Genetics”, “Basic Laws of Chemistry”, etc., as well as working programmes for all disciplines, methodical developments, control tasks, tables of scientific terms with translation into English and Arabic, dictionaries.

The Department of Russian language of the preparatory faculty was headed by B.B.Mitarova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, under her leadership the staff did a lot of work on methodological, personnel and material support.

The Department of Russian language with a course of preparatory department was organised in 1999 on the basis of 2 departments – Russian language and Russian language of the preparatory faculty of DSMA.

The united department of Russian language since 2005 is headed by Efendiev I.I., professor, doctor of philological sciences, experienced specialist and pedagogue. Teachers of the department find optimal ways of teaching Russian language to foreign students, taking into account the specific nationality and level of training. Every year educational and methodical literature is published.

Since February 2020, Alkadarskaya S.B. was appointed head of the preparatory department. At that time, 28 students from Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Egypt, Nigeria, Palestine, South Sudan and Zimbabwe were studying at the department. A large number of activities on socio-cultural adaptation of students began to be carried out. In February-March students visited the museum of sports glory of Dagestan, took part in competitions of reading poems in Russian, dedicated to the Day of native languages and International Women’s Day, visited the Makhachkala mosque and the Russian theatre to celebrate Pancake Day. Many students of the preparatory department received diplomas and gratitude from the management of DSMU, from the head of the department and from the director of the House of Friendship. Since the end of March, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the training was conducted online. The students observed the quarantine conditions while actively participating in the cultural life of the university. The contests “My Native Country”, “Let’s Read Poems in Russian” and the photo contest “Nature of Dagestan” held online turned out to be equally interesting for foreign students. Final examinations in Russian language, biology, chemistry and physics, also conducted online, showed good preparation of the majority of students. All graduates of the preparatory department received certificates of the established sample, most of them continued their studies at DSMU.

Today there are 47 students studying at the preparatory department.

Admission conditions

Study programme

Archive of photos