
Все объявления
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Admission Сommittee



The blank of the agreement for the rendering of paid educational services on programs of a specialist degree in 2020

The information about the possibility of submitting documents in email form

The information about the possibility of passing the admission examinations in the languages of the peoples of the Republic of Dagestan, in foreign languages.

The information about the reception of documents which are required for admission

The information about the availability of hostels

The information about the addresses for sending documents for admission

The information about the terms of holding the admission for training on programs of a specialist degree in 2020-21 year

The information about forms and rules of holding the admission examinations during admission for training on programs of a specialist degree in 2020year

The information about the peculiarities of holding entrance examinations for citizens with disabilities

The information about the need of going through the mandatory preliminary medical examinationin in 2020-21 year.

The Quota of admission for training on programs of a specialist degree in 2020 for persons with special rights

The number of places under contracts on rendering the paid educational services in 2020 year

Control numbers of admission for training on programs of a specialist degree in 2020 year

The minimal number of points which confirms the successful completion of the entrance examinations in 2020 year

The rules for filing and reviewing appeals which are based on the results of admission examinations

The List of entrance examinations in General Education subjects during admission for training on programs of a specialist degree in 2020year

The procedure of consideration the individual achievements of applicants

The priority of entrance examinations while ranking of contest lists in 2020 year

The regulations about admission examinations during the admission for training on programs of a specialist degree

The program of entrance examination in Russian language which is held by the University individually in 2020year

The program of entrance examination in Chemistry which is held by the University individually in 2020year

Passing points of those who entered to the budget places, according to the general contest in 2013-19.