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The Faculty of Medicine




Phone: +7 (8722) 67-49-08

Address: 367025, Makhachkala, Lenina square, 1

 The Faculty of Medicine is the largest and main educational, scientific and practical division of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Dagestan State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The faculty celebrated its anniversary 85 years since its opening in 2017.

 The Faculty of Medicine has been heading by the Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Razin Mirzekerimovich  Ragimov since 2001. Assistant Dean for educational work are:  PhD in psychology Ibragimova (1 course), Doctor of Medical Sciences T. Khuseynov (2 course), Candidate of Medical Sciences Khanmurzaev N. B.   (3 course), R. K. Alkhanov (4course), Candidate of Medical Sciences  Kasaeva E. A.  (5 course), Candidate of Medical Sciences A. S. Abasova (6 course), Associate  Dean for working with Foreign Students-Candidate of Biological Sciences Musinova E. M.; senior Manager Dean -Abdullaeva  P. M., Manager Dean -A. S. Nabieva.

Pre-graduate education at the medical faculty in the specialty – “General Medicine” is 6 years, the level of higher education-specialty, the form of training – full-time. Qualification – MEDICAL DOCTOR.

The number of graduates of the Faculty of Medicine annually is more than 500 people, including more than 200-250 extra-budgetary students. There are students from foreign countries.

The Medical Faculty has always been distinguished by a high level of training of specialists, great activity in research work and high professionalism in medical activities that are carried out at the departments, clinics and laboratories of the university. Students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the disciplines they are interested in, in scientific circles. Students are trained in the specialty 31.05.01. – “General Medicine” at more than 50 departments of the university, 29 of which are departments of the Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine has always been distinguished by a high level of training of specialists, great activity in research work and high professionalism in medical activities that are carried out at the departments, clinics and laboratories of the university. Students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the disciplines they are interested in, in scientific circles. Students are trained in the specialty 31.05.01. – “General Medicine” at more than 50 departments of the university, 29 of which are departments of the Faculty of Medicine.

Graduates of the faculty work in various medical institutions of the Republic of Dagestan,the Russian Federation and foreign countries, head large medical, educational and research centers.

Among them: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, rector of “Dagestan state medical University” Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Suleyman Nurattinovich Mammaev. Professor of the medical faculty of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” Saidbekov Jalaludin Gadzhievich.  Head of the Department of otorhinolaryngology of  Kazan State Medical University Alimetov Khalid Arshakov. Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation Elmira Glubovskaya. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief forensic medical expert of the Russian Federation on Obstetrics and Gynecology Peter Afanasyevich Klimenko. Professor, head of the Department of the Institute of Rheumatism  (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) Zemfira Alekberovna. MD, Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of “Scientific and Clinical Center of Otolaryngology” Hasan Shahmanovich Davudov. The pride of the medical faculty is also the graduates of recent years: Gimbatova Dzhamila, Abdulaev Aslan, Rahimova Jennet, Ganaev Kamil, Huseynov Ali, Adamov Alikhan, Bayramova Guzel, Azizkhanova Valida, Kerimova Sekina, etc. The scholarship holders of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation: for  2017/18 academic year were the 6th year students: Madina Ataeva, Patimat Bagandova and Salihat Farmanova, 2018/19 academic year-Elvira Velieva, Aina Omarova, Eleonora Bayramova and Raisa Maksimova; 2019/20 academic year-Larisa Biyachueva who succeeded both in their studies and in the social and scientific life of the faculty and university.

The gift on the eve of the 85th anniversary of the university and faculty was taking the third place at the V All-Russian Student Olympiad in Practical Medical Skills “Golden MedSkill 2017” by the team of Dagestan State Medical University “Snow Leopard”. All participants were students of the medical faculty: Khudoiberdiev Farrukh, Aygumov Arthur, Shagrudinova Kalimat, Kachaeva Muslimat and Sultanova Diana.

Students of the Faculty of Medicine underwent practical training in clinics of foreign countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Turkey, Georgia, Germany, etc.

Graduates of the medical faculty also achieved considerable success in sports. Among them are two Honored Masters of Sports of the USSR: five-time world champion in freestyle wrestling Ali Zurkarnayevich Aliev who worked as an Associate professor at the Department of Operative Surgery, then chief physician of the Republican Hospital No. 2, and later chairman of the Sports Committee of the Republic of Dagestan and world champion, Olympic silver medalist in freestyle wrestling Magomedkhan Aratsilov.

7 graduates fulfilled the standards of the master of sports of international class: Magomedov  Kh.(freestyle wrestling), Olympic medalist Isayeva-Murzayeva M.  (archery), Volzhin A. (chess), Abakarov A. (karate),Tengizov  E. (Thai boxing), Supyanov A.  (combat sambo), Abdusalamov M. (wushu-sanda).

More than 25 graduates of the medical faculty executed standards of master of sports of various kinds: Shakhnazarov A. (classic and freestyle wrestling), Makhmudov K. (wrestling), Daniyalov M. (classical martial arts), Osmanov A.(wrestling), Makhachev O. (wrestling), Makatilov G.  (archery), G. Dunayevsky (fencing), J. Jabarov (weightlifting), A. Aliskandiev (wrestling), etc.

Master of Sports and multiple champion and prize-winner of competitions at various levels is a  graduate of  2017 Tamara Suleimanova.



















From History…

Dagestan Medical Institute was established in 1932 by the Resolution of Dagestan regional committee from April 22, 1932. Dagestan Medical Institute had only one medical faculty till 1965.

The first dean was Professor Anatoly Viktorovich Rossov who arrived in Dagestan Medical Institute from Kuban Medical Institute. At the same time, he organized the Department of Dermatovenerology.  He was the head of the medical faculty from 1935 to 1944. To summarize the results of the current academic year, the dean was appointed Mark Lvovich  Katz  who was the head of the Department of Physics of  Dagestan Medical Institute. Associate Professor Ivan Grigoryevich Babenin worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine from 1946 to 1950. He was succeeded by Vladimir Alexandrovich Glazov who worked in this position until 1951. With the transition of  Glazov V. A. to the post of  Vice-rector for academic and scientific work, the dean of Medicine Faculty  was again appointed A.V. Rossov  After his death the dean of the faculty became Mikhail Alexandrovich Belogorsky, who worked in this position until 1953.

The dean of the faculty was S. I. Akaev  from 1953 to 1962.  After him leaving  a post of dean , Omarov G. G.  became a dean of the medical faculty. Soon he was replaced by the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I. M. Musaev, who was the permanent dean of the faculty until 1978. After his departure, G. G. Omarov worked as the dean of the medical faculty. Soon he was replaced by the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I. M. Musaev, who was the permanent dean of the faculty until 1978.

In different periods, the deans of the Faculty of Medicine also worked: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate professor Saidov M. D. (1979-1984), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate professor Khamidov  A. I. (1984), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professors Umakhanov R. U. (1984-1989),  Abusuev  S. A. ( 1989-1990), Associate professors  Aliyev T. S. (1991-1998), Mizamudinov Sh. M (1998-2001) who left a bright trace in the history of the faculty.

The deputy deans of the Faculty of Medicine were: Aliyev A. M., Khalilov I. M., Artamonova L. T., Tkachev A. D., Aliyev D. M., Gazimagomedov A. A., Abusuyev A. U., Gamidov A. A.,Mutalimov M. A.,Abdurakhmanov T. M., Dunaevsky G. S., Danielyan V. V., Saidov G., Arslanov A. S., Hasanov G. D., Aznauryants B. Z., Khamidov A. I.,Hashimov G. G., Ramazanov M. R., Smirnova O. M., Aliev T. S., Mizamudinov Sh. M, Davletkhanov E. D., Ramazanov R. G., Ataev R. G., Abdulkadyrov S. P., Alibekov M., Suleymanov S.Sh., Aliyev B. O., Patakhov G. M.  , Koichuev R. A., Shakhbanov R. K., Ashurlaev K. M. K. M. Ashurlaev  who made a certain contribution to the improvement of educational and methodological work at the faculty and the education of students. An important role in this direction played Associate professor A. O. Tavakov.

There was the first graduation of doctors in 1937, who graduated from the medical faculty of Dagestan Medical Institute. Out of the number 161 students enrolled in the 1st year, about 83 people graduated from the institute. The faculty had 772 students and another 100 students in preparatory courses in 1937. The number of students from the indigenous peoples of Dagestan has increased to 27 %. This was already a significant achievement as from secondary schools of Dagestan graduated not so many students.

Among the professors and teachers who made the greatest contribution to the organization and formation of the medical faculty in the initial period of its activity, first of all, we should mention Professors Bayrashevsky A. O., Pikulya I. N., Rudnev G. M., Antelava N. V., Dobrokhotov M.S., Bulach H. O., Alibekovа S. Yu., Podvarko A. G., Kurdyumov N. A., Glazova V. A., etc.

During the war years, many faculty members provided assistance to wounded and sick soldiers in evacuation hospitals located in Makhachkala. A. O. Bayrashevsky, H. O. Bulach, M. M. Maksudov, T. M. Nagorny, S. I. Rizvash, S. Yu.Alibekov, Lichtenstein, S. M. Dobrokhotov, I. M. Khalilov and many others made a great contribution to this work.

The Medical Faculty gradually became the basis for training not only doctors for practical health care of the republic, but also scientific and pedagogical personnel.

Among the graduates of the Faculty of Medicine were well-known scientists, health care organizers such as: deputy health Minister of the USSR Serenko A. F., Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Agadzhanyan N. A., corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences T. M. Darbinyan, laureate of the USSR State Prize for Science Knysh V. I.. Abdulkadyrov K. M. worked as a scientific director of the Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (St. Petersburg). Corresponding members of Academy of Medical Sciences, Professors Askerkhanov R.P. and Omarov S.-M.A., laureate of the USSR State Prize for Science, Professor  Shamov I. A., Professors Gadzhiev H. E.,  Dalgat D. M., Kovalev N. E., Suponitskaya  F.M, Alekberova F.A., Alkadarskyi S. A., Tsakhaev N. Ts , Masuev  A. M. and many others joined the ranks of the faculty and played a major role in the development of the faculty and the university as a whole.







List of departments of the Faculty of Medicine

Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Faculty

Human anatomy

Diseases of the ear, throat and nose with the improvement of doctors


Eye diseases No. 2 with the improvement of doctors

Hospital therapy No. 1

Hospital therapy No. 2

Hospital Surgery No. 1

Hospital Surgery No. 2

Children’s diseases of the Medical Faculty

Infectious diseases

Medical simulation and training practice

Nervous diseases, medical genetics, and neurosurgery

Normal physiology

General Surgery

Operative surgery with topographic anatomy

Pathological anatomy

Pathological physiology

Pedagogy and Psychology

Outpatient therapy

Propaedeutics of internal diseases

Forensic medicine

Traumatology, orthopedics

Faculty therapy

Faculty of Surgery with a laboratory of innovative cell technologies

Philosophy and History

