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The Department of Pharmacology



General information

Head of the department: Magomedova Zulfiya Shamilyevna

Email address: dagmed_far@mail.ru

Phone: 8(8722)67 90 32

Head of the Department  Magomedova Zulfiya Shamilyevna, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Email addresszulamag@mail.ru

Brief information..Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences .

She graduated from the Medical and Preventive faculty of   Dagestan  State Medical Academy in 1996.

The scientific work is devoted to the pharmacology of a healthy person and the use of biologically active substances of natural origin in various diseases. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Propolis and royal jelly in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus” in 2007.She has been working at DSMA since 1998.



Omarov Shamil Magomedovich

Shamil Magomedovich Omarov was born in the village of Shitlib (Gunib district) of DASSR on September 28, 1936. He graduated from   Dagestan State Medical Institute  in 1955.

He worked as a practical doctor in the village of Mekhelta, Gumbetovsky district  after graduation. Being assistant of the Department of Normal Physiology, at the same time worked concurrently as an emergency medical doctor and a doctor of the city sanitary and epidemiological station of Makhachkala. He was a full-time postgraduate student at the Faculty of Biology of the Gorky State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky in 1965-1968.

He defended his PhD thesis at Gorky State Medical Institute named after S. M. Kirov on the topic: “The effect of animal poisons on some indicators of the blood clotting system” in 1969. He worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology of   Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute from 1970 to 1975.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Shamil Magomedovich Omarov has been elected as a head of the Department of Pharmacology with a course of clinical Pharmacology since 1988.

Shamil Magomedovich Omarov is a well-known pharmacologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a well-known scientist in the field of pharmacology of biologically active substances of natural origin (apitherapy, zootoxinology and pharmacology of a healthy person).

The results of his scientific works on apitherapy are associated with the study and research of new medicines based on bee venom, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, perga, bee honey and wax. They are recognized all over the world and are referred to leading researchers in the field of apitherapy and pharmacology in America, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary, Switzerland, China, the Baltic States and other countries.

 Under the guidance and on the initiative of Professor Sh.M. Omarov, medical preparations prepared on the basis of environmentally friendly bee products are used in clinics of the Republic of Dagestan and in some regions of Russia for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, as well as in a complex of rehabilitation measures. The scientific search of Sh. M. Omarov, his creative potential as a scientist contributed to the formation of new directions in science-apitherapy and pharmacology of a healthy person.                                                                                                                                                       As a result, he created a scientific and practical school that studies the effect of biologically active substances on a living organism and the principles of their application in practical medicine. Sh. M. Omarov published more than 300 scientific papers, published 12 monographs, including: “Honey and propolis”, “Propolis is a valuable medicinal product”, “Healing secrets of bee products”, “Apitherapy and human health”,” Apitherapy. Bee products in the world of medicine.” He is a co-author of the encyclopedia “Beekeeping” (Moscow, “Soviet Encyclopedia” and 11 rational proposals and a patent for the invention have been developed.

The scientist’s works are well known to specialists not only in our country, but also abroad. His works have been translated into European languages. He has repeatedly made presentations at International congresses, symposiums, All-Union congresses and conferences. Articles published by Sh. M. Omarov in the proceedings of the International Symposium on the Use of Beekeeping Products in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine (Moscow,), the II International Symposium on Apitherapy (Romania-Bucharest), the International Symposium on Apitherapy (Yugoslavia-Portoroz), the International Congress on Beekeeping in Switzerland (Lausanne), the International Congress on Beekeeping Products in Israel (Tel Aviv), the XXXXV Congress on Beekeeping in Belgium, the XXXXVI International Congress on Beekeeping in Canada, the XXXVII International Congress on Beekeeping in South Africa.

 The results of Professor Sh. M. Omarov’s work on the problem of apitherapy were exhibited at the VDNH of the USSR, at the competition of the North Caucasus Scientific Center for Higher Education and were awarded diplomas and certificates.

State awards and titles: Excellent Student of the USSR Higher School, “Veteran of Labor”, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, Silver Medal of Academician I. P. Pavlov and Silver Medal of “Apimondia”, medals: Peter the Great “For Labor Valor”, “For the Merits of the State Medical Academy”, “In commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the birth of I. V. Stalin” in honor of the 300th anniversary of M. V. Lomonosov, N. P. Kravkov Medal for outstanding achievements and contribution to the development of pharmacology and clinical medicine pharmacology 2012.

Under the guidance of Professor Sh. M. Omarov, 7 candidate’s and 5 doctoral dissertations were defended.

Alkhazova Rabiyat Tazhutdinovna-Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head teacher of the Department.

E-mail address: alxazova73@bk.ru

Brief information-scientific degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

She graduated from the Medical and Preventive faculty of the State Medical Academy in 1997.

The scientific work is devoted to the significance of new antispasmodic drugs in modern pharmacology.

She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Investigation of the role of resorptive and local action of myotronic antispasmodics, analgesics and anesthetics in the development of cold spasm of blood vessels” in 2004.


Kharkharova Svetlana Gamidovna-Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

E-mail: гелиосFarma@yandex.ru

Brief information Academic degree, title, position-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Brief information-scientific degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

She graduated from the Medical faculty of Dagestan Medical Institute in 1963.

Worked: she has been assistant, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology since 1963.

She defended her dissertation on the topic: “On the question of the neurophysiological effect of Talga hydrogen sulfide waters” in 1972.

Awards: Veteran of labor, titles – “Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation”” Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Dagestan”, awarded an honorary literate DSMA for the 80th anniversary of DSMA.

Nasrulayeva Khapisat Nasrulayevna

Email address: lisst.32@mail.ru

Brief information :Associate Professor, Ph. D.

Graduated from  the Pharmaceutical Faculty of   Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Institute in 1994.

She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Improving the drug supply of dermatological patients in the Republic of Dagestan” in 2003.

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences

She has been working at  DSMA since 2001. She passed advanced training in pedagogy and psychology of higher education at the FAT of university teachers at DSU in Makhachkala.


Magomedova Rabiyat Gamzatovna-Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology of the State Medical Academy of Medical Sciences

Email address: magomedova.rabia@yandex.ru

Brief information: Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology

She graduated from the pediatric faculty of DSMI, completed a clinical residency in the specialty “dermatovenerologist”. Rabiyat Gamzatovna has been working at Dagestan Medical Academy since 2004.

The topic of the dissertation research “Pharmacoepidemiology of the treatment of arterial hypertension in elderly patients with concomitant inflammatory liver diseases”was approved: “Pharmacoepidemiology of the treatment of arterial hypertension in elderly patients with concomitant inflammatory liver diseases”

She passed dvanced training in pedagogy and psychology of higher education at the FPC of university teachers at  DSU in Makhachkala.


Khanmurzayeva Naida Bagavdinovna-Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, cardiologist, senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology.

Email address: nbagavdinovna@bk.ru

She graduated from the medical faculty of the DSMA in 2007. She completed a clinical residency in the specialty “General Medical Practice”. She was accepted as a general practitioner in the Women’s Consultation No. 2 in Makhachkala and at the same time entered the postgraduate program in the specialty “Internal Diseases” in 2009.

She successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “The content of markers of inflammation in patients with essential arterial hypertension, depending on the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment” in 2014.

She completed professional retraining at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “RMAPO” in Moscow under the program “Cardiology” in 2015.

She took advanced training courses in pedagogy and psychology of higher education at the Faculty of Advanced Training of university teachers at DSU in Makhachkala.

She graduated from Rostov State University of Economics  with honors in 2018  and has a bachelor’s degree.

She was awarded a diploma and a gold medal of the XI International Biotechnology Forum-Exhibition for the development of “A method for diagnosing the severity of affective and autonomic disorders in chronic pelvic pain syndrome in women” in 2017.

The monograph “Inflammation in arterial hypertension”was published under the authorship of N. B. Khanmurzayeva in the same year.

The method proposed by N. B. Khanmurzayeva for early diagnosis of the risk of developing essential arterial hypertension was presented at an exhibition in Cyprus and awarded a diploma and a gold medal in 2019. The monograph “Inflammation in arterial hypertension” became the winner of the VI All-Russian Innovative competition for the best textbook in the category “Public Recognition” in November 2019.

She is the author of 7 rational proposals, 2 patents  and more than 100 publications.

Karina Yaragievna Shugaeva-Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, barotherapist, gastroenterologist, senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology.

E-mail: carina.shugaeva@yandex.ru

Brief information: academic degree-Candidate of Medical Sciences.

She graduated from the medical faculty of Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2006. She completed a clinical residency in the specialty “therapy”.

She worked as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of “Environmental Medicine” of DSMU. The scientific work is devoted to the correction of the lymphatic bed with perfluoroorganic compounds in crash syndrome. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Morphology of lymphatic vessels and nodes in compression trauma of the extremities and correction by perfluorane infusion” in 2016.

She took advanced training courses in pedagogy and psychology at the higher school at the Faculty of Advanced Training of university teachers at DSU in Makhachkala. She was awarded a diploma and a gold medal of the X International Biotechnological Forum-Exhibition: “Rosbiotech-2016” for the development of     “A method for correcting the lymphatic channel for long-term compression syndrome in an experiment” in 2016. She is the author of one patent and more than 50 publications. She completed a specialization in gastroenterology in 2018.


Ramazanova Kamila Hashimovna-senior laboratory assistant of the Department

Mobile phone: 8988 440 00 43

E-mail: Kamila.Gashimovna@mail.ru

Brief information: Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Pharmacology. She graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Dagestan  State Medical Academy in 2004. She completed a clinical internship in the specialty “Management and Economics of Pharmacy” in 2011. Ramazanova Kamila Hashimovna  graduated from the correspondence postgraduate course of  Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute , branch of the State Medical University at the Department of Economics and Organization of Healthcare and Pharmacy, specialty “Organization of Pharmaceutical Business” in 2015. Next work is underway on a candidate’s thesis on the topic “Finding cost-effective treatment regimens for myocardial infarction at the stationary stage of treatment in the Republic of Dagestan”.










The development of pharmacology is associated with the opening of Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1932 and the creation of the Department of Pharmacology in 1935.

Speaking about the history of the development of pharmacology in Dagestan, it should be noted that it developed on the basis of centuries-old experience of traditional medicine, in particular, the widespread use of medicinal plants and biologically active substances of natural origin (bee products, animal poisons, etc.)

The Department of Pharmacology of  Dagestan Medical Institute, established in 1935, has a bright history of development. The first head was the Candidate of medical Sciences, Associate Professor M. N. Varlakov, the doctor E. N. Lisunkina worked as an assistant. Professor I. D. Mishenin taught part-time classes in pharmacology in 1938-39.

The department was headed by Associate Professor A. A. Gavrilyuk from 1940 to 1950. The scientific work of the department was connected with the study of the mechanism of action of certain medicinal substances and also together with the Dagestan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the effect of local medicinal plants was studied: Persian bindweed, sea azalea, Caucasian gentian, cuckoo, etc., as well as the effect of Talga hydrogen sulfide water on respiration and cardiac activity.

The doctor N. A. Belova, who defended her PhD thesis in 1950 and was the head of the department from 1950 to 1951, worked as an assistant.

Associate Professor E. F. Grushevsky was elected to the post of head of the Department of Pharmacology in 1951, where he worked until 1964. A greenhouse of medicinal plants was designed under his leadership, a building was built, although it was not possible to fully implement the idea.

Considerable interest were the installations created by him at the department for the development of conditioned reflexes in experimental animals. The mechanisms of action of caffeine, cyanides, insulin, chloroform, hexenal, apomorphine, pilocarpine, etc.on the central nervous system of experimental animals were studied.

  1. F. Grushevsky completed a doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Correlation between the types of the nervous system and the reactivity of the body to chemical stimuli”. The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V. M. Sennikov from 1964 to 1986. The staff of the department was engaged in the study of means of prevention and treatment of chromium intoxication.

The department carried out scientific research  on this topic  by P. I. Akdzhigitova, B. D. Minaev, defended the doctoral dissertation of A.M. Shakhnazarov on the topic: “Pathomorphology, pathogenesis, issues of therapeutic pathomorphosis of chromium intoxication”(1982) and candidate dissertations of M. K. Naumova on the topic “The influence of potassium bichromate on the secretory and motor functions of the small intestine” (1966), G. B. Sennikova on the topic: “The influence of potassium bichromate on conditioned reflex activity” (1969), S. M. Magomedov on the topic: “Changes in the cardiovascular system during chromium intoxication” (1973).

The assistant of M. K. Naumova published more than 50 scientific articles  and also published a popular scientific book “Recipes for health, youth and beauty” (Makhachkala, 1993).

Professor V. M. Sennikov published more than 100 scientific articles, as well as an educational and methodological manual for students and doctors: “Handbook for compounding” (Makhachkala, 1966).

Having graduated from  Dagestan Medical Institute with honors in 1963 and after postgraduate studies  T. M. Abdurakhmanov  defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the problem of the influence of hydrogen sulfide baths and neuroleptics on the central nervous system  in 1966 . He was the head of the pharmacology course at the Medical Faculty of Kabardino-Balkar State University from 1968 to 1977. He worked as an Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology of the Dagestan State Medical Academy and the  head of the Department course from 1983 to 2002 , and then the  head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy.

Associate Professor T. M. Abdurakhmanov has published more than 80 scientific and educational works, including 6 textbooks on pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. The sphere of scientific interests of Associate Professor T. M. Abdurakhmanov is the study of the mechanisms of development and the search for means of correcting addiction to alcohol and drugs, as well as the pharmacology of sports. Together with Professor Sh. M. Omarov and the staff of the department, he studied the separate and joint action of adaptogens of natural origin (Eleutherococcus extract, Rhodiola rosea, Leucea, propolis tincture, alpha-tocopherol, etc.). The results of these studies have been introduced into sports medicine as a means of adaptation and recovery after heavy physical exertion.

  1. G. Kharkharova, after graduating from the medical institute, with honors, has been working at the department since 1963, and has worked her way from a postgraduate student to an associate professor. Her scientific research was started in 1963 and was devoted to the study of the mechanism of action of apomorphine, hexenal, strychnine against the background of the use of hydrogen sulfide baths in the Talgi resort.

On the basis of experimental and clinical studies, she successfully defended her PhD thesis: “On the question of the neurophysiological effect of Talginsky hydrogen sulfide waters” at Moscow Dental Institute in 1972. After the defense of the candidate’s thesis, the scientific research of Associate Professor S. G. Kharkharova was devoted to the study of medicinal plants of Dagestan.The obtained results are published in her books: “Medicinal plants and their rational use” (1981), “Treat plants” (1991). She has published more than 50 scientific articles and monographs in the press.

  1. G. Eckert worked at the department from 1975 to 2002. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Membrane hydrolysis and transport in the small intestine with various methods of oxygenation of the intestinal epithelium” in Leningrad in 1988. She was awarded the title of professor of the department in 1990. L. G. Eckert is the author of 48 scientific papers, 10 teaching aids, has an author’s certificate for inventions. She was awarded the medal “Inventor of the USSR”.

The public Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded her and the staff of the Institute of Physiology named after I. P. Pavlov a diploma for the discovery of “The phenomenon of bilateral respiration of mammalian enterocytes under normal conditions”. She was awarded the title of “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan” for her achievements in scientific activity in 1999.

  1. P. Tananakina, a graduate of the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute.After completing postgraduate studies at Dagestan State University she has been working at the Department of Pharmacology as an assistant since 1978 and as an Associate Professor since 1992.

The scientific activity of G. P. Tananakina was started in 1975. Her research was devoted to the study of the mechanisms of the effect of mediator amino acids in brain tissues during the adaptation of experimental animals to cold. The mechanisms of the protective effect of urea on brain metabolism during natural cooling were also studied.

A candidate’s thesis was defended on the topic: “Nitrogen metabolism of the brain in various modes of adaptation of a warm-blooded organism to cold” on the basis of the experimental data obtained. she has been participating in scientific research devoted to the study of biologically active substances of natural origin. She has published 40 scientific papers, 9 educational and methodological works in co-authorship with other employees of the department, has several rationalization proposals.

  1. A. Klimenko, having completed a targeted postgraduate course at the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute and defended her PhD thesis on: “Study of the immunosuppressive effect of methotrexate in the syngenic transfer system in mice” in Moscow in 1977 . She began working at the Department of Pharmacology as an assistant since 1986 and as an Associate Professor since 1992. She is the author of 50 scientific papers, 4 innovation proposals. The scientific research of Associate Professor O. A. Klimenko has been carried out on the cathedral problem of studying biologically active substances of natural origin on the body.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor  Shamil Magomedovich Omarov has been elected head of the Department of Pharmacology with a course of clinical Pharmacology  in 1988. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “The effect of animal poisons on some indicators of the blood clotting system” at  Gorky Medical Institute in 1969. He defended his doctoral dissertation: “Pathophysiological aspects of the anticoagulant effect of zootoxins and their ingredients” at Peoples ‘ Friendship University in 1980.

The main direction of scientific research Under Sh. M. Omarov was the problem of ” Biologically active substances of natural origin — apitherapy, zootoxinology and pharmacology of a healthy person. He created the All-Russian school for the training of specialists-doctors in apitherapy. In addition, lectures are given to students of   Dagestan Medical Academy and practical doctors of the Republic of Dagestan on modern problems of apitherapy.

Professor Sh. M. Omarov is one of the leading specialists in the field of apitherapy in Russia, the CIS and abroad, as evidenced by numerous references to his works and requests from specialists of the CIS and other foreign countries, as well as the publication of reviews of his monographs and participation in international congresses in Moscow (1971), Yugoslavia (1978), China (1993), Switzerland (1995), Tel Aviv (1996), Belgium (1997), Canada (1999), South Africa (2001), India (2002), etc.

Sh.M. Omarov is a member of the Board of the Russian Scientific Society of Pharmacologists and the editorial board of the journal “Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology” of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, chairman of the Scientific Society of Pharmacologists of Dagestan, a member of the Academic Council of the Dagestan State University for the defense of dissertations, the Academic Council of the Dagestan State Medical Academy, as well as a scientific consultant of many monographs and a reviewer of doctoral and candidate theses on apitherapy and zootoxinology.

The vast majority of scientific research carried out at the department under the supervision of Professor Sh.M. Omarov is of an experimental nature. At the same time, a large number of studies were carried out in collaboration with clinical departments, in particular-surgeons, internists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, pediatricians, otorhinolaryngologists, etc. and they are important for practical health care.

Professor Sh. M. Omarov has published 10 monographs, including: “Honey and propolis”, “Propolis is a valuable medicinal product”, “Healing secrets of bee products”, “Apitherapy of a healthy person”, ” Apitherapy. Bee products in the world of medicine”, co-author of the encyclopedia “Beekeeping”. He is also known as the author of 12 teaching aids: “Fundamentals of pharmacotherapy for medical university students”, “Pharmacology of adrenergic drugs”, etc. He has published more than 300 scientific articles, monographs and developed 11 rational proposals and a patent for an invention.

Under the guidance of Professor Sh. M. Omarov, 7 candidate’s and 5 doctoral dissertations were defended.

For his scientific activity, he was awarded  the badge “Excellent Student of Higher School”, the Silver Medal of Academician I. P. Pavlov, the Silver Medal of the Apimondia in Switzerland (1989). He was awarded the honorary title of “Honored Scientist of  Dagestan ” and Soros Professor. He was awarded the Medal for Labor Valor in 200 . He was awarded the medal “For Merits” in the scientific and educational work of the Dagestan State Medical Academy, a commemorative medal “In commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the birth of I. V. Stalin”.

.Sh. M. Omarov was elected a full member of a number of public academies: the International Academy of Sciences (IAS), the Academy of Creativity, the International Academy of Apithotherapy, the National Academy of Sciences of Dagestan, is a consultant to the American Bibliographic Institute for Apitherapy.

On the basis of the Department of Pharmacology of the Dagestan State Medical Academy, according to the decision of the directorate and the president of the Russian Section of the International Academy of Sciences (RS MAN), in 1996 the Dagestan branch of the RS MAN was organized, the president of which was elected Professor Sh.M. Omarov.

Professor Sh. M. Omarov publishes problematic articles on the most important problems of pharmacology, which are published and printed in the central mass media publications: “Medical Newspaper”, “Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences”, and in the local press and often appears on television and radio.

The department has a well-organized research work of students, which is led by Sh. M. Omarov, instilling in young people an interest in scientific research. Students take part in all-Russian and regional conferences and their works are published in the periodical press.

Brief information about the history of the Department of Pharmacology is included in the All-Russian collection “Essays of Domestic Pharmacology”, which was published in Moscow in 2001.

During the work of the head of the department, Professor Sh. M. Omarov, the teaching staff was replenished with young assistants-graduates of  Dagestan State Medical Academy , under whose leadership they defended their candidate dissertations: R. M. Gadzhieva, E. N. Agayeva, P. M. Magomedova, R. T. Alkhazova, M. G. Khavaeva, H. N. Nasrullayeva and Z. Sh. Magomedova.

  1. N. Agayeva worked as an assistant at the Department of Pharmacology (on the course of clinical Pharmacology since 1990. The scientific research of E. N. Agaeva was started in 1993, dedicated to the study of the possibilities of the combined use of propolis tincture and liquid extracts of Eleutherococcus and Rhodiola rosea for the correction of physical performance and acceleration and recovery of highly qualified athletes in competition conditions.

According to the results of the experimental data obtained, a candidate’s thesis on the topic was completed: “The effect of the combined use of plant adaptogens and bee products on the physical performance of athletes” and was successfully defended in 1995 at  Moscow Medical Dental Institute. She published 15 scientific articles during her work. E. N. Agayeva has been working as an assistant at the newly created Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy since 2003.

  1. M. Gadzhieva a graduate of Dagestan State Medical Institute worked as an assistant at the department from 1993 to 1995, whose research was devoted to the issues of pharmacological correction of the physical performance of highly qualified athletes using pharmacological preparations: leviton, flower pollen and vitamins E and C . On the basis of the obtained experimental data, a candidate’s thesis was performed and defended on the topic: “Comparative studies of the pharmacological effect of levzea preparations, bee products and their complexes on the physical performance of experimental animals and humans” (Moscow, 1995). She has published more than 10 scientific articles in the press.
  2. N. Romanov worked as an assistant at the Department of Pharmacology in the course of clinical Pharmacology since 1983. His scientific research was started at the Department of Biochemistry of Dagestan State Medical Institute back in 1973, dedicated to the study of changes in nitrogen metabolism occurring in freely transplanted skin flaps. The result of these experimental studies was a candidate’s dissertation on the topic: “Nitrogen metabolism of a freely transplanted skin auto-and allograft” and was defended at the Academic Council of Dagestan State Medical Institute  in 1975. He has published 15 scientific papers in the press.
  3. G. Ataev has worked as an assistant of the department for the course of clinical pharmacology and as an Associate Professor since 2002. The scientific activity of R. G. Atayev began at the Department of Internal Diseases of Dagestan Medical Institute in 1991  . The first scientific publications were devoted to the effect of drugs used for pulmonary-cardiac and coronary insufficiency. Currently, Associate Professor R. G. Ataev is completing his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Myocardial damage in chronic diffuse liver diseases”.
  4. Sh. Magomedova has been working as an assistant in clinical pharmacology since 1998 after graduating from Dagestan State  Medical Academy  with honors and a residency in family medicine. The first scientific research was started in 1993 in the scientific and student circle on pharmacology in the field of apitherapy. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Propolis and royal jelly in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus” in 2007. More than 40 articles have been published in the press, 2 rationalization proposals have been developed. He has been working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy of the Dagestan State Medical Academy  since 2003.
  5. N. Nasrulayeva has been working as an assistant at the Department of Pharmacology si nce 2001. The scientific research of H. N. Nasrullayeva is devoted to the study of drug technologies and the organization of pharmaceutical business. She defended her PhD thesis on this problem on the topic: “Improving the drug supply of dermatological patients (on the example of the Republic of Dagestan)”, at the Academic Council of the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy. She has published 11 scientific articles in the press.

After completing the targeted postgraduate course at the Department of Pharmacology of  Dagestan State Medical Academy. M. G. Khavaeva has been working as an assistant since 2003. Scientific research is devoted to elucidating the mechanism of action of propolis, royal jelly, bee venom on the functional activity of shaped blood elements. She published two articles in the press.

M. Magomedova has been working as an assistant at the department since 1998.The scientific research of P. M. Magomedova is devoted to the study of geriatric pharmacology, in particular, the use of apitherapy to maintain the health of the elderly. She has published two scientific articles in the press.

T. Alkhazova has been working as an assistant at the Department of Pharmacology since 2001. Her scientific research served as the basis for completing her PhD thesis on the topic: “Studies of the role of resorptive and local action of antispasmodics, myotropic action of analgesics and anesthetics in the development of cold spasm of blood vessels”, which was successfully defended in 2004 at the Scientific Council of the Saransk State Medical Academy. She is the author of 7 scientific articles.

A. Azizov as a student of Dagestan State Medical Institute  was engaged in the scientific and student circle on pharmacology on the pharmacology of the immune system in 1981. After graduating from Dagestan State Medical Academy as a practical doctor, he continued to engage in scientific work in the field of pharmacology, sex pathology and urology. As a result of the experimental studies conducted in the department of Biologically Active Substances, at the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Tourism, a doctoral dissertation was completed and successfully defended on the topic: “Studying the mechanism of action of adaptogens and new combined drugs that increase the endurance of athletes” at Moscow Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998. In the scientific research conducted by P. A. Azizov, the practical application of new pharmaceutical combined drugs has been developed and theoretically justified: Elton, Leviton, Phytoton, Adapton, as well as apitherapy to increase endurance in highly qualified athletes. Professor A. P. Azizov created the “Center for the examination and treatment of diseases of the sexual sphere” and the center for “Family Consultation”. He has published more than 100 scientific articles, brochures and monographs. Currently, he works  to clarify the mechanism of action of biologically active substances together with the staff of the Department of Pharmacology.

The formation and development of pharmacology in Dagestan was greatly influenced by leading Russian scientists N. M. Artemov, B. N. Orlov, N. Yu. Belenkov (Nizhny Novgorod), B. A. Kudryashov, G. V. Andreenko, K. V. Sudakov, K. M. Lakin, P. V. Sergeev, D. A. Harkevich, R. D. Seifulla (Moscow) and many others.

Currently, the staff of the Department of Pharmacology is developing scientific problems: “Biologically active substances of natural origin (Apitherapy and Zootoxinology)” and “Pharmacology of a healthy person” under the scientific supervision of the head of the Department of Pharmacology, Professor Sh. M. Omarov.

