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Social hygiene, organization of supervision with a course of laboratory diagnostics



Head of the Department Omarieva Eleonora Yaragievna

Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Omarieva Eleonora Yaragievna

Assistant of the department: Omarov Ahmed Shamilovich, Kerimov Mugutin Magomedovich, Isaev Abdula Nurmagomedovich, Milikhina Alina Vasilyevna

Laboratory assistant: Tamara Kadaeva Kurbanovna

Reception phone number: 8 (8722) 64-40-67

Email address: dagros@rambler.ru







The Department of Social Hygiene, Organization of Supervision with a course of laboratory diagnostics was established on the basis of the Department of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Dagestan (the Department of Rospotrebnadzor of Dagestan) in 2010.

There are the following rooms: 2 study rooms, a library, a resident’s room and a lecture hall. It is planned to expand the premises of the department in 2012. One of the main activities of the specialists of the department is a purposeful and effective personnel policy.

As the certification of specialists, along with certification is an integral part of improvement throughout the entire professional activity, the main task of the department is systematic work to improve the level of training of specialists in medical and preventive specialties: students undergoing practical training, interns of the medical and preventive faculty, students of the medical and preventive and dental faculties of   Dagestan State Medical University, as well as specialists of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being in the Republic of Dagestan (the Department of Rospotrebnadzor  in Dagestan) and the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in  RD): epidemiologists, hygienists, laboratory assistants in bacteriology and sanitary and chemical research. The purpose of postgraduate training is to provide specialists with practical skills to work in specific conditions of institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor system.

Rospotrebnadzor specialists of Dagestan developed  next programs preparing the improvement cycles: programs for improving Rospotrebnadzor specialists of Dagestan Republic  on epidemiology, general hygiene, bacteriology, sanitary and hygienic research on the basis of unified postgraduate training programs for doctors of the All-Russian Educational, Scientific and Methodological Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education, as well as corresponding calendar-thematic plans and qualification tests for certification exams. We plan about 60-70 % of the training time for practical classes and seminars when drawing up calendar and thematic plans for certification cycles. The specifics of conducting classes is to take into account the main areas of the specialist’s work, as well as to familiarize them with new tasks, including legal and economic aspects of their activities.

We pay great attention to improving the test control of knowledge, which has taken a strong place in the system of postgraduate education.

When training specialists of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor of  Dagestan Republic, we use test tasks for the input control of knowledge and after the completion of the certification or thematic cycles, i.e. during the final control of knowledge. At the same time, we use unified test tasks which we adjust in the process of analyzing the percentage of completion of each specific task. Testing allows you to get reliable ideas not only about the level of initial knowledge of the controlled group of students of the cycles, but also to identify gaps in this knowledge and during the final control to have objective information about the results of mastering the developed material. The department has been conducting certification cycles on clinical laboratory diagnostics since 2011.

The staff of the department published 22 scientific articles in republican collections and 1 methodological guidelines. The staff of the department took part in 3 scientific and practical conferences, gave feedback on 3 dissertations for the degree of candidates of medical sciences.

We believe that the activities of the Department of Social Hygiene, the organization of supervision with a course of laboratory diagnostics will allow us to organize the training process more optimally and ensure the proper level of professional training of specialists of the Rospotrebnadzor system, students and interns of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention.

The personnel training system is designed to solve personnel issues of providing the republic with specialists of medical and preventive specialties. It includes professional orientation, targeted recruitment, training of students and graduates of Medical and Preventive faculties, advanced training in postgraduate training programs, their subsequent employment.

A lot of work is being done on professional orientation and pre-university training of schoolchildren, graduates of schools and other institutions of secondary vocational education for admission to the medical and preventive faculty and their professional orientation, aimed at increasing the number of applicants and increasing the competition for organizing targeted recruitment to the medical and preventive faculty.

 Meetings of the Head of the Department of  Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Dagestan Omarieva E. Ya.with schoolchildren are practiced in the form of a “Round table” about the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Republic. An “Open Day” for applicants of the Faculty of Medical and Preventive Medicine is held, where they are introduced to the work of departments and laboratories.

Information about admission to the target set for the medical and preventive faculty at  Dagestan State Medical Academy is posted on the website of the Rospotrebnadzor Department and in the mass media. Informational letters are compiled and sent to the heads of territorial administrations on the direction of graduates of schools and institutions of secondary vocational education for admission to the medical and preventive faculty according to the target set.

In accordance with the Agreement with Dagestan State Medical Academy, graduates of secondary schools, medical schools and colleges are sent annually for targeted training in the specialty of medical and preventive medicine.

As a result of the introduction of a new standard of education in the specialty “Medical and Preventive Care”, the qualified requirements for a graduate of the medical and preventive faculty have changed, who must know the basics of economics, consumer protection issues, civil and administrative law, as well as conducting social and hygienic monitoring.

Every year, 5th-year students of the Medical and Preventive Faculty of the State Medical Academy undergo an industrial internship (for a month) on the basis of the Federal Budget Healthcare Institution “Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Dagestan”.

 Students of all courses of the Medical and Preventive faculty of  DSMU take part in holding actions dedicated to “World AIDS Day”, “World Tuberculosis Day”, “Tobacco Refusal Day”. They carry out sanitary and educational work ( lectures, conversations, putting up posters, distributing brochures).

The new tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being, the expansion of the field and the list of types of professional activities of employees of the Service organizations required changes to improve the organization of personnel training and, above all, the training of specialists in the medical and preventive profile.

A nominal scholarship of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the Republic of Dagestan M. T. A. Lagiev has been established, which is assigned to students based on the results of winter and summer sessions.

The one-year internship course graduates of medical and preventive faculties pass according to the standard curriculum “Educational standard of postgraduate professional training of a doctor” Moscow Medical Academy named after of  I. M. Sechenov, which is based on a certain legislative framework (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” No. 125-FZ of 22.08.96, the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 337 of 27.08.99 “On the nomenclature of specialties in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation”, the letter of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 27.02.89 No. 152-2-3 “On one-year specialization (internship) of graduates of sanitary-hygienic and pharmaceutical faculties”).

Quarterly and following the results of certification, a seminar-meeting of the head of  Rospotrebnadzor Department  in Dagestan, the chief doctor of the Federal Medical Institution “Center for Hygiene of Epidemiology in the Republic of Dagestan” of curators with interns is held in order to optimize the educational process.

Interns take part in the work of colleges and meetings. They carry out sanitary and educational work together with students of the medical and preventive faculty of  Dagestan  State Medical Univesity.

The final exam is held in the month of June which consists of three parts:

-test control

-control of theoretical knowledge

-control of practical skills

The Head of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor  in Dagestan, the chief doctor of the Federal Medical Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in  Dagestan”, curators, conduct an interview with interns after the final exam .The issue of enrolling interns is being resolved in accordance with the results of the interview.

Ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the Republic is carried out by the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Center for Hygiene of Epidemiology in the Republic of Dagestan” and its branches.

Currently, 25 interns of the Department of Social Hygiene and Supervision Organization with a course of laboratory diagnostics of DSMU  undergoes a one-year internship at the Department of Rospotrebnadzor and the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Dagestan.