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Therapy Department of Advanced Training Faculty and Professional Retraining of Specialists



Therapy  Department  of Advanced Training Faculty  and Professional Retraining of Specialists


Address: 367003, Makhachkala, Pirogova str., 3. Republican Clinical Hospital-Center for emergency and emergency medical care: department of therapy and heart attack. Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan: therapeutic department.

Republican Cardiological Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan.

Email address: kafedraterapii2015@gmail.com


Head of the department: Magomed Tagirovich Kudaev, MD, Professor.

“Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan.

* Author of more than 300 scientific and methodological works on various sections of internal medicine.

* Author of 4 patents for inventions and innovation proposals.

* 4 candidate theses were defended and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the guidance of the Higher Attestation Commission.

* Priority areas of scientific and practical activity: cardiology.

* Awarded the medal “For Services to the DSMA”.




Gadzhieva Tamila Abdurakhmanovna

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Honored Doctor of  Dagestan.

Author of more than 180 scientific and methodological works on various sections of internal medicine.

3 candidate dissertations were defended and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the scientific supervision,

The priority direction of scientific and practical activity is pulmonology.


 Akhmedova Dzhaminat Abdullayevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan. a doctor of the highest category, a veteran of labor. More than 120 scientific papers on various sections of internal medicine were written by her. Priority areas of scientific and practical activity are gastroenterology.





Magomedov Abdulkhalim Zugairovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan. A doctor of the highest category. Excellent doctor  of Healthcare of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the medal “For Services to the DSMA”, a veteran of labor. More than 200 scientific papers on various sections of internal medicine were written by him. The priority areas of scientific and practical activity are pulmonology.




Ataeva Zulmira Narimanovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Honored Doctor of the Dagestan. A doctor of the highest category. Author of more than 250 scientific and methodological works on various sections of internal medicine. She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “For merits in the field of healthcare and many years of conscientious work”. She was awarded a diploma for her contribution to the development of the therapeutic service. She was awarded the diploma of DSMU “for many years of conscientious work and achieved professionalism in work”. The priority direction of scientific and practical activity is cardiology.


Guseynova Rezeda Kamilyevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

A doctor of the highest category. More than 150 scientific papers on various sections of internal medicine were written by her. Priority areas of scientific and practical activity are cardiology, rheumatology.




Osmanova Aida Vakhaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

A doctor of the highest category. More than 150 scientific papers on various sections of internal medicine was written by her. Priority areas of scientific and practical activity are cardiology, pulmonology.






Amboyan Avanes Stepanovich


More than 50 scientific papers on various sections of internal medicine were written by him. The priority areas of scientific and practical activity are cardiology.





Makhmudova Elmira Rashitkhanovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant

She is the author of more than 100 publications on various sections of internal medicine.

The priority direction of scientific and practical activity is pulmonology.




Shamilova Sabina Gadzhimagomedovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant. She is the author of more than 60 publications on various sections of internal medicine.

The priority direction of scientific and practical activity is cardiology, gastroenterology.





Beibalaeva Amina Musaibovna


She is author of more than 20 publications on various sections of internal medicine.

The priority direction of scientific and practical activity is cardiology.





 Ezilyaeva Madina Rurukhmanovna


She is the author of more than 50 publications on various sections of internal medicine.

The priority direction of scientific and practical activity is pulmonology.







The Department of Therapy of the Faculty of Advanced Training of doctors was established by order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 621 of 13.10. 1983. The first organizer and head of the department was the Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, Professor N. K. Kazanbiev, who headed the department for 24 years (from 1983 to 2007). The department is headed by MD M. T. Kudaev from 2007 to the present.


















The department was initially founded on the basis of the Department railway hospital of   Makhachkala and in  the base of the Republican Association of Emergency Medical Care was determined for the department as part of the therapeutic and cardiological departments with all service, paraclinical units, the station and substations of emergency medical care in Makhachkala in 1984.

Soon, with the assistance of the Ministry of Health of the Republic and the hospital administration, a separate compartment with study rooms and a lecture hall was allocated for the department.

The department currently employs: MD, Professor M. T. Kudaev, Professor  T. A. Gadzhieva, Associate professors: A. Z. Magomedov, D. A. Akhmedova, Z. N. Ataeva, R. K. Huseynova, A.V. Osmanova, M. G. Aliyeva, assistants: A. S. Amboyan, E. R. Makhmudova, S. G. Shamilova, M. R. Ezilyaeva, A.M. Beibalayeva. There are 4 honored doctors of the Dagestan Republic  among the teachers , 8 teachers have an academic degree of candidate of medical sciences and the highest qualification category.

More than 350 cycles of advanced training and primary retraining of internists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists and emergency physicians and 20 cycles under the continuing medical education program have been carried out since the foundation of the department.

In addition to practical doctors, about 70 clinical residents are trained at the department annually.

According to the schedule, the department regularly conducts certification of doctors of the republic, clinical residents and teaching staff of the medical Academy. More than 300 internists pass certification exams annually. Computer testing of final knowledge has been carried out for the last 3 years.

The educational and methodological work of the department is multifaceted. Much attention is paid to the introduction of active forms and methods of teaching into the educational process, the use of new educational and information technologies in the educational process, computerization of elements of the educational process and exams.

The department annually publishes textbooks and methodological guidelines. The department has all the necessary educational and methodological materials, approved curricula and programs, a list of educational and reporting documentation, thematic plans of lectures and practical classes, materials for quality control of training of cadets, residents, materials for basic, current and final control of knowledge. At daily training conferences held by the head of the department or associate professors, newly admitted patients, diagnosis and emergency therapy tactics are analyzed in detail. Clinical residents speak at these conferences with abstract reports on topical issues of therapy twice a week.  The head of the department and associate professors conduct scheduled rounds of departments.

Weekly clinical conferences are held with the discussion of patients who are difficult to diagnose and treat, and clinical and anatomical conferences with the analysis of fatal cases. The medical histories of deceased patients are reviewed by the staff of the department.

The department provides advisory and therapeutic assistance to the health authorities of the republic. Employees of the department consult patients in adjacent departments of the Republican Clinical Hospital and other medical and preventive institutions of the city, take an active part in reviewing reports of doctors and certifying doctors for a category, in conducting semi-annual certifications of residents and certification exams of residents, cadets. In order to improve the qualifications of doctors, the department attracts cadet doctors to participate in systematically conducted Internet sessions.

Much has been done in the field of introducing the achievements of medical science into the practice of healthcare. Methods of detection of latent coronary insufficiency, cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders by holter monitoring methods, latent respiratory and pulmonary heart failure have been mastered and put into practice.

In the treatment of diseases of internal organs, drugs and treatment regimens approved by the system of evidence-based medicine and recommended by modern clinical recommendations are used. The department continues to work on improving diagnostic capabilities for heart and pulmonary heart failure.



Educational work

The educational work of the department consists of conducting cycles of improvement, professional retraining of internists. In addition to practical doctors, about 70 clinical residents are trained at the department every year. According to the schedule, certification of internists and clinical residents is regularly carried out. Educational and methodological work is carried out according to standard unified plans and programs of postgraduate education.


The science

The scientific research of the staff of the department is devoted to the study of cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, about 50 scientific papers are published annually in central, foreign and local publications.



The department has a sufficient number of video projection and multimedia equipment, students have access to the Internet, there is the necessary amount of educational and methodological literature, reference and information materials, control tasks corresponding to the content of the training program, situational tasks, test control methods and elements of programmed training.

Associate Professor of the Department Ataeva Zulmira Narimanovna at the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists in Moscow.









Associate Professor of the Department Ataeva Zulmira Narimanovna at the XIII National Congress of Therapists in Moscow.








Associate Professor of the Department Magomedov Abdulkhali Zugairovich at the forum in St. Petersburg.







Resident doctors of the Department of Therapy of FAT and PRS on the morning rounds of patients in the department of therapy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Internal Affairs Ministry.












To the patient: The department has created conditions for providing highly qualified advisory assistance to patients with diseases of a therapeutic profile. Contact on the address: Makhachkala, Pirogova str. 3, republican clinical hospital of the center for emergency and emergency medical care, Department of therapy of FATand PRS.

Achievement: Employees of the Department of Therapy of FAT and PRS of  Dagestan State Medical University represented by the head of the department, MD, Prof. Magomed Tagirovich Kudaev, graduate student of the department Elmira Rashitbekovna Makhmudova, assistant of the department Aida Vakhaevna Osmanova were awarded a gold medal and an honorary diploma at the exhibition held on September 28-30, 2012 in France.

The award was received for the development in the field of cardiology of the “Method of local external counterpulsation in the complex treatment of patients with coronary heart disease, stable angina pectoris”. A patent was obtained in 2016, the authors of which are Professor Magomed Tagirovich Kudaev and a postgraduate student Sabina Gadzhimagomedovna Shamilova.The development was awarded gold medals at the scientific platforms “RosBioTech-2015” and “Archimedes-2016”.

Responsible for collecting information on the site Beibalaeva A. M.